Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 853: Subdue 2 magic generals

Please remember the URL of this site:; Please recommend the publicity introduction to your QQ group [Weibo/WeChat] forum post! Once the body of the magic eel was twisted into pieces, under the shroud of an extremely powerful law of life and death, it Immediately began a rapid rebirth, condensed into shape.

Su Han glanced at the Demon Eel General, and said in a deep voice, "The Demon Eel General and the Demon Crab General have surrendered to me? Are you surrendering to me, or are you dying here?"

The magic eel will quickly condense into shape, glanced at the magic crab at the side, fell silent for a while, with a strange light in his eyes, and soon looked up at Su Han and said in a deep voice: "I can surrender to you, but you don't You can set restrictions on my body."

"Then you go die!" Su Han said nothing, the sword in his hand burst out suddenly, the four layers of artistic conception surged, and countless sword lights shot out from the void, stabbing into the body of the demon eel general , twisted hard, and immediately twisted the demon eel's body to pieces, turning it into pieces.

After Su Han cut the body of the demon eel general into pieces, he stabbed out with a sword, turning into a black hole and devouring the soul of the demon eel general's body. It will be smashed to pieces, and then with a flick of the fingers, the demon eel general's physical body and soul will be sent into the ghoul pot that has been promoted to a top-grade magic weapon.

As soon as the demon eel flew its body soul into the ghoul pot, the ghoul pot trembled continuously. After a few breaths, a coffin appeared out of thin air and flew under the ghoul pot, continuously Corpse Qi and death Qi poured into the coffin, extracting the life from the coffin.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Crab General at the side felt a chill in his heart. Looking at Su Han, a look of fear flashed in his eyes. If it had resisted Su Han just now, it might have turned into a corpse in the coffin at this time.

A master who was reborn from a drop of blood in the Immortal Realm Ninth Heavenly Layer has status no matter where he is. Even in front of the sea demon king, the three great demon generals have a high status and are valued by the sea demon king.

Now the demon eel general just bargained with Su Han, and was beheaded by Su Han without hesitation. Refined into a ghoul. It was only then that the magic crab general truly saw Su Han's terror, and he was terrified in his heart.

With a flick of Su Han's fingers, the black lotus magic circle covering the Demon Snake General collapsed instantly.

The magic snake general just broke out from the black lotus formation, and countless sword lights immediately pierced from the void and slashed on its fleshy body. As soon as the sword light twisted, the snake's body would immediately collapse and shatter, blood splattering everywhere.

Su Han glanced at the snake general. He said coldly: "General Demon Snake, General Demon Crab has surrendered to me? General Demon Eel has been killed by me. Are you surrendering to me, or will you perish here?"

The Demon Snake General's body quickly condensed into shape. It glanced at the Demon Crab General standing beside Su Han, then knelt down in front of Su Han and respectfully said: "The Demon Snake General is willing to serve the Lord like a dog and a horse. For the sake of it, please let the master take it in."

Su Han said unceremoniously: "Open up your soul, let me set a restriction."

As for the newly surrendered powerhouses like Demon Crab General and Demon Snake General, Su Han naturally wouldn't fully trust them, so he had to set up restrictions. Otherwise, once the masters of the two big drops of blood rebirth series turn back. I'm afraid his end will be very miserable.

"Yes! My lord!" The demon snake general was very honest, and the primordial spirit manifested on top of its head, directly opening its primordial spirit to Su Han.

Su Han made seals with both hands, flicked his fingers, and a corpse mark immediately sank into the soul of the demon snake general.

The magic snake swept away the sneaky spiritual sense, sensed the corpse mark in the primordial spirit, and his expression changed slightly. The corpse mark imprinted on the body of the Demon Snake General and his party is so mysterious that the Demon Snake General can't think of any way to get rid of the corpse mark.

The higher the martial artist's cultivation base is. There are fewer magical powers that can control warriors. The Sea Demon King also doesn't have such powerful supernatural powers, who can control the magic snake to regenerate such a series of blood drops.

Su Han practiced many imperial scriptures. Only the corpse marks recorded in the Corpse Book are most suitable for controlling those newly surrendered powerhouses.

Su Han subdued the two masters, Demon Crab General and Demon Snake General, and immediately asked directly: "How did you find me?"

The Demon Snake General hastily said: "Report to the Lord! The Sea Monster General sent a sea monster-like Sea Demon Sword Dog to track it. We found your trace only with the help of the Sea Demon Sword Dog."

"Sea Demon Sword Dog?" With a slight movement in Su Han's heart, he took a step forward, leading the two strong men, Demon Snake General and Demon Crab General, away from the Dongtian Orb and into the endless Demon Sea.

Su Han asked, "Where are those sea demon sword dogs?"

The Demon Snake General pointed to the west and quickly said: "Those Sea Demon Sword Dogs are about a hundred kilometers away in that direction!"

There is a secret connection between those sea magic sword dogs and the magic snake general and the magic crab general. It is through that induction. Only those sea magic sword dogs can point out the location of Su Han for the devil snake general and the devil crab general.

Su Han glanced into the distance, the spiritual consciousness comparable to the heavenly king swept away, and immediately enveloped the sea area where the sea magic sword dog was. He mobilized his mana, and the four levels of artistic conception merged and exploded instantly. A sword turned into dots of starlight and pierced into the void.

In the sea area where the Sea Demon Sword Dog was located, countless voids split open, and a little bit of sword light shot out from the void, piercing into those Sea Demon Sword Dogs and twisting forcefully.

In that little bit of sword light, the fifty Sea Demon Sword Dogs were instantly strangled and turned into pieces.

At this moment, the void cracked, and a sword qi containing terrifying devouring power burst out suddenly, piercing into the sea demon sword dog, and with a strong suction, all the primordial spirits in the sea demon sword dog were sucked in. With a strong twist in the sword energy, all the souls of the sea demon sword dog were strangled and turned into powder.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Snake General and Demon Crab General were shocked in their hearts: "What a terrifying swordsmanship! Your lord's swordsmanship is really terrifying!"

"Let's go!" Su Han grabbed the Demon Snake General and Demon Crab General and stepped into the Dongtian Orb, and then let Xu manipulate the Dongtian Orb to move continuously in the sea.

With the continuous evolution of the dzi bead, all kinds of powers in the dzi bead also began to appear at this time. Under Xu's control, the dzi bead can move freely in the endless sea of ​​magic.

Suddenly, a strange demonic eye appeared from above the fifty sea demon sword dogs, looking at the corpse of the sea demon sword dogs, couldn't help jumping into a rage, and roared angrily: "Damn human beasts, how dare you Kill my baby. I must tear you to pieces!"

Sea monsters with tracking talents like sea magic sword dogs are very rare, and breeding is not easy. It took the sea monster general a thousand years to breed 300 of these sea magic sword dogs, and now Su Han killed 50 of them at once. It was equivalent to killing one-sixth of the sea magic sword dog it had cultivated with all its strength, which naturally made the sea monster general extremely furious.

After the magic eye glanced around, he said bitterly: "Damn beast! After I catch Hailong Princess Bibo, I will definitely come and tear you into pieces."

After finishing speaking, the magic eye closed immediately. Disappeared from here.

Inside the Dongtian Pearl.

Su Han directly asked the two monsters that had just been subdued and reborn from a drop of blood: "I want to go to Heiming Continent, how can I go?"

The Demon Crab General quickly said: "Heiming Continent? My lord, all the safe passages in this sea area have been blocked by the masters sent by the six princes of the Sea Dragon Empire. On each safe passage, there is a person of the Profound Sky Realm standing guard. For the strong, there are more than 10 masters who are reborn from blood drops, and more than 500 masters who are above the undead state. It is not so easy to go to the Heiming Continent."

Su Han frowned slightly and said, "The six princes of the Sea Dragon Empire are mobilizing so many people to besiege and kill the eldest princess of the Sea Dragon Empire, Hai Long Bibo. Does the emperor of the Sea Dragon Empire care?"

The Demon Snake General quickly explained to Su Han: "Not long ago, when the Emperor Hailong of the Sea Dragon Empire went to Haidi Island to find the opportunity to break through and become a saint, he encountered a catastrophe and suffered a terrifying injury. He has already Difficult to manage, death is approaching. Hailong Bibo happened to be fighting outside at that time, and her prestige in the Hailong Empire was too high. The sixth prince, ninth prince, seventeenth prince, nineteenth princess, thirty-sixth prince and many other princes and princesses have joined forces Get up and kill her. Therefore, in this sea area, there are already masters under the command of these princes and princesses, absolutely forbidding Hailong Bibo to return to the Sea Palace, the center of the Hailong Empire."

"So that's it!" Only then did Su Han understand why there were three masters of the Sky Profound Realm who came to surround them.

The Demon Crab General suggested: "This place has been blocked by the masters of the Sea Dragon Empire. However, the Sea Dragon Emperor is said to not be able to last for fifty years. As long as we wait here for another fifty years, their blockade will definitely be lifted. At that time, Let's go out again. It's not too late."

For ordinary warriors in the undead realm, a casual retreat would take decades. The proposal made by General Crab is the simplest, and also the safest and most effective.

However, Su Han's cultivation has reached a bottleneck at this time. If there is no other opportunity, it will be difficult for him to break through and push his cultivation to the eighth level of immortality, the regeneration of dead bones. Of course he didn't want to waste time. Hiding in this hole dzi.

Su Han frowned and said in a deep voice: "I want to go to Heiming Continent as soon as possible! What can I do?"

The magic crab compared it to its mouth. The Demon Snake General fell into deep thought.

Soon, the Demon Snake looked up and said in a deep voice, "My lord, in this sea area, there are only three passages that can leave safely. Other places are forbidden even for us sea people. Some of those places are The battlefield of ancient sage-level powerhouses. There are extremely vicious sea monsters growing in some places. Among those sea monsters, there are even terrifying sea monsters at the level of heavenly kings. If you want to pass through those places, you will definitely die. And if you deviate After opening the three safe passages, even the masters like me and the magic crab who have been reborn from blood dripping, if they don't have special magic weapons, they will get lost in the endless sea of ​​magic."

"At the end of the three passages, there are three big cities, namely Mirror Sea City, Black Sea City, and Qinghai City. Among these three big cities, each one has a strong person of the Sky Profound Realm level sitting in it. And the three A big city must be under martial law at this time, and we can't go through it at all."

"However, when I traveled in this area in the early years, I once found a small path that can bypass the defenses of the three major cities. We can bypass the three major cities from that path and go to other sea areas to find the teleportation array. Through the teleportation method , go to the sea area where the Heiming Continent is located."

Su Han suddenly asked: "In this endless sea of ​​demons, how did you find the direction and find the place you want to go?"

In the endless sea of ​​magic, Su Han couldn't tell the direction at all. If he was alone, he would never be able to find the cities hidden in the depths of the endless sea of ​​magic. Therefore, he was very curious about how the magic snake and crab could find the cities hidden in the depths of the endless magic sea.

The Demon Snake General said in a deep voice: "My lord, there is a kind of sea pattern stone among our sea clan. The sea pattern pagoda, a magic weapon refined from that sea pattern stone, can emit extremely wide ripples. Our sea clan masters Near the sea pattern tower, after remembering the power fluctuations emanating from the sea pattern tower, and after training, we can judge our position through the sea pattern fluctuation. Therefore, those sea pattern towers are very important to us sea people It is extremely important. If those sea pattern towers are destroyed, unless we have a special map magic weapon, then our sea clan will also get lost in this endless sea of ​​magic."

Su Han flicked his fingers, and a stream of light sank into the coffin that sealed the demon eel general, and pulled out a broken soul from the coffin of the demon eel general.

Su Han performed the soul-searching method of the heavenly demon, grabbed the soul of the demon eel general, and searched for the information of the sea pattern stone. After a long time, he sighed with regret: "The fluctuation of the sea pattern tower is very magical, and it needs to be discovered in person. Perception can feel its mystery."

If Su Han can also sense the existence of the sea pattern tower from the sea pattern fluctuation of the sea pattern tower, then he will not get lost in this endless sea of ​​magic.

Su Han quickly made a decision: "Then take that path."

The sea clan is one of the top ten powerful clans in the Qiankun Great World. Among the sea clan, experts are like rain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The strong are like rain, and their background is extremely profound. Those experts in the Profound Sky Realm who sit in the big cities don't know what kind of powerful magic weapon they have in their hands. If it is not a last resort, Su Han doesn't want to fight against the masters of the Profound Sky Realm.

The Endless Demon Sea is the territory of the Sea Clan. No matter how strong Su Han is, if he is a little careless, he will be directly suppressed by the strong Sea Clan.

Ten days later, with a flicker of Su Han's figure, he stepped out of the dzi bead with one step, and transformed into a sea warrior with a snake's head and a human body. He followed behind the snake general, using the water escape technique, towards the Swim deep into the endless sea of ​​magic.

Although Xu can manipulate the Dongtian Orb to move, but the Dongtian Orb is not a magic weapon for movement, and the movement speed is extremely slow. Compared with warriors, it is simply a turtle speed. Su Han also had no choice but to get out of the Dongtian Pearl and use the water escape technique to make his way.

In that endless sea of ​​magic, there are countless creatures and many sea monsters. But most of them are existences below the seventh level. Sea monsters of the Primordial Spirit Realm level can also be encountered from time to time. As for the undead-level sea monsters, they are relatively rare. For several days in a row, Su Han has not encountered a single undead-level sea monster. Of course, the main reason is that the magic snake will lead Su Han to avoid the lairs of those powerful sea monsters. (to be continued...)

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