Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 854: Meet Hailong Bibo again

At the bottom of the endless sea of ​​magic, there are towering mountains one after another.

At the foot of a majestic and huge undersea giant mountain.

A hole with a diameter of up to 200 meters is unfathomably deep, and the pitch-black passage is under the foot of the seamount which is as high as ten feet high.

The Demon Snake General pointed to the two-hundred-meter-diameter, unfathomable, pitch-black passageway without any light, and said to Su Han, "This is the passageway! It can go beyond the defense circle of the three major cities. However, the Lord Come on, you have to be very careful. In this passage, I once encountered a sea monster of the Profound Sky Realm level. If I hadn’t escaped in time that time, I’m afraid I would have been eaten by that sea monster of the Profound Sky Realm level. !"

Su Han pondered for a while, and then said: "A sea monster of the Profound Sky Realm? If it is a sea monster of the Profound Sky Realm, it should be easier to deal with than a master of the Profound Sky Realm."

The vitality, strength, and innate supernatural powers of sea monsters at the Profound Sky Realm are far stronger than those at the Profound Sky Realm. But the sea monsters in the Profound Sky Realm only rely on their instincts to fight, and they don't have special magic weapons. As long as they encounter magic weapons or supernatural powers that can counteract each other, they will be restrained to death. And the fighters of the Profound Sky Realm have fighting wisdom and an incomparably powerful fighting consciousness. For Su Han, the fighters of the Profound Sky Realm are much more difficult to deal with than the sea monsters of the Profound Sky Realm.

Su Han took a deep breath, and suddenly released his spiritual consciousness, sweeping towards the huge passage.

Under the scanning of Su Han's extremely powerful spiritual consciousness, all the information in that huge channel was directly grasped by him.

In that huge passageway, there are many small sea monsters living in the darkness. Most of those sea monsters are below the Primordial Spirit Realm, and there are not even sea monsters in the Immortal Realm.

After checking that there was no danger, Su Han strode into the huge passageway under the leadership of the Demon Snake General.

"Princess Hailong Bibo?" Su Han walked hundreds of miles in the dark passage. Suddenly, with a movement of his spiritual consciousness, he saw a person leaning against the wall in the passage thousands of miles away, panting heavily. Under the scanning of Su Han's spiritual consciousness, he clearly saw that person was the peerless beauty Hailong Bibo, the princess of the Sea Dragon Empire, who was full of confidence and nobility.

Su Han hesitated for a while, then walked towards Hailong Bibo with big strides.

"Who? Su Han. It's you?" Hailong Bibo suddenly moved, and a blue halberd appeared in her jade hand, and she glanced in the direction Su Han was coming from.

"It's me! Your Royal Highness!" Su Han came from the darkness and glanced at the sea dragon Bibo.

At this time, Hailong Bibo was wearing a blue armor, which had been cracked everywhere, and a fist-sized hole appeared on her abdomen, and the power of the law of death permeated the wound on her abdomen, preventing Watching the healing of Hailong Bibo's wound. Except for the horrible wound on the abdomen. There are many wounds on Hailong Bibo's body, and every wound is filled with terrifying power of law, preventing Hailong Bibo's wounds from healing.

If that kind of injury is placed on ordinary undead warriors, it is enough to cause those undead warriors to die physically. But Hailong Bibo is a strong person who has been reborn with blood from the ninth level of the undead state. She frantically mobilized her mana to heal the wound on her body, but she abruptly stopped the deterioration of the wound and did not let her body die.

At this time, Hailong Bibo saw Su Han. He didn't relax, but clenched the azure halberd magic weapon in his hand. Staring at Su Han like a female leopard ready to hunt its prey, the depths of her beautiful eyes are full of vigilance.

Hai Long Bibo was originally a peerless beauty with a peerless face and an extraordinary temperament. At this time, she was seriously injured and trapped in this remote passage, which was enough to make many men feel evil. And besides Hailong Bibo herself, the blue halberd she held in her hand was also a heavenly magic weapon. That one heavenly magic weapon is enough to drive many people crazy.

Seeing Hailong Bibo being so vigilant, Su Han smiled and said, "Your Highness, I have no malicious intentions. I just passed by here, so I'm leaving!"

After finishing speaking, Su Han did not approach Hailong Bibo, but walked away from Her Royal Highness, and walked into the distance.

Hailong Bibo is a powerhouse in the Ninth Layer of Immortal Realm who has been reborn from a drop of blood. And holding the sky-rank magic weapon, the Azure War Halberd. Although Su Han was not afraid, he never thought of taking her treasure by force. Of course, if Hailong Bibo had already fallen, he wouldn't mind taking away the blue halberd, the magic weapon of that day.

Hailong Bibo breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Su Han leave. At this time, her condition was extremely bad, and she was not at all sure of defeating Su Han, whom she had never been able to see through.

While Hailong Bibo was thinking, her cherry lips parted slightly and said: "Slow down! Su Han, please stay."

Su Han stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at Hailong Bibo, and said expressionlessly, "Your Highness, what do you want?"

Hailong Bibo raised her brows, smiled slightly, full of charm: "I want you to **** me for a ride. As long as you help me leave this place and return to Haihuang Palace. I will definitely repay you well and give you countless wealth and powerful magic weapon."

Su Han's heart moved slightly when he heard the words, and fell into deep thought. The Sea Dragon Empire has ruled the endless sea of ​​magic for countless years, and has collected countless treasures in this endless sea of ​​magic. If you take out a few pieces casually, even Su Han will be tempted by it.

Su Han pondered for a while, and then said: "I want to enter Haidi Island for a look, and I need your help to go back and forth to Heiming Continent!"

Hailong Bibo's pretty face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "It's no problem to help you go back and forth to the Heiming Continent! But Haidi Island is the core holy land of our Hai Clan, and outsiders must not set foot here easily. Su Han, change your conditions! Well, as long as you **** me back to the Sea Palace, I can give you a heavenly magic weapon, one million top-grade spirit crystals."

Su Han said indifferently: "Your Highness, in this sea area, all the exits are blocked by those princes. I want to take you out, the risk is too great. If you don't want me to enter Haidi Island Look, then I bid farewell here."

The conditions offered by Hailong Bibo are indeed extremely attractive, even Su Han is very tempted, but he wants to go to Haidi Island more.

It is said that the place where the Haidi who was born in the Endless Demon Sea finally fell was the Haidi Island. In the Haidi Island, there are countless mysteries, countless secret treasures, and the mysteries that can promote the warriors of the Heavenly King Realm to the Saint Venerable Realm.

This time, the Sea Dragon Emperor went to Haidi Island to find the opportunity to become a strong man in the Holy Venerable Realm. In the end, he suffered a terrible Taoist injury and returned sadly.

But this also proves that Haidi Island contains huge value, even a master of the level of Hailonghuang will be tempted by it.

The Sea Dragon Empire also gained huge benefits from the Sea Emperor Island, which overthrew the Whale Dragon Empire that ruled the endless sea of ​​magic.

Hailong Bibo only hesitated for a second, and immediately made a decision: "Okay! I promise you! As long as I can return to Haihuang Palace, I will let you go to Haidi Island."

Su Han glanced at Hailong Bibo's abdominal injury, hesitated for a while, and then slowly asked: "Your injury! Do you need my help?"

Su Han and Hailong Bibo only met once, even if he and Hailong Bibo made a deal at this time, the trust between the two parties is still very low. Su Han didn't want to be stabbed severely by the sea dragon Bibo because of a misunderstanding.

Hailong Bibo said boldly: "Good!"

Su Han stretched out his hand and pressed on Hailong Bibo's wound that was completely pierced and could even be seen on the other side.

"Woo!" A look of pain flashed across Hailong Bibo's pretty face, that kind of severe pain, which she was able to hold back with her strong willpower during the battle, but now it is unbearable.

With a thought in Su Han's mind, he activated the scripture of immortality, and mana spewed out, sinking into Hailong Bibo's wound.

The law of death in Hai Long Bibo's wound was extremely powerful, even though Su Han had activated the Scripture of Immortality, he could still only slightly wear down the power of the law of death.

Hailong Bibo also endured the severe pain, her face twisted a little, and she crazily mobilized her mana to rush towards her wound, obliterating every trace of the law of death in the wound.

After the two incomparably powerful magic powers were wiped out, the trace of the law of death on Hailong Bibo's wound immediately became weaker and weaker.

Hailong Bibo's wound also began to heal quickly, and the granulation kept surging, slowly healing the fist-sized wound to the size of two fingers.

"Su Han, thank you very much!" Hai Long Bibo shook his body slightly, and immediately stood up from the ground, with a look of joy flashing in his eyes, he thanked Su Han.

Su Han asked curiously: "It will take about nine days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to completely get rid of the law of death on your body. If you have a top-level recovery elixir, this kind of injury should not be difficult for you That's right."

Hailong Bibo smiled wryly and said: "My storage ring was destroyed by those bastards! All the treasures on my body have been used up except for this blue halberd. In the hands of a master of the realm, how can it be so easy to escape."

Su Han's heart trembled slightly when he heard the words: "The six masters of the Profound Sky Realm, are there three more coming from behind? Fortunately, I escaped quickly! The eldest princess of the Sea Dragon Empire is really extraordinary, she was able to escape from the hands of the six masters of the Profound Sky Realm .”

The masters of the six levels of the Sky Profound Realm, even if they were as strong as Su Han, would fall if they escaped a little slower. Hailong Bibo was able to escape from the hands of the six masters of the Sky Profound Realm, even with the help of various treasures, it was quite remarkable.

After Hailong Bibo got up, he immediately walked towards the depth of the passage with big strides: "Okay! Let's go! This passage is very long, we can heal our injuries while walking."

Hailong Bibo was also in a hurry to return to Haihuang Palace, she could have grasped the situation earlier if she arrived at Haihuang Palace earlier. If she waited until the overall situation was settled, it would be useless for her to rush back to Haihuang Palace. (To be continued..)

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