Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 855: Phantom fish monster

Please remember the website address of this site:; Please recommend the publicity introduction to your QQ group [Weibo/WeChat] forum post bar! The two of Su and Han are walking through the dark passage without a trace of light. The Demon Snake General has already been included in the Dongtian Bead by Su Han.

The Demon Snake General and Demon Crab General are both masters of the Blood Rebirth series. When necessary, they can also become a trump card and turn the tide of the battle.

Suddenly, in the channel without a trace of light, a group of extremely dazzling spiritual light gushed out, exuding extremely pure water attribute spiritual energy, spreading away in all directions.

Under the illumination of the spiritual light, a passage full of rare herbs and spiritual fruits appeared in this passage.

In the deepest part of the tunnel, there are actually two Ten Thousand Years True Dragon Essence Fruits, which are the gods of heaven and earth. Dragon bones.

As soon as Su Han saw the ten thousand zhang-long skeleton of a real dragon in the deepest part of the tunnel, his breath became short of breath, and a scorching color flashed in his eyes: "The skeleton of a real dragon! It turned out to be a skeleton of a real dragon. This time, I'm out!" If I can extract the dragon marrow from the real dragon bone and refine it, it will be of great benefit to me in condensing the immortal bone."

Immortal Realm 8th Heavenly Bone Regeneration And in this secret realm, warriors must condense an undead devil bone full of vitality and amazing defensive power to truly refine this secret realm and lay a solid foundation for future advancement.

One of the reasons why the Shadow Clan practiced such a quick success method, such as the Shadow Killing Technique, can easily cultivate the Immortal Realm Ninth Level Blood Regeneration Secret Realm, is that this practice has no special requirements for the secret realm of dry bone regeneration.

Su Han’s cultivation of several emperor’s scriptures all recorded the importance of the mystical realm of regeneration of dead bones in the eighth layer of immortality. Only by condensing a pair of powerful undead bones can this mystical realm be truly accomplished. Enter the realm of the supreme emperor.

Those warriors who have not condensed powerful immortal bones, no matter how fast they practiced in the early stage. In the later stage, it will be very slow, and eventually it will become difficult to move an inch. It will be impossible to break through a small realm for hundreds or even thousands of years, and eventually die of old age and turn into a pile of dry bones.

Su Han went to Heiming Continent just to see if he could find some opportunities. Let yourself smoothly condense the perfect undead magic bone.

Almost instantly, in that passage, countless large and small sea monsters turned into rays of light and flew towards the passage.

With a flash of Hailong Bibo's figure, he turned into a sharp arrow and leaped towards the passage.

It was the skeleton of a real dragon. That real dragon is a supreme true spirit comparable to a great emperor, each head is extremely terrifying, extremely powerful, and contains infinite power. On a real dragon. Every inch of skin is a treasure, and that complete skeleton of a real dragon is the top material for refining Godless Soldiers.

That skeleton of a real dragon is a great opportunity even for an emperor-level powerhouse. Naturally, the sea dragon Bibo was also crazy about it.

"The real dragon bone is mine!" Su Han's eyes flashed with greed, his figure flickered, thinking of the passage, he plundered directly.

At this moment, in Su Han's left eye, the sky wheel of wisdom suddenly appeared. A gust of cool air flowed into his sea of ​​consciousness all of a sudden, waking him up from the frenzy.

"No. There's something strange!" Su Han was slightly startled, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

At that moment, an incomparably terrifying absorbing force came from the huge cave, enveloped Su Han's body, and swallowed him directly into the huge cave.

Su Han's mind was concentrated, and his left eye was full of wisdom. Mysterious runes appeared in the right eye, and I looked towards the huge cave. I saw that the cave passage, which was full of aura and full of rare and exotic fruits, disappeared instantly, leaving only a thick layer. Pink thick flesh wall.

In the deepest part of the cave, there is no real dragon bone, just a huge black hole that seems to be able to crush everything.

Su Han glanced at the black hole, and immediately felt a chill in his heart. His martial arts instinct reminded him that once he entered the huge black hole, he would definitely be completely swallowed by the huge black hole.


Su Han formed seals with his hands, and the mana in his body swelled like a king kong's roar. He uttered a terrifying sound of the Buddha's voice, which turned into a wave of sound waves and hit the sea dragon Bibo. Hailong Bibo woke up.

"Here is it? Phantom fish monster!" As soon as Hailong Bibo woke up, his pretty face suddenly changed color, and he made a decisive decision. The mana of the immortal realm Ninth Layer exploded wildly, his body sank, and he landed on the ground. The halberd was shrouded in an incomparably terrifying law of water and stabbed fiercely on the ground, piercing through the ground in one fell swoop, splashing out a large amount of blood.

Su Han flicked his fingers, and a middle-grade magic weapon chain flew out suddenly, locking Hailong Bibo's small waist, pulling hard, and immediately forced the Hailong Bibo from the position where the black hole was to this side Pulled over.

"Run away!" Hailong Bibo flied towards Su Han, with a look of fear on her pretty face, and left a sentence, her body was shrouded in a layer of water law, as if transformed into a swordfish, and flied toward the distance .

Su Han also activated the law of water, turned into a swimming fish, resisted the terrifying absorbing force coming from the cave, and fled towards the outside.

At this moment, a huge wall of flesh descended from the sky, and with a bang, it directly blocked the retreat of Su Han and Hailong Bibo.

"Damn it! Break it!" Hailong Bibo let out a snarl, his mana surged, and the law of water in the azure halberd in his hand swirled wildly, forming a drill bit and piercing the huge pink flesh wall.

As soon as the azure halberd pierced the huge pink fleshy wall, it pierced through the protective energy of the pink fleshy wall, and countless flesh and blood splashed out, stabbing out a huge cave ten feet long.

Just for a moment, countless granulation surged, and the pink flesh wall pierced by Hailong Bibo quickly returned to its original state.

Seeing this scene, Hai Long Bibo's pretty face suddenly turned pale, and he used his supernatural powers. The azure halberd's aura surged and condensed to form a huge sea dragon with a length of ten feet. Meat wall to grab.

The huge sea dragon struck the pink flesh wall with one claw, tearing the pink flesh wall violently, digging out a huge cave with a length of fifteen feet.

At this moment, countless granulation turned into tentacles and entwined around the body of the extremely ferocious Hai Long, who could even be wounded by a master of the Profound Sky Realm.

Under Hai Long Bibo's control, Hai Long struggled hard, breaking off countless tentacles.

In the rear, countless granulation surged and grew rapidly, and the wound torn by the sea dragon healed instantly, trapping the huge ten-foot-long sea dragon into the huge flesh wall.

As soon as the countless tentacles sucked in, the sea dragon immediately collapsed completely, turning into incomparably pure mana, which was completely absorbed by the flesh wall.

Seeing this scene, Hai Long Bibo's pretty face changed, and she was a little desperate. The huge Hai Long was one of her strongest magical powers, and she couldn't destroy this fleshy wall, and she couldn't think of any magical powers that could penetrate this amazing defense. Horror meat wall.

"Let me try!" Su Han flickered, and immediately came to the huge wall of flesh. The five-element sword in his hand slashed down, and the four levels of artistic conception merged. A burst of sword energy suddenly pierced the huge wall. In the wall of flesh.

That incomparably sharp sword energy is one of the most destructive supernatural powers. When the sword is slashed out, a terrifying sword wound hundreds of feet deep is split on the huge flesh wall.

It's just that the recovery power of the huge fleshy wall is extremely terrifying, the sword energy that Su Han pierced had just split the huge fleshy wall, and the huge fleshy wall recovered instantly.

"What a strong resilience!" Seeing the terrifying resilience of the huge fleshy wall, Su Han felt a slight chill in his heart. The recovery power of this huge sea monster is already against the sky, and its physical recovery power is simply extremely strong.

"It's a pity! The person you met was me! Break it!" A cold light flashed in Su Han's eyes, and he slashed down with his sword. The sword split the huge wall of flesh again.

Almost at the same time, Su Han raised his hand, and the peerless murderous sword of Tiansha Killing Sword immediately turned into a stream of light and sank into the crack of the huge flesh wall.

As soon as the Tiansha Killing Sword sank into the crack in the fleshy wall, he sucked it madly, frantically devouring the life force in the huge fleshy wall.

Countless tentacles grew out of the huge fleshy wall, and as soon as they came into contact with the Tiansha Killing Sword, they were immediately swallowed by the Tiansha Killing Sword. That day Sha Shajian crazily devoured the flesh and blood essence of the huge flesh wall, and at the same time bursts of cheerful cheers~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by bursts of loud noises, the entire cave was violently shaken.

From the huge black hole, a black mist containing the law of corrosion suddenly spewed out, sweeping towards Su Han and Hailong Bibo.

Hailong Bibo's beautiful eyes suddenly changed color, and he shouted loudly: "Su Han, this is the phantom fish monster with supernatural powers to corrode the magic mist, and even the magic weapon of the sky can be corroded. It is extremely terrifying. If you have a magic weapon of the fire department, use fire The magic weapon can restrain this kind of supernatural power!"

Almost at the same time, Sea Dragon Bibo mobilized his mana, stabbed with the azure halberd in his hand, and a terrifying ocean vortex containing the law of water condensed to form a terrifying ocean vortex with a diameter of up to three feet suddenly erupted and bombarded in the black mist.

The black mist billowed and eroded the law of water in the huge vortex, and the law of every inch of water collapsed, and the terrifying ocean vortex collapsed and shattered immediately, dyed black by the black mist, exuding bursts of order A foul stench that one smells nauseating. (to be continued...)

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