Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 864: treasure house

Hongye Shuanghua heard the sound of gold and iron breaking, her hands and feet suddenly loosened, and she fell to the ground. She looked up at the entrance of the prison, and a look of joy flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Su Han, It's you?"

Su Han smiled slightly and said, "It's me!"

Hongye Shuanghua threw herself on Su Han's body, hugged Su Han, and burst into tears, tears poured out of her eyes and dripped to the ground. It was the first time since she was a child that she was so miserable. She suffered a lot, suffered a lot, and was almost taken away from her virginity. All kinds of grievances came to her heart, and now she saw Su Han coming to save her, she couldn't help crying with joy.

Suddenly, a 1.78 meter tall woman with long golden hair, blond hair, blue eyes, and extremely gorgeous merman tribe said to Su Han, "Let me out! My lord, I know the treasure house of the Lord of the Green Crocodile. .As long as you promise to let me out, I will take you to find the treasure house of City Lord Qing Crocodile."

Su Han's eyes lit up, and with a flick of his finger, a series of incomparably sharp sword qi slashed at the cell of the beautiful woman of the merman race, cutting the cell to pieces, and with a wave of his hand, he was about to seal the merman race The glamorous woman's ancient needles of the forbidden law pointed out: "The treasure house of the green crocodile city lord? Good! I promise you, as long as you lead us to find the green crocodile city lord's treasure house. I will not only let you out, but also give you a treasure house." pen reward."

As soon as the mermaid beauty got out of trouble, she immediately smiled coquettishly at Su Han and said, "My name is Wuna! My lord, please come with me!"

After finishing speaking, the beauty of the shark tribe immediately led Su Han to swim towards the treasure house of the city lord's mansion of the fluorescent sea city.

In the treasury of the city lord's mansion in the fluorescent sea city, there are countless traps, and a large number of masters are stationed there. Su Han walked all the way, and all the traps were broken by him with a single sword, and the masters of the sea clan stationed in the treasury were also killed. Su Han threw them into the Dongtian beads and easily suppressed them one by one.

In the deepest part of the fluorescent sea city. There is a bronze gate full of ancient atmosphere, and a thin old man with white beard and hair is sitting in front of the bronze gate.

The white beard and hair looked very old, as if the old man who might die at any time suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes were full of light, and a terrifying breath of immortality level nine blood drop rebirth level flowed from his body released from within. The voice turned cold and said: "Who dares to trespass into the treasure house?"

Su Han walked out of the dark passage, glanced at the old man, and said coldly: "The Lord of the Green Crocodile has just been beheaded by me! You have two ways to go now! The first is to submit to me and open up Your primordial spirit, let me set a restriction. The second rule is to die!"

The two women behind Su Han are Hongye Shuanghua and the merman Wuna. Wu Na looked at the old man guarding in front of the bronze gate, a strange light flashed in her beautiful eyes. If she hadn't known very well that she would never be able to break into the treasure house of the fluorescent sea city with her own abilities, she would never have told Su Han the location of the treasure house in the fluorescent sea city.

"Has the lord of the green crocodile been beheaded by you? Sure enough, a hero is a boy! If it was a thousand years ago, I would have chosen to submit to you. But now my life span is less than fifty years, and I don't want to be treated as a Farewell!" The old man who had the skill of rebirth from a drop of blood smiled slightly, his body exploded suddenly, and a terrifying force of self-explosion immediately took him as the core and spread in all directions.

The shock wave of the explosion that contained terrifying power enveloped Su Han at once.

The light of the sword in Su Han's hand flashed, and the sword intent surged in the space, in an instant. Between him and the shock wave of the explosion, a huge space crack was formed.

The terrifying shock wave that would self-explode if the blood rebirth series was strong sank into that huge space crack. It was directly swallowed by the huge space crack.

"He escaped! If the strong man who was reborn from a drop of blood wants to escape, it will be really difficult." Su Han glanced at the original position of the white-haired old man, frowning slightly.

The martial artist reborn from a drop of blood blew up his body, but the primordial spirit scattered out an unknown number of copies, and under the shock wave of the self-detonation, they fled to a distant place.

It just takes a while. The martial artist reborn from a drop of blood will be reborn again with the blood attached to the primordial spirit. This trick is the greatest life-saving secret technique for a blood-drop rebirth-level warrior. Those warriors will only use this secret technique when they are forced to a desperate situation.

After all, rebirth from a drop of blood, without the support of huge resources, it is difficult to restore the full power. If it weren't for the leader of one side, those warriors who were forced to use this secret technique to rebirth could only hide in a small place. Slowly recover your own strength.

"However, this bronze gate is really amazing in defense. Even the self-destruction of a blood dripping powerhouse can't hurt it." Su Han glanced at the bronze gate, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and the sword light flashed. The four levels of artistic conception merged, and a terrifying sword energy containing the four levels of artistic conception burst out suddenly, slashing fiercely on the bronze gate.


On the bronze gate, a cyan aura flashed away, and a white sword mark appeared on the bronze gate, cutting off a layer of rust from the rusty bronze gate.

"Awesome! It can actually block my sword energy!" Su Han glanced at the bronze gate, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After Su Han passed the trial of the ancient sword sect's genius training camp, his swordsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds, and even a strong person at the first level of the Profound Sky Realm can kill him. The bronze gate didn't have any fluctuations in the power of law, and it was able to resist Su Han's sword, which is also a rare treasure.

"That's right! I beheaded the Green Crocodile City Lord, and his storage ring is in my hand." While Su Han was thinking, his spiritual sense swept towards the storage ring in his hand.

In the storage ring of the green crocodile city lord, the number of top-grade spirit crystals is as high as two million, and he also has two top-grade magic weapons, more than 30 top-grade magic weapons with different functions, and a large number of elixir, grass and fruit .

"I found it!" Su Han thought, and immediately found a rusty bronze key full of rusty smell in the countless inventories of the Green Crocodile City Lord.

Su Han flipped his hand, and immediately took out the bronze key, inserted it into the keyhole of the bronze door and twisted it.


The rusty bronze door trembled and slowly opened, and an incomparably full spiritual energy immediately came from the treasure house.

Su Han and his party stepped into the treasure house.

"A lot of spirit crystals!" As soon as Hongye Shuanghua saw the scene in the treasure house, a shock flashed in her beautiful eyes.

In the bronze treasure house, there are Lingjing Mountains that are hundreds of feet high, extremely huge, and exude brilliant aura.

All kinds of crystal clear spirit stones are scattered on the ground like gravel, everywhere. The entire treasury is full of jewels and full of aura.

The Red Leaf Caravan is also a huge force, possessing a huge wealth that is incomparable to any country, but the total assets of the ten Red Leaf Caravans are no more than one-tenth of this treasure house.

Looking at the wealth in the treasury, Su Han also felt dazzled and extremely excited: "A lot of wealth! I'm afraid that this wealth has been accumulated by the Qing Crocodile City Lord from generation to generation. No wonder the Fluorescent Sea City is only a medium-sized one. Haicheng was able to give birth to a master of the Sky Profound Realm."

Martial artist cultivation consumes a lot of resources. Without huge wealth, it is impossible to cultivate to a higher level of martial arts. Most of those warriors in the Profound Sky Realm came from powerful forces. A medium-sized sea city like Fluorescent Sea City is simply not enough to cultivate a strong person in the Sky Profound Realm. However, with the endless wealth in this treasury, it is not impossible to cultivate a strong person in the Sky Profound Realm.

With a thought in Su Han's mind, the magic power surged, and the Starlight Gate suddenly appeared, and a terrifying absorbing force emanated from the hole dzi bead, absorbing all the countless spirit stones and spirit crystals in the treasure house Inside the Dongtian Bead.

In the bronze treasury, apart from a large number of spirit stones and spirit crystals, there are also countless materials for refining magic weapons, and various rare treasures of the sea clan. Many treasures, even the young owner of Hongye Shuanghua, who was born in the Hongye caravan, have only heard of their names, and have never seen the treasure's ability.

Hongye Shuanghua saw that all the treasures in the treasury had been collected by Su Han, a strange light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Something's wrong! I've collected all the treasures here, why is the aura still so full?" After Su Han collected all the treasures in the entire treasury into the cyst, his spiritual sense swept around, and his heart moved slightly.

"Wuna~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a reward for you, you can leave!" Su Han waved his hand, and a storage bag containing 10,000 middle-grade spirit crystals flew into Wuna's hand .

"Thank you, sir!" After Wuna took the storage bag, she swept away her spiritual sense, a gleam of joy flashed in her beautiful eyes, she bowed to Su Han, and quickly left the treasure house.

10,000 middle-grade spirit crystals are already a huge fortune for Wuna, a warrior of the Primordial Spirit Realm. She also knew very well that Su Han didn't silence her, which was already extremely lucky for her.

After Wu Na left, Su Han's mind was concentrated, the wisdom wheel in his left eye, and the mysterious rune appeared in his right eye, and he looked towards the huge treasure house. The source of spiritual power in the huge treasure house came from a hidden corner in the corner of the treasure house. .

"There is a problem there!" Su Han's eyes lit up, and the light of the sword in his hand flashed, turning into a streak of light and piercing the corner. The sword cut the wall in the corner, revealing a huge cave.

As soon as that cave appeared, an incomparably pure spiritual power of water immediately diffused out of the cave, and the diffuse spiritual power of water was comparable to that drawn by the heavenly vine from that alien space. The spiritual power of the water is dozens of times more pure. (To be continued..)

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