Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 865: primordial water

"There must be treasures here!" Su Han's eyes flashed with ecstasy, his body flickered, and he flew into the cave.

Hongye Shuanghua hesitated for a while, then hesitated for a moment, then swayed, and followed Su Han into the cave.

"What kind of treasure is this!" As soon as Su Han entered the cave, he immediately saw a blue spiritual river that seemed to be boundless and pierced through the void. Filled with endless pure water aura.

Su Han stretched out his hand to grab it, and a huge mana hand with a length of several tens of feet grabbed the blue Linghe River.

As soon as the tens of feet long mana hand approached the blue Linghe River, it immediately collapsed completely, turning into incomparably pure spiritual power and being swallowed by the blue Linghe River.

Su Han's heart felt solemn, and he stretched out his hand to slightly touch the blue water of Linghe River.

A powerful force of corrosion immediately gushed out from the blue Linghe River, and Su Han's fingers were completely corroded by the blue Linghe River in an instant, even his bones were completely corroded by the blue Linghe River. The blue Ling River is completely corroded.

"Amazing!" Su Han's eyes flashed a dignified look, and he ran the Nine Heavens True Water Art, and his fingers were covered with endless laws of water, piercing into the blue spirit river.

In an instant, the almost endless power of the law of water poured into Su Han's body from the blue spiritual river, making his Great Five Elements Heaven-Suppressing Skill soaring steadily.

Suddenly, Su Han's heart moved slightly, and he remembered a classic book he had seen in the ancient sword sect, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes: "This blue Linghe River is indeed a rare treasure of water attribute! That's right! The water of the beginning! According to the legend, after the creation of the world, the most quintessential spiritual water was born in the world, which can corrode all things. It is said that since the beginning of the year, this water of the beginning has been cultivated by those who have become true immortals. The peerless powerhouse took it away. I didn't expect that there would be so much primordial water in this place!"

During Su Han's thoughts, he cast the Gate of Starlight, and a celestial bead floated in the void in the Gate of Starlight, blooming an incomparably bright spiritual light, rolling towards the Spirit River.

The brilliant aura emitted by the dzi bead fell on the blue spirit river. Immediately swallowed by the blue spirit river, it was impossible to move the blue spirit river at all.

Su Han's face changed slightly, and with a wave of his big hand, chess and chess boards flew around the blue Linghe River, and a large number of top-quality spirit crystals also flew out and landed around the blue Linghe River, and arranged the most The top pulse shifting array. The top pulse shifting array can even move the veins of top-grade spirit crystals.

Su Han flicked his fingers, and the aura flashed, and the chessboard on that side burst out with a brilliant aura. A huge spiritual hand was formed, grabbing the blue spiritual river at once.

As soon as the huge spiritual hand touched the blue spiritual river, it was completely corroded by the corrosive force that permeated the blue spiritual river, and instantly collapsed and dissipated.

Su Han looked at the Ling River formed by the condensed primordial water, and a look of unwillingness flashed in his eyes: "No! With my current supernatural powers, I can't collect this primordial water! It is indeed a **** of heaven and earth. When I discovered this primordial water With his great power, it is estimated that he could not collect the primordial water, which made it silent here."

In that vast universe, there are many heaven and earth fetishes. Even if some heaven and earth fetishes exist there, few people can obtain them.

at this time. The sky-climbing vine in the hole suddenly trembled, and a tendril suddenly passed through the void, passed through the crack in space, pierced into the spirit river formed by the condensed primordial water, and sucked wildly.

A large amount of primordial water was immediately absorbed by the climbing vine.

After the climbing vine absorbed countless primordial waters, it immediately grew crazily, from the original tiny seedlings. It keeps growing and expanding to a height of ten feet.

After the sky-climbing vine suddenly expanded, the tiny beard also suddenly became thicker, from the size of two fingers, to the size of an adult's arm, shining brightly. Frantically absorbing the primordial water.

In addition, the tengxu that the climbing vine pierced into each alien space also crazily extracted a huge amount of power from each alien space.

In that celestial bead, the power and laws of heaven and earth extracted from different dimensions permeate the entire celestial hole, making that celestial bead more complete.

Suddenly, the void split open, and the thick whiskers of the climbing vine pierced out of the void. On the thick whiskers, countless spirit patterns surged, piercing into the primordial water at once, sucking wildly.

The spirit river formed by the primordial water was crazily drawn by the climbing vine in an instant, and submerged into the Dongtian Pearl.

The Lingjing Mountains piled up around the Pantianvine also disappeared one by one. It is obvious that the extraction of the primordial water, a **** of heaven and earth, is also a heavy burden on the Pantianvine, the head of the seven divine vines.

Su Han flicked his fingers, and the spirit crystal mountains formed by middle-grade spirit crystals immediately flew to the side of the Pantianvine, and were directly absorbed by the Pantianvine, continuing to absorb the primordial water crazily.

As soon as the primordial water submerged into the Dongtian Bead, it was immediately led by Xu, and submerged under the Xirang Mountain, forming a Linghe River surrounding the Xirang Divine Mountain.

As soon as the primordial water was sucked into the dzi bead, as the river water continued to decrease, the power of the spirit river formed by the primordial water became weaker and weaker, and the speed of being sucked into the dzi bead became faster and faster.

It took a whole day for the Linghe River formed by the primordial water to be completely collected by Su Han and submerged into the Dongtian Pearl.

As soon as that river of beginning submerged into Su Han's Dzi Dongzhu, Su Han's Dzi Dongzhu was immediately filled with the aura of water, and traces of the aura of beginning diffused from the river of beginning, guided by Xu. Then he fell into Su Han's spiritual field.

Nourished by the primordial energy, the countless precious spiritual herbs in Su Han's spiritual field suddenly glowed with vitality, and their quality was further evolved.

With a thought in Su Han's mind, a drop of primordial water fell into his hand immediately. He flicked his fingers, and the drop of primordial water immediately submerged into his Five Elements Seed.

After Su Han's cultivation of the Five Elements Seed absorbed that drop of primordial water, the aura flickered and the spirit pattern kept surging, and it underwent a huge evolution again.

With a thought in his mind, Su Han made a judgment: "With my current cultivation, I can only refine one drop of primordial water a day! No more levels!"

The primordial water is a **** of heaven and earth. Even though Su Han's Great Five Elements Suppressing Heaven Kungfu is a peerless skill, it is difficult to quickly refine it. However, every drop of primordial water refined, Su Han would gain great benefits.

As soon as Su Han turned his head, he saw Hongye Shuanghua standing quietly behind him.

"Let's go!" Su Han said lightly, and immediately walked outside.

Hongye Shuanghua also silently followed Su Han and walked outside. Looking at Su Han's back, a strange light flickered in his beautiful eyes.

With a flash of Su Han's figure, he immediately came outside the palace of the lord of the fluorescent sea city.

At this time, the entire fluorescent sea city was shrouded in a layer of powerful enchantment, which completely blocked the fluorescent sea city, and no one could freely enter and exit.

With a flash of inspiration, Hailong Bibo smiled, walked out of the void, and came to Su Han's side: "Su Han, you are finally out!"

Su Han said slightly apologetically, "Sorry. I'm late!"

in the process of fleeing. Every minute, every second is precious. It took Su Han a day to collect the Primordial River, and if he was not careful, he would be caught up by the pursuers.

Hailong Bibo smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter! Let's go now!"

Su Han said: "Good!"

Under the leadership of the sea dragon Bibo, Su Han and Hongye Shuanghua walked through secret passages and came to a huge cave.

In that cave, thousands of Yan Shou Huan Fei had already gathered at this time, and they were plundered from all over by the Qing Crocodile City Lord. Beautiful women from all ethnic groups of the Sea Clan.

As soon as Hongyeyun saw Hongye Shuanghua standing behind Su Han, joy flashed in his eyes. He strode out and said, "Miss!"

"Xiaoyun, you are still alive!" After Hongye Shuanghua saw Hongyeyun, a touch of joy flashed in her beautiful eyes, she hugged Hongyeyun, and said softly: "Xiaoyun, you are the one who begged Su Han to save me!" Is it mine?"

Hongye Shuanghua is extremely intelligent. As soon as she saw the red leaf cloud, she immediately understood why Su Han appeared in the fluorescent sea city by such a coincidence and rescued her.

A look of joy also flashed in Hong Yeyun's eyes, and he said a little embarrassedly: "Yes! Miss, as long as you are fine! This time, we were able to be saved, thanks to Su Han."

In the past, Hongye Shuanghua was the young master of the Hongye Caravan, aloof and extraordinary, and a strong man in the Immortal Realm. Hong Yeyun is just a maid of the Ninth Heaven of Yuanshen Realm, and the status gap between the two parties is like a natural moat. Hongye Shuanghua treated Hongyeyun so kindly, which moved her and made her feel a little overwhelmed.

Su Han looked at the thousands of beauties from the Sea Clan who had been kidnapped from various places by the Lord of the Green Crocodile and asked curiously, "Who are these people?"

Hailong Bibo said: "These are beauties captured by City Lord Qing Crocodile from all over the world. Most of their homes were destroyed in the hands of City Master Qing Crocodile, and they have nowhere to go. I promised to take them in and take them out of this place. "

The lord of Qingcrocodile City sent masters to plunder the beauties of all ethnic groups, and the homes and clansmen of those beauties were wiped out by his masters. Many beauties have nowhere to go. If they leave this place rashly, their fate will be worse than being accepted as a forbidden descendant by the city lord of Qingcrocodile. Hai Long Bibo was willing to take them away, so they were naturally very willing to follow Hai Long Bibo.

"I'm short of a maid, so give me that one! I've taken a fancy to her!" Su Han glanced at the thousands of beauties who had been plundered from various places by the lord of Green Crocodile, and suddenly his eyes lit up, pointing at the crowd Among them, there is a blonde with blue eyes, a coquettish and **** beauty on the upper body, and a fish tail on the lower body, still childish, looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl of the human race, a beautiful girl of the mermaid race who has the cultivation of the holy alchemy realm Shen Sheng said.

That plump and **** girl from the mermaid race, who looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl from the human race, is a warrior with the potential of an unparalleled warrior.

Hailong Bibo took a deep look at Su Han, and immediately said, "Unia, come here!"

The beautiful girl of the mermaid tribe, Unia, came to Hai Long Bibo and said meekly and respectfully, "Your Highness, what orders do you have?"

Hailong Bibo ordered in an unquestionable tone: "This young master is Su Han, the true disciple of the ancient sword sect. He will be your new master from today on."

"Yes!" A look of sadness flashed in the depths of Unia's beautiful eyes, and she saluted Su Han meekly: "Unia has seen the master!"

"Very good. Since you are already mine! I'll give you some greeting gifts!" Su Han smiled slightly, pointed at the center of Unia's eyebrows, and introduced the training method of the army killing array between the eyebrows of Unia.

Su Han flicked his fingers, and streams of mysterious white aura flew out of the dzi beads and submerged into Unia's delicate body.

After absorbing the white mysterious aura, Unia unconsciously began to quickly operate the cultivation methods in the military killing formation, her cultivation level rose steadily, and she quickly broke through from the first level of the Holy Pill to the Holy Pill in one fell swoop. The realm of the Nine Heavens.

Su Han flicked his fingers, and a large amount of Nirvana Pill fell into Unia's mouth immediately. Her body exploded at once, and under the shroud of the air of nirvana, nirvana quickly began to take shape.

Waves of white mysterious aura flew out of Su Han's hands and submerged into Unia's body, allowing her to quickly achieve Nirvana.

Immediately afterwards, grains of nirvana pills flew into Unia's mouth, and under the urging of the mysterious white breath, they were crazily refined, making her cultivation level rise again and again, constantly breaking through, crazy nirvana, continuous After nine times of Nirvana, he finally completely transformed and was promoted to a strong man in the Yuanshen Realm.

A stream of mysterious white auras continued to pour into Unia's body, causing her cultivation to continue to rise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One climbed to the seventh heaven of Yuanshen Realm before stopping.

"The seventh heaven of the Primordial Spirit Realm! Unia, Unia has been promoted to the seventh heaven of the Primordial Spirit Realm in such a short period of time! It's incredible!"

"That Su Han is really supernatural. He was able to promote Unia to the seventh heaven of Yuanshen Realm in such a short period of time! It's terrifying!"

"Unia seems to have followed the right master this time!"


A series of envious eyes focused on Unia. Su Han consumed countless precious resources to improve Unia's cultivation level, which made all the beauties of the Sea Clan very envious and jealous.

Those sea beauties are used as maids and playthings, and their masters will not spend a lot of resources on them at all. Su Han actually spent a lot of precious resources to improve Unia's cultivation level, obviously he didn't intend to treat Unia as a simple plaything.

Hongye Shuanghua looked at Su Han, and a flash of color flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Amazing! He has so many secret treasures, really amazing." (To be continued...)

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