Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 881: Void Assassin

Under Su Han's destructive slash of the sword, the body of the Son of Heaven's Dao collapsed and was completely shattered.

Su Han raised his brows, and retreated violently. The terrifying spiritual consciousness comparable to the Heavenly King Realm spread in all directions: \"Didn't kill him!\"

At the place where the Son of Dao was beheaded by Su Han that day, a pitch-black talisman suddenly appeared, the aura of that talisman was dim, and it collapsed and shattered.

Su Han glanced at the black talisman, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes: \"This is a deadly talisman, which can replace a warrior to withstand a fatal blow. It is a peerless holy talisman up to the twelfth rank. I never thought that he would have such a Treasure! This kid is really hard to kill!\"

The Holy Son of Heaven is extremely difficult to deal with, and he has more magic weapons than Su Han. He is the strongest evil genius Su Han has encountered since his debut.

After one breath, at a place tens of miles away from Su Han, the body of the Daoist Son suddenly condensed.

Su Han focused his eyes, stepped on the void, and appeared in the direction where the Son of Heaven appeared. The sword, like a shooting star, turned into a little sword light and stabbed towards the Son of Heaven.

The Son of Heaven had just appeared, and the countless sword lights were about to swallow him completely. With a roar, he activated his divine fist, which contained endless power of heaven, and bombarded the countless sword lights.

Blood splattered, and in an instant, the Son of Heaven had numerous sword wounds on his body, and his fists were split open by the Five Elements Sword in Su Han's hand, exposing deep bones.

The Five Elements Sword in Su Han's hand is a heavenly magic weapon. If it hadn't been for the top undead demon bone that had been condensed by the Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven would have been chopped into countless pieces by Su Han at this time.

In the shadow behind the Son of Heaven, a snow-white jade hand suddenly appeared, holding a dark dagger, it burst out silently and stabbed at the Son of Heaven. ()

\"Damn it! The same trick. Do you think I will hit twice? The Seal of Heaven!\" The Son of Heaven screamed angrily, flipped his hand, and an extremely mysterious seal turned into an extremely mysterious trajectory. The fierce seal On the body of Shadow Blade.

The violent and incomparable power erupted instantly. An incomparably mysterious imprint appeared on the chest of Shadow Blade, and Shadow Blade immediately spewed out a big mouthful of blood. It flew upside down like a catfish, and ruthlessly hit a spiritual mountain.

Even though the Shadow Blade is also a strong person in the ninth level of immortality level, who is reborn with blood dripping. If it is about the method of assassination, she can even assassinate the strong ones in the sky. A blow from the peerless monster.

The anger in Su Han's eyes flashed away. Taking advantage of the moment when the Holy Son of Heaven was distracted, the sword light in his hand twisted, and the sword was about to be twisted off by the right hand of the Holy Son of Heaven. The flesh and blood of the right hand was chopped to pieces, leaving only the bones of the right hand.

The Heavenly Dao Saint Son is a peerless genius of the innate Dao body. In the secret realm of regenerating dead bones in the eighth level of the immortal realm, he has cultivated the undead devil bones to the top. His undead bones were instantly shattered.

A sword chopped off the right arm of the Son of Heaven. Su Han stretched out his hand to grab it, and immediately grabbed the undead bone of the Son of Heaven's right hand.

As soon as the Immortal Demon Bone in the right hand of the Heavenly Dao Son fell into Su Han's hands, it trembled continuously, trying to fly back to the Heavenly Dao Son's side.

\"Sen Luo Zhen Tian Seal!\" Su Han made a seal with one hand, and a Sen Luo Zhen Tian Seal was printed on the immortal bone of the holy son of the Dao that day. The Undead Demon Bone completely suppressed it.

At the same time, in an instant, the sword in Su Han's hand burst into an incomparably bright sword light, stabbing towards the Son of Heaven.

\"Damn it! Su Han, remember it for me! Today's revenge will be repaid ten times in the future!\" Under the shadow of the sword light, the body of the Son of Heaven exploded instantly, and there were countless more Sword wound. He let out a roar, retreated violently, and fled towards the distance with mysterious steps.

The Son of Heaven knew very well that when his vitality was seriously injured, he was no longer Su Han's opponent, and if he was a little careless, he might even fall into Su Han's hands, so he chose to retreat.

As soon as the Son of Heaven escaped, the magic treasure of that day, the holy lock, immediately tore through the void and sank into the void.

The Tiansha Killing Sword also turned into a stream of light and flew back to Su Han's hand, making bursts of humming and bursts of anger, angry for not killing the prey.

Suddenly, the void behind Su Han fluctuated, and a cyan figure seemed to merge with the void, holding a long cyan sword, stabbing at Su Han's heart.

The timing chosen by that cyan figure to assassinate was when Su Han had just defeated the Son of Heaven, when most of his mana was consumed, and most of his energy and energy were consumed, and that sword was approaching its peak, making it impossible for Su Han to avoid it.

At that critical moment, Su Han urged the law of space, took a step back, and stepped into a layer upon layer of space. The sword in his hand burst out suddenly, and turned towards the owner of the blue figure as if he opened his eyes. stab away.

The owner of the cyan figure flipped his left hand, and a blue dagger suddenly appeared, turning into an incomparably mysterious trajectory, blocking Su Han's stabbing sword. Into the layer upon layer of space, through the void, a sword slashed at Su Han's waist, directly cutting Su Han in half.

\"Jade Dragon Cauldron!\" Su Han's complexion suddenly changed, and with a wave of his big hand, the Jade Dragon Cauldron floated in the air, bursting out a brilliant aura, flying above his head, forming a brilliant shield.

A series of corrosive laws, from Su Han was blocked. [,! ] came out from the severed body, hindering the rebirth of his body, and eroding Su Han's body at the same time, turning his body into drops of pus, which dripped on the ground.

Su Han's face suddenly changed, a solemn look flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the assassin: "Poison! The sword in this guy's hand is highly poisonous! And it's hard for even the strongest in the Profound Sky Realm to resist." Very poisonous! This assassin is so clever! He can even assassinate me!\"

The assassin who severely wounded Su Han with a single sword was a strange existence covered in a blue robe, as if he had melted into the void, leaving only a cloud of blue aura.

The assassin who severely wounded Su Han with his sword took a deep look at Su Han, his body flickered, and then he twisted and disappeared.

\"The bone of the real dragon! His target is also the bone of the real dragon!\" Su Han's expression changed suddenly, and while frantically activating the Nine Heavens True Water Art to purify the poison in his body, he stepped on the void step towards the real dragon The bone was stolen.

Just as Su Han appeared in front of the real dragon bone, that cyan figure flew out from behind Su Han like a ghost, stabbing at Su Han with a sword.

\"You are just an assassin! You hurt me by luck! Do you want to come again? Compared with the Son of Heaven, you are too far behind! Go to hell!\" Su Han's eyes flashed a murderous intent, With a roar, Qi and blood gushed out, the four layers of artistic conception merged, turned into a little sword light, and stabbed towards the blue figure.

The cyan figure faced Su Han's sword light, and the sword in his hand, like an illusion, carried the law of space, twisting continuously, directly twisting Su Han's sword light, and pulling it aside.

\"The sword intent at the peak of the middle stage of Jianyi Tongxuan! Who are you?\" Su Han watched the blue figure's face change slightly, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

The strong man wrapped in a blue robe and holding a blue sword is one of the strongest swordsmen of the younger generation that Su Han has ever met. In terms of sword intent alone, he is not inferior to Su Han.

A hoarse voice came from the blue robe: \"Void Assassin Green Robe!\"

Su Han's face changed slightly, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes: \"One of the eight swords, the Void Assassin Qingpao?\"

The Eight Gods Sword is one of the eight kendo geniuses with the strongest swordsmanship in the younger generation of Qiankun Xuanyu. Each of them has extraordinary swordsmanship.

The hoarse voice of Qingpao said: \"Give me the bone of the real dragon, and I can give you the antidote. And I owe you a favor to help you assassinate ten people!\"

Su Han looked at the green robe and said slowly: "Impossible! You give me the bone of the real dragon. I owe you a favor. How about doing three things for you within the scope of my ability in the future?" "

The bone of the real dragon is the bone of the real spirit, which contains endless mysteries, and it is also the top material for refining the Godless Weapon. Besides, the bone of the real dragon also hides the marrow of the real dragon, as long as you drink a drop of it With the marrow of the real dragon, warriors can be reborn, their martial arts aptitude will skyrocket, and it will be easier to condense the perfect undead bones.

Su Han has cultivated to the peak of the seventh heaven of the undead realm, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the powerhouse of the eighth heaven of the undead realm. If there is no **** of heaven and earth like the true dragon marrow, with his accumulation, if he wants to condense out A perfect undead bone requires at least a hundred years of penance.

\"If this is the case, then you are going to die!\" Qingpao looked indifferently, took a step forward, and the sky-level magic weapon Void Sword suddenly exploded in his hand, turning into a little sword light and piercing into the void.

The void behind Su Han cracked, and countless sword lights burst out suddenly, twisting the void and piercing towards him.

\"Heavenly Yu Qiankun Sword!\" Su Han took a step back, the light of the sword in his hand twisted for a while, and layers upon layers of sword circles suddenly appeared.

Qingpao's eyes were cold, and he uttered the truth: \"It hurts!\"

A sharp pain emanated from Su Han's severed body and passed into his sea of ​​consciousness, distorting his movements.

The sword in Qingpao's hand is coated with a peerless poison that can kill even the strongest in the Profound Sky Realm, and it can also release various supernatural powers according to the words of the Qingpao, with extraordinary power.

Among the Eight God Swords, Void Assassin Qingpao is also a martial arts genius who has assassinated the most powerful people in the Profound Sky Realm. More than 20 strong people in the Profound Sky Realm have died under his sword. great merit.

Su Han's movements twisted for a while, and the sword circle of the Yu Qiankun Sword was immediately swung away by the green robe's sword light, and the sword lights pierced his body instantly.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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