Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 882: Seal the Black Sea Demon Emperor

Countless sword wounds appeared on Su Han's body in an instant, and large swaths of blood splashed out to the surroundings. If it weren't for the amazing defensive power of Su Han's indestructible body, he would have been chopped into pieces by the countless sword lights. .

"Time Kendo!"

A fierce light flashed in Su Han's eyes, the sword intent of time surged, he took a step forward, a sword burst out like a shooting star, and slashed towards the green robe in a radius of three feet, time stood still!

At the moment when Su Han's sword intent changed, the green robe's figure flickered, the law of space fluctuated, and he fell directly into the void. The next moment, he appeared in the void ten miles away.

Su Han's sword of time slashed in an empty space and stood still for a second, but it didn't stop the green robe.

"This is the innate supernatural ability to predict danger! You have the innate supernatural ability to predict danger!" Su Han cut through the air with a sword, his face suddenly changed and he said in a deep voice.

Qingpao said in a hoarse voice: "Time swordsmanship! Destruction swordsmanship! Space swordsmanship! Su Han, your swordsmanship is indeed superior to mine. However, no matter how strong your swordsmanship is, as long as you don’t reach the fourth level of swordsmanship, your swordsmanship will pass. The Realm of God! You will never be able to stab me!"

Su Han's sword of time is extremely tyrannical, as long as he is cut by his sword of time, even a strong person in the Sky Profound Realm can stand still for a second. That one second was enough for Su Han to severely injure and kill most of the Sky Profound Realm masters.

However, no matter how strong the sword technique is, it is meaningless if it cannot hit the enemy. Qingpao is proficient in the laws of space, and has the innate supernatural ability to predict danger. Such an enemy is the nemesis of Su Han's time sword.

"Qingpao, you are really strong! Unfortunately, you are just an assassin, and you are far behind the Son of Heaven!" Su Han said coldly, waving his hand. The spiritual light surged, and the sea dragon Bibo, who had completely refined the essence fruit of the sea dragon's blood for ten thousand years, suddenly appeared in this space.

As soon as Hailong Bibo appeared, his figure flickered, and he held the sky-rank magic weapon, the blue halberd, which contained the extremely powerful law of water, and turned into a terrifying sea dragon, attacking towards the green robe.

The figure in the green robe flickered, and the sword intent surged in the space. Between the hands, piercing into the void.

Beside the sea dragon Bibo, the void cracked, and a little bit of sword light shot out from the void, stabbing towards the sea dragon Bibo.

A cold light flashed in Hai Long's blue eyes, and the azure halberd in his hand turned into a sea dragon and twisted wildly, smashing the sword light piercing out of the void.

Hailong Bibo was originally a monstrous genius who could compete against a strong person at the first level of the Profound Sky Realm. With the heavenly magic weapon of the Azure War Halberd, she could even defeat a strong person at the first level of the Profound Sky Realm. After she refined the essence fruit of the ten thousand year sea dragon blood. The bloodline has been purified and improved, and its strength has become even stronger.

As soon as Hailong Bibo shredded the sword light of the green robe, he immediately fought with the green robe like a goddess of war.

Hailong Bibo's moves are open and closed, full of arrogance. Qingpao is exquisite in swordsmanship, urging the way of space swordsmanship, appearing and disappearing, constantly blocking Hailong Bibo's halberd, and the two sides fought into a ball. Got into a stalemate.

After Hailong Bibo blocked the green robe, Su Han frantically operated the Nine Heavens True Water Art. An incomparably pure power of purification enveloped his wound, absorbing all the strange poison in his wound and refining it completely, making his poisonous water supernatural power even more powerful.

Within a dozen or so breaths, Su Hanxuan was about to refine all the poison on his body, the body that had been cut in two. They also quickly flew together and connected.

As soon as Su Han's physical body recovered, his eyes flickered coldly, and he glanced at the green robe, his eyes were filled with extremely cold murderous intent.

"You are amazing! Su Han. Next time we meet, I will take your life!" Qingpao turned around and glanced at Su Han. His body flickered, and he disappeared into the space.

Qingpao is a strong man with space talent, his space swordsmanship is far superior to Su Han, and he is also extremely alert, once he sees Su Han recovering completely, he knows that there is nothing to do, so he retreats directly.

The strength of Qingpao's frontal battle is far inferior to that of Tiandao Shengzi. He barely gained the upper hand by relying on the strange poison of assassination. Su Han refined the strange poison, and the green robe immediately retreated.

After seeing the green robe fleeing, Su Han flickered, and immediately appeared beside Shadow Blade.

At this time, under the blow of that day's Dao Shengzi, the shadow blade had a golden mark engraved on its chest, and all the magic power in its body could not be operated, and it looked extremely weak.

The Heavenly Dao Seal is a peerless miraculous skill recorded in the Heavenly Dao Sacred Code. It is infinitely powerful and can seal the magic power of a warrior. Once hit by the Heavenly Dao Seal of the Son of Heaven, even the strongest in the Sky Profound Realm will have their mana sealed.

The shadow-killing saint practice practiced by the shadow blade is a quick practice, with an unstable foundation, and it is not an opponent of the Son of Heaven at all.

Su Han came to Shadow Blade, looked at the golden mark, frowned slightly, and asked with concern: "Shadow Blade, are you okay?"

Shadow Blade is Su Han's shadow, following Su Han and making many achievements, and also Su Han's woman, who is very important to him.

"My lord, don't worry!" Shadow Blade gritted his teeth and stood up, smiling slightly at Su Han, and the dagger transformed from the phantom holy blood in his hand pierced the Dao Seal of that day.

The aura of the phantom holy blood surged, smashing the Heavenly Dao Seal into pieces with one blow, and then sucked the power of the Heavenly Dao Seal into it.

The Phantom Holy Blood is the magic weapon of the quasi-divine weapon with infinite power. If the strength of the Shadow Blade is too weak, she can instantly kill a strong man like the Son of Heaven with one blow.

As soon as the Tiandao seal was shattered, the Shadow Blade's figure flickered, and immediately disappeared into Su Han's shadow.

Su Han looked into the distance, and his eyes fell on the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea who was nailed to the Lingshan Mountain by the Son of Heaven. He flickered slightly, and immediately appeared in front of the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea.

As soon as the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea saw Su Han, he immediately said, "Su Han, let me leave this place, and I can give you endless wealth and incomparably powerful martial skills. With my guidance, you will definitely be able to cultivate to the Heavenly King Realm in the future!"

Su Han glanced at the Black Sea Demon Emperor and waved his hand, the sealing compass suddenly appeared, and the six chains seemed to have life, and wanted to stab at the Black Sea Demon Emperor's body.

"Seal the compass! Su Han, what do you want to do!" The Demon Emperor of the Black Sea's face suddenly changed, and his body struggled crazily, trying to escape.

It's just that the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea was also sealed with a blow by the Son of Heaven, and he could only watch the six chains wrap him tightly and seal him directly.

As soon as Su Han sealed the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea, the Starlight Gate appeared in a moment of thought, taking the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea into the Dongtian Pearl.

After Su Han put away the Demon Emperor of the Black Sea, his eyes focused on the real dragon bone, and a scorching color flashed in his eyes.

The bone of a real dragon, that is the bone of a real spirit. A treasure that even the emperor-level powerhouses covet. Many great emperor-level powerhouses have gone hunting for true spirits, hoping to obtain the flesh and bones of true spirits. The blood essence of true spirits can prolong the lifespan of emperor-level powerhouses, while their bones and primordial spirits are the top materials for refining godless weapons.

In order to hunt and kill the true spirits, there were even many emperor-level powerhouses who fell into the mouths of the true spirits. Those great emperor-level powerhouses never obtained a true spirit bone until their death.

That bone of a real dragon is enough to make a strong man at the emperor level tempted to take the initiative.

Su Han's figure flickered, and he rushed towards the real dragon bone.

Just as Su Han approached within a thousand meters of the real dragon bone, a terrifying dragon's power immediately emanated from the real dragon bone, oppressing him so much that his breathing was slightly stagnant, and he couldn't fly in the sky .

Su Han stared at the real dragon bone and said, "It's so strong! It's worthy of being a real dragon bone. It has been dead for tens of thousands of years, and only one bone is left with such terrifying pressure. It's really scary!"

"However, you are a bone after all! Now it belongs to me!" A scorching light flashed in Su Han's eyes, urging his mana, turning into a giant hand with hundreds of feet in length, towards the real dragon bone catch.

As soon as the huge mana hand touched the real dragon bone, it was completely absorbed by the real dragon bone in an instant and disappeared.

"What's going on here?" Su Han was slightly startled, and looked towards the position where the real dragon bone was.

I saw that under the position where the real dragon bone was entrenched, countless mysterious runes were engraved, and one after another spiritual pattern sank into the ground, like an altar, and traces of spiritual energy were drawn from all over, submerged in the real dragon bone Inside.

Su Han looked at this place, frowned slightly, and kept thinking in his heart: "Someone wants to sacrifice this real dragon bone? But they didn't succeed? Could it be that Endless Haidi sacrificed this real dragon bone? But why? The defense here is so weak?"

Su Han continued to analyze~www.wuxiaspot.com~Suddenly a creepy feeling surged up in his heart: "There is only one explanation, that is, this real dragon bone was indeed sacrificed by Endless Haidi. He should be still alive at that time, As long as he is alive, no one dares to come here to act presumptuously. He was originally confident that he could quickly sacrifice the bone of the real dragon, but it was an accident and suddenly fell, which left the bone of the real dragon here! "

Each of the emperor-level powerhouses is invincible in the world, and the peerless powerhouses who have shocked an era. In that era, they were all the protagonists of that era, and only time was their greatest enemy. Except for the true spirit, there is no existence that can threaten their lives.

If according to Su Han's speculation, the sudden fall of a top emperor-level powerhouse in the universe, there must be a huge conspiracy hidden in it.

"Even if there is any big conspiracy, I have nothing to do with it! The most urgent thing now is to get this real dragon bone." Su Han quickly adjusted his mentality, and looked at the spirit pattern under the real dragon bone.

Su Han has read countless classics in the ancient sword sect, and has also studied the study of spirit patterns. Soon he saw that those spirit patterns only sucked the surrounding mana and spiritual power into the bone of the real dragon, and did not Hiding some murderous intentions, I feel a little more at ease. (To be continued..)

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