God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 111: : Assassination and War by Starfall Sulassi (33)

"This matter is intolerable to us, Geshuge. In the years after we signed the contract with the North, we strictly abide by the agreement, but the Sulassis are obviously unwilling to do so. Since the other party does not Willing to abide by the contract, then we don't need hot faces and cold ass!"

In 1127 of the calendar year, the 37-year-old Xiuge was holding a plenary meeting in Busuk. All his subordinates were in place to listen to his instructions.

A few months ago, a woman who claimed to be Mei arrived in Busuk and launched an assassination attempt on Xiuge. Although Xiuge was not killed, many of her subordinates died in this assassination. Some of these dead subordinates even included convicts. The great tsunami in Aix followed Xiuge's old qualifications, which made Xiuge very sad.

In addition, this woman didn't know what she had done to block Ge Xiuge's channel for summoning the devil. Fortunately, the disaster has slowed down, and the devil is not as necessary as it was in previous years.

Although I understand that the woman named Mei is unlikely to be created by Sulassi, but now that Ge Xiuge has recovered a part of his vitality, what is missing is an excuse.

So it doesn't matter who Mei Yi was instructed to assassinate Xiuge, she can only and must be sent by Sulassie, as long as no gods jumped out to object, then this matter will be completed.

The country where Xiu Ge is located was founded in 1122, and the country is named Gosul, because the original core of this country is the oppressed Gosul people.

However, Surasi's power is simply too strong for Go'sur to match. Fortunately, it was the power of the Surasi, not the power of the Surasi, that allowed Gosur to build a country.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the people of insight from the Gosur people, including Shuge and Suriwell, were worried about how long the Gosur people could exist. After all, the Gosur people lived in the Spari Desert. Although there are many in the south, not many are distributed in the territory of Sulassi, and there are more barbarians who do not speak Sulassi and are distributed among tribes and barbarians.

Even the Gosul people who are distributed in Sulassi are not good. Not to mention the number of people, most of them are Jisuo tribes, and their civilization level is higher than those outside.

So, after thinking about it, Xiuge found depressed that if he wanted to rule the territory he conquered, he could only rule by the Surassi people. After all, there were too few Gosul people with qualified administrative abilities.

Therefore, with the strong support of Suriwell, who overcame the opposition of Hugh and brought the great victory of Spari, the Gosul finally agreed to share the land power in the south with the original nobles of Sulashi.

The first step of this is to change the country name with strong color of the name of Gesur. The respectful syllable of the Xiuge family is Ge, so the initial letter must be Ge. After some thinking, the last name of the country is added. The name of the ruler, Xiuge, was changed to Ge Xiuge.

After Xiuge released the signal of reconciliation, it quickly attracted the participation of the Sulassi nobles in the south of the Spari Desert. After all, the victory of the Spaali victory made the Sulassi government swept away. Besides, the alien Xiuge was obviously better than Su The central government of Lassi is better to deal with.

When recruiting the old nobles of Sulassi, Xiu Ge chose to surrender symbolically, that is, the nobles were nominally the vassals of Xiuge, but in fact, the obligations of those nobles were only the annual symbolic tax, and in Gosius When a war breaks out, it is enough to send troops.

This kind of condition is much looser than that of Sulassie. In recent years, Sulassie’s severe taxation has overwhelmed everyone. That’s right, everyone, even the nobles, need to embezzle a lot in order to maintain the banquet. It is conceivable that Sullasi's taxation is multiplied.

And it was precisely because of the fact that in just one month, the South had completely detached itself from Sulassie, and that was why the "Spari Contract" was signed. Sulassi happily took the South that had lost control, In name ceded to Ge Xiuge.

However, Sulassie did not give up completely, and Spari was still in Sulassi's hands, so that when the next war broke out, Sulassi could pass through the Spari Desert from Spari and attack the opponent at any time.

During the years of famine, Xiu Geyi traded with the devil, and survived the most dangerous time, and taking advantage of this opportunity, he enforced the equal division method on the land of the Surasi nobles.

That is, the Sulassi nobles must divide the existing land equally among all their children except their first heirs.

Although this order has the feeling of taking advantage of people's danger, it has won the support of a large number of family members, and coupled with the influence of natural disasters, facing the mysterious devil's fox and fake tiger's repair, finally the nobles have to agree.

Moreover, after so many years of war, a large number of fields have become unclaimed land, so these fields have become the best targets for division.

Whether it was the nobles who came out, or the Gosul people who followed Shug, they all got their own land, and everyone was satisfied.

Today, things have gradually been on the right track, but Spari is still in Sullasi's hands, which means Sullasi is still in control of the situation, whether he wants to fight, where to fight, when to fight, It's all up to Sullasi.

Therefore, by being assassinated by May this time, Hugh decided to take the opportunity to attack Spary. In addition, Xiuge also took this opportunity to test Ge Xiuge's current state of mind.

Xiuge didn't give Sulassie much time to react. Not long after the messenger who declared war left, Xiuge sent another group of messengers to gather all his men and start mobilizing for war.

The mobilization situation made Xiuge very satisfied. The vassals from all over the country did not discount the order and sent troops to support Xiuge. Ge Xiuge's army quickly gathered together.

The current Xiu Ge is no longer as fearful of Suriwell’s power as he used to be, because the Xiu Ge who cultivates the fighter system has reached the violet level, while Suriwell is still at the fire phosphorus level. No threat. So Xiu Ge was very fortunate that he could still be friends with Suriville now.

Yes, the Beast Master system has been established for hundreds of years, and no Beast Master has yet figured out how to go from the Fire Phosphorus level to the Ziluo level, so now Xiuge has put down his guard against Suriwell.

At the pre-war meeting, Hugh asked Souriwell if he wanted to use the secret passage in the Spari Desert that only Souriwell knew.

Souriwell's answer is, it depends. If Sulassie's counterattack is very violent, then Souriwell needs to use the channel to raid Sulassie to let the other side take care of the other; if Sulassie's counterattack is weak, then there is no need to worry, just flatten it.

Therefore, after the start of the battle, Xiuge's own commander's army went to Spari, while Souriwell alone led a partial division, waiting for Gustoma to decide the next move according to the front-line battle report.

On the other side, in the face of the opponent's aggression, and hearing the news for the first time, the Solit government quarreled, sending troops, seeking peace, and arguing endlessly.

First of all, the cause of this incident was Goshoggi's insatiable greed, and after losing Spari, Sulassi would be at a disadvantage in the situation against Goshoggi. There is no doubt about these two points.

The point of contention between the troopists and the peaceists was the impact of war on the government.

The argument of the Peaceists is that once the war is lost, those opposition parties will definitely attribute the failure to the implementation of the Solitt New Deal, then the policy of the New Deal will be abolished, not to mention that the New Deal has been implemented for less than five years, and the effect has not yet appeared. , It is a pity to abolish it like this, who can bear the consequences.

The troops who sent troops thought that the other side was too cowardly and believed that there was no way back now. Once they made peace, the opposition would also attribute the guilt to the Solitt New Deal. Both sides were dead ends. Woolen cloth?

Let’s make a calculation, there are three paths in front of us: to make peace, the New Deal may be overturned; if we lose, the New Deal is more likely to be overturned; but if we win? The New Deal will be as stable as Mount Tai.

So, it's better to fight.

Looking at the two groups of people who were constantly arguing in front of him, the bitterness and sadness in Soliter's heart were as uncomfortable as being mixed and stirred.

[Since when did Sulassi have to worry about the possibility of being defeated when facing Gosur? Since when did Sulassie, who was once regarded as an irrelevant little mouse, became so frightening to them? 】

However, although the debate between the two sides was so intense, Soliter knew that in the end it was himself and Napolika VII who had the final say.

This war about the future of the New Deal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be well coordinated with Napolika VII, and it cannot cause fearless internal friction due to internal disagreements.

The current new regime cannot afford to suffer infighting.

Solitt looked at his friend and gestured with his eyes. Before the meeting, Solitt had arranged for his friend as a trustee to talk to Napolika.

Therefore, at the meeting, his friend said a few words at the beginning, and then he did not speak, and occasionally glanced at Solitt, and now he finally waited for Solitt's instructions.

"His Excellency Chief Priest, it seems that we have a lot of differences, and there is no way to unify our opinions, so I can only ask you, who is highly respected by De, to come and do an arbitration for us and Sulassi." After receiving Solit's instructions, the friend Very keenly asked Napolika VII.

Hearing his friend's support, Solitaire nodded, as expected of his friend, this support is very good, he didn't say "Anyway, this is your talk, we're enough, it's your turn to talk", put the two sides together. The face is taken care of.

Napolika VII looked like a non-threatening old man. The movements of his whole body and his slightly trembling breathing made people feel that the old man would not live long.

But Soliter knew that Napoli VII had been looking like this since 20 years ago. Twenty years later, two of his biggest political enemies are dead, but Napoli VII is still alive.

"There is only one battle," Napolika VII said slowly, but firmly, and Soliter noticed a beast-like aura from Napolika VII's slightly exposed eyes.

[This is the attitude that a person traveling with me should have,] A smile appeared on the corner of Soliter's mouth. ...

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