God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 112: : Starfall Sulassie (34) The 2nd Battle of Spari (Part 1)

"Long talk about the world's affairs, penetrating the ancient and modern feelings, stepping into the long river of history, traversing the many fogs, and the "Dream Back to History" column will take you to explore the dusty past and experience the yellowed hero legend."

"Hello everyone, I'm your long-haired Pitko. In today's episode, I will lead you to discuss the second Battle of Spary, a battle that had a profound impact on the end of Sulassie."

[The sound outside the screen starts, and the video is released]

At the end of the ancient kingdom of Surasi, there were wars and chaos, frequent natural disasters, people were struggling, foreign enemies invaded, and internal struggles were fierce.

[In the documentary that was deliberately rendered yellowed, a group of troops fought and fought in quaint buildings, not the roars of men and horses. 】

Faced with this situation of internal and external troubles, a group of insightful people from ancient Surasi, in response to the ills of Surasi at that time, began to reform in an attempt to save the country.

[Several Surasi people with luxurious clothes are discussing something fiercely, and then the servants kept going in and out through the door of their room, and then specially blurred the corners of the image, simulating the feeling of soul transcendence possessed]

At this time, Sulassie's greatest enemy, Susie, was at the most intense stage of the civil war, and he could not spare the energy to interfere in Sulassi's reforms in this short period of time.

Therefore, the Gosul people, who were once looked down upon by Sulassi, became Sulassi's confidants and the main culprit who interrupted Sulassi's transformation.

[The image shows the restoration of the clothes and appearance of the Gosur people]

At this time, the Gosul people had occupied the entire south of Ancient Surasi, and had united with the southern Surasi nobles to prepare to further capture Spari and take the initiative in the situation in Sulassi.

[The image shows the situation map of the Sulashi area (that is, the area known to Sulashi, including Sulashi, Susi, and Gosul) before 1127 Dali, and then the camera turns back to the host people. 】

"So, in this case, Gusulassi and Gosur broke out a new war. The core of the war is the theme of this episode, the second Battle of Spari."

"Although I did these shows and learned some history, after all, uh, I'm just 'Ye Gong Hao Long' (the free translation means this, the transliteration is of course not this idiom). Lacy's side, I don't know much about it."

"So, in this show, I, the humble Pitko, favored a professor. This professor is a professor who specializes in the history of the ancient kingdom of Surasi. It is not easy to find. Gu Sulassi, everyone welcomes Myrdal. professor."

[Applause, the entrance of Professor Myrdal]

"Professor Myrdal, your surname is Myrdal. Do you have any relationship with the Myrdal family, the all-powerful Myrdal family in the history of Sulassie?"

"Well... going back all the way, my ancestors can be traced back to the first chief priest of Surasi, Fokodo, and back to the founder of the magic system."

"I rely on...! Such a prominent family background!"

"Hahaha, it's gone a long time ago. As early as the tenth century, with the Solitt New Deal, my ancestor's branch became a glorious noble. And the name of Myrdal itself shows that the blood is not pure."

[There are some customs in the cold game world that are different from the earth, such as the definition of the century, the tenth century of the calendar is the year 10xx, and so on, the eighth century is the year 8xx, and when the calendar is less than one hundred years old, it is called Yuan century, and the first century BC. 】

"What's the meaning?"

"The bloodline is not pure. When the ancient Surasi was developed, many noble families moved out of their ancestral land. At that time, those great noble families already had many members, so the family took advantage of this migration to change the clan. In the way of fame, a group of distant relatives were kicked out of the core of the family."

"But why did those noble families in Sulashi move? They also changed their names?"

"This thing will take a long time to talk about. It is a common feature of ancient Sulasxi and even the entire ancient society. It is called Wang Jiqianli. You can go back and check this yourself. If you want to extend it, you don't need to talk about Spari today. Yes, haha."

"Okay, back to the topic, the second Battle of Spary, which took place at the end of the ancient Surasi, Professor Myrdal, we learned about the background of the outbreak of the Battle of Spary through the film, and now you can tell us about it , the cause of the Battle of Spary?"

"Okay, long-haired Pitko. The two battles of Spari were one of the most important battles in the life of the famous Gosur general Souriwell, but now, many people only remember the first battle, the second battle against the second one. There was no impression on the field.”

"Indeed, for example me, I personally remember the first Battle of Spary, where Souriwell chased hundreds of thousands of people with hundreds of people. It's like a military **** alive."

"You...cough, the number of people has increased several times. In the first time, all Spary were elite cavalry, while the opposite was a mixture of elite and miscellaneous soldiers. This was the direct cause of victory. ."

"Okay, so back to the topic, how did the Second Battle of Spary break out?"

"This, in the summer of 1127, the leader of the Gosug country, 37-year-old Shuge Gosur was assassinated by the ancestor of the saints, Mayi, and Xiuge claimed that the assassination was instructed by Surasi. , in retaliation for this assassination, Goshoug launched a new military operation against Surasi"

"Mei, the first ancestor of the saints, this woman is also a remarkable person. I only knew Shug in her biography. Professor Myrdal, what do you think of this assassination? Who did it? hand?"

"I think, first of all, it was definitely not instructed by the Sullasi government, because the Sullasi government was carrying out the Solitt New Deal at the time, and there was absolutely no possibility of causing trouble."

"There is also a saying that Mei Yi was ordered to assassinate Xiuge by the Star God, but I don't agree. If the Star God really wanted to deal with Xiuge, he wouldn't just use this method. Look at the history books. After the assassination failed, the Star God didn't do anything else at all, so the Star God's assassination statement is untenable in my opinion."

"There are still people who think that Saint May assassinated Xiuge because of the hatred between May and Xiuge, and Saint May assassinated Xiuge by the way while performing the exorcism mission."

"However, I still don't agree with this point of view. According to historical data, Mayi lived in the plains of Doleman before becoming a saint; and during that time, Hugh did loot in ancient Surasi; but at that time There are so many robbers, Gusulasi is full of robbers, it is not good for Xiu Ge to rob, but the probability of hitting Mei is a little small."

"Speaking of this, Professor Myrdal, I also read a novel, that novel said that Xiuge was the first person to perform devil sacrifices. In order to return to the south, he slaughtered villages around Xingqimu, and he sacrificed Among the sacrifices was Mayi's daughter, and Mayi hated Xiuge for this."

"Fake, this kind of thing requires too many coincidences, long-haired Pitko, don't put the plot of the novel into history, reality needs logic, besides, the ancient data clearly proves that the earliest demon sacrifice event was in A few years before the Red Door incident."

"Well, as expected of the professor, I was wrong, Professor Myrdal, please continue your story about the Second Battle of Spary."

"This battle is very important to both countries."

"Surassi cannot lose. Once Sulassey loses here, and the effect of the New Deal has not yet been reflected, then the group of people headed by Solitt has a crumbling ruling position, and it will be more unstable. History will eventually It also proves that.”

"And on the other side, Ge Xiuge, he must also win; because once Xiuge loses this opportunity, he will be crushed to death in the face of the recovered Sulassi in the future. After all, for Xiuge , the loyalty of the southern Sulassi original noble alliance is extremely suspicious."

"That is to say, both sides have reasons to fight, and both must win, opposite?"

"Yes, both sides must win."

"Okay, through Professor Myrdal's explanation, we have a preliminary understanding of the situation at that time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So how will this war be fought? What about the shocking process? Go away, because after the commercials, the show will be even better."

【Interstitial ad】

[After the advertisement ended, the ancient topographic map of the Spari Desert appeared, as well as the voice-over]

In the autumn of this year, Xiuge led the army of Ge Xiuge to the city of Spary and began to surround Spary.

[The red army rushed up from the south and pushed all the strongholds along the way. Due to the narrow passage in the desert, the army of Gosuge advanced in the shape of a long snake, and therefore only approached the southern part of the city of Spary. , for the east and west directions facing the desert, it is ignored, and the city of Spary is represented in the form of a large blue square in the picture]

In the face of this war that was related to Sulassi's life and death, Sulassi's response was not slow. It was not a week after Goshoggi surrounded Spari, and the main force of Sulassi's reinforcements had already arrived.

[In the north, Sulassi's army is also advancing in a long snake formation like the Goshoggi army on the passage into the Spari Desert. 】

[In the video, when the Sulassi army was advancing, you could see it everywhere along the road. The flags and corpses that were thrown away during the disastrous defeat of Spary a few years ago. These corpses have been lying here for 4 years, and no one cares about them, only the whimpering yellow sand, to accompany them, as if to whimper at their tragic end. 】

At this time, the layout of the interview room has changed. In front of the host Long-haired Pitko and Professor Myrdal, there is no longer nothing, but a long table, which is activated by magic. The virtual wargame of 2019, used this wargame to present the military layout at that time. ...

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