God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 113: : Starfall Sulassi (35) 2nd Battle of Spari (middle)

"Professor Myrdal, can you use this wargame simulation table to simulate the situation at that time? After all, it is difficult for us to have an intuitive impression of the situation if we just cut down the documents."

"Happy, long-haired Pitko."

"Pitko, you see, first of all, the armies of the two sides had a **** confrontation around the city of Spary. Spary was always the main battlefield, so this battle was called the Battle of Spary."

[The blue side representing Ge Xiuge is on the north side of the chessboard with regular shocks, and the city of Spari, representing the red side of Surasi, is not to be outdone, and the red chess pieces in the city of Spari are not to be outdone, and attack the opponent fiercely. , When the two armies are fighting, the background bgm is the sound of swords and soldiers intersecting, and above the chess pieces, the word battle appears. 】

[Professor Myrdal draws a circle around Spari with his hand, indicating that after the battle site is here, he moves his hand back again and clicks heavily on the junction of Busuk and Spari Desert]

"According to historical records, after discovering the fierce resistance of the Sulassians, Xiu Ge was keenly aware of the timing, and sent someone to inform Souriwell, ordering Souriwell to control the time of dispatching troops."

"Yes, Professor Myrdal, our program team also made a special copy of the photocopy, which is the photocopy of the letter that Hugh wrote to Suriville a thousand years ago."

"What? This is an incredible historical material, so it's even better."

[The image presented is old fish skin paper. This technology that was once popular in ancient times with Bourbon has long since become synonymous with ancient times]

[Respected General Gosug, representative of the special councilor of Gosug, assistant to priest Moli, honorary high priest of Gustoma, honorary advisor of Busuk, special military consecration of Busuk College, Surivir Go Qi Lycia Norma, your glorious High Priest Goshogh, Governor Goshogh, Head of Councilor Goshogh, High Priest Busuk, Assistant Priest of Dimador, Honorary President of Busuk College, Shogh ·Go Gosur writes to you]

[Before the start of this war against the tyranny of Sullasi, we spent a long night with countless comrades in arms, discussing ways to fight this terrible country. 】

[Finally, the council passed the plan, and I led the main force to face the terrifying front of Sulassie. 】

[If Sulassi knows that he is wrong, then you don't need to recruit our lovely peasants and let them suffer the pain of being recruited again; if Sulassi is intimidating, then we have to rise up and resist, the partial teacher led by you, Open the situation by being blessed by God. 】

[Moxi, the great sage of Sulashi once said that the saddest part of a person is that he admits his position wrong. For example, let the farmer go fishing, let the fisherman go hunting, and let the hunter go to farm the land, then in the end The result is that everything is messed up. 】

[I think this sentence is very reasonable. If Ukra could recognize his ability and take the initiative to hand over his position to Moxie, would he end up with the end of betrayal and separation in the end? 】

[You must know that all the Surasi priests at that time united and ousted Ukra together. From here, you can see how important unity is to a group. If there was even one person who tipped off Ukra at that time, Then Moxie will not be so easy to succeed, but unfortunately not. 】

[When I saw this historical material, I realized that what the ancients said was so correct, and therefore, I would not make the mistake of Ukra. 】

[I am a ruler, and what I am good at is management; and you are an outstanding general, and what I am good at is conducting wars. 】

[So, I don’t give you any orders without permission, and rashly set foot in areas I don’t understand. This will only make me appear superficial and ignorant, just like a farmer who wants to go fishing. 】

[Then, my glorious general, I am not good at military affairs, so I will not instruct you. I can only give information. When to send troops, it is up to you to judge. 】

[I am sure that I can do your duty well, so General, please travel your own duty to bring the victory he desires for me, for this country. 】

"Yes, this is the letter, Pitko the long-haired. What do you think of this letter from Hugh to Souriwell?"

"Me? I, I think this letter reflects the harmony between Ge Xiuge's monarch and his ministers, and it is precisely because of this situation that Ge Xiuge finally succeeded in defeating the decadent Sulassi and won."


"Professor Myrdal, is there something wrong?"

"You think that this letter reflects the harmony between the ruler and the ministers, it is only based on the words, without serious analysis. From our group of scholars who study the history of that era, the whole letter reflects Xiu Ge's attitude towards the Soviet Union. Revere's growing jealousy and unease of his great exploits."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"Look carefully, in the letter Xiu Ge, in addition to telling Xiu Ge that he can decide the time of dispatching troops, he reminds Souriwell again and again, what position and what to do, what you are good at is military, not politics. Ge has been beating Souriwell to keep him from thinking."

"In addition, there is a sentence, 'I won't make the mistake of Ukla', which is also Shug reminding Souriwell that he is much stronger than that idiot Ukla."

"Hidden in the letter, there is another important point, unity, Xiuge is emphasizing, because the Ge Xiuge people are very weak, so this time is united."

"Weak? Isn't it? Professor Myrdal, I also watched the film. I remember that Gosug had the upper hand over Sulassie at that time. How could he still be weak?"

"You have to distinguish between Gosug and Gosur, they are two concepts. Gosug's strength does not necessarily represent Gosur's strength. Compared with those unpredictable Sulassi nobles, Xiuge obviously trusts Gosul more. Sur people."

"And among the Gosur people, there are very few people who can be trusted by Xiuge and have the ability and strength, not to mention that a few months ago, because of the assassination incident, many were killed by Saint May. So in the At this time, no matter how much he fears Souriwell, it is impossible for Xiuge to attack him."

"I see, Professor Myrdal, there is so much thought behind this short letter."

"Hehe, politicians, another digression, Pitko, do you know what Souriwell's surname is and what it means?"

"Uh, this... well, I don't understand, Professor Myrdal. Actually, I don't even remember his surname. After all, his name is more famous than his surname. I remember he didn't have a surname at first."

"Indeed, Souriwell came from a humble background and did not have a surname in his early years. He once got a surname in the middle, but when Gosul changed his name to Goshoug, Souriwell established his final surname and was used by his direct descendants. So far, that's Cilicia Norma, do you know what that means?"

"Norma means cavalry. I know this, but Cilicia doesn't understand it."

"Hahaha, this whole sentence means cavalry. Cilicia is a Gosul language, and it first refers to those beastmasters who can be ridden with four legs. After the rise of the cavalry of Suriville, Gradually monopolized by horsemen, Norma is a Surasiized Gothul word meaning army."

"Oh, oh, yes, I can speak Surasi. In Surasi, the army reads Noma, no wonder."

"Okay, back to the topic, military chess game."

"As I said earlier, after a strong counterattack in the Battle of Spary, Souriwell received permission from Hugh to send troops, so he went to the 'way blessed by God'."

"Because there was no marching record at that time, and the gods kept silent about this matter, we may never know from which **** Souriwell learned about this passage and the specific time when Souriwell passed through the passage. "

[Image: The black and white cavalry team is constantly advancing towards the right side of the screen, and the background bgm is the sound of desolate horns, resentful and sobbing. 】

"Although we don't know the exact time of the march, the general result is known~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the Battle of Spary was in a stalemate, Souriwell, the partial division, began to act."

"It can be known from local records that Suriville reached Gustoma at the end of summer and went north to enter the Suriville Pass. Although this desert pass is very prosperous today, thousands of years ago, in Suri Before Will led his troops in, the passage was deserted."

"Professor Myrdal, I feel that it can be seen from the name, the Souriwell channel, it must have something to do with Souriwell."

"Yes, it is the descendants who named this passage the Suriwell Pass in memory of Suriwell. Although everyone knows that there must be a **** who told Souriwell, until now, there has not been a god. Come forward and admit that he was the one who told Souriwell about this passage."

[In the wargame simulator, the Red Army of Suriville started to set off and arrived at the Suriville passage, and then turned into a big blurred dot and slowly moved up the passage. 】

[The Suriville Passage is a relatively complicated passage. The place where he has the most oases can be connected in a straight line, from the north of Gustoma to the south of Doleman. However, in the middle lane, the passage will have a fork, and the opening of the fork is towards the west, not far from Spary, but the problem is that the frequency of oasis along the road is much less than that of the Northland. 】

"Although we don't know how Suriwell was deployed in the desert, it is clear from the results of the Second Battle of Spary that Suriwell made a bold move, in a situation where the troops were at a disadvantage. He actually adopted the method of splitting his troops into two groups, attacking Doleman all the way, and attacking Spari all the way."  …

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