God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 126: : After the Meteor (1) Xiu Ge Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall (Part 1)

"Dear classmates, now we are going to visit the history museum. The history museum we visited this time was in the period of the ancient kingdom of Surasi."

"Teacher, is Suriwell also from Surasi?"

"Youther, don't talk to you! I've told you many times, although the modern historians generally refer to this area and all the countries before 1800 AD as the ancient kingdom of Surasi, but in reality It's not just about Sulassie."

"I know that in addition to the ancient kingdom of Sulashi, there are also Susie, Goshoug, and the new kingdom of Sulashi that wiped out both Susi and Goshoug. Of course, they call themselves the new Sulashi."

"Yes, all of this was prescribed by later generations for their convenience. You must know that people in the ancient kingdom of Surasi never called themselves the ancient kingdom."

This is the exhibition hall of the heroes of the ancient kingdom of Sulassi. In this exhibition hall, there are many exhibitions of information about people who have left great achievements in history.

Under the guidance of the teacher, Uther went to the first exhibition hall on the left side of the museum. The exhibition hall inside is mainly a museum of famous people of Goshoug except Suriville-as long as the cultural relics can be found.

The reason why there is no Souriwell is because the man Souriwell is too famous, so all the cultural relics related to him have been removed and gathered in the God of War Museum to stay with the group of Napolika I.

After Suriville left, in the exhibition hall of Goshoggi, the most central one is the founder of Goshoggi, the statue of Goshoggi, with the statue of Gosug as the center, many and The cultural relics related to repairing leather are placed around in a fan shape.

Uther cautiously bypassed the gap between the relics and slowly approached the statue of Xiuge.

The statue of Xiuge was sculpted by his son 12 years after his death. Of course, the one placed here is not the original one. The real earliest statue was destroyed in the war a long time ago.

Below the base of the statue of Xiuge, there is a brief introduction related to Xiuge carved. If you want to see more details, you need to go to the cultural relics.

[Shuge Gothul (formerly Rocky)]

[1090 Dali - 1153 Dali / 63 years old]

[Name: Gosul people]

[Faith: Star God]

[Title: High Priest Goshoggi 1122 years (32 years old) - 1150 years / 28 years / (60 years old)]

[Title: Star King Ge Xiuge 1134 (44 years old) - 1151 / 17 years (61 years old)]

[Suge Gosul, born in a Gosul tribe called Rocky around Busuk, he was originally just a family that could be discarded. By chance, he firmly grasped At the opportunity, he finally jumped into a dragon, peaked the thousand-year-old kingdom where he was born, and established his own great cause. 】

[Although the empire he built has been reduced to loess after a thousand years, the land of Sulassi still sings his immortal legend. 】


The teacher who led the team found out that the student Uther, the most worrying student in the team, had sneaked away, so he shouted angrily. Fortunately, this time he didn't leave the team too far. After being yelled at, Uther came back obediently.

"Cough," the instructor who led the team coughed and turned all the students' attention to himself, "since Suriwell is not in this hall, I won't say more, I will bring you here today, The main purpose is to introduce the founder of Ge Xiuge and the life of Xiuge to you.”

"You can see from the life of the person next to the statue that Xiuge was originally an unpopular branch of the tribe. Due to his age, he was not valued in the tribe at first."

"Teacher, what is the age of birth issue?" A student in the team asked in confusion when he heard the teacher's introduction.

At this time, the teacher's eyes noticed Yuser who was poking around, so he said, "Yother, I know that your historical knowledge far exceeds that of students of this age. It is up to you to answer this question."

"What came from?"

"Why Uther was in the Horde in the first place,"

"Me? Tribe?" When the teacher was about to ask a historical question related to his name, Uther was stunned (actually, when I typed it smoothly), at that time, no one called Uther in Gexiuge.

At this time, the teacher also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, and coughed twice as if it were the case: "It's to tell why Xiu Ge was not taken seriously in the tribe at first."

This thing... Although it is also a theory, because it is a very important inheritance law in ancient times, Uther still took great care to memorize it.

"Because Xiuge is only the third son of the chief, the inheritance law commonly used by the Gosur people is the 'family election equal share inheritance law'. Only the sons who have the blood of the chief can inherit the tribe and the like through the election of the members of the family. of…"

Teachers who are familiar with Uther know that Uther has made an old problem again and begins to forget his words. Every time Uther forgets his words, he will lengthen his tone to blur it.

"Student Uther, the concept of history can't be blurred, and words like "approximately" can't be used."

Youse read a lot of history books, and exercised some thickness, so he didn't pick up the teacher's words: "Because Xiuge's mother came from a lowly background, and the other three brothers in his clan occupy the power of his mother clan and consciously exclude him. , I want to get more benefits in the future division of inheritance."

"At the beginning of the conscription, the Rocky tribe also thought that Sulassie had a good chance of winning, so they sent the most elite warriors to follow Sulassie to fight the autumn wind. As a result, after realizing the tragicness of this war, the Rocky tribe began to He shied away, and finally threw Xiu Ge out as evidence of his loyalty."

"It's a pity that their efforts were in vain in the end. The Rocky, a tribe that used to be the top rank in the ranks around Busuk, ended up in Sulashi's continuous forced recruitment, and other surrounding Gosul people, big and small, in the end. Like the tribe, it has turned into ruins."

"Well, classmate Uther, you said this paragraph very well. Finally, you haven't forgotten everything you read in the book."

"According to the available information, Xiu Ge was the chief of the Rocky tribe in the second wave of Sulassi's compulsory conscription. Among them, the most famous general in the country of Ge Xiu Ge, Suliville, is He Xiu. Ge is in this wave of conscription and embarked on a military journey for the first time."

Hearing Suriwell's name, the students whistled to celebrate. After all, although Xiu Ge was the founder of a country, the country was far away from them, and he was not famous. It was the **** of war, Suriwell, who heard it cordially. .

"The battle they participated in was the Battle of Aix. The specific process history of the battle was written very clearly. Sulassi's reinforcements ushered in another fiasco, and Sulassi finally lost Aix again."

"And the loss of Aix marks the beginning of Sulla's destruction, and because Aix was mastered by Su Xi, Su Xi had the capital to launch the Battle of Myrdal, which caused Sulla's 2-year-long campaign. Myrdal recapture campaign where the situation in the West was completely out of control."

Hearing this, some students asked: "Teacher, when you were in class the other day, didn't you say that the Soliter New Deal saved Sulassie?"

"And, wasn't the (first) Battle of Spary, the complete out of control situation in Sulassie?" asked another student.

"Uther, you answer."

The teacher threw the pot to Uther unethically, and Uther turned his head around, and after finishing the language in his mind, did he answer to the classmates.

"How should I say it, let's answer the next question first, the Spari fiasco is just a manifestation of Sulassie's form at the time. The two-year Myrdal recapture campaign has already overdrawn Sulassi's potential, even if they win. The Battle of Sparry will also be ruined by the endless riots in the country."

"Actually, Sulassie should also thank Goshoggi for using the Battle of Spari to help them consume so much surplus population, otherwise such a large number of soldiers will return to their hometown and have not been properly resettled, which will definitely make the law and order worse. It was a mess, and at that time, it was time for Ge Xiuge to get up again."

When Uther said this, the teacher inserted a sentence: "The most famous poet of that era, Tim Sue Novara Sinturabi, once wrote a poem about the situation of that era."

"Aix opened the channel of the River Styx, Myrdal let us jump down the River Styx, and the one who sang on the bank of the River Styx was Suriville of Spary."

The teacher recited the specific content of the poem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but because the language was changed from Surassi to the current language, the students could not hear how good the poem was.

"As for Soliter's reform, he just prevented Sulassi from degenerating into a worse situation, and it did play a role in turning the tide, but, um, it is probably to climb Sulassi from the deepest part of the abyss to Huangquan Road. Height, so that Sullasi can barely maintain."

"Okay, leaving Sulassi, let's continue to browse the history of Shuge, he was called up by Sulassi in the Battle of Aix when he was 21 years old, in 1111 of the calendar."

"I don't need to say more about the results of the Battle of Aix, but here I will talk about the results for these two men. As a result, Hugh was captured, and Souriwell escaped in the midst of the collapsed army."

"The captured Xiuge became a prisoner of war and was forced by Su Xi to build a city wall in Aix for 5 years. It was not until the tsunami in Aix in 1116 that Xiuge took this opportunity to escape."

"The group in the early days of Xiu Ge was the companions who built the wall with him when he became a prisoner of war. From the current historical data, Xiu Ge was a very charismatic person, so he gathered a group of leaders. "

"After escaping from Aix, Xiuge began to go south. Some people said that he wanted to return to Busuk, but some historical data disagreed, because at that time, when returning to Busuk, he had to pass through Spari. How could the formed group go back to Busuk, some people speculate that he wanted to join the bandit group that was active in Myrdal at that time.”

"But no matter what the process is, the result is clear. Xiu Ge's luck was very good. When he met the messenger of hell, he successfully became one of the earliest forces in the world to trade with the devil. Some people speculated that the Red Gate incident was Xiu Ge. Made of leather, but in any case, through a deal with the devil, Shug returned to Busuk."

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