God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 127: : After the Meteor (2) Xiu Ge Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall (Part 2)

What Yuser introduced before is the experience of Xiuge before he started his business. What Yuser will tell next is the story of how Xiuge went from the leader of a group of prisoners to the founder of Ge Xiuge.

"Siu Ge was the second batch of conscripts recruited in the Battle of Aix, but a blessing in disguise escaped Sulassie's devastating conscription on the Rocky tribe in the Battle of Myrdal Recapture."

"As for his three brothers and other close relatives, they failed to survive the 11 years of catastrophe from 1111 to 1122, but it was Xiuge who was moving bricks in Aix, laughing. At the end."

"As a result, Xiuge became the most legitimate heir of the Rocky tribe. After returning to Busuk, Xiuge quickly gained a large amount of political capital, including the support of some original tribesmen."

"As far as I know, what is the name of an old man who played a pivotal role in the early days of Ge Xiuge? Anyway, he is not only an adviser to the early days of the Xiuge forces, but also the second uncle of Xiuge."

The teacher finally couldn't stand it anymore, and Yosser made up the proper nouns if he couldn't remember them: "Youse! History must be rigorous! The special enshrined is the second uncle of Xiuge, not the second uncle."

[It's not all the same, in short, it's an elder...] Yosser muttered silently in his heart, but he also became smarter and didn't say it directly.

"Cough, in short, Xiu Ge, who has obtained political capital, and he is naturally good at personnel deployment and local management. Under his governance, the originally disordered Gosul settlement has been gradually stabilized."

"Then, while Sulassi was in the battle to retake Myrdal, that is, in 1122 of the calendar year, the 32-year-old Xiuge captured Bousuk and captured his first territory by cooperating with the inside and the outside."

"Student Uther, you missed a very important point."

"Uh, I remember, Souriwell, the history book I read said that after Shuge established his territory, he received Souriwell's selfless assistance."

"At that time, Souriwell was the biggest force in Busuk, and Xiuge was just getting out of the way, but Souriwell selflessly helped Xiuge."

"Because of this aid, Xiu Ge always believed in Suriville in the second half of his life. The two of them developed a great tacit understanding, and it was this tacit understanding that allowed them to survive the early days of Ge Xiu Ge The difficulties of the monarch and the minister staged a touching scene of harmony between the ruler and the minister."

When he said this paragraph again, Yosser's tone was like reciting a scripture, and he spoke very fast, which made people understand that this paragraph was not what he wanted to say, but what he wanted to say later.

Sure enough, Xiu Ge's next sentence was the turning point of "but".

"But I don't agree with this view. The first one is that the monarch and his ministers are in harmony. It's ridiculous. The person who wrote this sentence feels like he hasn't read the letter that Xiu Ge wrote to Su before the Second Battle of Spari. Like Revere's letter, Ukla has to be in Ukla's position throughout, otherwise it will be tragic. You and I said that the ruler and the minister are in harmony? It's really laughable."

"Then Xiuge started. I have read some historians' articles. According to their discussions, they said that after his return, Xiuge probably did not establish his own power immediately, but took refuge in Souriwell and served under Souriwell. After a while, then..."

"Student Uther," the teacher interrupted Uther again, and Uther could only stop his analysis.

"The teacher here."

"I asked you and your classmates to introduce the history of Xiu Ge, right?"

"I don't deny that," Uther smiled awkwardly but politely.

"The current official history records that after Xiuge returned to Busuk through the devil, he got the help of the original Rocky tribe and Souriwell, and quickly gained a firm foothold, so you can say that."

"You said that you have read the information, that Xiu Ge used to be Souriwell's subordinate, but after all, this is just speculation, no heroic spirit has admitted this matter, when you talk to your classmates, you don't need to introduce so much, reliability Doubtful unofficial history still under discussion, understand?"

Hearing the teacher's speech, the classmates also echoed: "Yes, the country of Ge Xiuge is not famous. If it wasn't for the Battle of Spary, who would remember the country from so long ago now."

"That's right, who cares whether or not Xiuge served as Souriwell's subordinate, wake up, Ge Xiuge has been dead for thousands of years."

Others are laughing at Uther's thought of doing this: "Uther, are you a supporter of Napolika I, so you want to lift Shug up to belittle Suriville?"

"It's just to look at some historical materials, and then come to pretend,"

"Hmm! Students pay attention to their wording, which also shows that Uther has a wealth of knowledge," the teacher came out to smooth the field, so the voices of the students began to decrease.

After the other students' voices were so small that they were whispering, the teacher gave Usher an encouraging smile: "Student Youser, you can continue to talk about the past of Xiuge."

After being interrupted like this again, Xiu Ge has now lost interest in continuing to talk, but after all, this is the task assigned by the teacher to him, so he can only continue to talk reluctantly.

"I remember that there are some in the exhibition hall of Sulassie next door. I will see if the teacher will take you to see it later. It is there that Sulassie's general is writing to the center, bragging about how fast he can be. Quickly destroy the memorial of the Ge Xiuge rebels—of course, this memorial has now become the proof of the fool, and now it is hung in the exhibition hall repeatedly."

"In Sulassi's view, how could they lose? If they can't lose, the main army will start from Myrdal, pass through the Spari Desert, and press down to Busuk. Before that, the city-states around Busuk also came out. Some soldiers, not requiring the army, sent some strong men to harass Busuk, making them unable to fight with peace of mind."

"After all, Ge Xiuge has just occupied Busuk, the territory is so small, and the population is not large, it is impossible to lose! It is not only the generals of Sulassi who think this way, but also countless historians of later generations. They They all felt that Ge Xiuge was determined at that time, and with Sulassi's size, no matter how weak he was at that time, it was impossible to fall here."

"As a result... you all know that the cavalry regiment of Suriville made his roar for the first time in history. Thousands of people chased and ran after hundreds of thousands of people. This situation is rare."

"Besides, there is another point that Surasi did not expect. None of the city-states around Busuk made even a little harassment to Goshoug of Busuk, so that before the main force of the Surasi army arrived, Busuk calmly recovered his strength, and then gave Surasi a surprise."

"Cough," the teacher coughed deliberately, making Xiuge realize that he almost strayed from the topic again.

"The victory at the end of the first Battle of Spary, which took place in 1122 of the calendar year, marked that the young kingdom owned by Xiuge had gained a firm foothold on this land, and Xiuge had adopted a suitable strategy to The name of the country was changed from Gosur to Goshoug, and the other three regions in the south were successfully drawn into its own camp."

"And through the contract with Sulassie next year, Xiu Ge has obtained the legal right to rule the south, which is very important and justifiable."

"The rebels entrenched in Gustoma were also because of hearing this news, most of them gave up their resistance in desperation, and the remaining few were easily defeated."

"That is, next year, Shuge's surname was changed from Rocky to Gosul, in honor of his being a Gosul."

"When the country of Goshoggi was created, almost all the systems were copied from Surasi, for example, the title of the ruler was the chief priest, and the title of the ruler was the chief priest of Goshog. Will."

"However, because of the fragility of the central government, the foreign governments, and the fact that the surrendered city-states took refuge with their own lands, Gosug had no way to learn from Surasi in this regard, and his degree of centralization was very low. "

"Afterwards, in the face of natural disasters, Xiu Ge adopted the method of trading with the devil, successfully survived the natural disasters, and went down in history with the honorary title of the first state power that traded with the devil."

"After the influence of the natural disaster gradually subsided, Xiu Ge set his sights on Sparry. Only by capturing Sparry can he take the initiative in the battle of Sulassie."

"Relying on the assassination incident in 1127 of the Dali calendar, Xiu Ge took the opportunity to play, launched the Spaali War, and sincerely cooperated with Suriville to win the Spaali area through the second Spaali campaign."

"And the diplomatic annexation of Sulassie in 1134 of the Dali calendar reflects Xiu Ge's superb political skills and diplomatic means~www.wuxiaspot.com~ of course, it is also inseparable from the sincere cooperation of Solitt."

"In short, fearing the possible attack of Su Xi who ended the civil war, Su La Xi, a thousand-year-old country, actually began to seek asylum, and finally found Shuge, so the first country established in the world ended by diplomatic annexation. With a thousand years of history, he is extremely useless."

"For us now, from the perspective of God, the politicians of Sulassie made a serious misjudgment of the political situation at that time, which made Sulassie have such an end. Unfortunately, the people of Sulassi did not know what."

"In short, Xiuge has ingeniously set up a higher position in the position of the chief priest, Star King Goshog, and there are two chief priests under the star king, namely Solit, the chief priest of Surasi, and Gosho. So far, 44-year-old Xiuge has reached the pinnacle of his life after 12 years of hard work.”

"Well, everyone knows that this measure is very important, marking the birth of the king, and also affecting the later Roman Hefei."

"And in the second year, which is 1135 of the calendar year, the name of the country where Xiuge was located was changed from Ge Xiuge to the country under the rule of Ge Xiuge's star god,"

Having said this, Yusser stopped and reread the last syllable: "King, God thought this word was good, so he spread it all over the world, and many people thought it was Surasi language, which is actually a Surasiized Gosul language."

Hearing this, under the leadership of the teacher, everyone applauded for Uther, whether they wanted to or not.

"Student Youse is indeed the student who reads the most in our class. Everyone should learn from him and increase their extra-curricular reading."

Yosser sighed inwardly: "This is really uncomfortable, there are still a lot of things to say, sigh, forget it, forget it..."

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