God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 128: : After the Meteor (3) The Life of Solit

Solitt Su New Doleman Doleman, was born in the same year as the founder of Goshoggi, both in 1090 calendar year.

However, unlike Shuge, who was born in the same year, Solitt, who was born in the main city of Doleman, was born as the eldest son. He received the greatest attention from his parents when he was born, and he showed it in Soliter's childhood. talent, and tell their parents that they did not choose the wrong best heir.

And Solit's outstanding performance was also favored by Solit's uncle.

Solitt's uncle is the patriarch of the contemporary New Doleman family, but his uncle only had three daughters and no sons in his life, so he regarded his most talented nephew, Soliter's father as his father. son to raise.

When Solitt was in the family enlightenment school, he achieved excellent grades. Finally, with the results that everyone was convinced, in the 1100th year of the calendar year, he entered Xingqimu Academy and became an official student.

In 1106 of the calendar year, Solitt, who had been studying in Xingqimu for 6 years, returned to his hometown. Following the order of his family, he married his mother's family again, the granddaughter of the contemporary patriarch of the Doleman family, to strengthen the bond between the two families. .

That is, in Xingqimu, Solitt was gradually influenced by various trends of thought. Unlike most other nobles, he did not scoff at these trends of thought, but was willing to seriously discuss them.

It is certain that the reason why Solitt is interested in ideological trends in the academy is due to one of his classmates. In the future, this classmate will be abandoned by his family because of his "weird" thinking, and then thrown into Xingqimu College, becoming a Offering "Social Theory Class" offerings.

After 1108 of the calendar year, Solitt, who is about to graduate, should start practicing travel according to the custom of Xingqimu. Although this used to be the tradition of Xingqimu, with the collapse of the management system of Xingqimu, this system has been On the surface, the so-called practical travel of many nobles is to return to their hometown for a few months, and then return, as a trip.

However, Solitt is different from them. Solitt really went on a trip and refused the help of his family, but after returning from this trip, he began to speak out publicly to stand up for the trend of thought.

However, Solitt's background was fundamentally different from that of the worshiper, and Soliter obeyed the family in other respects, so the family let him do it.

Unlike those paddling classmates, Solett was sturdy and followed the old habit of traveling to Surasi as a full-time student for 2 years.

Through the current clues, it can be found that within two years, Solit traveled the city of Doleman Plain, and then went to Antium and Shipari, and left his footprints in Spari. .

In the 1110 calendar year, the 20-year-old Solitt returned from a trip. Like his later comrade-in-arms Napolika VII 35 years ago, he graduated as the 10th best graduate of Xingqimu Academy and went to Surasi. the central office.

Under normal circumstances, Sulassi wants to change his official position. Even if you have a huge background, you have to work for more than 4 years in your first job. For example, Solitt's close friend Napolica VII, he only worked for 5 years. After being transferred to other positions, he worked in the Central Committee for 12 years before becoming a priest's assistant.

Soliter, however, had a good time.

The great defeat of the Battle of Aix in 1111 of the calendar year required Sullasi to launch a scapegoat. At that time, the chief priest was a member of the southern faction of Spari, so after 11 years, the southern faction was largely excluded from the center [this is also the later southern faction. One of the reasons why he was full of resentment towards Sulassi and was unwilling to eliminate Xiu Ge], the northern line of defense came to power.

After the southern faction was pushed out of the center, there were large-scale vacancies in official positions. Solitt, who had only been an official for a year, immediately got on a plane because of his prominent family background, and his official position tripled.

After that, it took place from 1120 to 1122 in the calendar, the two-year Myrdal recapture campaign, in which Solit was transferred to the front.

The original intention of the family was to let Solitt gild the safe area on the front line, but Solitt was unwilling to learn command on the front line many times in a safe place.

And it was at Myrdal's front line that Soliter met the old man, the old man who had the greatest influence on him in the first half of his life, the High Priest of Myrdal, Napolika.

Exactly when Solitt and Napolika began to join forces is unknown. But it is certain that the two people, who are more than thirty years old, only began to contact and formed an unbreakable alliance at least after the Myrdal recapture campaign began.

In the 11 years since the southern faction was pushed out of politics because of the fiasco of Aix, and the coup d'état by Solitt, Sulassie has changed two chief priests, but both chief priests belonged to the northern defense line faction.

The so-called Northern Defense Line faction refers to the high priests born in the two places of Turabi and Kalai.

Kalai started his life by betraying Myrdal thousands of years ago, and since ancient times, his direct relationship with Myrdal has been like water and fire. The grievances between the new Turabi family and the traditional factions can be traced back even further.

They killed the top of the Turabi family [Doleman, Myrdal, Turabi can all be traced back to an ancestor, the new Turabi can't], they are not descendants of Doleman at all, in the traditional Doleman plain , has always been an outlier.

However, after the fiasco of Spari in 1123, the northern defense faction fell into decline. At this time, Solit successfully allied with Napolika VII and launched a coup to oust the northern defense faction from the position of the chief priest. The "Solit New Deal" was released again, barely stabilizing the shaky situation in Sullasi.

With the cooperation of Doleman and Myrdal, the two sides cooperated sincerely. In the case of the neutrality of Xingqimu Academy, the traditional faction suppressed the northern defense line faction, and they could not afford it.

In 1127, when Spary was defeated for the second time, the northern defense line faction tried to counterattack, but the close cooperation between Solitt and Napolika VII killed the signs in time.

In 1130, Solitt's closest political allies, Napolica VII and his younger brother, died within two months, leaving Sullasi's highest positions, general and chief priest, vacant.

Solitt became a general, but could not succeed the chief priest because of his qualifications.

But Sulassi's current situation, everyone can see, it is a pill, at this time to succeed the chief priest, he must have the courage to bear the blame, and bear the possible charge of subjugation, and Sulassi currently lacks this A warrior who sacrifices the ego to achieve the greater ego.

In addition, the traditional factions are inappropriate, and they are afraid of the northern defense line factions, so they will not be allowed to come back again. At this time, Sulassi's all-powerful position, the head of Xingqimu Academy, showed his value again.

As a result, Xingqimu Academy took over as the new chief priest - although the academy said that he would retire a few years ago, but now Surasi not only did not let him retire, but let him go further.

Headmaster Xing Qimu immediately quit, protesting! Well, the old man, the method of protest is naturally to be summoned by the Lord, so after only half a year, at the age of 31, the dean of the academy followed Napolica VII.

In desperation, Solitt announced that the position of the chief priest was temporarily vacant, and the general would exercise the responsibility of the chief priest.

After 4 years, Solitt's qualifications are enough, and the end of the civil war in Susie is also stimulating Sulassi, so Sollett was ordered to become Sulassi's new chief priest, and in the name of the chief priest, let Sulassi Obey Goshoggi.

When they heard the news, the Sulassians did not feel much wronged, but generally breathed a sigh of relief, [Ah, finally we don't have to fight the South anymore. In the 22 years since 2011, we have fought enough. . 】

It is a pity that things in this world do not revolve around one person. When Su Laxi is choosing her own way out, Su Xi is also exploring the road ahead.

For Su Xi, the Surasi people are the glory of the past and the mentors of civilization. Although he is lonely now, he used to be rich, so we who have inherited the glory of Sulas can be so broad, that Gexiu to the south of you Leather, what is it?

When the news of Surasi's demise reached Su Xi, Su Xi was excited and asked to send troops to restore Sulas, or to set up a Nandu, and this time, Seluriad and Senama would act as the main force.

This is what they think, when the southern capital is established, will the central capital have no place to expand? So this is also a way to eliminate the Central Capital~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The border line between Susi and Sulassi is divided by the Turabi Kalai Mountains. Through this line, Susi leads to the Surasi's West and Middle East Three Roads.

The Turabi Kalai Mountains stretched for hundreds of miles, and an angry dragon was generally coiled in the center. There was only one corridor in the middle that was flat. This was the oldest middle road between Su Xi and Su Laxi.

This middle road marked the tragic offensive and defensive battle between Sulassi and Susi in the early days. The bodies of soldiers hundreds of years ago can still be seen on both sides of this road, and it also marks the rise of this northern line of defense.

However, with the opening of the west front, the middle gradually cooled down.

When the North Star Qimu fell, Su Xi's army could easily pass through the flat land at the end of the Turabi Kalai Mountains to attack Sulassi's lands, that is, the lands of Aix and Kumi.

These pieces of land have also been repeatedly contested by both sides as a western front in the past few hundred years.

In addition, there is the most unpopular east road. The east road leads to the sparsely populated Antium and Shipari. Even if you beat this place, you have to go over a small piece of the Spaali desert to reach the plains of Doleman. So in the past, Susie never tried to attack from the east.

However, from time to time, when Surasi was annexed by Gosugh diplomatically, the future of Antiem and Shipari, who were very independent, was worth considering.

Therefore, in 1135 of the Dali calendar, Su Xi learned the operation of Ge Xiuge and made Antim and Shipari the southern fiefs of Su Xi, occupying these two places without a fight, and completing the siege to the east of Su Laxi .

Seeing that Su Xi began to set foot in Antium, Solitt, who was good at fighting, quickly understood the other party's intentions. Su Xi had no good intentions. If he did not fight back, the next wave of more excessive temptations would come.

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