God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 136: : Saints' Journey (4) Snake Girl Who Hates Change

In the year 1150 of the calendar year, the Middle-earth continent of Roman Hefei, the Sfi Plain, the largest city on the plain, was Mysikham.

In the early morning, the sun has just risen from the mountain side, the most powerful ruler of the three Sfi Plains, the first female ruler of the Shudor family, the leader of Mythicam and Lakrea, the lord of the great city of Argos Her husband, 53-year-old Maithikam region owner Machina Sedol Sfei, was already up.

Maybe it was because she was old, and she liked to recall the past. At first, she wanted to call her husband, but when she found it was empty, Machina remembered that her husband had gone to Argos to deal with the union riot a week ago. The incident happened, his husband suspected that someone wanted to mess with them, and the terrible ruler of the royal capital recently seemed to want to do something.

[Hey~ my life can be said to be spent in wars. I really hope that I can spend the remaining 20 years of my life well without any terrible changes, such as the army across the sea]

Thinking of the report of the spy in the capital city, the pastime story told by the clown in the tavern, and the country on the other side of the sea, Machina shivered.

If she was 30 years younger, she would definitely be full of expectations, but she is already 53 years old. Although she is an extraordinary legend, she may only live more than 20 years with optimism. She hates all changes now, very hateful.

As Machina got up, the maid who was waiting in the side room immediately came in and came up together to help Machina organize her grooming.

While feeling the maids brushing her hair beside her, Machina looked out the window, her head swaying slightly with the maids' movements.

According to the data stored in the cold game system, once, the largest city in the west of Hefei was not Mythickam, but the name of the plain where Mythickam was located, Sifei.

The city of Sifei was the first permanent settlement established by the Hefeis on this plain. With Sifei as the base, the Hefeis expanded to the west, occupying the entire city at a speed that made the Sulasians ashamed. plain.

In this process, Sifei, which is the link between Hefei and the newly conquered area, became extremely prosperous because of the circulation of traffic. Because there is a very magnificent mountain range in the south of Hefei, the mountain range is dozens of times larger than the poor Turabi Kalai Mountains in Sulashi. mountains. ].

The part of this mountain range close to Hefei is northwest. Coupled with the influence of the coastline, Hefei will usher in a relatively narrow point after a plain, and Sifei is built on that point.

In the peaceful era of Hefei, Sifei served as a strategic link between the two places. Although it was located in the easternmost part of the Sifei Plain, it was still the most prosperous city-state. The rulers of Hefeiyuna used to make Sifei responsible. , to consolidate the taxes of the Hefei city-states on the Sifei Plain, and report it to Hefei Yuna.

However, this is just an unspoken rule after all. With the end of the three-year civil war, not only Hefei Yuna began to lose control over the place, but even Sifei also lost control of the Sifei Plain.

Originally, Sifei controlled the city-states on the Sifei plain, and it was just an unspoken rule. Now, with the weakening of Sifei, the unspoken rules are not recognized.

After the beginning of the Hefei and Warring States period, Sfei, the main road of communication between the Sfei Plain and the old Hefei, has become a battleground for military strategists. No matter which side is stronger, they will try to control this place. , allowing yourself to take strategic initiative.

So in the long-term repeated tug of war, in this era of beggar-thy-neighbor, Sfei, who started out by means of transportation, weakened extremely quickly in the early Warring States Period, and a large number of people fled Sfei.

Machina's ancestors escaped in that era, and with their own family power, combined with the local Sudor family in Mythickam, and gave birth to the new Sudor Sfei family.

In the chaotic Warring States period, many former ruling families were pulled down for various reasons. For example, the local ruling family in Mysikham was seized by Machina's ancestors because of a foolish operation of a war. In the end, they successfully seized the dominion of Mysikham.

When it was time for Machina, she reached a perfect marriage with the family of Argos, and the power of the Shudor family reached its peak.

When Machina got married, she was the one that attracted much attention. As the youngest and first female city-state lord of Mythicam, she married the lord of the great city-state of Argos, so that the two regions could be united. an unbreakable alliance.

When Machina was young, she was known as the first beauty in the Sfei Plain, and the title was "Snake Princess", which was used to describe her beauty and ruthlessness, and she also accepted her reputation ambitiously and tried to unify her. The Hefis of the Sfi Plain.

Under Machina's rule, she first dealt with internal relations, and then annexed Lacrea through various means, making Lacrea, Mythicam and Argos form a triangular alliance, using her city-state to be in Sri Lanka. Not in the center of the plain, it began to expand its forces everywhere.

In the heyday of Machina and her husband, with the triangular city-state as the basic base, the forces extended to the surrounding areas of Carole, Saloni, Rosny and Eleni, and twice tried to seize the strategic location of Sfei.

In 1127 of the calendar year, when the joint operation to repel the Roman Hefei invaders, Machina was the leader of the western Hefei coalition, and she had a great time.

However, the good times did not last long. At the meeting, Machina suffered a loss from the commander of the other party, and the Western Coalition was stuck in Hefeiyuna City and could not enter. Under the leadership of , almost all the Hefei city-states in the west left the coalition.

As a result, after the failure of the Eastern Hefei coalition to expel Roman Hefei, they neatly threw all the blame on Machina, which made Machina lose face.

The lord of the western Hefei city-state, who had long been afraid of Machina's excessive expansion, launched a joint siege against Machina as an excuse. Machina, known as the "Snake Princess", was not to be outdone and responded fiercely.

After several **** civil wars, Machina finally had the upper hand, but just as she was about to win, Roman Hefei came in! The nobles of Sfei, the damned clown, surrendered without a fight, **** it!

For Machina, the damned Romance picked her own peaches like this, and the other party actually wanted unconditional peace between herself and the other side? how is this possible? You have to win!

So Machina took the coalition army A up, so Machina ushered in a tragic rout, and used her own army to forge the other's prestige.

At that time, when she saw the commander-in-chief of the army, Machina knew that this era was not for her, but that she was just a stepping stone for the protagonist in this turbulent era.

Roman Hefei's second northern expedition, like a whirlwind sweeping leaves, turned the exhausted west again, and finally the west surrendered collectively, covering Machina.

In fact, after the war, the Hefei people did not understand that Machina, who resisted the most fiercely against Roman Hefei, still retained the Iron Triangle after the war, but was deprived of the areas outside the Iron Triangle.

As a result, Machina is now the most powerful ruler on the Sfi Plain.

As for why this is the case, except for the clowns in La Crea and the Mythicam tavern who dared not talk much, the clowns in other places said with certainty that it must be the glamorous snake girl who seduced Roman Hefei with her body. 's lord.

Well... Machina was only in her thirties at that time, and with the maintenance of her appearance by the extraordinary legend, she still lived up to her title of "the first beauty in Sifei".

But no matter what the high-ranking commoners thought, Machina was deeply resentful of the Romance non-state lord who violently broke into the Sfi Plain.

From Machina's point of view, the world revolves around the Sfei Plain, and the areas outside the Sfei Plain only need to appear in the text, and she can develop in Sfei with peace of mind.

As a result, that hateful guy suddenly broke into Sifei, with completely different characteristics from Sifei, disrupting his outlook on everything about Sifei, everything!

Thinking of this, Machina clenched her teeth harder and harder, and the Reiatsu of extraordinary legendary strength unwittingly released, scaring the maids who were helping her with her hair.

A younger maid was rushed by Reiya and took a few steps back, only to grab a few strands of Machina's hair.

When the scalp hurt so slightly, Machina turned her head to look at the younger maid like an angry lion, and the maid shivered at the sight.


After a long time, Machina was angry.

Following Machina's wave~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the maids hurriedly saluted her and left the room. The maids were used to this situation. As Machina got older, her temper became more and more eccentric. Today, she just scolded people, and it was good that she didn't beat or scold.

Looking at the maid's graceful figure as she walked around, Machina's heart filled with envy. That beautiful figure, she used to be like this. When she once appeared at the banquet, all the young people's eyes were full of admiration. Flickering surprise and longing, but now, hum! Only fear and ingratitude remain.

But why am I so grumpy today? Could something bad happen? How is it possible, no, no, no, let me live the rest of the past ten years in a safe and secure way, and hope that Hefei will not have any more major incidents.

When Machina just thought about this, her spiritual power felt far away, and there was a vague spiritual pressure related to the gods. The horror of this Reiatsu... Could it be related to the God of War?

Thinking of this, Machina's brows are wrinkled. It's not unheard of before, the priest of the **** of war has not torn her face. Besides, they are nothing more than those kinds of ways to challenge things. Machina has dealt with it. experience of.

So Machina didn't move, and she waited for her to come down here to report the situation to her.

After a while, his subordinates really came, and when he pushed the door, he was extremely flustered: "Lord of the district, there is something important! There is one from outside the city gate,"

Before the reporter could finish speaking, Machina interrupted: "What is the priest of the God of War doing? What does it look like in a panic?"

"No, it's a mortal who can summon the Apostle of God [God Servant], blocking the gate of the city!"


"There are only ten years left...why..."

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