God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 137: : Saints' Journey (5) into the city

Before leaving, Mayi ruled a few important students, and then, under the guidance of Leng Yi, arrived at a city gate of the main city of Mysikham.

At first, when Mei Yi appeared in front of the city gate wearing a strong Sulassi style, although it attracted some attention, it did not cause much sensation, although Mei Yi's clothes style was completely different from here.

This is because the arrival of Roman Hefei people in recent years, with slightly different clothes from Hefei, let Hefei know that there is not only one style of clothes in the world. That is to say, the Hefei people of this era have a relatively high tolerance for strange clothes, so Mayi did not cause a sensation, only a few countrymen who came in and out glanced at it, and then continued to walk.

Seeing that she came here, it was a start that no one noticed, Mei Yi was immediately dissatisfied, so her next move caused a sensation in the entire city.

What Mei Yi did was to use her pastor's talent to release the spiritual pressure.

If this move is in Sulassi [Mei still does not call Gosugh his country], it will not be much sensational, because Sulassi people already know that the spiritual pressure of priests and the apostles of God are difficult to achieve differentiated.

The so-called spiritual pressure is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the user of spiritual power is overloaded with spiritual power.

When a powerful user rapidly activates spiritual power in order to activate a certain ability quickly, if there is no energy to be suppressed at this time, the surrounding spiritual power will be disordered, and the surrounding spiritual power that is quickly inhaled will Centered on the user's body, it swirls into the user's body like a vortex.

At this time, because the surrounding spiritual power is rapidly transformed, it will lead to disordered aura and increased pressure. For example, there was an assessment in Xingqimu Academy in the past, which was to deliberately let the extraordinary legend cast spiritual pressure to test the students.

And because everyone has different operation methods and different levels of spiritual power, the spiritual pressure actually released, in addition to the difference in power, can also judge the identity of a person. Sometimes, a mage can pretend to be someone else through magic, but There is no way to disguise other people's Reiatsu, the higher the level, the harder it is to disguise.

However, when the priest system was established, the Surasi found a depressing place. For some reason, the priest's spiritual pressure was very similar to the god's thief.

It is recorded in the classics of the Surassi that there is a place where the spiritual pressure of gods is very different from that of human beings. It is impossible for humans to issue this kind of spiritual pressure, but those priests who open the hole can send it out. .

Although in fact, if you look closely, you can still find the difference between priests and gods, but... when you find a spiritual pressure similar to gods, you can calmly distinguish whether it is a priest or a god?

It's hard to say whether Sulassie is not. Hefei, uh, it is Roman Hefei now, and there must be no one in the Hefeisfei plain area of ​​Roman Hefei.

The soldiers guarding the city gate, when they first discovered that someone was casting a spiritual pressure, suddenly felt provocative in their hearts, and then they felt joyful, and it seemed that they could make money again, although judging from the other party's spiritual pressure, He is a Fire Phosphorus-level Archmage, and he can't beat him by himself, but at least there is a reward for reporting...

Several guards guarding the city followed the spiritual pressure to observe, and quickly identified the suspect who dared to cast the spiritual pressure in front of the city gate, and found out that it was still a beautiful woman. I looked at the leader again. The leader was looking towards the sky, as if he was reminiscing about something, but this probably meant nothing, indicating that this woman was not an important person.

Then, as a result, the guards guarding the city looked at each other, and soon they all got the same answer from each other's eyes, so what are you waiting for, just do it.

Just as a few guards stepped forward to arrest this daring thief, the leader suddenly exclaimed, "Wait, this is not right!"

The leader finally remembered, where has he seen this spiritual pressure, it is clearly the statue in the temple! The leader who discovered this turned pale.

Is she... a servant of the gods?

Although a few guards didn't know why, since they were able to serve as guards in Mysikham, they also practiced the ability to observe their words. They all stopped immediately after the leader's explosion.

In this way, when holding responsibility in the future, the leaders will be held accountable, not the bottom-level bitter guards.

"Captain of the guard, what did you find?"

Hearing such a stupid question, the captain of the guard really wanted to slap these idiots to death. He didn't see that the businessmen next to him were already rushing up, do you want to talk to that woman?

This happened for too short a time, and the ruling class in Mysikham hadn't had time to respond, but May, who couldn't wait, launched a second move.

Mei Yi showed her hand up, and a spray of color magic (non-attack magic, usually used for marking, which can be imagined as fireworks) was ejected along with Mei's hand, and exploded in the sky above Mysikham. Beautiful colors enrich the morning life of the people of Mythakam.

However, the people in Mythakam don't know that Mei is using spray magic. Even if it looks like spray magic, they will hypnotize themselves. Although this magic does have some imagination with spray magic in all aspects, But in fact he is different.

Because of the cold game of opening, he walked out of the gorgeous spray magic, and kindly waved and smiled at the Hefei people underground. Of course, this is not enough, because some people have already released magic because of Mei, and plan to first Mayi is subdued, how can this work?

So Leng Yi released the spiritual pressure, the spiritual pressure that belonged to this servant of God.

If the Reiatsu released by Mei Yi, although it is similar to the gods, is only suspicious because of its weak (fire phosphorus level) strength, then Leng Yi's peak spiritual pressure of the extraordinary legend is enough to dispel them. Doubt.

With the emergence of Cold Game, those who were going to attack Mayi stopped their actions, and the hearts of a few Maithicam nobles were suddenly relieved:

Ah, let me just say, although the magic cast by that mysterious woman is very similar to spray-painting magic, how could it be? No, the apostles of God have all come out of that magic.

After doing the shocking act, the woman stood at the gate of the city arrogantly, refusing to communicate with anyone. She was not taken away until the Lord of the Mythicam Region, Snake Machina, came in person. And this morning, before the woman left, no one dared to pass by the city gate.

"You're so good at pretending," Leng Yi said to Mei Yi while lying on the seat that could be used as a bed in the back hall of the Ancestral Temple, even though there was no one around Leng Yi now, there was a smile on the corner of Leng Yi's mouth. But can't let go.

Mayi was being guided by Machina at this time, and went to the center of the main city of Mythakam with Machina, so she did not move her mouth, but used a meditation model in her mind to talk to Leng Yi.

"Lord God Envoy, I don't understand the words here, what else can I do if I don't? If I stay where they are and wait for them to come to the door, they may be killed as robbers... But fortunately you didn't lie to me, the human world. Humans cannot understand the difference between the spiritual pressure of gods."

Reiya replied solemnly: "Well, otherwise, the priests of the God of War have already hung you, a saint of the Star God, at the stake, Amen - but to be honest, how are you going to make peace with you later? Machina talk?"

Hearing Leng Yi say "Machina", Mei Yi's heart moved, and then she secretly memorized the syllable.

"Release kindness first, there is a **** behind me, I believe this task is quite simple."

Then Mayi turned her attention to reality. Mayi was sitting on a traditional Hefei vehicle, a covered carriage, and the local ruler Machina, in order to express her sympathy with her, could summon the gods. To make people respectful, I specially sat on this carriage with Mayi.

This carriage is pulled by four horses. There are two grooms in the front of the driver's seat. There is a four-wheeled carriage at the back. The carriage has a roof that blocks the sun, and the carriage is very high. Looking down at the coachman in front.

After getting on the carriage, Mei Yi didn't know where the carriage was going~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but she didn't care that the other party would not easily harm her, so she just walked and watched.

On the way of the carriage, the ruler of this city, who was sitting in the same position as him, tried to talk to himself at first, but he who could not understand what the other party was saying could only be awkward and polite nodding in response. She, after a while she stopped talking.

When Mayi smiled awkwardly, Mayi seemed to hear laughter.

But this is really strange. It's not that there are no female rulers in Sulassi, but there are very few. Let's take the age of Mayi's birth as an example. Mayi's impression seems to be that there is only Antiem there, and there is a female province. Priest, but it's been 1150 years, she should have abdicated by now.

The carriage went on for an unknown time, and another carriage came out, and an old man jumped out of it. The old man jumped out of the carriage in a hurry, and then went to Mei Yi's side, speaking Hefei's language screechingly.

There was no way, Mei Yi could only continue to smile awkwardly and politely at the old man. When Mei Yi nodded and smiled, Mei Yi was sure that she heard the laughter, it was definitely that **** servant!

After a quarrel between the two, it should be a quarrel, and when the stalemate could not stand, the two looked at themselves at the same time. Although I haven't had much contact with it, but after 30 years of seclusion in Shipari, Mayi is not ignorant of this, and she knows that she is involved in political struggles.

But **** it, I don't know what you guys are talking about!

There was no way, Mei Yi could only rely on her youthful and beautiful appearance, pretending that she was only seventeen years old now, and then tilted her head to show an innocent expression to the two, saying that she did not know how to make a decision.

Now the servant of God, who has made no secret of his spiritual contact, made a harsh mockery of Mayi's actions.

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