God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 138: : The Saints' Journey (6) The Contact between Su and He

Under May's feigned foolishness, the priest failed to get the result he wanted, and finally left angrily. With the priest's departure, Machina's face suddenly let go, a bit of doubt flashed in her eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and she once again showed a kind smile to Mei.

Looking at Machina's coaxing smile, Mei Yi couldn't help sneering in her heart, but on the surface she was still polite and smiled back at Machina.

Probably this woman judges my age based on my current appearance, but unfortunately these years of experience have allowed me to distinguish what a show is.

Although there is spiritual power in this world, it slightly changes the lifespan of human beings.

For example, in this era on earth, the average life expectancy of people is in the thirties, but because of the existence of spiritual power in this world, people can practice cultivation, so the average life expectancy has increased to fifty or sixty years old, which is more than thirty years higher than that of the earth in this era. age.

However, spiritual power cannot make people stay young forever, even if you are an extraordinary legend.

Take Machina as an example. Because of spiritual power cultivation, Machina is still in her thirties. Although she is no longer as slender as before, she is still the same as Aunt Liu on Earth.

But the appearance is not enough. The appearance of the young girl Shui Lingling has disappeared, replaced by the appearance of thirty or forty years old - after all, in this world, there is no such thing as plastic surgery.

Moreover, whether the appearance can be preserved after the age of forty or fifty depends on luck and maintenance, but unfortunately, a few years ago, Roman He, the non-state lord, broke into the Sfei Plain, causing Machina to suffer the biggest disaster since her birth. fail.

Since then, Machina's appearance has begun to age rapidly, becoming the appearance that other women at her age should have under normal circumstances.

Judging from Mei Yi's appearance, Mei Yi may not be more than twenty years old. Although Mei Yi's temperament is very unique, Machina thinks that maybe it is because the child is born intelligent?

The carriage crossed the avenue, the straight avenue, and after passing through an inner wall, entered the core area of ​​Mythakam. Mei estimated that, like Sulassie, it was the area where the top nobles lived. In this area, the carriage drove hot for a while, and at the most magnificent gate, the carriage stopped.

The biggest difference between here and the outside is not the villa. Although there are few villas outside, there are some scattered. The biggest difference is that there are some people standing at the door of all the houses inside. The words of these people, looking at their clothes, are not honorable people, but they are not like guards because they have no weapons.

When the carriage stopped, Mayi knew what this group of people were doing.

The carriage came to the center of this area and came to the door of this house. This house not only has the largest door, but also has the most strange people in front of it.

With the carriage in place, the two coachmen on the driver's platform first stopped the horse and then clapped their palms twice. The group of people moved with the applause and skillfully surrounded the left and right sides.

If it wasn't for the fact that the strength of this group of people was low, Mayi would have jumped away first, but look at the man next to him called... Machina by the Apostle of God? Is that the pronunciation? The person named Machina didn't seem to care, and Mayi thought it was better to observe it first.

I saw that after this group of people came, first three people came out, and then they formed an OTZ shape end to end, close to the carriage; then two people came out, also made an OTZ, close to the front two people; finally, one person came out. The column, still made into OTZ, is close to the two people in front, and the six people form a triangle.

Of course, this is not over yet. There are four people next to them. They climbed on top of the two kneeling people. Two were in the first row of OTZ, one was in the second row of OTZ, and the last one climbed to the highest point. OTZ, at this time their height can already be parallel to Mayi.

The difficulty of this level of operation is extremely high, and judging from their rapid proficiency, this group of people has done this more than once or twice. When I think of the door that Mayi passed through in front of me, there are many places like this. people, now Mayi understands what this group of people are doing.

Hmph, should I say that I really deserve to be a noble, no matter how long it is, they still have the same mentality. Seeing that, Mei Yi actually had a bit of comprehension in her heart.

As mentioned earlier, after the carriage stopped, the group of people came over from left and right sides. One side is here in May, and the other side is naturally to meet their dear Maithikam Region Lord, Machina.

Mei Yi glanced at Machina, although Machina was an extraordinary legend, although she was old, it was still easy to jump off this low carriage and sit on the stage, but Machina walked on people with peace of mind. The ladder went down with a graceful attitude.

Just do as the locals do, Mei Yi also followed Machina to walk like this, but her walking posture was not as graceful as Machina. Moreover, when stepping on the human ladder, although the human ladder is more stable than Mayi expected, Mayi always has a feeling that she will slide down.

Mei Yi was led by Machina, and Machina was led by a few attendants in front, and began to walk towards the depths of the palace. Along the way, there were also various gardens, and there were some luxuriously dressed people on the road. Taking a nap among the flowers, holding a wine glass in one hand, he talked about something in a language unfamiliar to Mayi.

Although Mei Yi couldn't understand what the other party was saying at all, but Mei Yi was also someone who had traveled all over the world for so long. Through the tone and actions of the other party, she could still guess some things. Those who pointed at her were mostly discussing In the morning, I took advantage of the apostle of God, the fox and the tiger.

As for those remaining? Probably a strategy.

When Mayi moved forward, people kept watching Mayi, covering her distinctive style of clothing, but Mayi ignored them all.

When the sun reached noon, Mei Yi finally arrived at a place. According to the layout and her experience of seclusion in Surasi, Mei Yi judged that this was the living room.

After arriving in the living room, Mayi sat down. The two did not speak directly, but kept looking at each other. In the end, Machina gave up first. She shouted, and several servants brought food.

It seems that the Hefeis are not used to talking during lunch, so during the meal, the table was quiet and Machina did not speak, so Mei Yi did not speak either. As for the young men who were called in by Machina. Nobles, they even dared not speak.

It was not until after the meal was finished that the servant brought some bland food, Machina began to chat with the young nobles, and Mei Yi, who could not understand each other's words, could only face it with a smile.

When the young aristocrats on the scene gradually began to talk about the topic, Mayi felt that it was time, so she walked into Machina, pointed at Machina and said, "Machina?"

[Apostle of God, don't lie to me, and also, I hope I didn't remember the syllables wrong.] When she spoke, Mei Yi's heart was full of uncertainty.

However, looking at Machina's expression, Mei Yi knew that she was not cheated, and the other party was indeed called Machina.

So, Mayi pointed to herself: "Mayi."

May made this syllable, which was repeated by Machina.

It is not a hindrance for the Hefi people to read Sulassi, at least not like Chinese, because Hefei and Sulassi belong to the Hesugosha language family, and the vocabulary may be different, but grammatically, at least resemblance. It is in conflict with Luo's language. Of course, Roman Hefei's language has been mixed by Hefei.

Then, Mei Yi released some spiritual pressure slightly, through the spiritual pressure that Hefei had never seen before, this kind of spiritual pressure that was so similar to the gods, Machina vaguely guessed something, and then began to think about it in her mind. Crazy brains inside.

Is there anything more troublesome than being able to summon an apostle of God? Yes, the one who summoned the Apostle of God, she came from a far, far, foreign land.

This shows that there is really a new kingdom on the north side of the sea (in fact, Surasi is in the northeast of Hefei, not in the north)! Perhaps the ambitious country lord would be very excited when he heard the news, but for Machina, who was planning to abdicate peacefully, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

If this news is true, Machina only hopes one thing, and that is that in her lifetime, that little country of boogers that doesn't know where to stay in the ravines, don't come to Hefei's territory.

However, this is not the time to think about these things. Now they are here, so now Machina should think first about what to do with this woman?

kill her? I have to admit that when Mei Yi started to speak, this idea kept revolving in Machina's mind. Killing the other party would be a one-off, wouldn't it?

However, when I remembered what others mentioned, in the morning, the apostle of God who was summoned by this woman named Mayi, I remembered the vast divine power that I had experienced earlier~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Machina will This idea stuck in my heart.

Next, two women of about the same age who could not communicate verbally, through some gestures, coupled with the composition of color magic, they successfully understood each other's meaning - of course not exorcism, gestures are difficult to explain exorcism, Mei Through gestures, Yi let the other party understand that he still has a group of servants waiting for him.

Then in the afternoon, under the care of Machina, an officer in the city asked Mayi to lead him to find the camp and relocate the camp to a corner near the city, while Mayi was allowed to select some students and servants to enter the city.

For the next period of time, Mayi and the others spent their time learning Hefei. Their experience is somewhat similar to that of Luer hundreds of years ago, but the difference is that Luer is forced and at an absolute disadvantage, but Mayi came prepared, with the support of gods behind her. .

After a while, more envoys heard the news, "There is a woman who can call the Apostle of God", so they went to Mythicam to ask, and even Machina's husband heard it and rushed back from Argos. .

In the end, even the lord of Roman Hefei, who was far away from the Sfei Plain, heard the news and devoted his energy to paying attention to this matter. As for Hefei, although they could not send an official mission, they also bought brought some merchants and went to Mythickam to see this group of foreign visitors.

You must know that the last group of foreign guests who broke into the Hefei world was called Roman Hefei. Could it be that a second Roman Hefei will be born this time?

Moreover, the arrival of Mayi is also a good time. This era is placed in Sulassi, which belongs to the era after the second Battle of Spari. Although large-scale battles no longer occur, there are still dark tides in the interior. surge. Mayi's sudden arrival as a representative of God undoubtedly disrupted the plans of many people.

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