God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 139: : The Journey of the Saints (7) The Messenger of Roman Hefei

One month after May and his party arrived in Mythakam, the messenger who could represent Romanhe from the non-state lord, Touma Murphy finally arrived and received May, the "god-caller".

With the speed of news dissemination in this era, the information was passed from Mythicam to the ears of the non-state owner of Romanche, and the non-state owner of Romanche was passing the order, and one month was fast enough.

It was one afternoon, just as May was about to start a day of Hefei language learning, when Touma arrived in Mythakam.

Touma has undoubtedly counted the time. Today, Machina just left Mysikham and went to La Crea to deal with some political affairs. Facing the official messenger of Romanhe who is not the lord of the country, after Machina was gone, Mythy was There is no leader in the group of dragons in Kam City.

Now that no one can hold him down in Maxim, Touma invites Mey away directly as if at his own house, and then takes Mey into the highest-level meeting room in Mysikham.

Only at this time did Messikam react, and after some shirk, did he send a bureaucrat to act as an interpreter for the two of them.

After a simple greeting, Touma asked two questions in Hefei language: First, is there any condition for Mayi to call the Apostle of God; secondly, can Mayi choose a time to call the Apostle of God; third, can Mayy be able to call the Apostle of God? No to go to the residence of the king.

Of course, because Mayi had only learned Hefei for a month, what Tuma said had to be translated by the messenger sent by Mythikam, not into Surasi, but into Mayineng Understand the Hefei language.

After the messenger of Mythakam translated it, Touma asked Mayi to repeat it again, so as not to make a mistake when Mayi was listening to the words.

Mayi briefly thought about the other party's question. If the other party knew that she could summon the Apostle of God without limit, it would be shocking, so Mayi decided to hide some facts.

Therefore, Mayi replied to Touma that she must use it once a week to summon the Apostle of God, and it depends on whether the Apostle of God has other tasks in her body. As for going to the residence of the king, she must go because she has a task. .

Hearing the other party's affirmative reply, Touma breathed a sigh of relief, at least for now, this apostle has no ill will towards the king.

But Tuma didn't just put his mind at ease. At this time, Tuma was thinking intensely in his heart. Should he have a showdown with this mysterious woman, should he do it now?

Before setting off, the respected country lord gave himself the instructions, first of all, to judge whether this woman can really summon the Apostle of God, if so, can you control the time of the summoning, and communicate with the Apostle of God, and then reach a certain level cooperation on.

The second order issued by the great lord to himself is to try to win this auspiciousness—yes, in the eyes of the lord, this woman is auspicious, and the auspicious auspiciousness born in time. To win this auspiciousness to the lord of the country. Faction, at least don't push her to the opposite side.

As for the extent to which they can win, it is up to the envoys, that is, themselves, to decide on their own according to the situation on the spot.

And his father's advice to himself is to act conservatively according to the situation and not to try to gamble his fate on an unknown woman.

At this moment, Touma's heart was fiery, because it was really not difficult to determine this woman's task of summoning the Apostle of God.

At that time, this woman summoned the Apostle of God in front of the city gate. Thousands of people saw this scene, and there were many magic items that recorded the spiritual pressure at that time. After a little check, it was clear that the vast spiritual pressure Can't hold back at all.

Then it's a matter of wooing this woman.

His father told him to act conservatively, and there was indeed his reason. The so-called more mistakes, less mistakes less mistakes, not doing good.

If you just report to the lord honestly after the investigation, then you can only get a little fixed merit. With your background, if this woman finally joins the lord camp, it will be difficult for him to contact the other party.

However, if he oversteps himself, activates the temporary decision-making power given to him by the lord, and pulls this woman into the chariot of the lord, then the woman's future achievements will be linked to him.

Although this woman once summoned the Apostle of God, and claimed that she could still summon the Apostle of God, but Tuma did not know whether this woman could definitely summon the Apostle of God in front of the king, and whether the Apostle of God she summoned was will stand on the side of the lord.

There are too many uncertainties in all of this. If he decides to hook up with her, then his small body will also be involved in the stormy waves, and he will not be able to withdraw!

At this moment, Touma didn't speak at all, lowered his head and pondered something, and beads of sweat left on his forehead. Seeing this scene, the bureaucrats in Mysikham felt that something was about to happen, and cringed to reduce the area of ​​contact between themselves and the chair.

Only Mei Yi, who seemed to be unaware of the scene at this time, picked up the warm water in front of her and took a sip as if nothing had happened.

His father, Cartier, at the age of 47, chose to fall in favor of the current lord in that crucial coup d'état, and finally helped the lord to succeed in the coup. Since then, he has reached the pinnacle of his life and is now 64 years old. , It can be said that his father's life has been enough.

That's why my father told me to strive for stability, because my father did not need to earn.

However Touma needs it! Tuma is the youngest son of Katio, and he is only 37 years old now. His mother's family is not strong, and he is just the daughter of a small tribe. If he is in position according to the class, Tuma will not be able to share much inheritance from Katio.

So Tuma must take a gamble. This time, the opportunity is very good. When the news of the god-calling messenger reached the king, the second generation who could not be overwhelmed by himself happened to be not by the king's side, and the ones who stayed by the king's side were not seniority. Worse than myself, just because my age is not suitable, I let myself grab this communication job.

Therefore, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although there are thousands of kinds in the future, I can only bet on one of them.

Thoughts circulated several times, and finally, Touma made up his mind.

"Can your Excellency leave here first, I have something important to discuss with the eunuch." After making up his mind, Touma first turned his attention to the Messikam official who was in charge of the translation. The emissary knew that this person must be under surveillance. task.

Facing Touma's sharp sword-like eyes, he suddenly shot at him. Hearing his strong Roman Hefei tones, the Maithicam official softened a bit before he spoke, and nodded immediately.

More than ten years ago, this official participated in the war against the immediate non-state owner of Roman Hefei, and then he was beaten badly. Now, when he heard Roman Hefei's tone, he trembled all over.

"Although I also really want to continue monitoring that mysterious woman, but the officials of Roman Hefei asked me to go out, so I have no choice, Ms. Sheji should understand my difficulty, right?"

When going out, the officials made excuses to comfort themselves in their hearts.

He is very clear that the opposite is not only the official envoy sent by the non-state owner of Roman He, but also the people of the Murphy family! Although the Hefi people of the Sfi Plain maintain a high degree of autonomy, who would dare to make that terrifying lord feel uncomfortable in this matter?

After the officials in Mythakam went out, Touma fell silent for a while, and even sat quietly in the seat with May. She knew that the guards brought by Touma at this time were cleaning up the monitors around the house to ensure that no one else could hear the conversation between herself and him.

Touma looked at this woman, no, or it was more appropriate to say a girl. Judging from her heartbeat, she was probably no more than twenty years old, but the aura on her face was too old, which raised her expectations. age.

Touma tried hard to recall his father's teaching of human identification, and recalled his more than ten years of experience in the officialdom, and used this to judge this eunuch.

From the moment she came in to start the conversation, until now, this **** caller is not arrogant, calm, and not pretending. Her eyes... are very beautiful, reminding Tuma of the ice rose with thorns, cold and arrogant, She has maturity that doesn't match her age, but doesn't look abrupt and doesn't look like a coquettish bitch.

As there was a knock on the door from outside the house, two long and one short, Tuma knew that all the monitors around the house had been cleaned up and could talk to this woman.

The reason why the translator was driven away is because Touma has mastered the skills of talking to this woman, she is nothing more than like a child~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Speak straight and don't use too many gorgeous words, this woman is not good to Hefei The language is not proficient to that level.

"Hope, words, lie down, house," after pondering for a while, Touma said four words, meaning that he hoped that this conversation would not spread.

The woman across from him nodded and said, "Partially."

Hearing this paragraph, Touma frowned, and immediately asked in complete Hefei language, "That part?"

Fortunately, Mayi's background in Hefei language is deeper than what Touma imagined. Mayi understood Touma's reply and replied directly: "I will save a private conversation, and I will tell Machina about... the devil's" Exorcism'."

After hesitating for a while at the end, Mayi finally said the word "exorcism" directly in Surasian, but the word devil is in Surasian [actually in Chinese, devils in this world read mo and gui] Said, it is not clear whether the other party can understand.

Although Touma could not understand exorcism, but he knew that it was related to the devil, and with the mentality of figuring out what the other party was going to do first, Touma first asked May why she came here.

[The important thing is finally here] Hearing the other party's question, Mei Yi breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. This month, although Machina asked many times, but every time she asked, Mei Yi smiled and did not answer, expressing the timing did not arrive.

As for Mei Yi's students, they didn't tell Makina any useful information. After all, she could follow Mei Yi to other places to spread the priest, at least she could trust this aspect.

In Mei Yi's opinion, compared to Machina, the regional lord who only controlled three regions, the non-state lord of Romanhe, whose influence spreads throughout the country, is undoubtedly a more suitable object of narration.

"The devil is evil, I can effectively hurt the devil, I help you, this is the task given to me by the gods."

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