God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 140: : The Saints Far Away (8) Young People's Speculation

To be honest, Touma's heart flashed a little when he heard someone claiming that he could take down those weird demons.

Although at the beginning, the rulers of Father Touma had a very pleasant cooperation with those devils, but as time went on, the asking prices of those devils became more and more dark. The actual attack power of those devils is not strong, but the strange mana in their hands is hard to guard against.

For example, normally an extraordinary legend can easily find a hidden emerald-level cultivator. But if that cultivator made a deal with the devil, as long as he didn't make any noise, it would be difficult for the extraordinary legend to find out.

Before this, Roman Hefei had no means to check and balance the devil at all, and now there are people who voluntarily come to clean up the devil, which is not bad. Of course, this does not mean that Roman Herbert will stop cooperating with the devil. After all, there are some things that are very pleasant to cooperate with the devil.

Touma's idea was to let Mayi, who claims to be able to deal with the devil, try it out. If he succeeds, the best thing is that the devil won't bargain so hard in the future. It really makes us anxious. Please come to the pastor and everyone Shoot twice.

As a result, Touma, as the official envoy of Roman He and the non-state lord, told Mei Yicheng that for the priest's request for exorcism, Touma optimistically believed that the lord would agree, and in the name of the Murphy family, expressed Kindness to this deal.

After Mei and Touma happily finished talking about the exorcism, the two sides finally entered the real drama, the real drama for Touma.

Touma took a deep breath. He knew that he was going to try to win over this mysterious god-caller next. Whether his mission could be praised or not depends on his next move.

"Apostle of God, contact, you, each other, question," although he knew from the beginning that this was a gamble, but when he really started to say it, Touma found that he was still panicking, his heartbeat was racing, fortunately he was There was no change on the surface, I hope this woman won't hear her heartbeat.

At first, Mayi thought that the other party said whether she could contact the Apostle of God, but after confirming with the other party several times, Mayi realized that the other party was asking how much she could influence the position of God.

Looking at this young man who was calm on the surface but trembling in his heart (it is completely reasonable to call Tuma a young man at the age of Mayi, who is comparable to Machina), Mayi remembered the trip to Shipari more than ten years ago. The provincial priest, that is, the provincial priest who sent him off before.

In 1127, May was driven to Hippari by the Star God, and he stayed in Hippari until 1150 for a total of 23 years, witnessing an old priest passing the throne to the current new priest.

I remember that at that time, the old priest had a relative who was a super-legendary-level mage, occupying his own strength, dissatisfied with this succession, and pointed fingers. Finally, the old priest retired early and brought the new priest to find himself before retirement.

At that time, seeing that they had taken care of him for so many years, he expressed his attitude by saying some words of blessing to the new priest.

That's how it was at the time. The old priest said some rambling words, allowing himself to understand his true meaning from these off-topic words; while the new priest, like the current Touma, was very calm on the surface, but his heart was beating wildly. .

Like more than ten years ago, Mei Yi picked up the warm water in front of her and pursed her lips to hide her expression. This move by Mei Yi made Tuma even more suspicious.

He is now taking a gamble on his political future, but the other party of the gamble has almost no interest in himself, and success depends entirely on luck.

"Your lord, what's the problem?" After a long time, Mei Yi asked a question. After such a hesitant exchange with Tuma, Mei Yi realized that there may be some problems with the current Roman Hefei. The one who summoned the Apostle of God can be used as a bargaining chip for the opponent.

And when Mei Yi was not talking, she didn't pretend to be dumb all the time, but took advantage of this opportunity to try to contact the Apostle of God [also known as Leng Yi]. Just now, the Apostle of God responded to herself in spirit, He will be kind to the faction he chooses, as long as he remembers the guidelines when choosing a faction, and don't go too far.

After gaining the support of Cold Yi, Mayi had more bargaining chips and a higher degree of negotiation freedom in the negotiation.

Touma used a very disdainful tone, as if recalling a garbage-like look, and answered Mayi's question: "Some old people, confused, XX [words that Mayy can't understand], preventing the lord from moving the capital, quarreling, Two Romans, your help, request, promise?"

It was not until this moment that the other party told himself what happened to Roman Hefei, that is, there was an endless quarrel in the country over the issue of moving the capital. However, Mei, who has lived in seclusion for 20 years in Shipari, is sure that things are not so simple, and moving the capital is just an introduction, and the real contradiction between the two sides of the quarrel must be hidden under the surface.

Sure enough, will he become a bargaining chip, a kind of auspicious representative, just like the old provincial priest of Hippari, who took himself under house arrest in Hippari by the Star God as auspicious, in order to prove the superiority of his rule.

But what is going on, May is not clear. After all, May is now far away in Mythickam, and the Hefei people in the Sfei Plain will not have the time to take care of Roman Hefei, so if you really want to do it Knowing this, you can only investigate it yourself.

Mei is also very clear that the envoy named Tuma who disclosed this matter to her is out of line now. He is trying to win over him instead of the king. The second half of a young man's life is ruined.

Mayi showed an elegant smile to Touma. At this time, Touma had regretted it. He had long ceased to be arrogant when he rushed into Mythakam, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

I shouldn't have come here, in fact, I shouldn't have explained so much to this woman, I'm too impulsive...

Without giving Touma much time to regret, Mayi had already made a decision and struggled to use two sets of high-level phrases in a row, although the latter set was somewhat wrong: "Even in Mysikham, I have heard the words of the lord of the country. Great, I believe the king is right. I think so, and so does the Apostle of God."

What Mayy said was not flattery, but after deep thought. It's not that Mey hasn't heard the rumor that Romanche is not the lord of the country. It gives Mey the feeling that it is the combination of Souriwell and Xiuge, not only exceptionally talented in politics, but also militarily like a god.

Politically, through the coup d'état 17 years ago, he became the current Roman non-state owner. It took only 3 years to integrate the entire Roman non-state. Governing the Roman non-state is fair and wise, and no one can be in the political affairs. duty to him.

In terms of military, during the two Northern Expeditions that lasted for 8 years, the achievements created by the non-state lord of Romanhe are like gods. The non-plain Hefis still shudder when they hear his name.

According to the report of May's servants, some taverns called Roman Hefei butcher instead of the nickname of the king.

Therefore, Mayi does not think that those who oppose the non-state owner of Romanche can win. Although it is not clear how the dispute started, Mayi believes that the non-state owner of Romanche will definitely win the final victory, it is only a matter of time.

Therefore, it is better for me to stand on his side, although it may cause the promotion of my pastor's career to be hindered in Hefei because of his side.

When Mayi said these words, although Tuma's waist was still straight, Tuma felt that the strength of his support was completely loosened inside. At this time, even if the grammar of the second half of Mayi's Hefei language is wrong, it is so cute in Tuma's eyes.

Bet won! As long as May supports the lord, and more importantly, represents the apostle of God behind him to support the lord, then as a middleman, he will receive the greatest praise! This move of my own is not rash~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but a decisive decision!

Looking at Tuma, who could no longer restrain her inner ecstasy, Mei Yi shook her head and chuckled. This child's face still needs to be honed, too frivolous and unsteady.

"Okay, XXXX [Tuma speaks too fast, Mei Yi can't understand] Mei Yi, you can leave with me now, I trust XXXX your mood," After speaking, Tuma stood up directly.

Seeing Tuma's impatient behavior, Mei Yi secretly sighed. It's not that she didn't understand this young man's mood. He had just won a big victory. Of course, he didn't want the fruits of this victory to be shared by others, so he wanted to hurry up. Go back to the residence of the king and consolidate the fruits of victory.

Yes, the fruit of Touma's victory is a man, a man with his own mind and independence,

"I hope to say goodbye, Machina, and bring my students and entourage." When the other party lost himself in ecstasy, Mayi poured cold water on Touma. In this passage, Mayi's hidden meaning to Touma's answer is that although she promised Touma, she did not leave everything at the mercy of Touma.

At the end, Mei Yi still sighed secretly in her heart: [This young man who is less than forty years old is still not good, a little surprise, it will be completely confused, I don’t know why]

So the negotiation between the two ends here. As far as the result is concerned, as long as the little dissonance at the end is ignored, generally everyone is happy.

Finally, after another day, May finally waited until the ruler of Mythakam, Machina. After Machina received the tip, she rushed back as soon as possible, and finally came back in a hurry.

After saying goodbye to Machina, leaving some students and servants behind, Mayi took the remaining disciples and followed Touma's troops and embarked on a journey to meet the non-king of Roman He.

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