God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 143: : The Saints' Journey (11) Are you in a hurry to wait for me?

The patrol chief of Pergamma is a vicious white-haired old man with a big scar on his face, and he is releasing the aura of not being born to the people around him.

However, he himself has always been proud of this scar: "You know what? The old man fought for the lord of the country for 30 years, and this scar is the best testimony of that era."

He felt that he was very unlucky today. When he was still sleeping with a woman in his arms, he was woken up in horror by his servants.

After getting up, he couldn't help but say, the patrol chief slapped the other with his intact hand, and slapped the **** who dared to disturb his sleep to the ground - this idiot should thank himself, he just used a little effort, no Use psychic power.

"Idiot! I didn't say, don't wake me up when I'm sleeping!" The patrol chief who was woken up got very angry. After slapping his hands, he hammered the bed a few times, making the poor wooden bed creak. 's call.

At this time, the woman next to the patrol chief didn't dare to continue pretending to be asleep, and hurriedly pretended to be awakened by the patrol chief just now, and then massaged the chief patrol's shoulders thoughtfully to persuade him to calm down.

The servant who was beaten did not dare to talk back to the patrol chief, but lowered his head and endured the curse of the other party.

Fortunately, the patrol chief finally calmed down temporarily: "Hmph, you have been with me for a while, so you dare not disturb me at will, tell me, what's the matter?"

Hearing the patrol chief's question, the servant can finally report the situation: "Report to the master, the owner of the hotel sent a report, saying that a difficult mage protected the clown, and now he needs your help."

"Damn it! The person we're looking for hasn't come yet! Why did we start a fight, bastard!" The patrol chief remembered that he was sleeping on his own bed and couldn't be hammered, so he punched in the air, Quan When venting his anger, "I know this money is not so easy to get!"

Having said that, the patrol chief stood up: "Go, call the patrol team to gather, except for the few on the list who paid, the rest will be gathered together."

"Yes!" The servant went out immediately after taking the order.

The defense of the Pergamon Acropolis is divided into two systems, one is the guards stationed here, and the other is patrols with a militia nature.

With the end of the second northern invasion, Roman Heffey increased his rule over Pergamon, and the monsters around Pergama were gradually expelled. In just a few years, the patrol team has become a place to eat.

However, it is necessary to have money to eat and eat. For those rotating personnel who have no money or are unwilling to pay, they still have to go to the patrol team honestly.

When Hefei was strong, the patrol team of the Acropolis theoretically patrolled during the day and night, a total of six patrols a day, and six patrol chiefs were alternately responsible for patrol leaders.

However, now the patrol team of Pergamon Acropolis is a person who has no patrol training at all, and also serves as six patrol chiefs, so at this time, don't expect the chief patrol to perform every patrol mission seriously.

But even though this patrol chief is a jerk, he still knows some basic principles—or dare not know, such as doing things after receiving money.

A few days ago, a mysterious strong man came to his house and gave him a sum of money to complete a task. That is to find someone to go to the hotel to clean up a clown, and then throw the clown into the prison and commit suicide on the charge of making trouble, but the incident must be made in public during the day.

After saying this, the patrol chief did not answer, and the mysterious powerhouse left the deposit and left.

Since that person has already left, there is no way to do it. Although the patrol leader still feels that this person is a little suspicious, he is afraid of the other party's methods, and under the threat of huge rewards and strength, he finally accepts the deposit.

The patrol chief's original plan was to find a gangster, and in the early morning when there was the least traffic, while the clown was leaving the hotel, he would beat the clown and go on his own.

As for the hotel owner, he took some part of the salary and gave the owner as compensation to let him not interfere when there was trouble in the hotel.

Then, when the situation became serious, he would perform the duty of the patrol chief, go to the hotel to arrest the troublemakers, and then put the poor clown in jail, and take advantage of the night to stab and get paid.

However, because of the gangster who has cooperated with him many times, because he was called out by the boss, he has not yet found a suitable candidate, so the plan is still temporarily suspended, why did it suddenly start in advance?

Although I don't know what's going on, the most important thing now is to go there first. Anyway, the person who gave him the deposit didn't stipulate how to make trouble, as long as he hit the clown.

The patrol chief got up from the bed, put on the protective gear with trembling hands, and trotted all the way to the meeting point. On the way, the patrol chief sighed at the ruthlessness of the years: "I didn't expect it to be so hard for me to wear things now, but I beat him. It's been a lifetime of fighting."

In addition to the speed of dressing, the patrol chief will soon see something that makes him more sad, and that is the patrol team. When he arrives at the meeting point, there are only a few patrol members standing sparsely above, and the wind blows Even more desolate.

Seeing this appearance, the patrol leader couldn't help but scolded: "You bunch of Hefei wastes! Even the patrols are called unevenly! No wonder they were beaten by Lao Tzu back then!"

Hearing the roar of the patrol chief, a young man retorted in dissatisfaction: "Lord patrol chief! We were still sleeping when your servant suddenly woke us up. I can ask my brother to go to the trade union and the workshop owner to ask for leave, and others will not ask for leave. a bit,"

Before the young man could finish speaking, he was punched by the patrol chief. Although the patrol chief was old, his cultivation level surpassed that of the young man. The young man was punched by the patrol chief.

"Let me say you should have so many rounds?"

"Did you know! I used to follow the current ruler of the country in the northern expedition, from Sifei to Hefeiyuna, which place I have never been to! I joined the army when I was ten years old and served in the army for more than 30 years, except for Fighting will do nothing, and the lord of the country has mercy on us and arranged a way for us to live."

At this time, the face of the patrol chief became even more vicious: the young man who was knocked down even began to tremble: "In the lord's personal battalion, there is no reason for this, if the lord asks you to shirk, Then there is only the result of hanging it!"

"Lamo, do you know? The eldest son of the lord, his uncle was hanged by the lord himself because he was late for the battle in Sifei! Now, I just told you to gather, but you all pushed four and five. six!"

Having said that, the patrol leader unreservedly released his spiritual power and smashed it to the side of the field. He was suddenly smashed into a big hole by his spiritual power: "My servant! Go get those poor ghosts for me!"

Several of the patrol chief's cronies nodded, and then acted immediately: "Yes, my master."

Although the servants went to urge people, this is only a small Acropolis, and many people who should serve in the patrol team are still living on the outskirts of the Acropolis.

Ahem, according to Romanhoff's law, residents should live in the patrol's camp when they serve on the patrol, and the local agency must raise funds to pay for the patrol's damage caused by the patrol.

However, there is no soft use. After all, this is just a legal provision. Once the field operation is in a mess, not to mention that Roman Hoffer has been fighting wars for decades, the implementation of these provisions has gradually deviated from the original intention.

In the case of Pergamon, all the people who should be serving on the patrol are now staying in their own homes, so the cost of the patrol is swallowed by the patrol chief and other bureaucrats.

Usually, the patrol team is called in the morning, and once at noon, it is regarded as six patrols a day. The patrol will be disbanded in the afternoon, and the patrol will be conducted again the day after tomorrow. At least this is roughly the case for Pergamon Acropolis. Absolutely dare not do that.

Listening to the footsteps of his servants leaving~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the complaints of those weak and incompetent waste Hefei, the patrol chief's eyes looking at the sky, his always fierce eyes, actually brought a bit of desolation .

Wang Nima, when will all the people be gathered? Otherwise, will this person go?

At this time, the hotel has fallen into a very embarrassing situation.

The areas outside and inside the hotel where there are no troubles are already full of passers-by looking at leisure. Those people at the bottom who want to work have left here, and most of the people who stay behind are people who live a good life and are eager for something extraordinary to happen. things, disrupting their boring lives - it would be better if the protagonist of things was not himself.

On the first floor, the owner of the hotel and the thugs hired by the owner have surrounded them to prevent the few people inside from running away.

The most core corners are the cold game, the clown, the mage and the raider.

It has been so long since the trouble started, and the sun has gone from showing the fish's belly white to fully rising. Leng Yi was tired of shaking the wooden cup; the mage who stepped on the attacker was tired of standing, so he replaced the left foot of the attacker with the right foot; as for the clown? Also sitting opposite Leng Yi.

The two sides maintained an embarrassing stalemate like this. At this time, Leng Yi finally fully understood the mood of the God of Light when the defense against the enemy was closed five hundred years ago.

Is it because I cheated, so the other party actually has no backhand? The innkeeper surrounded me because he wanted me to starve to death?

Just when Leng Yi was thinking about it, there was a commotion and footsteps in the crowd, and there was a vague sound of "the patrol chief is here".

Hearing this sentence, whether it was Leng Yi, the hotel owner, the mage, or the attacker, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

big brother! You are finally here! Also, why is it so slow!

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