God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 144: : The Saints' Journey (12) The rhythm is brought up by me

At this time, the patrol chief arrived late under the attention of everyone. As soon as he arrived, he roared in his thick voice to separate the people around him.

"What are you doing! Gathering crowds around the Acropolis, this is, this is..."

As the patrol chief said, he knew almost nothing except fighting, and he didn't even remember what the patrol team required to recite.

But fortunately, although he would not, this is not because there are loyal servants in the patrol team. Hearing that the master was stuck, the patrol chief's servant immediately helped the patrol chief to make up for it.

"Dare to gather a crowd to make noise and disturb the normal patrol order around the Acropolis. The leader will be thrown into prison and the local chief of the guard will handle it. Those who make troubles are serious regardless of their position."

"Yes! This is it!"

While talking, the chief patrolman walked towards the inside of the hotel, watching the idle people outside, no one blocked the chief patrolman and let him enter.

In less than a while, the chief patrol led the team into the hotel.

After the patrol chief entered the hotel, he immediately made eye contact with the hotel owner, and then turned his attention to the corner surrounded by hotel thugs.

At this time, there are 4 people in the corner, one is trampled under the feet, it is not important, skip it; the other looks like a clown, so it is the poor victim of this transaction; the guy who stepped on the attacker seems to be a challenger As for the fourth... Sitting in the corner and shaking the wooden cup all the time? That fearless look in his eyes was really annoying.

"The three of you are the troublemakers? According to the order issued by the king, if you disturb the order around the Acropolis, you will be thrown into prison. The three of you will come with me!"

Although the patrol chief is ignorant, his servant just said the rules a few minutes ago, and the patrol chief still remembers it clearly. As for what the regulations say, only those with serious circumstances will be thrown into prison... Whether the circumstances are serious or not, isn't it still up to the patrol chief to judge? The patrol chief said that you were naive to dwell on this issue.

"You just throw people into prison without even asking clearly about the matter! When did a small patrol chief in Pergamon Acropolis actually have such great power? This is still at the feet of the lord!" The mage facing the attackers asked the patrol chief in the most elegant Romance language.

When the patrol leader heard that the other party was speaking Roman Hefei, which was still such a standard and elegant Roman Hefei, his head exploded with a buzz. He could speak Roman Hefei at this level. This guy's background is definitely not small.

Damn, because I was woken up, my temper was too big, and now I am rushing in front of me, and I can't even find temporary workers. The patrol chief's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he aimed his eyes at the patrol behind him.

Think about it for yourself, the servant you arranged to be responsible for this matter is... The patrol chief quickly locked the servant who he arranged to be responsible for this matter, staring at him fiercely, while the servant looked at the patrol innocently long.

"That clown is really just a Hefei..." The servant actually complained directly.

Just say it behind your back! Damn it, what are you talking about in public? With such a stupid subordinate on the stall, the patrol chief's face turned black, but now it's not like a private house, so it's really hard to teach him a lesson.

Hearing the chattering crowd around, the patrol chief roared at the back: "As the patrol chief, let me know the identity of the local resident population, which **** has an opinion on Lao Tzu!"

Being yelled at by the patrol leader, the whole crowd suddenly quieted down, and some people left angrily, but more people were attracted by this interesting conflict.

The patrol chief didn't care about these **** thoughts. After roaring, the patrol chief turned his attention to the mage. At this time, the patrol chief tried his best to put some kindness on his fierce face: "Boy, which tribe? Born? Uncle, let me bail you to leave first."

"I just want justice! This attacker must give the clown justice." Before the patrol chief could finish speaking, the mage interrupted him directly.


The mysterious man who had been shaking the wooden cup in the corner suddenly laughed out loud: "Brother, you are very good. If I hadn't been here all night, I would have regarded you as a noble person."

Hearing this mysterious man's revelation, a trace of unease flashed on the mage's face: "What are you talking about! I'm just,"

"I am filled with righteous indignation, it is difficult for me, I understand, I understand," the mysterious man in the corner shook the wooden cup even more, and even tilted the chair, using only the back two legs to support the chair.

Leng Yi is very unhappy now, how do these Hefei guys do things, and they are still late for conspiracy, so now Leng Yi is going to come out, speed up the plot, and tell them that speed is life.

"What's the matter with you!" By this time, the patrol chief finally understood two things.

First, judging from the current conflict and the accent of the mysterious man, the mage and the mysterious man are not in the same group, because the mysterious man's accent has a strong Hefei tone; second, no wonder he is unhappy, it turns out Because of the clothes, it was already morning, and that guy was still wearing a black linen.

"Keep yelling so loud, be careful that your voice will be hoarse in the future," Leng Yi was not affected by the patrol chief's bad mood at all, and took the rhythm to his side, "Hey, you, if you don't get caught in the prison, you're going to put the clown and the others down. What to do? Be direct."

Based on my experience in Mythakam and the communication with the scumbag named Touma, I gave Leng Yi the impression that this group of thieves were scoundrels. To the point.

"Ah? Me?" The mage was shocked by Leng Yi's rapid brain circuit, and almost couldn't keep up.

"I'm the patrol." Seeing that Leng Yi was going to walk on his own, the patrol chief angrily took a few steps forward. When he was about to reprimand the two, Leng Yi used a silence technique to make him shut up.

Leng Yi's raising his hand is the "silence technique". The speed is so fast that the patrol leader can't use his spiritual power to defend, and his own spiritual power can't stop the silence technique.

When Leng Yi cast silence on the patrol chief, several patrol members around also moved and wanted to attack Leng Yi. After all, this sudden attack showed hostility.

However, the patrol member's actions were stopped by the patrol chief, who used the silence technique so quickly, and he was silenced by the silence technique so quickly. From this, it can be judged that the strength of this mysterious person is very strong, even the mysterious person who gave him the task that day, I am afraid it is probably the same strength.

"Quiet, then hurry up and talk about what you think is a fair way to deal with it," Leng Yi sat down in his chair and looked at His Excellency the Mage, whose expression was already unnatural.

"Uh, I don't know..." The Mage is a little confused, Leng Yi's way of speaking is too fast, which is not in line with the way Hefei people like to go around with words [Roman Hefei is also a good student taught by Hefei ], now Leng Yi's actions have undoubtedly disrupted the steps of the mage.

"You don't know? Then I'll help you," Leng Yi's mouth curled into a smile when he said this, a smile that made people feel like something was wrong.

Others may not have noticed, but Leng Yi, whose eyes are like torches, clearly saw that the mage was in a panic, and briefly looked at a certain direction in the crowd.

I wipe? And Toto? It's really a lot.

Leng Yi looked at the crowd outside through the wide open door, but unfortunately nothing came out, only one head after another.

But it doesn't matter, Leng Yi is the God of Slashing the World!

Hawkeye, start.

When Leng Yi opened his eyes again, he found that in addition to a pile of white fish, there was a golden figure in the crowd, and that figure was a figure hidden in the crowd.

Well, it's you, the pulling technique in front of the mage is very handsome, it seems that I also play.

"Since you don't know a fair solution, then I will choose a lucky audience from the crowd." After that, without giving the crowd time to ponder, Leng Yi directly pulled the golden target out, "It's you!"

As the cold game's voice fell, the object of the golden target was pulled by the pulling technique. Because there are people around, so it can't be dragged directly from the ground. The object of introduction is first dragged into the sky and then smashed into the hotel.

When they smashed into the hotel, in addition to the cracking sound of the wooden walls, there was also the heartbroken voice of the hotel owner: It's a loss~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time it's really a loss.

"This gentleman, you can tell me what you think," Leng Yi said with a smile to the guy who was hiding in the crowd and was ready to be a caretaker at any time.

When he saw this golden target, the mage was surprised: "Senior Wolfna! Aren't you the personal guard of the honorable Lord Lamoda? Why are you here..."

In the middle of the sentence, the mage shut his mouth wisely - maybe stupid, at least not stupid.

Seeing that things had turned into this, Wolf took his stand up and turned his head around in embarrassment: "Your Excellency, what did you say I'm completely..."

"To be honest, child," Leng Yi looked at the other party friendly, "don't chirp."

As Leng Yi said magical words, the other party poured out the words like a bean: "Uh... a visitor from a foreign country has come to Pergamon, so the honorable Lamoda went to receive him, we can go now Invite Your Honorable Lamoda to judge this matter."

When talking, even the crowd around can hear the anger hidden in Wolf's language, but this is no soft use. With the traction technique in front, anyone with a discerning eye can see the strength of the mysterious man.

"Pfft hahaha," Leng Yi laughed happily, then started to walk out, patted Wolfna on the shoulder as he passed by Wolfna's side, "The plan is not bad, I mean the end of the later stage of the plan. The stage will be very good, but unfortunately it is too rough, so I will help you speed up."

After all, Leng Yi walked to the door of the hotel. After seeing the strength of Leng Yi, the hotel thugs didn't dare to stop Leng Yi at all, and the people watching leisure around him were also separated by Leng Yi.

Leng Yi walked away so lightly, leaving behind a group of stunned people.

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