God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 156: : Human and God Questions and Answers (1) The existence of absolute rationality and po

"To sum up, the question you want to ask is, no matter how the times change, how the location changes, war is the eternal subject of this world, why is this, right?"

In the pure white room, the mysterious Apostle of God and Mayi sat facing each other across the round table. A detailed world map was erected on the smooth and flawless round table.

Mei Yi looked at the Apostle of God opposite her, and recalled every bit of her past contact with him. This is not an easy task. The last time I talked to this guy was more than a hundred years ago.

I received an order from the gods and used the gate of **** as a means of transmission to allow myself to establish a priest system in the civilized countries known to the whole world to prevent the evil from being too badly invaded. At that time, I met this apostle of God, He is the object of his partner.

However, I was only partnering with him in the early days, and after I could skillfully pull up the tiger's skin, I reduced the chance to contact him.

This person, no, this apostle of the gods is very strange. Maybe I talked to him earlier. When I was cultivated by the Star God, one of the gods who communicated with me through the gaps was probably him.

Does this apostle of God not know? His speaking style is different, different from the rest of the world, a style he has never seen before.

For example, the people I’ve seen before, whether it’s a star **** hanging high in the heavens, a king who rules over the gods, or a peasant who works under the dust, they’re all in the game, and only the apostle of the gods. Different, he seemed to transcend it all, caring, but not that kind of caring.

"Cough cough."

With a cough from the other side, Mayi's thoughts were pulled back from the sky back to this silver-white world: "Yes, why did the war break out? I know the direct outbreak factor of a war, the real outbreak factor, but, all the War, what is the commonality behind them?"

"Benefits, wars break out for interests, wars are a continuation of politics. When there is no way to get things politically, they will be obtained through wars. Interests are the commonality of all wars - of course, idiots always exist, never Underestimating the lower bound for idiots, but we can get rid of idiots first in this discussion."

"Can't human beings avoid war? If everyone unites and cooperates, then it must be able to create more benefits, right? After all, in the war, many original benefits are offset by internal friction, so if it is for more benefits If so, cooperation will bring the most benefits, right?"

Hearing Mayi's question, the Apostle of God on the opposite side crossed his hands on his forehead, showing an unfathomable smile under his face, which was not covered by the cloak.

[Oh my god... wait, I'm a god, right? No matter how many he is, what should I do if I fail quickly? Did this woman live so long that she wanted to be a philosopher? 】

[I originally thought she wanted to ask how the people from Suriville got to Ewen Knudo, so I arranged a full response, but the other party didn't follow the script at all... Forget it, let's laugh and delay the time, Then think about what to do? What should I do... If there is, change the topic first, and follow the source. 】

"As long as it is a creature, it has one characteristic, that is to seek benefits and avoid harm. After all, a creature that likes to seek death cannot be passed on, even a god."

"In the early days of biology, in order to make the ethnic group pass on better, it is necessary to select the most powerful one and give him certain privileges. At the cost of obtaining this privilege, let him stand out and better contribute to the continuation of the ethnic group. Serve."

[I'm going, I almost broke the word in front of me, what's going on? Go on a ghost, do you need to pause to write a manuscript? Otherwise, many words will not be connected together. First, speak every word in a sincere manner, in order to delay time. 】

"And now, it's interests. You can't let those people give up their interests, even though his descendants are no longer worthy of his former status..."

[I’m going, I’d better stop the time to write the manuscript first, Nima should first talk about the expansion of the ethnic group and then pick up this sentence… Pause time… Swipe what I want to say]

"When the ethnic group is small, your interests are the interests of the ethnic group. The ethnic group has become a country. Some people will consider the interests of their own ethnic group first and then the interests of the country. At this time, for the interests of their own family, they may even Selling out the interests of the country, "Similarly, you can't ask people to give up their original interests. "

"Although what you said is a bit inconsistent, I still understand."

"People are selfish, and selfishness will hinder the birth of the best interests; I think, if there is a mighty force that can monitor everyone, wouldn't it be possible to maximize the benefits? And this mighty force is ready-made, that is, your gods, If the gods ensure that the human race has no selfishness, then the interests can be maximized and become the best state for society?"

"But what if the gods are also selfish? You should have seen that the gods in this world are more than just one Surasi Star God."

"Yeah, the gods are not as flawless as they advertise, so I'm sitting here, full of doubts to ask you, what should be the controller that maximizes the social benefits?"

"Maybe an absolutely rational, absolutely powerful manager can do it."

[God bless, Buddha bless, in short, all the gods I know bless, this woman don't ask me, can an absolutely rational manager promote cultural development and so on. 】

Fortunately, Mei Yi has not seen those dystopian works, and has not realized this problem yet, otherwise Mei Yi's problem will be even more painful.

"As expected of an apostle of God, what you said seems to make sense. I think this may be the only way of salvation for civilization. An absolutely rational and powerful manager will not let civilization fall into fearless war and internal friction."

【Are you actually turning to totalitarianism? But it's normal. People in May's age are not like people in the Age of Enlightenment, saying things like freedom or death. In ancient times when stomach problems were difficult to guarantee, was it difficult to choose between freedom and life? It's not begging for you to kill your parents. 】

"So does this absolutely rational, absolutely powerful existence exist? Or, what method can be used to find it?"

【I wipe! I can't stand this woman! I hate these topics, can you change to a normal topic? Don't delve into these philosophies, okay, okay, I'm going to change the subject, no matter how blunt the turning point is, I'll change it, otherwise I'll be driven crazy by his philosophical questions. 】

The Apostle of God did not answer Mayi's question, but snapped his fingers. As he remembered the snapping, the world map in front of Mayi was stained with color.

"This is..." Looking at the stained place, Mayi had some guesses, "The sphere of influence of a civilized country? Global?"

"During the 600th year of the calendar," the Apostle of God replied with a nod.

At this time, a flash of enlightenment flashed in Mayi's heart, and this map was the reply given to him by the Apostle of God.

It turns out that the absolutely rational and absolutely powerful existence has always been in this world, but because of the darkness under the lights, he made himself ignore him.

Isn't it weird to think about it? The Bourbons like sailing, the Ainu people worship ice and snow, the Ewenkenudo people respect the swamp, the Hefei people believe in the power of blood, and the living habits of different peoples are so different.

However, from Evanque Nudo to Bourbon, from Surasi to Hefei, these more than a dozen countries all use the Gregorian calendar as a common calendar, and they all use respectful syllables.

If the calendar is still a calendar given by God, then the respectful syllables have nothing to do with the gods at all. They travel to places rarely seen in the civilized countries of Middle-earth, but the Gomana people there still use Ge as the respectful syllables.

The civilized habit of respecting syllables has affected all the famous clans that Mei Yi has seen, and unlike natural phenomena, only humans have this habit of respecting syllables, and monsters do not have this habit.

Therefore, the existence that causes the phenomenon of respecting syllables is what the apostle of God said, the existence that is absolutely rational and powerful, that is, the existence of human beings that can never have wars. As long as they are allowed to rule and supervise human beings, human beings will not have wars. This extremely destructive internal friction, not only the society can progress, but the people no longer have to suffer from war!

Thinking of this, Mei Yi's heart suddenly beat fiercely. The last time she beat so fiercely was after she discovered that she couldn't revive her daughter.

However, the Apostle of God still did not answer directly.

"Turn the pages, from right to left," the Apostle of God pointed to the map. As the finger of the Apostle of God swayed, the map automatically approached Mayi, and when she got close, she could touch the map without moving. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can you turn it over? "

After the Apostle of God nodded, Mayi stretched out her hand and held a corner of the map—since the Apostle of God used a riddle last time to tell herself where the absolutely rational existence was, this time it should also be a riddle. Tell yourself.

Although at first glance, the map was made of old parchment paper, the texture to the touch was smoother than Maye had ever seen.

Grabbing a corner of the map, Mayi turned the map from right to left, only to see that in the new map, those colors are more widely distributed, and some places are already in contact, such as the Bourbon side.

"It's a 900-year-old world map, and you keep flipping it."

Mei Yi turned another page. It was probably the map from 1200. Because of the current world map, although the shape of the continent is unknown, Mei Yi remembered the sphere of influence of those civilized countries very clearly. For example, his hometown of Surasi, such as Evan Knudo, who has just been there.

When Mei Yi habitually put her hand on the map, her heart stopped for a moment: wait, according to the previous practice, a page is three hundred years, if I turn it further, it is not looking at the mainland History is gone, but I'm watching the future... It's always I'm not a normal human being, but can I watch the future?

Mei Yi raised her head and looked at the other party with a rare surprise in her eyes.

Looking at the stunned Mei, the Apostle of God showed a hearty smile.

"Continue flipping."

Mei seemed to return to the mood when she first learned magic more than 200 years ago. With a trembling hand, Mei Yi slowly pulled the corner of the map, and she was going to turn the map to a new page again, to peep into the future three hundred years later. ...

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