God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 157: : Human and God Questions and Answers (2) Standing on the Clouds and Looking Down on t

Even though May has lived in this world for hundreds of years, this is the first time that May has looked down at the world so comprehensively, on this small map. -79 novel network-

The owner of the map had promised, and there was no obstruction, but Mei Yi's hand was softening, holding the joints of the map, because the fingers were pinched, the corners of the pounding heart, It was like wearing a sharp horn, and every beat was ripping apart Mayi's mind, as if she had been hit by a stun spell, her whole body fell into a 'dizzy' state.

Surasi is gone anyway, how bad can it be? Why am I still so nervous? take it easy

"I... I didn't look at the maps in front of me carefully, but I can go back and look at it again."

Before this sentence was finished, Mei Yi regretted it. Is this the result of relaxing? The other party won't simply refuse, right? Mayi fell into an inexplicable panic. This is the panic that her 'daughter' will never have again after the death of her 'daughter'.

When did this panic first occur? Ah, I remembered that when I was learning magic hundreds of years ago, my tutor repeated magic with myself, and when I was about to enter the next teaching stage, I suddenly told my tutor that I didn't see the previous content clearly. , ask the instructor to do it again.

Now that's how it feels to be back, right?

This map has no way to show the situation of the continent at a specific time. It can only be seen on each page for 300 years, but it is understandable that there are no perfect items.

When May turned to the first page of the map, the whole map was almost dark, only the place where her hometown was, Sulassie, lit up with a red light, and the old font marked Sulassie's subtitle.

Seeing the scene of this map, Mei Yi 'Lu' showed a sweet smile that represented memories, but this smile immediately changed into a bitter dry smile.

Even Sulassi, who first ignited the flame of civilization, disappeared after a thousand years, and he could only find his memories of Sulassi in the library.

Mayi turned to the next page, this time Mayi turned the map more neatly than before.

The map of the 300th year of the Dali calendar is very different from the first one. There are more points representing the fire of civilization, and the side of Sulassi has become a piece of civilization, not the pitiful point before.

However, although there were more countries, the little firelight was so insignificant compared to the dark areas of the mainland, which made Mei Yi worry about whether the firelight would be swallowed up.

"Continue," the Apostle of God, who was sitting opposite Mayi, raised her index and middle fingers, and gestured to Mayi to continue turning the page.

On the next page, the world map of the 600th year of the Dali. At first glance, this map is no different from the previous one, but the range occupied by each civilization is even larger.

But after Mei Yi's careful observation, she still saw a huge change. On the continent in the southern part of Middle-earth, the country in the northwest corner - looking at the shape, Mei Yi still remembers that the syllable of respect seems to be Rui, this country has already Split in two, a new regime was born in the north.

Next page, 900 years of the calendar. Just like the previous two pages, when she just turned to a new page number, Mei Yi subconsciously glanced at the first 'shooting' that had the closest relationship with Sulassie.

Different from the previous two pages, Sulassi in the first two pages is expanding healthily and smoothly, and here, the northern part of Sulassi begins to fall, and Susi is on the rise.

Seeing that Sulassi had a piece of land missing, Mei Yi felt some depression in her heart.

"After reading this... 4 pages of map, what do you think?"

"What do you think?" Mei Yi pondered for a while, and then gave her own answer, "The greatness of civilization, the hardships and perseverance of our ancestors to create the foundation and the blue thread of the road, especially when I see the map, the ancestors - whether it is me The ancestors of Surasi, or the ancestors of Hefei, they fought against the darkness of the entire earth with the fire of civilization, and at that time I actually felt a magnificent beauty."

Thank goodness, I finally got the topic off the ground, and this 'woman' finally stopped bothering about the philosophical question of an absolutely sensible, absolutely powerful existence... But what am I going to do next? Uh, just fool around with something

"But do you know how I feel?"

"Watching humans work hard and appreciate...? Sorry, I don't know, please advise."

"Look at this map... In 900, there were still a few players missing. Please turn the map over again, yes, okay."

At the request of the Apostle of God, Mayi turned the map to the world map in 1200. At this time, Mayi was already very familiar with the world map, because Mayi had been to every country above.

Now, however, the map should have changed again, even though only forty short years have passed.

In the past 40 years, Evan Knudo, who he had been to before, gave birth to another country in the west of him. As for other places, Mayi still does not know for the time being. After all, Mayi is not like this apostle of God. Can see the whole world so wide.

"It's too boring."

Although Mayi had anticipated various answers from the gods, the answer of being boring still shocked Mayi.

"How do you use... this adjective?"

"This is the one you are most familiar with. Tell me how the two of them formed."

The Apostle of God pointed to the middle of the northern part of Middle-earth, the place that Maye was most reluctant to mention, the place where Sulassi once stayed, but unfortunately it has now been divided up by Su Xi and Goshoug.

"The savage Susi barbarians invaded the north and fought against us Sulassi for hundreds of years, and while we Sulassi suffered a few new defeats, the vile Gosul took the opportunity to rebel' in the south ', established their own country, and finally carved up our Sulashi territory with Suhi."

Although it is basically correct, but in some details, the facts are distorted. It seems that Miss May has a deep resentment against Ge Xiuge.

"What about the one next to it? Roman Heffer and Hemoda, you should be familiar with this too? The first place you arrived."

"The Hefei people imparted 'selfishness' to the Roman Hefei culture. As a result, the Roman Hefei not only had no gratitude, but avenged their revenge, and overturned the Hefei dynasty while taking advantage of the 'chaos' within the Hefei. , and in the end, he himself suffered the revenge of the devil, which led to the split of Hermoda."

I get it, it seems that because of her Surasi origin, Mayi is full of discrimination against these countries. Discrimination from top to bottom, I didn't see it before, or she didn't show it before. Come out, is this what those international students often say, the more you stay abroad, the more patriotic you are?

"What about the one in the southeast corner? You should also have an impression, a group of religious lunatics in the north."

"It's not necessarily how crazy. Bam is crazy from the lower class, and the upper class is still very calm. Otherwise, it is impossible to make a compromise like the "Nippur Pardon", on the condition that Nippur's freedom of belief is allowed, and Nippur obeys the five places. yourself, and solve the worries of the war with Bafelk in the south."

"Haha, it's been so many years, and you still remember it so clearly, what about the country on the right of Surasi, the one called Shaluo?"

"The same way Surasi treated Gosur..."

"Don't go into too much detail," the Apostle of God pressed down with the palm of his hand, stopping Mayi's curse on those barbarian countries, "for example, those countries that were not born by themselves, and the reasons for their formation."

"In addition to Bam, Ruiying Maiqiu, and several countries that respect the syllables are infighting and divided, there is another one that is merciful - Edonan, the apostle of God I bet you, Edonan will betray and betray sooner or later, This is the natural 'nature' of all barbarians—the birth of a new country is because the shameless barbarians have betrayed their old masters and invaded their benefactors," Mayy concluded, summarizing the countries that were once barbarians.

"Okay, this is what I call boring, see? So many countries were born for the same reason, that is to change a template? Well, you can say that the specific process is very different, such as Ge Sur is taking advantage of the dangers of others, and Mysika is to accumulate strength before invading, but for me, a **** whose time span is three hundred years as the standard, is there any difference? They are all newly established countries."

"So, what you see is the blue thread of ancestors from all over the world, but what I see is a boring routine. One ancient country after another is repeating what other countries have already experienced. It's boring!"

The apostle of God took up, and when he spoke, he kept walking left and right. Although Mei Yi couldn't see the appearance of the other party, she could feel that the Apostle of God was very emotional.

"I don't think those people will like it, an era that you find interesting," after pondering for a long time, Mei Yi could only give such an ambiguous answer.

"So what? I turn a page based on three hundred years. The plot I want to watch is based on a hundred years. Even if the other party is unwilling, what can they do when facing me with a hundred years as a time unit? "

The Apostle of God clearly saw that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mei Yi's eyes flashed with a trace of panic, only to see Mei Yi put her hand on her forehead and was silent for a long time before speaking to the Apostle of God again.

"I have been in contact with Star Gods before, and in my opinion, there is not much difference between Gods and humans. Human beings have 'desires', and gods have the same desires, but they are a little more magnificent. Therefore, I think that Star Gods are only very powerful. mortal."

"However, it was not until I saw you that I felt for the first time that the gap between gods and humans is not a gap in strength, but a gap in thinking. You don't seem to be a creature of the same kind as us."

Having said this, Mayi stood up, bowed to the Apostle of God who walked beside her, and gave a big salute: "Thank you, I understand your answer about that absolutely sensible and powerful existence."

What? you understood? But how come I still don't understand?

"What do you understand?" The Apostle of God raised his face to look at Mayi for the first time, but even so, Mayi still could only see a blurred face, and that seemed to be in the Smiling facial features.

Sure enough, he is an unfathomable person... Sure enough, is he the closest thing to the powerful existence of absolute rationality?

"There is a powerful existence with absolute rationality, but he may not have the same way of thinking as ours, so he may not respond to our request... In this case, can you let me know more about that existence? "

The Apostle of God held Mayi's hand, pinched his hand and grabbed a page of the map.

The hand of the apostle of God, the first impression on Mayi was that it was cold, not like the hand of a living person.

"Now, let's continue to scroll down the map of 1200 years. However, the time span of the map after 1200 does not need to be as many as three hundred years again. We can set a small goal first, such as 150 years per page."

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