God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 158: : Human and God Questions and Answers (3) I will paint the picturesque landscape

(Girls' Literature) The silver-white room, the only thing that doesn't match the silver-white color here is herself, the Apostle of God and the color of this map. Mayi feels that she is a small island in the silver-white ocean. Although the room was very empty, it still gave Mei Yi a feeling of depression because of the silvery white ocean.

Of course, this feeling of unease may also come from Mayi's current actions. Mayi has nothing more to do now, and Mayi is now looking into the future!

Turn over, turn over! turn…

If Mei Yi came to turn it over, facing such an important decision, Mei Yi would definitely turn it extremely slowly, because what was about to unfold in front of her eyes was the future in three hundred, oh, one hundred and fifty years.

It's a pity that it was the Apostle of God who was holding Mayi's hand. The Apostle of God had probably seen this map a long time ago, so in the face of the future that was about to unfold, he didn't have any excitement. He held Mayi's hand so smoothly , the speed of page turning can only be described as uniform and inattentive.

Turning to the next page, the world map of the 1350 calendar year, the distribution of world civilization is displayed in front of Mei Yi. With an unprecedented mood, Mei Yi meticulously swept the changes in every country she knew on the map. .

After a while, the excitement turned into consternation, and then doubt, because Mayi found that the map had not changed in any way.

If it was before Mey arrived at Evan Knudeau, Mey could still deceive herself and say that something major happened in the past 150 years that caused the civilization to not develop.

But please, I just came back from Evan Knudo, and I know that a country called Sabei has become independent to the west of Evan Knudo. How could this map have not changed? Has Sabé been annexed again?

And this **** has just reminded that the gods watch the world in units of three hundred years—although now it has been replaced by one hundred and fifty years. In other words, when a country is born, it must appear on the map at least once. It is meaningless, and a country without meaning will not succeed independently.

What's more, there is no map that will remain unchanged for 150 years. It means that all countries will not expand and develop outwards for 150 years. How is this possible?

So May came to the conclusion that the map purported to be in 1350 was in fact exactly the same as in 1200, and had not changed at all.

"Respected Apostle of God, can I ask you to bow your knees and explain why this map is exactly the same as the previous one? Is it because that's it, or because even you can't see into the future?"

After discovering that she couldn't watch the future, Mei Yi, although disappointed, unknowingly breathed a sigh of relief, and even sat back in her original seat.

The Apostle of God patted Mayi on the shoulder and started to walk back to the original seat: "I can reach the future through deep sleep, but I can't predict the future directly, because the moment the prediction is predicted again, it is no longer accurate."

"I'll just say it," Mei Yi looked relieved, but the "but" in the next sentence of the Apostle of God raised Mei Yi's heart again.

"However, as God's me... the apostle of God, although I cannot predict the future, I can imagine a satisfying and interesting future, and then create the future."

Hearing these extremely arrogant words, Mei Yi frowned. Although her brain immediately denied the possibility, her subconscious had a hunch that Dante could really do it: "If you don't interfere with the lower realm. , I don't think you can do it."


The Apostle of God knocked on the silver-white round table, and an item popped up in front of May's desk. Before seeing that the popped-up item was a pen, May, who thought that the other party was going to attack her, almost burst into flames.

"You, take this pen and draw a map of the world in the year 1350 of the calendar that matches your imagination."

"Such an important matter? Can you leave it to me?" When she heard the proposal of the Apostle of God, Mei Yi's face showed a stunned expression again.

[Star God is above, I feel that this thing is more than just a map; in addition, it has not been long since I came to this room, and the number of times I have made a stunned expression has exceeded the sum of the past 100 years. 】

"It's just for fun, you can go and draw, but you must remember two points, one is that the changes between countries must be interesting enough, and the other is to conform to the historical logic... Hey, hey, I just said that it must conform to the historical logic, you just Do something for me? Stop me!"

The Apostle of God tapped the round table again, and a black object appeared in front of the Apostle of God's table. The whole body was black, like a clay tablet, and there were small grids separated one after another.

I saw that the little finger of the Apostle of God pressed a small grid on the lower left of the black clay tablet, and the **** lightly tapped, and the things that Mayi drew on the map disappeared instantly.

Seeing that the other party blocked her actions, Mei Yi gave a rare sullen smile and put down her pen - before she ignored the three seven and twenty one strokes of the pen, all the territories of Ge Xiuge and Su Xi were merged into the new Su Laxi's. In the territory, the result was canceled by Cold Yi pressing the withdraw button several times.

The Apostle of God was on the table, he resumed his posture with his hands crossed and supported his chin, and stared at May: "You know what? In fact, every time I turn a page and look at the history of the growth of those countries, I have a great sense of accomplishment, if those The country has perished, and feeling the long existence, tsk tsk... exhilarating."

"Then why don't you destroy all the countries at once, wouldn't it be more comfortable?" After putting down the pen, Mayi became calmer - of course, it may have something to do with the scar that the apostle of God stabbed in her heart, but fortunately not The deepest one.

"Do you know how to build a keel? Don't just cut down a batch of trees and leave them in the sun. If you find that the boat is unqualified after five years, you will have to wait another five years to build a keel."

"Small water?" Mei Yi concluded.

"Yes, that's the truth. For this day, the existence behind me... waited for 1,200 years. It took 1,200 years to raise the first tribute. You can't go in for a few days and spit it out, right?"

"I don't know why, today I think of Sulassi more and more, especially when I see these maps, I miss it inexplicably... Lord Apostle of God, can Sulassi restore the country? Destroy those two traitorous kingdoms?"

"Ge Xiuge established the peace of Solit, and there are two heroic spirits, Xiu Ge and Suriville. The three add up to save face, and enjoy the country for at least 150 years, otherwise a country is born and then perishes so quickly. , with the existence behind me, what can I eat?"

Hearing the hundred and fifty years, a smile appeared on Mayi's mouth, but the Apostle of God didn't care.

As the Apostle of God waved his hand, the pen on the round table flew back to Mayi's hand: "Mayi, I'll give you another chance. It's interesting and logical. In addition, I want two tributes."

Just when Mayi was in high spirits and was about to start drawing the map of the world in 1350, the Apostle of God remembered another exhortation: "Ah, by the way, and the one in the upper right corner... Forget it myself."

After that, the Apostle of God tapped the table again, and started to click on the map using a black object that appeared on the table.

Mei Yi looked up and saw that under the control of the Apostle of God, the island of Maosu had undergone major changes. Finno's territory expanded to the east, and Aifonqi lost all the territory of Maodu Island, leaving only the middle part of the land on the continent.

"Got it, take care of the rest - remember, two tributes."

When Mayi touched the brush on the map, the voice of the Apostle of God interrupted Mayi's action for the third time: "Wait, I forgot one thing."

"Respected Apostle of God, you and I are not the same individual. I can't fully achieve the results you want, so if you are really worried about my actions, you can do it yourself." He was interrupted again and again. Explaining things made Mei Yi feel impatient.

"The last thing, really the last thing, don't move the civilization that has contact with Bourbon, the reason I can tell you, some of your old acquaintances will go there for a fun game, so the final result will be It will be difficult to predict, and the map will not be drawn by you.”

[Very good, finally let her take her attention away from discussing philosophical issues, I have to say that I am really smart]

"Well, I understand a little bit. Then their last game was Evan Knudo? I have seen Evan Knudo's tragic situation, interesting game? Bourbon is going to be unlucky."

However, May's support for Bourbon was limited to verbal emotion. After keeping in mind a few places that the Apostle of God asked her to pay attention to, May began to paint on the map.

"The Suhi people have established their country for more than 400 years and have a deep foundation, but Ge Xiuge has only created it for decades... If Su Xi returns to the country in the future, the obstacles caused by Su Xi will definitely be greater than that of Ge Xiuge, so I want to …”

With a big stroke of her pen, Mayi let Goshog go north, and the area of ​​Mia Sena, which originally belonged to Suhi, was occupied by Goshog.

"Very well, according to the past history of Sulassi and Susi, these two countries will definitely have endless internal frictions because of this area, which will give Sulassi a chance to restore the country - as for how Goshoug took it. To Miasena? That's none of my business."

"As for the two tributes?" Mei Yi searched from top to bottom, and finally locked down two countries, "Ruiying and Mengshi, let these two perish."

"Why?" The Apostle of God, sitting opposite Mayi, resumed his posture with his hands folded and his chin supported~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ruiying has a long history, when he was wiped out by his ancient enemy, so long History will no doubt please the existence behind you. "

"As for Mensh? Didn't you say that you want to make the world more interesting? And Mensh, a newly established country, obviously cannot swallow Laventica, which is not in chaos, so it can only make Laventica. The annexation of Mensh will make the contact time between Laventica and Hamador shorter, and the two areas that developed independently will be brought into contact."

"Wonderful, wonderful," the Apostle of God laughed again, and with the sound of the Apostle of God's clapping, and the squeaking sound that followed, Mayi found that there was an extra door behind her, "You can leave, when When the time comes to 1350, I will come back to you."

Mayi stood up and stopped abruptly before turning around: "The last question, what are those heroic spirits doing in Bourbon? Do they still choose their own forces and fight like Evan Knudo?"

"Haha, the same tricks are useless for Saint Seiya. Since they have all played it once in Ewen Knud, how can it be possible to repeat the old game in Bourbon again."

"Therefore, the rules of the game have been changed this time. All heroic spirits must first stand in the anti-Bourbon camp, and through concerted efforts, tear up the huge empire built by Bourbon and turn them into independent forces. A Heroic Spirit chooses a faction and can form an alliance with each other, but it will eventually split into two factions, and the two factions must defeat the other first, isn’t it more interesting?”

"From these short sentences, I have seen a floating sea of ​​corpses and blood, the blue ocean of Bourbon, and the prosperous merchant ships that come and go, all will be dyed red and burned because of your game. In ruins, Apostle of God!"

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