God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 159: : The Reborn (Part 1) 3rd Generation

"Master, you are awake!"

That familiar voice with anxiety, so obvious even in such a noisy environment, it reached Lesorno's ears through the darkness in front of him. This familiar voice made Lesorno's eyes feel a little wet.

The clothes are wet. Judging from the touch of the body touching the ground, is it really back to this time? Back to this time again?

Lessono opened his eyes with great effort, and after getting used to the brightness for a period of time, he could clearly see the people who were with him, and it really was the old man.

"Dear Jean, I don't have much business, please help me to rest in bed... The original ship was destroyed? It's okay, there are still ships on the dock, just a little shock, I think I can survive , don't talk to me for a while, let me take it easy."

After letting the old man carefully look at the calm young master in front of him, he determined that this calm guy is the young master, so he nodded and promised, and beckoned the other servants to get the boat ready.

At this time, a big fat man carefully avoided the scattered objects and walked to Lesorno: "My dear little right Lesorno, the port has just been attacked by an unknown person, I wonder if you pause..."

[Let's handle it according to the previous experience]


Before the fat man could finish his words, Lessono spit out a wow, interrupting the fat man's speech, and then Lessono cried, mixed with the unfinished liquid, and cried to someone who didn't know.

"Blast, attack! I'm going home! Let! I'm looking for Daddy!"

Then, let the old man nod his apologies to the fat man a few times, and take Lesorno to another boat.

That shrill voice made the fat man feel like he was looking at a child, and in his heart he lowered his evaluation of Lesotho by a notch: [For this kind of person, the above made an explosion in the port and left him? Just for this...]

The fat man seriously bounced off a small piece, and the vomit that splashed on his body [people who are so frightened that they call their father? Did something go wrong? 】

【Humph! The instructor of this port explosion is you, you fat bastard, right? 】Lessono, who was asked to be taken away, said disdainfully in his heart.

Under the strong support of the old man, Lesorno walked back to the boat through the boat frame crookedly, and then entered the most luxurious room in the boat to rest. The two did not say a word.

In fact, it wasn't that Lessono didn't speak on purpose. According to his last experience, when he just came back, his whole body was in a state of paralysis and it was difficult to speak. Fortunately, the port had just been attacked by "unknown persons", and Lesorno was thrown into the water.

Just because of the setting of Lesorno, an ignorant and incompetent child, after being attacked, it is normal for him to be paralyzed and call his mother, so everyone present despised Lesorno's weakness. , but did not guess that this was actually what Lesorno pretended to be.

When he was lying on the bed, Lessono finally had a chance to recall the things he had experienced before, the dreams of the two light-leaning monsters that he had before...or was called a dream by that mysterious existence.

The first dream occurred in 1274 of the calendar year and 467 years after the birth of Aifonqi.

Now think about what I did in my first dream, so ignorant, so ridiculous.

His full name is Lessono Benthium Ishanwa Goethe, born in 1257 to a noble family in Ishanwa. He is the only son of his father, and his father is no longer fertile. After Lesorno's brother died due to an "accident", Lesorno was destined to inherit all his father's property.

Lesorno's father, Benxium, is the most talented businessman in the family. He is responsible for the business exchanges between the whole region of Ishanwa and the colonies of Middle-earth. It can be said that he is the richest man in Ishanwa.

The unique heir status, coupled with busy working parents, and the willful indulgence of some, ultimately developed Lesorno into a lawless character.

It is precisely because of this character that Lesorno made countless enemies when he was studying at Babway College. As a result, in 1270, the 13-year-old Lesorno's misdeeds reached a new height. He was in Babway College because of an argument. , beat to death a attendant student (the world template Sulassi, the main body of the Aifonqi Academy system was also copied from Sulassi, so I imagined it very much with Sulassi).

Because of the repeated troubles, the academy finally couldn't bear it this time. Although it did not sue Lesorno, it also expelled Lesorno from the academy.

It just so happened that the squire who was killed by Lesorno also had a certain force behind it. In conjunction with the opposition within the Goethe family to Lesorno's father, they were targeted several times at the family meeting, but they were still disgraced by the run on Benthum.

In the end, Ben Hume had no choice but to let Lesorno go out to avoid the limelight. Aifonqi couldn't stay. After all, Lesorno's name had spread all over the academies.

Therefore, Benthium arranged for Lesorno to go to Finno's academy, the only Dubei Academy in Finno that recruited Afonci students, and arranged for his own loyal servant, Jean, to personally guard Lesorno - of course , This is what Lesorno did in the first life, and in the second, Lesorno knew that everything was not so simple.

In Dubei College, facing the Fino people who are much stronger than himself, Lesorno finally clamped his tail and stayed quiet for 4 years. It was not until this year that he received a message from his father, called Lesorno. go home.

After receiving a message from his father, Lesorno, who had been held back for four years, went home happily, preparing to leave Dubei and return to Aifonqi along the Jinwei River.

As a result, when he boarded the ship at the port, he suffered an explosion planned by the dead fat man in front of him. He was still ignorant in the previous two lives, and he was shocked and stupid in the face of the explosion.

I remember in the first life, this fat man still fooled himself, saying that his father was about to abdicate and passed on his family property to him. Some of his uncles and aunts didn't want to let him get the property, so he planned the explosion. The purpose was to murder himself. So now I can't go back, I should accept the protection of that fat man.

However, the most ridiculous thing is that he actually believed this nonsense - in the first life, and because of the question of whether to go back, he quarreled with the old man.

That's right, when he stayed in Dubei, this fat fat man often accompanies him to eat, drink and have fun. It's not like asking the old man to stop him from doing this and that every day. For the previous self, who to believe is a question to think about. ?

So in the first life, after the bombing, he gave up the idea of ​​leaving Du Bei and stayed at Fatty's house to continue eating, drinking and having fun, leaving the old man to go back first.

This was the last time he met with the old man in his first life. Later, every time he thought about this scene, Lessono felt heartbroken, and his hatred for the fat fat man increased a bit.

Just when he was eating, drinking and having fun in Dubei, his father Benxium's position in the family encountered a huge challenge, and he needed to appear in court to provide some evidence. In the end, the conflict escalated. Ben Shum was assassinated and killed, and Jean also died in the conflict.

When his father was assassinated, Lesorno lost all his usefulness, so the fat fat man turned his face and put Lesorno in prison for thirty years.

Thirty years later, the dead fat man died. In order to show his tolerance, his son released some political prisoners, including Lesorno.

Thirty years have passed, and this "world" (the world in Lesorno's concept) has changed too much, not to mention Ishanwa, all of Afonci's territory in Mausu Island, all of which have been annexed by Finno.

As for Ai Fengqi's colony in Middle-earth, although he inherited the name of Ai Fengqi, the nobles on both sides are not the same group. Ai Fengqi in Middle-earth is a native of the colony. Independence during the war, and after Aifengqi was destroyed, he regained his name and gathered the fleeing Aifengqi people.

Those **** bastards, not only have no fighting spirit to regain their homeland, but also do everything possible to prevent their own people from regaining their homeland. They seem to think that they and Ai Fengqi’s homeland are two separate concepts, and signed a peace treaty with Finno early. It's disgusting to eat.

After that, Lesorno went back to Ishanwa to make a living, but because of Lesorno's ignorance in the past, Lesorno couldn't find a good craft to make a living, so he could only rely on betrayal of physical strength. It's even worse in the future, I can't do any physical work anymore, so I can only go begging.

After struggling at the bottom of life for more than ten years, the first king of Lesorno died tragically at the age of sixty.

When he closed his eyes, he met a mysterious being who couldn't see his face clearly. He called himself the God of Slashing the Realm, wearing a black-and-gold outfit that looked elegant and rich.

"I saw your unwillingness, so I'll give you a chance to live again."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lessono opened his eyes and came to his second dreamland. He came back to 1274. He was about to leave Dubei, but the day when the port exploded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in In the second life, after the tragic experience of the last fifty years of the first life, Lesorno realized his enlightenment, changed his past, became a prodigal son, got rid of his past bad habits, and began to try to save his family from the misery ten years later. future.

It's a pity that I have owed too much debt in the past seventeen years.

The sinister human heart is the most terrifying. In the second life, he did not fall under the attack of the enemy, but fell into the hands of the idiot who was nominally his ally. Although he was later called the Light of Afonci, he was also the enemy. But the stupidity of those idiots is enough! Those idiots are at such a level, I really don't know where they got the qualifications to laugh at themselves in the past.

Of course, at this time, Lessono also knew how others viewed him in the past, because he also saw a lot of his past self—mainly angry.

The end of the second generation was that after defeating Finno, he took his family and fled to Middle-earth. As a result, because of a strong demand to recover his homeland, he was finally sent back to Finno by the government over there, and then imprisoned for more than ten years. , died because of the harsh conditions in the prison.

At this time, Lessono, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

"There are no more than three things. You have to remember this. In addition, it is God's will that Aifonqi's native land was annexed by Finno. You can't change it. Don't try it again."

This is an admonition from the God of World Slashing to himself, this time is really his last chance, and it is also Ai Fengqi's last chance.

Finno's advantage on land is too great, and the teammates around me are really unbearable, so if you want to let Aifonqi retain the greatest strength, then you shouldn't be entangled with Finno in Maoju in the first place. After I rise, I will go to Middle-earth with my complete main force. This is the only way Ai Fengqi can fight back!

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