God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 214: : "The Journey" (1) Departure and Hefei's experience

"The Journey"

(Preface) [This is a preface added after the book is finished, not in the original version]

On the midsummer day of the 1481 Dali year and the 359th year of the founding of the country, I, a nobleman of Gosul who was born in Stein, an 11-year-old Maweiji Go Stendep Kilimanjaro, for the first time ever South direction, left the hometown.

Before I begin to narrate the main text, I must first, according to our habit, tell about my glorious family history, so that readers can understand what an educated aristocratic family I am from.

My ancestral ancestor, Kilimanjaro, originated from the most prosperous city of Goshoggi, and it is also the capital of our Goshoggi, Busuk. A hero who works hard.

And my immediate ancestor is Depp, who, as the representative of the Kilimanjaro family 127 years ago, established a branch of the Kilimanjaro family in Stine, Styndepp. I am honored to be a descendant of their family, a well-bred son of a nobleman.

No talent, I was born immune to most soundproofing magic, so I was awarded the title of "Little Wind Listener" Ma Weiji, who was also well-known in the city of Sting. I am gifted with different talents, and I have been granted a more relaxed living environment by my family, and I can move freely in the noble area with fewer followers.

I like to wander around since I was a child. The family courtyard is a place I often go to. I also take advantage of every opportunity to go out to explore the countryside. I think it was my childhood adventures that cultivated my interest in the future.

However, although he ventured to the outskirts of Sting when he was a child, he was limited to Sting most of the time. If he wanted to go out, it was only twice.

The first time was when I was 8 years old, to go to Busuk to pay homage to the ancestors of Kilimanjaro. But that visit was a big disappointment to me. The residence of the ancestors in Busuk was not as good as the residence of our Steindep family. Even during the ceremony, the ancestors of the ancestors shyly asked our patriarch for assistance.

Aside from this funny thing, the journey on the road and the prosperous Busuk have given me a lot of shocks, and the goal of "going further" has been hovering in my mind since then.

The second time I left Sting was because I had reached the age of 10, when every nobleman should leave the family enlightenment school and go to the formal academy to receive a better education.

If you ask us which is the best college in Goshoggi? Then there is no doubt that it is Xingqimu Academy. It's a pity that our family can't send me to Xingqimu Academy, unless I go in in the name of serving students, but this name is a shame for our family. In the end, it's best for me to go to the chief priest of Gosur. College, Busuk College.

The first three years of study at the academy were relatively loose, and at least in the summer, students were allowed to go home, so I stayed in Busuk for half a year, and at the age of 11, I returned to Sting to spend the summer break.

When I was taking a break from school, on Sting's road, I saw a group of strange businessmen, and I was curious to eavesdrop on their conversations. They may think that they have used sound insulation magic, so they can talk with confidence, but how can they think that I, a "little hearer", can rule out sound insulation magic without using special magic?

Through their conversation, I unexpectedly heard that they heard from some Gohe barbarian leaders about a country called Roman Hefei, and they were preparing to go to Roman Hefei to do business.

I was about to eavesdrop, but unfortunately they reacted at this time, and I was arrested. At this time I was wearing a servant's clothes, so they didn't know I was a noble and thought I was a servant of some prominent family.

Facing the vicious businessmen, I calmly told them that I am 13 years old and I am an attendant student of Busuk College. I have learned to draw maps. I can join them and help them draw maps.

That group of people was obviously troubled by my identity. After I revealed that I was willing to walk with them and help them draw a map, I felt that they also breathed a sigh of relief, so at their arrangement, I left Sting and mixed in. their caravan.

Their leader is a man and a woman, a pair of leaders who are loyal. The leader promises that as long as I certify and draw an accurate map, they will be able to get together and disperse in the end. And later facts proved that both I and the other party kept our promises.

"Those caravans that dare to trade with barbarians are all ruthless and immoral. Even if you exaggerate your 2 years old and become 13 years old, they will believe you and take you away honestly?" The contemporary patriarch of the Tyndepu family is Ma Weiji's cousin according to his seniority. After he read this manuscript, he was full of doubts.

Ma Weiji, who was already full of white hair, faced the doubts and said with a smile: "The fact is that they finally kept their promises. I'm back, isn't that what it is? Besides, everyone watch my "Far Travels", the main thing is I’m still looking at the records of the foreign races such as Roman Hefei, those businessmen and so on, it’s not important, right?”

[Moreover, I also promised them that the two immortal monsters would never reveal their information. The promise to the two immortal monsters must be kept. 】

"Okay, then that's it," Stindep's family head just mentioned this unimportant place casually and didn't take it to heart.

For the Steindep family, the most important thing is this book. This book is the long face of the family. Anyone who has read "The Journey" in the future will remember the Steindep family, and What could be more wonderful than this?

Chapter 1: Travels in the Mountains

Chapter 2: The Hefei Boundary

As mentioned in the previous chapter, we have been walking in the mountains for more than ten days, and the hard work during this period has been mentioned many times for my 11-year-old child, so I will not repeat it in this chapter.

After more than ten days of hard trekking, I followed the Chamber of Commerce through seven tribes of Gohe barbarians, and finally came across a village.

Yes, my readers are not mistaken, a village is not the simple wooden fortresses of the barbarians, but a village with a village chief's residence, a simple fence, and surrounding fields! Although the village was not comparable to the farmland around Sting, it was like a sky and an underground compared to the Gohe barbarian tribes I had seen before.

Star God is above, the starry sky is endless, I finally see the footprints of civilization once again!

After arriving at the village, the caravan experienced the change into local clothes and began to trade. This is just to add some supplies, and the trade in the city is the bulk.

[Here, Ma Weiji regretfully deleted most of this chapter in the original draft, mainly because the clothes that Mayi put on were outdated clothes more than a hundred years ago, which caused confusion at first. It's a pity that in order to keep Mei Yi and others secret, Ma Weiji could not write this interesting plot. 】

The people in the caravan used his stumbling language to communicate with the village chief, and when they communicated, I was within their alert range and tried to browse the village as much as possible.

The joy of seeing a foreign country for the first time comes and disappears quickly, because except for the altar that is different from ours, the appearance of this village is not different from that of our village in Goshoggi. There are garbage and rice fields everywhere. Animals and people sleep together, and gray and gloom are the main colors here.

After leaving the village, we continued to move forward. According to the introduction of the caravan, the largest city in the surrounding area was Harikasu, not far to the west, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Chapter 3: Harikasu-Fennet-Merado

Chapter 4: The Art of Hefei's Carriage and Human Ladder [Added after completion]

When the leaves began to turn red, and the fallen leaves were like a fallen fire; when the fields were full of rice, and the fields were filled with conscripted serfs, I began to understand that autumn had come, and I left my dear Sri Lanka Court, a season has passed.

At this time, the village I stepped into was no longer Hefei's village. The caravan told me that this was a village under the jurisdiction of Roman Hefei, and it was no longer Hefei's territory. From this time on, I understood that I was in Hefei. The journey is coming to an end.

Although I have only traveled a short distance in Hefei, from Hari Kasu to Fennet and then to Merado, I have not been to the Hersasha Mountains to the north of Hefei and the Harika Marshes to the south, but it is also a short distance. A trip worth remembering.

Hefei gave me the deepest impression that their travel was not by foot, but by carriage. Hefei has a very developed carriage technology, and the carriages they make not only look very beautiful, but also very comfortable to sit on.

The carriage is something to brag about, but one thing that eludes me is the human ladder that Hefei got into the carriage.

Although nobles can easily board the carriage with their strength, the carriage is not high. But they are not, and have developed a rich and complex art of human ladders. Each nobleman compares with each other which family ladder is more beautiful - of course, I can't see the beauty of a bunch of people crowded together.

Later, after I learned some Hefei languages~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I once asked a Hefei aristocrat, what is the effect of comparing the art of human ladders.

The Hefei noble told me about the history of human ladders with great interest, saying that in the past, only the lord of the country could afford 12-person ladders, but now all nobles can use human ladders.

And he also proudly told me that a truly qualified human ladder must be composed of 12 people of the same level, and let him be your human ladder willingly, which represents your control over your servants, and whether your family has Sufficient financial resources to raise people ladders for you.

As for the art of human ladders, I feel that when answering this sentence, the aristocrat looked shocked. He said that the human ladders were constructed in different shapes. Isn't this a reflection of the creativity of a nobleman?

Later, I went to Roman Hoff. According to my experience in Roman Hoff, Roman Hoff is also obsessed with carriages, but he takes human ladders lightly. It is just a courtesy behavior, and the style is not as good as that of Hoff. Variety.

A country whose official name has become "a loyal vassal of Roman Hefei, Hefei is an independent and enfeoffed country", not thinking about how to change this situation, but instead began to study the art of human ladders, also called creation? Sure enough, whether a country is strong or not has a lot to do with the behavior of its nobles.

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