God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 371: : Discover the encounter in Laventica in the 16th century (beginning)

Lure Schatts, with a common name, must know that there are many people named Luer in the Bourbon ethnic group, whether it is commoners or nobles.

And this Lull has a prominent family background. His surname is Shats. This is a nobleman in Polly. Although it is not the top ones, it cannot be killed casually.

In fact, Luer's ancestor was not a nobleman, but an ordinary businessman. It was an amazing leap from a wealthy citizen to a nobleman, so how did Luer's ancestors overcome that obstacle? Regarding this point, I often listen to the elders of the family talk about ancient times during the annual meeting of Luer.

The only way to make a citizen into a nobleman is to rely on military merit. Thinking of when Bourbon collapsed, the Middle-earth Forest Colonial Guard became independent. At that time, the ancestors of the Shats family valued the Forest Colonial Guard, for example. The benefits of being out of a colony in the woods.

After that, the ancestor of the Shuttles family resolutely sold the property and let his sons move to the forest colony with their property. This move surprised many people at the time. You must know that the Shuttles family is the headquarters of the old waterway. The wealthy citizens of , although not the old fairway nobles, are also much higher than those of the colonies.

However, the ancestor of the Shatters family was like a madman, pressing the treasure on the independent faction of the colonial guard in the forest. The son of the ancestor of Shats followed the independent faction to clear the Glory faction first, then repelled Polly who came across the sea, and finally was canonized as a noble when he was rewarded after the war.

After all, the forest colony has always been regarded as a marginal place, and it does not pay special attention to blood. After the war, at the insistence of the independent leader Moxie, the citizens who actively joined the army were awarded the title of aristocrat. And that's where the Shuttles family came from.

Of course, it has been more than 180 years since that war, and the Shats family has also taken root in the Upper Edonan Peninsula.

Today the Shuttles call themselves neither Bourbons nor Pollys, but North Boutos, arguing that the Bourbon descendants of the Colonial Garrison in the Woods are the same as the Bourbon descendants of the Northern Passage. It's different. In fact, the Shuttles family, like other local nobles, is very upset to see Polly.

Compared with the greedy Polly, the North Poutu people prefer the southern Boris, and Lull often hears the elders talk about it, saying that Polly dare not take back the autonomy of the colony in the forest, except for the North Poutu. In addition to the nobles being brave and good at fighting, Boris always insisted on standing on the side of the northern Boutu people is also a very important reason.

It is now 163o, and Lure has also reached the age of graduating from the academy. Since he is about to graduate from the academy, he has to choose a subject for graduation practice. As for the Bourbon series, the most popular and familiar subject is to sail around the island of Bourbon, and Luer chose another popular one, sailing to the northern landmark.

The so-called landmark is a stone pillar with a magic circle attached to it. Where the landmark stands, it represents where the Bourbon sea has explored to the most fringe area.

The placement of the landmark was previously placed by Bourbon. After the collapse of Bourbon, the promotion of the landmark was stagnant for nearly a hundred years, and Boris and Polly were assigned to undertake the task of placing the landmark.

There are usually two types of landmarks, 6 landmarks and maritime landmarks, and each landmark is 4, named after the southeast and northwest directions, and Polly is responsible for the placement of the northern landmarks, and the other three direction landmarks are undertaken by Boris.

The western landmark is to explore east of the southern coast of the Edonan Peninsula. Due to the impact of the collapse of Bourbon, the western landmark is now the eastern boundary of Edonan.

The southern landmark is the fastest advancing landmark. This is not because of the navigator's credit, but because of the emergence of Ulch and Braasson, which makes the southern boundary advance extremely fast.

According to Braasson's official statement, they have occupied the southeast of Tamron 6, but the rules left by Bourbon, the sea area that has not been measured by Bourbon does not count, and Braasson forbids Boris to continue Go south to survey the sea, so the landmark is also at the northernmost embassy in Braasson.

The Eastern Landmark is to measure the northern coast of Tenglong 6. It passes along the Indian land. Since most of the eastern part of the Indian land is not facing the sea, there is no port for additional docking, so the current measurement is not ideal.

What Lure was going to was the northern boundary mark, and the place where the northern boundary mark was placed was sailing northward from the Edonan Peninsula and along the east coast of Middle-earth 6.

Nowadays, the progress of the northern boundary mark is difficult. Bourbon and Polly have been exploring for hundreds of years, and they have not made much progress. The reasons for the slow progress were, first, the chaos when Bourbon collapsed, and second, Polly's lack of investment in it. The Forest Colonial Guard was more concerned with developing the local area, and was not keen on advancing the landmark.

After confirming his topic, Lull reported to the academy to see if he could go with him. He was depressed and found that he actually chose this topic this year.

"Don't worry about this young master. For the subject of landmarks, there are ten people who go together in some years, and no one in some years. You have to worry more."

After sighing, Luer had to prepare the project himself. First, he went to find a trustworthy fleet. Luer relied on his family to find a fleet that could not run away from the temple, and began to make preliminary preparations with the fleet.

"Don't worry, my lord, you are not the first to ask me to go to the northern boundary. As long as you don't have any interest in coming and sailing by yourself, it is no problem to come back. My whole family will be entertained by you. Certainly not halfway."

The captain the family looked for was a sensible one, which also saved Luer a lot of effort.

After some preparations, Luer came out. When he left, he was full of expectations. Will there still be countries in the north of the landmark that have not yet appeared?

Lure asked this question naively when he was a child, and was ridiculed by a cousin who thought that the countries that existed in the world were mentioned in Martin's travel notes. So if there are any new countries, it's just a mysterious country that exists on Maz Island, and other places are just a group of barbarians.

Although Lull does not comment on this, people always have expectations. Wouldn't it be better if they were realized?

With this mentality, when he sailed to the northern landmark, he heard the captain mention that the landmark 6 had been moved, and Luer was instantly excited.

"Stop the boat and see how it goes, okay?"

The captain had a bitter look on his face, and he deeply hated his mouth for not closing the door: "Sir, maybe the landmark was moved by a beast. Besides, it's all the way to the destination, and the sea area where the landmark starts is relatively..."

Lure interrupted the captain's babble: "Is it so dangerous that the berth has not been detected? I also know a little about sailing skills, don't lie to me."

The captain's face was even more ugly, knowing that this level could not be easily passed, and the opposite was a young and active aristocrat, so he couldn't go against him. After sighing, the captain called the sailors to moor the ship. In order to prevent a storm when he reached the landmark, the captain still knew where to moor.

After going ashore, Lull approached the landmark and began to observe carefully. Luhr had learned about landmarks in the academy. The landmarks were attached with magic, and what caused the landmarks to move could be determined by observation.

Of course, if you want to specifically observe the reason for the movement of the landmark, you need professional talents, and Lull has only heard it a little, and after reading it for a while, he can only come to the conclusion that the landmark was not destroyed by violence.

After returning to the boat, looking at the expectant eyes of the captain and the sailors, Luer was silent for a while before asking, "I will distribute these floating treasures to you, and there will be a big reward when I go back. Go ahead for a while, can it be done?"

The first to speak was the bodyguard arranged by the family: "Master, it is very dangerous, this ship is not a professional exploration ship, please be considerate of the servants!"

After arguing with everyone for a long time, Luer finally put forward a compromise opinion: "I will walk north on Route 6 for a while, come back at sunset, and I can return from here tomorrow, how? It's all yours."

The bodyguard clenched his teeth and retreated. After all, fighting against noble customers is a matter of determination. The crew discussed it for a while, and finally accepted Luer's suggestion hesitantly.

So Luer, the bodyguards, and a few guarded sailors took half a day's dry food and fresh water, and walked northward along the 6th place. It happened that the coast was not bad.

When he reached the sunset, Luer reluctantly chose to turn around amid the bodyguard's coughing, but not long after he turned around, he heard the whistling of magic behind him.

Including Luer, several people looked back in astonishment. What was shot behind was not offensive magic, but a fireworks magic used to show their existence. The shooter was located on the top of the hill behind~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seems to have just flipped through the hills and just saw Luer and others who were leaving.

Barbarians do not use decorative magic such as fireworks magic. Even if there are barbarians who can use them, they are barbarians who have come into contact with civilized countries. Luer moved, also cast a magic, and then rushed towards the opposite side. As soon as Luer left, the bodyguards and sailors also followed Luer.

The bodyguard tried to persuade Luer to pay attention to safety, but he swallowed the words again. If a new civilization was really discovered in Middle-earth 6, of course, the person who appeared in the history books would only record the only noble among the crowd, Luer. ·Shats, but he can get some financial rewards anyway.

Lull rushed towards the opposite side, and the two in the middle shot fireworks at each other to confirm each other's position.

It's getting closer, but Lull got nervous for a while. What should he say when he wants to meet a strange group? When you go back, what should you say to the other party?

The two groups of people finally met. The person on the opposite side was dressed in Luer, but the orderly dress obviously means that the opposite side is not a barbarian, but a group with its own civilization like Braasson!

"In the year 1630 of the Dali calendar, Lure Chates, a student of the Colonial Guard Academy in the Middle Earth and Forests of Polly, resolutely went north through the trivial matter of being moved by the current landmark when he was doing his graduation practice."

"The Bourbon landmark was moved, by the adventurer Finsu-la-Lébéborg, who was exploring the south of La Ventica, and the encounter of Lure Charts with Finsu-la-lébéborg marked Bourbon The encounter between the neighboring sea countries and the countries on the east bank of the Middle-earth Great 6 marks the meeting of the two civilization systems."

"This is a major node for the world, which means that the world is becoming more and more integrated."

- "General History · Global General History"

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