God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 372: : Discovery in the sixteenth century (2) ups and downs and wasted

In 1630 of the calendar year, Laventica, a country on the east coast of the Middle-earth continent, suddenly broke into the cause of the Bourbon sea countries. This discovery shocked the world. What was the shock? new knowledge? You really are a noble man, stupid! Of course, it is a shocking and cute little money!

Just think for a moment, how much money was made by the first family that ran the Mysika trade, and how much money was made by the first family that ran the Edonan trade, and how much money the Ingona trade also made. Money, and you can see why it was a shock.

Think back to the time when Bourbon crossed the Bourbon sea and was the well-deserved overlord of the Bourbon sea. In such a huge country, Ulch’s trade actually accounted for a large proportion of the income. You can understand the emergence of a new cultural circle, right business benefits.

Although the Ulci trade has cooled down now, the Braasson trade that followed is also very profitable, and now there is a Laventica, what does this mean? Means business opportunity! Moreover, this is the first one to appear in Middle-earth, in the north of the Edonan Peninsula. What does this mean? Means Polly can monopolize!

However, this is only an idea drawn on a sketch, and it is not that easy. Bourbon can rely on the Ulch trade to make a lot of money, because it controls the Bourbon sea, and to put it bluntly, Polly can't do this, so if you don't cooperate with other countries, endure other countries' If exploited, Polly would not be able to maximize the LaVentica trade.

It stands to reason that the best partner of Polly is Boris, not to mention that these two countries also cooperated in the second and third Edonan wars in previous years and jointly swallowed Edonan. , call each other our brothers, and say that Boris is the strongest naval country today, and it should be the best partner.

But Polly didn't want to do this. Polly was unwilling to be Boris's subordinate all the time, and Polly also wanted to be able to talk to Boris on an equal basis, so it was the most roaring thing to do the Laventica trade alone.

So, Polly got rid of Boris and tried to create his own trade network. Now the sea of ​​Bourbon doesn't like Boris's people everywhere, not to mention that Boris has the "Ebos Ban" on him, so he can't deal with the Dragon Continent. It's easier to start a war.

Polly caught up with Bourbon and asked Bourbon to contact Portloo. Portloo sent a caravan to sell Laventica's trade goods to Tamron Continent, and Bourbon's sea products to Laventica. The Lee family is enough. As for the Edonan Peninsula, this is even simpler. The north is the sphere of influence of Polly, and you can just go there and dump, and by the way, enter the sphere of influence of Boris.

Boris is a real country, expressing that he is very particular about brotherhood. Boris understands that Polly does not bring himself to play, but the sea is far away and some pirates appear on the road, which is also understandable, right? ?

In addition, Boris began to win over the colonial guards in the middle-earth forests. Don’t forget that the closest to Laventica is the inner autonomous region of Polly, and the Middle-earth forests that tend to favor Boris. The colonial guardhouse has become a smuggling node, constantly smuggling goods to Boris.

In addition to these two responses, Boris did not have any other acts of revenge, which made Polly inexplicably surprised, and although he did not know why Boris's attitude was so ambiguous this time, it was a fine tradition for businessmen to beat snakes and sticks.

Since Boris was so weak in dealing with it this time, Polly simply institutionalized the Laventica trade so much that as for smuggling in the forest, it was even a window that Polly opened for Boris.

So why did Boris deal with such ambiguity this time? One is that they were frightened by the "Ebos Incident", and the other is that the nobles of Boris discovered that if the Laventica trade was carried out in a smuggling mode, the trade could be narrowed down to only the great nobles.

After all, the road is so far away, and there is Polly's anti-smuggling ship. Without the background of the great nobles of Boris, it is impossible to establish a smuggling node and settle Polly, and this is justifiable to exclude that group of citizens from this high-profit transaction. The best way to do this is that after doing this, the target of the citizens' resentment is Polly, not the great nobles of Boris.

Because of the above reasons, Boris chose a weak response in this trade conflict. If Hades and others were still in Boris, they would definitely scold the group of nobles for their shortsightedness. Unfortunately, it is an interim period, and Hades only I can shake my head and sigh while watching a stupid drama.

Not to mention the influence of the Laventica trade on the future, let’s focus on the experience of the discoverer of Laventica, Lure Schatts.

After discovering Laventica and reporting the matter back to China, it aroused the attention of Polly, and even Lure was greatly boasted. The demeanor of the namesake".

After that, Luhr faced a troublesome competition. Both the Middle-earth Forest Colonial Guard and Polly Central sent envoys to ask Luhr's inclinations. Linjian Weisuo said that his family business is small and can only bring glory to Lull's family; Polly said that if Luer is willing to go to Polly, he can become the head of the new family.

After measuring his weight, Luer decided to stand on the side of the forest guard, after all, his family is here. Lur's choice made the Forest Guard very happy, and immediately awarded Luer a chief substitute member as a reward.

The so-called chief substitute member is different from the ordinary substitute member. The ordinary substitute member nominally means that if a member suddenly dies, he will be replaced by the substitute member, but in practice, the death of the existing member is always the case. The replacement members of the same family are rarely replaced by the replacement members. The replacement members are just spending money to buy a glory, which can be taken back to boast.

However, the chief substitute member is different. This means that as long as a member withdraws, the chief substitute member can immediately fill the vacancy of the other party. This is a real position.

After Lull accepted the chief substitute councillor, he became the elder of the Shuttles family, which was a glorious addition, and Polly did not respond much. So Polly just coldly took back most of the glory given to Lull, and gave Lull's contribution to the academy.

Lure's children are not prosperous. He had two daughters in a row before, and only gave birth to a son when he was 30 years old. At that time, Lure was sent by a ghost and gave his son the name "Solit".

Bourbons have never been called "Soliter", so some good people go everywhere to find out where the allusion "Soliter" comes from. Lur originally thought he couldn't find it. After all, this was a word that suddenly came to his mind, but it was found, which surprised Luer for a while.

"Brother Luer, Solit is the name of Ingona, and he has a nickname called 'Disaster Star'. It was he who launched a coup to kill the 'incompetent' during the war, which caused Ingona's rapid defeat, and the subsequent Perish, what do you mean by this name for your son?"

Hearing the historical materials provided by the other party, Lul choked for a while, but insisted on letting his son use this name, no matter how others persuaded him.

In fact, Lure also felt that the name was evil, and his career was not going well. Could it be because of this name? It can't always be because of his own incompetence, right? But there was a voice in his heart that made Luer not want to change his name, so he let the child grow up under the name of Soliter Shaters.

Luer's business ability can only be said to be average, and sometimes he is led by cunning subordinates, making himself embarrassed, and the family is not a strong family, and sometimes he uses Luer's reputation to support the tiger. Skin, making Luer extremely embarrassed.

It was found that Laventica's halo soon faded from Lure, and the forest guard began to treat Lure with a normal attitude. Lure once entered the parliament, but was brushed off during the change of office.

Luhr, who lost the congressman, got the post of diplomatic representative. Luhr first went to Pokang to serve as the representative of the Poli Forestry Guard in Pokang. instruments. After staying in the country for a few years, he went north again and went to Laventica to serve as the representative of the Forest Guard in Laventica.

As a highly autonomous diplomatic representative within a sovereign country, the position is not a beauty job, and you have to be wary of the capital's gaze at all times. In particular, the representative does not have an embassy, ​​and can only be attached next to the Polly Embassy. It is very embarrassing to see the Polly envoy without looking up.

Polly's embassy is not located in the capital of the other side, like the Bourbon sea countries, but in a city called Catuya in the south of Laventica. Laventica arrogantly signed the Catoya Trade Agreement with Polly in 1644, making Catoya a port for trade with the sea nations of Bourbon ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Banned north of Catoya Bourbon's sea countries pass.

According to the information obtained by Polly, Laventica is a huge empire with a vast territory and a large population, which is almost comparable to that of Bourbon in that year. If it directly fights with Laventica, Polly is not sure of winning, so Making money has become a common psychological expectation for both parties.

After Lure arrived in Catuya, he realized that the diplomatic representative of the Forest Guard was just a rubber stamp, because Polly only allowed the Forest Guard to import pitiful trade goods, so the Forest Guard was really large. The transactions are all done through smuggling with Laventica merchants, and the smuggling is not operated by Luer, Luer only needs to cover and facilitate the smuggling.

Although it is possible to sit and collect money in this way, this work is the same as that of Luhr, which means that Luhr will spend a few years in idleness here, and Luhr feels very hurt.

At this time, Lure is no longer the young man who found Laventica high-spirited. He has already started to think about his name, but he does not want to record himself in the history books thousands of years later. So Lull wanted to make some achievements, but unfortunately, he still has nothing.

One day, while drinking and getting drunk in the courtyard, Lull heard an unfamiliar voice. Although he did not know who made the voice, the accent was obviously a Laventica who had forcibly learned Bourbon.

"Friend, who do you think is here?"

Luer squinted and raised his head to observe each other. Fortunately, Luer hadn't drunk much at this time, so he was still sober: "Sorry, I don't recognize him."

"Hahaha, old friend, I'm Fensu La Lai Bibao. It was you and I who met at the landmark back then. Today you and I can meet here!"

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