God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 448: : The Legend of the King of Knights (21) The Promise of Victory...

In the main city of Angerde, as more than two months passed, the barbarian looting of the city also fell into a low ebb, valuable buildings and wealth were plundered by the barbarians, and now the barbarians are scattered. Stay in a house where you can still live, waiting for King Sark to lead an army back.

This time to besiege Arthur, King Sark took the entire northern barbarian coalition, including mob, bandits, and even the strong men of the villages along the way to Mount Bossold, so he could make up the so-called 40,000 army. Among these 40,000 troops, only some of the elites can really fight.

However, although the 40,000-strong army of the barbarians is the same, the 5,000 troops brought by Arthur are even worse. Basically, they are the army brought back by Kay after the defeat of Angerd. The so-called auxiliary soldiers and peasants will not be mentioned. Those who have never received training like Dais in the army can be counted, and the level of Arthur's army can be imagined.

What is even more terrifying is that the news of the low quality of Arthur's army was told by Karachi's generals in a letter to King Sark, and promised that Karachi would not send reinforcements to support Arthur. King Sark had the courage to do so. All out, together with 40,000 people to attack Arthur on Mount Bossold.

The first half of the battle was exactly as the Karachi generals and King Sac said. King Sac only took one morning to force Arthur to the top of the mountain. By the evening, victory was already in sight.

But King Sark never thought that Arthur would hang up! Since he had never seen an artifact, King Sark dismissed the so-called "sword in the stone" in Arthur's hands, believing that Arthur was forcing him to raise his worth. King Ke taught a lesson that the dignity of an artifact cannot be desecrated.

When King Arthur held the sword in the stone high, the light particles of faith flew and gathered to the top of the sword in the stone, and soon a bright golden door opened at the top. As the door opened, a gorgeous giant sword composed of light particles appeared. Come out, and with the swing of the sword in the stone, the entire Bosold Mountain is shrouded in light, like a scorching sun emerging.

When the light fell in front of Dais's eyes, Dais was almost terrified, thinking that he was going to die under Arthur's indiscriminate attack, but when the light penetrated into Dais's body, Dais realized that the light didn't hurt him at all.

Not only that, his fatigue was disappearing, his injuries were recovering, and the warm feeling almost made Dess groan, how cool. Dais turned his head easily and found that as long as the soldiers on his side were not hurt by the light, they were healed instead.

But this is not the case with the enemies. When the light invaded the enemy's body, they let out a terrifying scream. The strong ones immediately used their spiritual power to resist the light and continued to invade. The weak ones fell to the ground with a plop. But he couldn't get up, he could only let out a helpless scream.

When the light disappeared, Arthur put away the sword in the stone, and saw that the soldiers who could still stand on Mount Bossold were his own soldiers, while the enemies either ran away with the light, or fell to the ground in mourning.

Looking at the battle that just ended, the officer, who was still a little confused, limped towards Arthur with his newly recovered body: "Your Excellency, what should I do with the enemy army? Do you want to kill them?"

After the officer finished speaking, before Arthur hadn't answered, there was the mourning of the enemy: "Great King Arthur! King Arthur who is favored by the gods! We have already recognized our arrogance and ignorance, and we are willing to help You do your best, please don't kill us!"

The person who spoke was a barbarian leader with a body like an iron tower, with fire phosphorus level power, but because he was too close to Arthur, he was unable to escape and could only be paralyzed on the ground. At this time, when he heard someone ask Arthur whether to kill him, he panicked immediately, exhausted his last spiritual power to make himself climb towards Arthur, and then begged bitterly.

With the first pleading of the barbarian leader, the sound of pleading for Arthur soon spread from Mount Bossold, and it seemed that the whole mountain was calling "King Arthur".

Arthur put his sword on the ground to support himself, keeping himself upright and majestic, and then said the judgment of the enemy: "As a knight, I will not kill a prisoner unless the prisoner is a heinous person."

It was a bit cold on the field, because the barbarians were thinking, what is a wicked person, and is this wickedness defined by Arthur?

Arthur raised the sword in the stone again, which caused the enemy on the field to cry again, begging Arthur not to kill himself, and Arthur shut up, and the scene was silent again.

"The sword in the stone is an artifact given to me by the gods. He can judge who is the most evil person."

Now Arthur is a Ziluo-level beastmaster. Compared with before, the speed of using the sword in the stone to punish evil has become faster, because he can let the breath of the sword in the stone radiate into the field, which is shrouded in the Those in the realm will be automatically judged by Arthur to see if they are villains.

After finishing speaking, Arthur began to operate the spiritual power drive field, covering his own field to the entire Bossold Mountain, to quickly detect the good and evil of these people.

Arthur's domain can cover such a wide range, one is that Arthur is talented, the other is that Arthur has the bonus of the sword in the stone, and the third is that after the domain covers the entire Mount Bossold, he has lost the ability to fight. Even maintaining existence is very reluctant. However, Arthur is not relying on domain battles now, so as long as Li Lingyu can continue to exist, it is enough.

When Arthur found the villain who had been warned by the sword in the stone, he executed the opponent with a sword. After two hours of execution, when it was completely dark, Arthur executed all the villains in these prisoners. Only then did Arthur put away the sword again: "The most wicked people have all been executed."

After hearing this sentence, the barbarian troops lying on the ground were all moved and cried. They thought that the execution of the villains was just an excuse, and Arthur wanted to kill all of them. So moved, the voice of "Long Live King Arthur" resounded throughout Mount Bossold.

The cry of long live calmed down after a while, because the people close by saw Arthur holding a sword in his hand, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking about, and it seemed to be a fierce inner struggle, which made the barbarian race. They were worried again, fearing that Arthur would be uncomfortable, so he executed them.

At this time, it has been two hours since the vow of victory was launched, and some barbarians who are far away or strong have gradually recovered their physical strength. Although they will not recover to their full body state, they can at least walk around. But even so, no one dared to move, they were frightened by Arthur's oath victory.

Arthur's hand touched the magic mirror over and over again, and he said "it shouldn't", which made the officers a little scared and didn't understand what Arthur was worrying about. ask.

"Among the villains I executed, the most villains were bandits, the second were barbarians, and the least were mob... But don't everyone say that mob is the most evil group in the world? Why are they the fewest villains in their group? You know what?"

Hearing that Arthur was worrying about this issue, the officer was taken aback. You must know that condemning the mob is politically correct among the nobles, and no one can refute this political correctness, as long as you know that the mob is evil, why think so much ?

The officer didn't want to answer, but Arthur was asking himself again, and he couldn't help but answer, he said hesitantly after a while: "This may...because they have just become a mob, and they haven't been polluted by the mob... The real mobs are elsewhere, presumably…”

Arthur sighed: "There are so many doubts in life. I really regret that there is only one chance to summon Merlin's mentor. It seems that I can only put this problem aside and concentrate on the battle at hand."

When Arthur raised his head again, he became the resolute and sunny Grand Duke again, and shouted to the captives in a full voice:

"Although bandits are the cancer of the country, they are still my people. Since the villains have been executed, the remaining bandits must hand over the stolen goods and charge the army to atone for their crimes!"

"The barbarians are vulgar barbarians, they don't understand culture, and they are not my people. I will give you two options. One is to hand over all the stolen goods and expel them from the country. "

"As for the mob, they are the most wicked people in the world, they are outraged by people and gods, and are not tolerated by the world! Although you are not evil people at this time, you will be the worst evil people in the world in the future, so no matter whether you are young or old, as long as you It's a mob, all executed!"

When Arthur made this trial, although the bandits and barbarian captives were annoyed that all the stolen goods they had stolen were going to be lost, most of them were still happy because they found a life. Only when the mob knew that they were going to die. , is not crying father and mother, is swearing.

What impressed Arthur the most during the execution was a mob leader who still scolded Arthur to death. At that time, the person who executed him was Dais, who arrogantly asked the other party: "You are a mob, what are you doing? Are you scolding King Arthur with your face?"

"Oh! What mob, it's not the name that those **** nobles arranged for us!"

"You refuse to pay taxes, and you incite others to follow you, destroying the old beautiful pastoral order, is it wrong to execute you!" Arthur actually came over, and Dais hurriedly dropped the leader and saluted Arthur.

"Damn the beautiful pastoral order! That's what you, a noble sitting in the clouds, would say! We were still your serfs, working all year round~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and you just take us to you We can live a good life if we don’t belong to Gunnar, why! If there are no nobles, we can live better!”

"Nonsense! If there were no nobles protecting your life, you would have fallen into ruin because of disorder! Look at your mob, it has a history of more than a thousand years, not to mention a country, have you ever built a city? None How can you build an orderly society with your chaotic nature? Don't you depend on our nobles?"

The mob leader laughed frantically, and tears came out: "How can we build a city? Once a stable settlement is established on the border, you will bring your troops to kill us, and then slaughter us! If you escape into the wilderness After a few generations, it will be no different from the surrounding barbarians! So what else can we do but wander around the border!"

Dais was furious when he realized that he dared to attack Arthur. He wanted to slash with a knife, but was stopped by Arthur: "A knight never fails to give the enemy time to finish speaking."

Seeing King Arthur's move, the mob leader stopped laughing wildly, and sighed with an expression that didn't know whether he was crying or laughing: "But King Arthur, I also know your decrees over the past few years, if the nobles are like you, I'm afraid I It won't become a mob either, but that's impossible."

"That's because the nobles don't know knights yet! Here I am! The age of knights is coming! In time, the nobles will become knights like me," Arthur said confidently.

Seeing Arthur's confident expression, the mob leader sighed, "I can't bear to scold you for your appearance, but King Arthur, I make a prophecy, I predict that you will die with a knife from a noble, and you will die. Worse than me."

After that, the mob leader gave up his spiritual power before Arthur could answer, slammed into the knife in Dais's hand, and died.

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