God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 449: : The Legend of the King of Knights (22) in a fairy tale

"The Biography of King Arthur, Chapter Fourteen, The Evil Conspiracy"

"...King Arthur ruled the Principality of Miloqiu for less than two years, and the Duchy of Miloqiu was prosperous. The nobles were eager for justice, the number of knights was increasing, the soldiers fought bravely, the merchants obeyed the law, and the commoners lived and worked in peace and contentment. , the evildoers have nowhere to hide, they can only flee from the Principality of Miluoqiu."

"In short, every kind person is happy to live in this era and to live in an era ruled by King Arthur. King Arthur is really the greatest ruler of the Duchy of Miloqiu from ancient times to the present, and even the founder of the Miloqiu family. Miloqiu is not as good as King Arthur."

"The sky covers every part of the land, and the light shines on every corner of the principality. The good people sing and dance for this, but the evil people grit their teeth with hatred, and they who fled the principality of Miloqiu cursed King Arthur day and night, prayed King Arthur was taken by the devil and restored to the dark ages of the past."

"King Arthur's brilliant rule was envied by the three countries on the east coast. King Liao Dekuan II of Goshamdo also tried to cede the throne to King Arthur, in order to prevent King Arthur from being drawn over by the other two countries. But King Arthur refused, the knight would not He should have usurped the lord's position, and let King Liao Dekuan II dissuade him."

"King Arthur's rule also deeply worried Laventica in the south. Laventica is located in the south of the east coast, an evil kingdom that does not believe in the gods of the sky, this country is arrogant and decadent, and the royal family that rules this country is evil , degenerate, and their king, Angwu VI, is a representative of evil depravity, arrogance, and decadence."

"Why is Angwu VI so evil? Because he was killed in the past. In order to take Arthur and complete one of the three conditions of the former Grand Duke Chakju IV of the Duchy of Miluoqiu, Merlin's mentor is to pull King Ventica's favorite prince, Angwu's head, was brought here, so Angwu was killed."

"After Angwu died, the king used the magic of the black devil to resurrect him. After the resurrection, Angwu, who was already evil, became even more evil."

"Angevu VI has always had an ambition, that is, to destroy the three countries on the east coast and spread the evil of Laventica all over the east coast."

"And when he heard about King Arthur's glorious rule, he panicked: 'If King Arthur continues to rule, wouldn't the three countries on the east coast become very powerful? Then my plan to eliminate the three countries on the east coast will go bankrupt. Is it? No, I have to stop King Arthur!'"

"Angewu VI rolled his eyes and had a plan. He used magic to recruit demon servants and gave them an order: 'There is a wise king in the north, called Arthur I, who is the greatest of our Laventica cause. The enemy, so I have to kill him before he gets stronger.'"

"'Although Arthur is the representative of the light and the blue sky, after all, he has only ruled the Principality of Miloqiu for 2 years, and has not completely driven out the darkness of the Principality of Miloqiu, so this is my last chance! Otherwise, when the Principality of Miloqiu is completely wiped out by Arthur, my ambition to wipe out the three countries on the east coast will be dashed!'"

"Angewu VI pointed to the white devil and said: 'You, go to the Principality of Milo Qiu, contact the bandits in the country, those bandits who are about to be wiped out by King Arthur, piece them together into a unified theme, and then hide in Milo Every corner of Qiu Principality is waiting for my next order.'"

"Angevu VI pointed to the Red Devils and said: 'You, go to the Principality of Miloqiu, contact the mob on the border, and let them set off a new storm.'"

"Angewu VI pointed to the Dark Demon and said: 'You, go to the Principality of Miloqiu, contact the barbarians outside the wilderness, and lead them to invade the Principality of Miloqiu.'"

"Angewu VI pointed to the green devil and said: 'You, go to the Principality of Miluoqiu, control the scum among the people, and let them execute my plan at the right time.'"

"Angwu VI assigned all the four demon servants he got from the devil, and he shouted: 'Hahaha, King Arthur, even if you are very clever, how can you break my game?'"

"The Biography of King Arthur, Chapter 15, Barbarian Invasion"

"...Under the conspiracy of King Angwu VI, the barbarians, the mob and the bandits united, and under the cooperation of some scum, they launched a massive invasion of the Duchy of Miloqiu, which forced King Arthur to temporarily entrust the country to Lan. Slot was the regent, and temporarily gave Avalon to Lancelot to care for, while he himself led the army to defend against the barbarians."

"...King Arthur asked Mentor Merlin to make a prophecy for him before he set off on the expedition. After Mentor Merlin finished making the prediction, his expression changed greatly and he said to King Arthur: 'Dear King, I saw from the prophecy that Lancelot will It will bring you monstrous disasters, please think twice.'"

"But King Arthur shook his head and said: 'Mr Merlin, this may be a mistake in the prophecy. You know, the prophecy is not an oracle after all, and everyone can make mistakes. As a righteous knight, how could Lancelot bring me What about the monstrous calamity? You can put a hundred hearts on it.'"

"The Biography of King Arthur, Chapter 17, Blackmail"

"...Anged's army withdrew and brought the news of Angade's fiasco, which moved King Arthur. He did not expect that Angold, who had the Knights of the Round Table, Kay, would also suffer a fiasco."

"Knight of the Round Table Kai said to King Arthur angrily: 'Angde has fallen, so the people of Angde are all under the evil rule of barbarians, King Arthur, I am ashamed of you.'"

"And General Angold was already kneeling at King Arthur's feet and weeping, tears soaking his white beard: 'King Arthur, I regret it! I shouldn't rely on the old to sell the old, do things according to the old methods, so that the other party is evil. Magic control. If I'm not controlled, I can go to support the Kai Knight, and Angad won't be defeated!'"

"King Arthur lifted the commander of Angade and comforted him: 'In this case, I will deprive you of your position, veteran, you should go back to the rear to cultivate, and pray for Angde's atonement.'"

"The commander of Angde said dumbly: 'King, the barbarians were aggressive at the time, so Sunifu retreated, and although Sunifu retreated, all of your people were brought out by you, and they were properly placed in Karachi. But this time I lost Angad, but let the people fall under the evil rule of the barbarians. If I am a knight, how can I go back to the rear?" After that, the Lord of Angde killed him. On the sword in the stone, atonement with death."

"... 'My lord, the barbarians in Angad say that you can only bring five hundred people to meet Angad, otherwise they will slaughter the people of Angad.'"

"King Arthur sighed: 'Then I can only do as they say, I can't sit back and watch my people be slaughtered by them.'"

"Hearing King Arthur's decision, the people in the camp hurriedly dissuaded them. Kai said: 'The Angad barbarians dare to invite the king to go there, they must have set up a net, the king, if you go, you will die!'"

"King Arthur said righteously: 'What about nine deaths? In order to protect my people, this is a danger that a knight must face.'"

The Biography of King Arthur, Chapter 18, Bedwell

"...When King Arthur was about to set off, a mysterious visitor stopped him, and the mysterious visitor said: 'I have heard everything you said in the camp, I confirm that you are a noble knight who is consistent with your appearance, and then I will compete with you. , you accept my challenge?'"

"King Arthur replied: 'As a knight, it is natural to accept the challenge of other knights, but now I am going to save my people and need to recuperate.'"

"The mysterious visitor said: 'We are just discussing, not real, and if you can beat me, I will not only swear allegiance to you, but also tell you the plot of the barbarians.'"

"...After the mysterious visitor swore allegiance to King Arthur, he finally revealed his origins and the barbarian's conspiracy."

"'Noble King Arthur~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And let you know, I am a Hansamun, named Bedwell, raised by the evil Angwu VI as a murder tool since childhood, but when When I heard of your glorious deeds, I was deeply moved, and I fled from the palace of King Angwu VI to help you.'"

"'My king, you dare to go to Angad to face thousands of troops. Apart from the honor of a knight and a passion for blood, you just feel that you can rely on the sword in the stone to break the situation. But the evil Angwu VI has long known that The power of the sword in the stone, so he deliberately found a way from the devil to set up a magic circle for you, so that the divine grace of the **** of the sky cannot come to Angad, so that my king, your sword in the stone will be useless, And the Angadian barbarians can beat you with tens of thousands of troops.'"

"Hearing Bedwell's reminder, King Arthur was shocked and quickly asked: 'Angwu VI is indeed evil, if he only brings 500 people and can't use the sword in the stone, I can indeed defeat tens of thousands of people, But I'm afraid I will also die together. But fortunately, I have you, you say there is a way, what is the way?'"

"Bedwell said: 'Before I escaped from the palace, I stole the design of this magic circle from the secret room in the palace. I found that the maintenance of the magic circle depends on several nodes, and as long as the most important node is destroyed, then The magic circle will collapse, and the king's sword in the stone will be usable.'"

"King Arthur asked Bedwell to draw the map of the node, and then took out Angad's map for comparison, so King Arthur found: 'The magic circle node, isn't it the Holy Mountain of Bosolde!'"

"The Holy Mountain of Bossold is a famous mountain in the Principality of Miloqiu. It towers into the clouds and seems to be able to meet the **** of the sky along the mountain. And this mountain is also beautiful and full of countless rare treasures. It is a holy place for cultivation. Only this type of mountain can maintain a magic circle."

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