God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 549: : Ultraman in the world (beginning) from the stars

The longer you stay in this world, the more you will forget the memory and knowledge of the original world, not to mention the natural memory completion when Leng Yi is awakened, which makes Leng Yi cherish the only memories that he can recall. Fortunately, he With great supernatural powers, you can refresh your memories, so you can always take out your memories to revisit them to warm your heart that is getting colder.

One day, when Leng Yi took out his memory and started to clean up, he saw a beautiful memory in his childhood, Ultraman, Leng Yi smiled knowingly, remembering that he once played the king of Ultra in a bath towel, because Leng Yi I want to be the strongest Ultraman, but in Leng Yi's opinion, the King of Ultraman is the strongest Ultraman.

However, although Leng Yi watched the most Ultraman when he was a child, it was the Seven Brothers of Taro's generation, but Leng Yi's memory was very vague at that time, but it was only after Diga appeared that Leng Yi could understand the plot, so for Leng Yi The one with the deepest memory is Ultraman Tiga.

After watching Ultraman a few times, Leng Yi suddenly had a good idea, can I summon it in this world, or can I create an Ultraman? It's a tribute to a lost childhood. As soon as he said it, Leng Yi began to think about creating a suitable background for Ultraman Tiga.

To create an Ultraman, the so-called background is mainly to make the gods feel reasonable, because the mortal world will blame the unpredictability of the gods when they don’t understand things, that is, push the pot to the gods, but the gods can’t continue to push the pot. I gave it to others, so I had to think about it coldly.

What places are unknown to the gods and can accommodate Ultraman's? The mortal world is definitely not acceptable. After the establishment of the eight major factions, the gods spent five centuries to explore how many unknowns and immortal epics there are in the continent. To put it bluntly, the continent has basically been explored by the gods, and there is no room for mystery. Terman such a powerful unknown.

Since the mortal world is not good, the first place that Leng Yi thinks of is the underworld. There are too many unknowns in the underworld, and it seems that Ultraman can be accommodated. But it just seems that Tiga, who is a kind camp, is not suitable to appear in the underworld. After all, this Tiga is not a dark Tiga or Beria.

What about the Styx? The River Styx flowing in the underworld is definitely not acceptable, but the River Styx flowing into the bottomless abyss is even a little bit cold, let alone arranging Ultraman.

The world is so big, isn't there even a place to arrange an Ultraman? Are you forcing me to create a new space again? At this time, Leng Yi suddenly had an epiphany, and found that his thinking was dark under the light, missing a place that he had been in contact with all the time, Xingchentian!

Originally, most of the Ultramans came from the m78 nebula. In this world, the extraordinary has changed to Xingchentian, and the exploration of Xingchentian by the gods is also in a primary stage. It is not that the gods do not know how big the Xingchentian is, but the gods do not know The structure of the stars in the sky.

Some gods believe that the stars are gods that failed to evolve. After all, at the beginning of the ancient times, the primitive gods stayed here, and the stars also stayed here. This is an easy association. As for the stars, they know that they can be sensed by the sun. Except for the indestructible material of the stars and the moon every night, other information is completely unknown.

Therefore, stars are the most suitable objects to create Ultraman. Ultraman in this world can be composed of stars... But stars can become Ultraman and moon, so Tiga is not the one of light A giant, but a warrior of the moon!

Leng Yi shook his head and put aside this irrational idea. The warrior of the moon should be the warrior of the moon. After all, this is the best method.

So Leng Yi's mind moved, and after being invisible, he flew out of the silver-white room and went to Xingchentian, and then began to cast spells, preparing to create, or to welcome Diga to this world.

So on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1700 of the Dali calendar, all the history books or records of civilizations solemnly recorded this stroke: "17th century, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there are two months in the sky, which is unprecedented in ancient times. Xiang, asked the priest, and the priest Yun and the gods have not seen either."

With the casting of Leng Yi, the scattered stars gathered together, and it happened that the day when Leng Yi cast the spell was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the moon composed of stars was the roundest, so the stars gathered by Leng Yi also formed a circle. The Nether seems to be almost the second moon, so it is recorded that "there are two months in the sky".

(Don’t wonder why there is a Mid-Autumn Festival in another world. The festivals in this world are all set by Leng Yi, so there are not only the Mid-Autumn Festival, but also the Double Ninth Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Children’s Day on June 1, the Lady’s Day on March 8, and the August 1st. The War Festival, the September 1st Festival, and the Eleventh World Breeding Festival.)

The changes in the stars also made the gods very nervous. They didn't know that Leng Yi was invisible and was at the place where the incident happened, so they gathered at the gathering place of the stars and sent people to call the God of Slashing Realms, while Leng Yi and others prepared Di Only after Jia's attributes did Shi Shiran return to the Ancestral Temple and set off.

The gods watched this "second month" nervously for a long time, and finally held on to the arrival of the God of Slashing Realm, which was a great relief, and the God of Slashing Realm really did not meet their expectations, and they went up to perceive it with divine power, and there was judgment.

"A creature is being bred in it, a creature transformed by the stars, a glorious child formed by intercepting the aura of the sun, everyone, don't worry, my rough perception tells me that he is a good person."

Just as Leng Yi was talking, with a puff, the shell composed of stars cracked, and a behemoth that was dozens of times larger than ordinary people, about 120 meters, broke out of the shell.

The gods took a closer look and saw that the object was 120 meters high, and it was generally human-shaped. And there is a raised edge in the middle of the cheek, quite vertical, which probably seems to be the giant's nose; the giant's ear (maybe it should be called the ear) is close to the face, and it looks like another strange bulge from a distance. .

The giant's body is smooth and hairless, just like his head, and it is composed of three colors of red, purple and white. What surprised the gods the most was that even though the giant's body was so huge, it was still so smooth that no dents could be seen. Know that the bigger a species, the rougher the skin and the more pronounced depressions, but this giant has none.

The God of Slashing Realms claimed that this giant has good intentions and will not cause harm to the realm of the gods. The gods woke up 3 points after seeing the appearance of the giant. The giant is like a pleasing statue. Although it looks strange, it does not have any The evil twists will not make people afraid.

As for the strength of the giant... The gods discovered that there was no spiritual power on the giant. When the gods were surprised, the spiritual power began to pour into the giant's body. The raised pupils like salted duck eggs suddenly glowed, and the giant woke up.

Diga remembered his last memory before he fell into a coma. He used himself as Shining Diga's last strength. With the help of the hope of all mankind, he used the last blow to defeat the evil **** Gatanjie, and then passed out. When he woke up again, he was not where he was supposed to be, but in an unfamiliar place.

There are many differences between this world and Dagu's world. For example, the fluctuations are stronger, so that he can suspend himself in the air and not fall.

A group of people floating in the air are surrounding him, no, Tiga is keenly aware that these people are not real people, what is in front of them is just their incarnation, and their real body is this piece of stars. As for this group of "people", Tiga noticed that most of them are dark people, or evil, or indifferent, and few belong to the light. Even the "people" composed of light are only bright in appearance.

At this time, a "person" flew out of the crowd watching Tiga. Tiga found that among all the "people", only this "person" could not see what he was or his character.

The person passed on a wave of fluctuations that did not exist in the world. Diga felt that this fluctuation was slightly similar to the fluctuation when Dagu summoned himself, and judged that there was no malicious intent, so he inhaled the fluctuation, and then Diga knew it. The language of the world, you can talk freely.

"Things of the stars, I am the most powerful god, the **** of slashing the world, what is your name?" The "person" that Tiga couldn't see through said to Tiga.

god? Tiga remembers that Dagu's world also has gods, but anyway Ultraman has never seen the gods mentioned by humans, and are they in this world the gods that Dagu's world said? As for the things of the stars? Diga turned his head to look at the star fragments around him, and immediately understood what the God of Slashing World said.

But no matter what, they were not malicious at this time, so Tiga also replied kindly: "I am Tiga, Ultraman Tiga."

"Tiga Ultraman? Your name is Tiga, and your surname is Ultraman? The thing born from the stars actually has a name?" Born Tiga, the most curious, UU read www. uukanshu.com therefore asks.

Diga and Leng Yi turned their heads to look at the Star God at the same time, and Leng Yi called out in his heart: "Mom, Diga Ultraman, I didn't even expect this kind of operation."

As for Tiga, he didn't want to contact these "spirits" with evil attributes, and naturally he didn't want to tell them about Ultraman, so he nodded in affirmation of the Star God's question.

"Since that's the case, everyone will disperse on their own, and just leave one or two curious people behind," Leng Yi waved his hand to let the gods go back to their respective homes, "Diga has just been born, you will make him nervous."

Since this Tiga was friendly and did not threaten people, the gods dispersed on their own when they saw this, leaving only a few interested gods, including Leng Yi. He looked up at this huge Ultraman, this himself When I was a teenager, I could only see objects on TV, but I never expected to see them alive today—even in another world.


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