God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 550: : Ultraman in the Human World (2) Inner Region

In the afternoon sunshine, a young man was lying lazily on a green **** with a dog's tail grass in his mouth. Beside the young man, there was a simple magic weapon. The magic weapon was all carved from wood, about half a Only as long as an arm, it looks like a wooden handicraft from a distance.

The young man spit out the dog's tail grass in his mouth, and said to the magic weapon like he was coquettish to the elders: "Diga Diga, you have finished talking to me about our land, I want to know what the land outside is like, Go ahead and tell me."

From the point of view of others, it is so quiet except for the howling wind rustling the trees in the distance, but the young man seems to be really talking to someone, frowning and saying: " Ah, let me repeat the geography, this... well..."

"Our region is located in the Middle-earth continent and is called the belly region, because among the more than 20 regions in the world, our belly region is the only one that does not border the ocean, so it is called the belly region," After the boy answered, he muttered again, "But let alone the sea, I have never even seen Zehu."

The teenager cleared his throat and began to repeat the history of the belly region that Tiga had told himself: "At the northern end of the belly region is the Ravenk Forest, named after the Ravenk people, and its area is very vast. From the West Pole, which we have not yet explored, to, to, the East Pole is the city from which I forgot, and if someone has traveled through the long Ravenk Forest, they can reach a country called Romanhof. "

The young man did not remember the name of Dongji, because the young man did not care about the city far away from him, but the young man remembered the name Roman Hefei, because the young man who was born in the mountains was full of unknown distances. Out of curiosity, I really want to explore the distance when I grow up.

"Ravenk Forest is an obstacle in the north of the belly region, preventing us from exploring to the north, and the obstacle in the west of the belly region is the Hengduan Mountains and the Sabeiba Forest."

"Diga, you said that the Hengduan Mountains are not named by us, but by the gods, because the Hengduan Mountains are the longest and most majestic mountains in the whole world. They spread from the northwest corner of the Middle Earth Continent, and extend from north to south to Euronolai in the south is still someplace, and it also separates our exchanges with the West Bank countries.”

"And the Great Sabeiba Forest is a forest that is far more magnificent than Ravenk Forest. It wraps the west and south of the inner region, and it is like crossing the Ravenk Forest to reach Roman Hefei. Beyond the great forest of Sabeiba, you can reach Eastern Euronorai in the south."

"As for the east and southeast, although there are some forests and mountains blocking it, the road has not been completely blocked, so the east is the direction in which the inner region can only expand in the future."

"In our inner region, the largest lake is Zehu Lake, which is located in the northwest of my hometown. You said that Zehu Lake used to be full of swamps on the north shore, but with the development of nearly a thousand years, the swamps have been gradually drained. It seems that there is still a part of the swamp left."

"There are three undulating areas in the hinterland, two are hilly areas and one is mountain area. One hilly area is Napu hilly area, Napu is an ancient city in the southwest of Zehu Lake, and the other is Tiyi hilly area, It is located in the south of Zehu; and the mountain area, which is my hometown, has no official name, it is just called the mountain exile."

The mountain exile, as the name suggests, can imagine the scene here. Poor mountains and bad waters are the best name for this place. It was originally developed because of the Tuwak gold mine. However, as the miners fled into the mountains to hide, they found There is a large area of ​​flat land in the gap, and when the middle of the mountain is actually suitable for reclamation, it becomes inevitable for refugees from all over the world to flee here.

The place where the boy was born is called the Belly Region. It is said that when the gods first defined the names of the regions, it was originally going to be called the Evan Knudo region, but the God of Slashing World intervened. He said that the names of other regions did not exceed 6. In terms of syllables, there are only 7 syllables in Evan Knudo, which is not in tune, so it was changed to the abdomen area, and the name has been passed down to this day.

The reason why the belly area was originally named Evan Knudo is naturally because Ivan Knud, the **** of swamps (this is also the origin of the name of Zehu), is the first country established in this land, and has a long history. It is still quite early. The state was established in 450 of the Dali. As a result, after 1130, due to internal conflicts and barbarian invasions, Evan Knudo went into troubled times.

Troubled times refer to the loss of control of the local government by the authorities and the unbearable war between warlords from all over the world. Almost every civilization has had such an era. be unified, or split into two or three countries.

However, Evan Knudo is an exception. Since the turbulent times in 1130, Evan Knudo has hardly been unified again. The so-called almost no means that when Evan Knudo was attacked to only a small piece of territory , when the capital is the country, it is natural to unify the country again.

It was because of the chaotic characteristics of Evan Knudo that he was selected by Cold Game. Cold Game made Evan Knudo the stage for the preliminaries of the Heroic Spirit game. With the help of the local factions for rehearsal, come to Suxi to learn the basic operation of the British game.

The weakening of Ewenkenudo also caused a unique phenomenon in this world, with multiple barbarians successfully invading and establishing their own stable rule on the borders of Ewenkenudo.

You should know that although other civilizations also have successful examples of barbarian invasions, such as Dodi’s invasion of Fakyu, Susie’s invasion of Sulassie, and Pokang’s invasion of Bourbon, these are only barbarian invasions of a tribe. And Evanc Nudo was invaded by many different barbarians.

Invading and occupying the Kalets barbarians northwest of Evenkendor, these Kalets barbarians were assimilated into the present-day Kalets Ivins;

The Sabeiba barbarians who invaded and occupied the western part of Evinc Nudo were assimilated into the Sabei people of today, and the Sabei people who were the venerable syllables were Sa, and the Saza farther west. Kish and Safirchi belong to the same race and have distant relatives;

The Latinasoya barbarians who invaded and occupied the northeastern part of Evanc Nudo were assimilated into the Ravenks of today, as the Ravenks of the venerable syllable, and the eastern The Laventica people on the east coast of Middle-earth are actually of the same race and have distant relatives.

Invading and occupying the sylvan barbarians southeast of Evenkendor, these sylvan barbarians were assimilated into today's sylvans.

There are four barbarians who successfully invaded Ewenkenudo, and they each established their own territory. Later, in order to gain the support of each other, the Ewenkenudo warlords who competed for the orthodox position even became king as Ewenkenudo. In the name of (arrogance), they canonized them as grand dukes of various places, and legally recognized the rule of these barbarians.

Among these four groups of barbarians, the Kalets Ivin and Sabei people located in the northwest and west cooperated sincerely, and in 1239, under the leadership of the Sabei noble family of Ancakos, they announced their separation from Ivinc Nudo and established the A brand-new country, Sabei, will compete with Evan Knudo for the crown.

After the founding of Sabei, they fought a long three-hundred-year war with Evan Knudo one after another. During this period, the two sides had victories and losses, but in the end, Sabei prevailed slightly and eliminated the last representative of the ancient principality in 1629. The principality of Evan Knudo, ending the 1179-year history of Evan Knudo, unified the region in the belly.

However, Sabei's unification is illusory and unreal. As a barbarian country built on the ruins of Ewenknudo, although Sabei can destroy the country of Ewenknudo, it has been powerless to change since Ewenknudo entered the troubled times. The system that has been handed down even has to be further strengthened to further affirm the local rule of the principalities in various places.

This kind of affirmation made the situation of feudal separatism continue after the unification of Sabei. Of course, the Ancacos Dynasty was naturally not reconciled to this situation, and it made some efforts to centralize power, such as taking advantage of the rudeness of the new duchy of Sabei as an opportunity to dismiss the ambitious grand duke and appoint new reliable cronies.

Although Sabei's ruling center was located in the west of the belly region, with the powerful authorities and the scattered duchies in the east, Sabei was able to suppress the east with his own orthodoxy, but in 1682, due to his prestige The sudden death of the people led to the infighting between the two factions of the family, triggering a dispute between the East and the West.

The East-West dispute broke the fragile balance between the Sabé authorities and the localities, allowing the various principalities to wage war with each other while the Ankacos Dynasty was caught in the East-West dispute, and wantonly annexed the territories of weaker principalities. Post-mortem statistics show that during the 46-year dispute between the East and the West from 1682 to 1728, the Principality of Hubei, the Principality of Nanxi Laide and the Ancient Principality were divided up.

In 1728, the victorious family branch of the Ancacos Dynasty changed its name to the Perode family and established the Perode Dynasty. After the establishment of the Perode Dynasty, they tried to revive the authority of the authorities. The first one to take out the operation was Issa. The Duchy of Vanloh, and the "Isavanlo War" broke out.

The main ethnic group of the Principality of Isavanlo is the Ewenknudo, and Sabei appointed Sabei nobles to rule after the conquest of the locality, first with the branch of the Ankacos family, then with the Savannah family, but Isafan. The Principality of Luo has always been filled with the spirit of Erwuzi.

The "Isavanlo War" ended in 1776~www.wuxiaspot.com~Issavanlo Principality not only repelled the Perod Dynasty, but also made the Perod Dynasty lose face. With the independence of the Principality of Ravenk, a new country was established alongside Sabé.

It is in the past few hundred years that with the wars in these countries, a "freeland" was gradually formed due to the exiles of criminals and escapees. The general poverty made it that there were no high-ranking aristocrats and no other. A principality with a distinct local feudal system is directly governed by a governor appointed by the authorities, and the governor appointed by the authorities can only control the main city, and has no control over the villages located in the mountains.

And the young man with Diga's transforming device, Yu from the mountain village of Xuweili, was born in this lawless land and is a free citizen in the mountains.

The speech of the name 礥 is unique to the region of the abdomen, and the closest pronunciation to Chinese should be xian, so 礥 is used to refer to its title, but it is also represented by the special sub-body of "礥". Just an approximation, not really studying xian.


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