God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 553: : Ultraman in the World (5) Mob and Brutality


The raging fire devoured this mountain village, and a group of wolf-like soldiers were urging the mountain people here to advance, and occasionally beat them with whips.

The history of this mountain village is not long. After the outbreak of the "Freedom War in the Mountains", a group of mountain people who originally lived closer to the official road abandoned the original mountain because they avoided the war between Sabé and Isavello. The village, fled to the new village established deeper in the mountains.

Although when it was just established, various kinds of incompatibility, and many people died because of the development of the wilderness, but with the development of the wild road in the past ten years, for the local mountain people, this place has gradually become their new home, but all this will be today. It's over, they're leaving here.

When the soldiers burned down the original village and robbed them of all their food and savings, the young and middle-aged people without parents, wives and children fled. The remaining people, whether they wanted to or not, could only follow the soldiers. One of the middle-aged people couldn't help but lamented: "It's all my fault for taking a chance and regretting not listening to Yu's advice!"

"The Record of Emperor Xuweili: The Violence of Savannah"

"Waiting for the fate of this group of people is to burn down the original village, and after all the original savings are taken away, the leading officer will distribute the necessary food for their daily walking and **** them to the village near the official road. Inside."

"The walking on this road is long and arduous, and the army is urgently urged, and the rations are very harsh. As a result, many people who are physically weak died in the middle of the road. For these corpses, the soldiers simply Even if he understands it by throwing it aside, in order to speed up his journey, his family is not allowed to collect his body."

"After going through all the hardships, these mountain people will be taken to a small plain in the south of La Diwo, and then they will find that the mountain people brought over are not only their own group, but some who came earlier than themselves, and some who came later than themselves. Yes, in short, many mountain people have been brought out of the deep mountains by the army one after another."

"In addition to the mountain people and the army, there are also many Isavanro nobles. They are all unimportant branches of the family and have no way to inherit the family's honor, so they were sent by the family to the once free land in the mountains. It is the newly established Principality of Savannah who will find a way out."

"In order to enhance his control over the mountain people, Natalo I, the Grand Duke of Savannah, generously (for the nobles) provided a lot of help, such as borrowing troops from his hometown and letting his troops enter the mountains like slaves. In the middle of attacking the mountain people, they captured the mountain people in La Diwo."

"Then those aristocratic branches who are unwilling in Isavanro will ignore the original village relations of the mountain people (or even deliberately disrupt them, because this will help the nobles control the mountain people), like picking out goods, and make their own decisions. Allocate the mountain people to them as fiefs, and build up Isavanro fief after fief."

"A Collection of Essays on the Belly Region: An Inquiry into the Rise of Xu Weili"

"Yu Xuweili, not to mention the area in the belly, looking at the entire pre-modern world, it can be said to be one of the lowest-born rulers. There has almost never been a refugee who is more humble than a slave, who can actually establish a system later. Such a great cause. Although this is slightly related to his giant bloodline, the more important thing is that the world is always the same."

"After Isavarro conquered the free mountain from Sabei, he did not let the mountain freely maintain a peculiar way of life of his own as in the past thousand years. For the whole world, the mountain people's The lifestyle is also very peculiar.”

"The class of mountain people is different from the class composition of nobles-citizens-commoners-poor in towns and cities in traditional feudal society, and the class composition of nobles-peasants-sub-peasants outside the towns, as well as the class composition of bandits and refugees. They may have high-level villagers and low-level villagers, but there are no two classes of 'nobles' and peasants."

"And after the Grand Duke Natalo I of Savannah took office, he used Sabei's regular army to forcibly collect the mountain people from the deep mountains, and installed them with the ruling class of aristocrats, forcing them to pay taxes and serve labor. These outsiders are accustomed to and believe that they are the truth, and the mountain people have not experienced the way of governance for generations."

"This way of ruling has brought great suffering to the mountain people, and due to the low quality of the rulers and the unsuitable way of farming and taxation in the mountains, the suffering of the mountain people has been greatly aggravated. , in just a few years, the mountain people can't bear it anymore."

"Mountain people are just a general term for the residents of the free mountains in the mountains. Before the Xuweili Dynasty, there was no unified mountain people's government. Just as they did not have aristocrats, the mountain people did not have a common unified mentality."

"This is also closely related to the origin of the mountain people. The mountain people are not descendants of a certain ethnic group, but the descendants of refugees who have been fleeing from the outside world into the deep mountains in the nearly thousand years since Evan Knudo entered the troubled times. They have There are many people in Ewenkun, there are Xiyiwen people, there are Sabei people, there are various ethnic groups and various classes, and even some nobles who have failed in political struggles will also flee into the deep mountains in a desperate situation.”

"So in the eyes of the outside world, the mountain people are a whole, a whole that can be treated in one way, but the mountain people are fighting within themselves, and they don't think they can be compared with other villages."

"However, Grand Duke Savan forcibly captured the mountain people from the deep mountains, and tried to restrain the mountain people by assigning them to various nobles to rule. The Grand Duke Savan acted as the 'other' of the mountain people. The conflict with the nobles suddenly intensified, and on the other hand, it also made the mountain people have self-awareness - we are one ethnic group, one family."

"It is precisely because of this unprecedented mentality that the mountain people have become a united force, and it is precisely because of this that the right time and place are beneficial to the people in the world. And the 'Iweli', who play an important role in the regional history of later generations, originated from the rebellious mountain people at this time."

"The Yiweili people, in the origin of their name, 'yi' is a respectful syllable, and 'willi' is the translation of Xuweili. It can be said that the integration of mountain people makes Yu·Suweili not accepted by traditional society The dissidents have the power to resist the tradition, and the successful resistance of Xu Weili has made the mountain people truly merge into a unified ethnic group, the 'Iweili people'."

Qi quietly listened to the cry of the mountain people who were kneeling on the ground and hugging their thighs, her delicate face was filled with uncontrollable anger: "Hey, I regret not listening to you, those northerners are too savage. , we were tortured so badly by them, I'm afraid that in a few years, everyone will die!"

After arranging to rest the poor man who had experienced the migration road of blood and tears and escaped from the hands of the nobles of Isavanro by chance, he gathered the talents he had collected over the years to discuss the problem he was facing now.

At the meeting, most of the people were noncommittal about the threat of "Northerners": "They didn't listen to you at first, but now they're crying again, why should we help these people? And these people are not the villages near us, I remember. They are the villages of the Xiyiwen people, what does it have to do with us?"

Another person said the same: "Yes, yes, our mountain village is hidden deep in the mountains. The terrain here is so dangerous. Our number is much larger than those of the small villages. Northerners can't get in."

Of course, there are also some minority voices, such as someone who thinks so: "Although we used to belong to various mountain villages, in front of the northerners, we are all mountain people! At this time, we should not continue to engage in portal prejudice. It's not as good as the northerners, if they continue to be scattered like before, then it's really hopeless!"

At the end of the discussion, Yu finally made up his mind: "You are right, we should help them. In a big way, this is the custom of guarding the mountains since ancient times; in a small way, if the northerners connect the official roads Noble villages can’t be protected, let alone go deeper into the mountains.”

Aristocratic Village is the name of the villages set up by the group of Xu Weili for the aristocratic rule of Nataro I, and the villages that need to pay taxes and serve labor, and Nataro I called these villages "model villages", he declared To be free in the whole mountain, which is now the Principality of Savannah to implement the Model Village.

For those villagers who wanted to escape from the model village, Natarot I always used the name "mob". Among these mobs, the one who gave Natarot I the most headache was undoubtedly the leader of the mountain village of Xuweili, known as the "head of the mob bandit". Suburbs, burn the fields there.

Under the leadership of Xu Weili, there have been more and more resistance in the mountain villages in the past few years, and the mob who dared to attack the nobles is not only "Xu Weili", but many others have emerged. Finally, in 1825 At the time of the year, a very large-scale riot broke out.

"Your Excellency the Grand Duke, you have to decide for us! Those mobs not only burned my house, robbed me of food, but also gave our family's female relatives to... uhhh, those are nobles, and servants of nobles Ah! How dare they do this!" The little aristocrat who escaped from the Model Village arrived at La Divo, crying with snot and tears.

The principality of Savannah, a newly established principality~www.wuxiaspot.com~, has its nominal capital in Habaro, but Habaro’s military status is more important than its political status. Habaro, as a border, is mainly used to defend Sabei in the south. , and as a transfer station for the Tuwak Gold Mine, it is first transported to Ladivo and then to Yarro (the capital of Isavanro), so it is Ladivo in the north that actually undertakes the functions of the capital of the Principality of Savannah. , Natalo I, the Grand Duke of Savannah, was also stationed here.

The Tarot I pushed the little noble away slightly disgustingly, frowned and said, "I told you a long time ago that taxes should be less, and labor should be less. This place is different from other places. Tell me how many of you are there. Listen? If someone really listened, where did the mob come from such a large number, and how did the situation in the Principality get to the point where it is today?"

The little aristocrat choked and said: "I admit that we made such a small mistake, but those mob dared to rebel! Do they still care about the identity of the aristocrat! Grand Duke, you don't kill a group of people, how can you be worthy of it? The king entrusts the duchy to you!"

"I know!" Tarot I was in a terrible mood. He had expected that it would not be easy to rule here, but he didn't expect it to be so easy, "So I have mobilized the army of the duchy, and I have also mobilized the army from the Duchy of Isavello, The Principality of Ravenk invites reinforcements to kill these mobs!"


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