God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 554: : Ultraman in the world (6) Tiga and ?


Tiga believes that as an Ultraman, his mission is to protect the peace of the universe and defeat the monsters that try to destroy the peace, which is also to atone for his fallen self.

However, after crossing into this world, Diga was a little confused. Although there are similar giant monsters in this world, most of the time they stay in the inaccessible wilderness and will not endanger this world, or they are the world's part.

As for the monsters that really endanger the world, the demons under the underworld (in fact, after knowing the deeds of the devil, Tiga felt that the devil and the devil are just a little bit worse), but Tiga couldn't go to crusade, the reason given by the gods Yes, I was afraid that Tiga, who was born into the stars, would be badly affected by the underworld, resulting in unexpected mutations.

Therefore, there is nothing that Tiga in this world can do, and there is nothing familiar can do. There are no monsters on earth in this world, so Tiga cannot fight monsters, but this world is full of monsters, not monsters in the actual sense, but monsters in people's hearts.

After watching in the sky for so long, Tiga saw many ugly things. Different from the secret actions hiding in the dark corners of the earth, it was an action that took place blatantly in broad daylight. From gods to passers-by, from perpetrators to victims However, almost all of them think this is reasonable, and those who are dissatisfied with this status quo are criticized as a mob and are not tolerated by the world.

The innate education makes Tiga hate such a phenomenon, but how should it be solved? Tiga can defeat the living monsters, but he can't defeat the monsters in his heart, and the God Realm will not let Tiga go down so frequently to create a society that should exist in his mind.

In distress, Diga went to the only "God" he couldn't see through, the God of Slashing the Realm, and confided his troubles to the God of Slicing the Realm.

"Although you can't come directly, you can support an agent with your will to practice your ideals," when asked by Tiga, Leng Yi wanted to say that you should go to the second major Gu may not have it, but Leng Yi still remembers his own settings. He is a creature of this world and does not know the relationship between Diga and Da Gu.

Fortunately, Diga is still smart. After being reminded by Leng Yi, he remembered that he could throw a transforming device into the mortal world to find the great ancients of this world, but before doing so, Diga tentatively asked: "Then Can the God Realm allow it? Wouldn’t it directly interfere with God’s punishment?”

"It's easy to handle, I'll be the adjudicator, you can't violate the rules, they can't violate the rules, everyone does things according to the rules set at the beginning. You either limit your power or time to go down, and they can't be in the world. After you start to act, use the power of the gods to interfere with you, I am here to give a suggestion, after more specific content, you can discuss with them yourself and give me certification."

After listening to it, Tiga immediately had an idea. Of course, like the earth, he limited his playing time. Tiga didn't like to be tied up, but didn't he get used to this kind of thing after 3 minutes?

A few months later, Diga negotiated the content with the gods, so he brought the agreement to Leng Yi to authenticate Leng Yi, and Leng Yi was also refreshing, directly attached his divine power, and passed the agreement.

Just as Di Jia was about to leave happily, Leng Yi's voice suddenly came from behind: "I know what you want to do, but I'm here to tell you a little life experience based on my years of experience. , that is 'the dragon slayer will eventually become the dragon', or the person you want to kill the monster will eventually become a new monster."

Tiga paused as he left, and then said firmly: "I believe that I choose the summoner with the vision, he will not become a monster."

Won't it turn into a monster? The unequivocal answer to the God of Slashing Realms decades ago now reappears in Tiga's mind, making Tiga feel a little uneasy. He is pulling Tiga's heart again, "Is he really not going to become a monster?"

The summoner didn't stay in one place all the time, it moved at will with the spiritual power of the suitable person, and it was finally summoned by Yu after decades.

A teenager who grew up in the deep mountains, the system is very different from the outside world, so Tiga sees the hope of defeating monsters, and it is like fate. In the mountains, there was a "big monster" that was hated by the mountain people.

The "Mountain Freeland War" ended in 1821, and the Principality of Savannah was subsequently established. After the autumn harvest, Nataro, a branch member of the Savannah family, was elected as the Grand Duke of Savannah, and brought the army into the former freeland among the mountains. , set up one after another "model villages", which brought heavy disasters to the freedom of the mountains.

Previously, because of the "freedom war in the mountains" between Sabé and Isavanlo, many mountain people fled the mountain villages they originally lived in, which made many wandering mountain people in the mountains freely. The establishment of "Model Village" has made more and more mountain people have to join the wandering team.

Yu Xuweili, this young man valued by Tiga, this young man who is worthless in the traditional society, used this unique environment to accumulate his own strength.

He followed his subordinates, constantly attacked "model villages" or "immigrant villages" everywhere, rescued his "compatriots", robbed and slaughtered the Principality of Savannah and was unwilling to join his immigrants.

Dija was quite critical of Dija’s slaughtering of civilians, and Dija explained to Dija that this is a custom in the mortal world, and Dija can use his prestige to stop the slaughter once or twice, but it is impossible to stop it every time. , so the only end of the game is to be abandoned by his subordinates.

Killing civilians is not good, even if this kind of killing wears the hat of protection and justice, but Tiga can't find a way to refute the words, and he is not willing to lose the person who is the best with himself because of his persistence. The position of the leader, let someone worse than the character take this position.

So Diga can only comfort himself like this, the generation of Yu still brings the traditional evil customs of this world, so the task of the first generation should be to develop a safe environment, as for cultivating the same as the earth people. Things with a good character should be done by the second generation, and by people with a safe environment in the second generation.

What made Tiga change his mind was a story told by the God of Slashing Realms when he was chatting with the God of Slashing Realms. In the East, which is extremely far away from the belly, in the Hamador area on the east coast of Middle-earth, there is a The perfect knight is called King Arthur. Because he is obsessed with pursuing the kindness of knights, he is betrayed by everyone. He was abandoned by everyone in 1687. The only people who can remember him are the commoners.

Tiga went to check Arthur's information. After reading the historical legend of King Arthur, Tiga believed that the reason for Arthur's failure was that he was too impatient and tried to complete everything in one generation, so in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of King Arthur , Diga reluctantly lowered the standard of 祥, one generation pioneered, the second generation cultivated morality, and did not ask to create a world like King Arthur's fantasy, as long as he created a world similar to the modern moral level of the earth.

So after that, when Yu was doing some things that the world took for granted but were rebelling against the modern earth, Tiga did not persuade him any more, but just watched Yu with warning and encouraging eyes.

With the riots of the mountain people in the Principality of Savannah led by Yu, it arrived in 1825. Several groups of rebels emerged, including Yu, who trampled the prestige of Natarot under their feet, so much that the Grand Duke Natarot I Had to seek support from other principalities.

When they learned that Nataro I had mobilized troops from the outside world, some rebel leaders had been overwhelmed by their victory in the past four years. They gathered all the rebel leaders, including Yu, and prepared to unite everyone's strength: "It's just the same for the northerners. We're going to hit them hard and get them out of the mountains!"

This assertion of a decisive battle was enthusiastically supported by the rebel leaders present. They roared to express their joy. After all, Tarot I was tired of the raid by the rebels, and the mountain people might not be better. The mountain people are far more than the sum of the past.

In this frenetic venue, there was a sound of discord, and the youngest rebel leader who spoke, Yu Xuweili, frowned and said:

"Before we were able to defeat the northerners, firstly because they were unfamiliar with the mountains, secondly because the mountain road was rough and difficult to form formations, we could break them one by one, and thirdly because we only raided areas where their garrison was weak and retreated quickly, but I listened to everyone's speech now, to abandon our strengths and use our weaknesses to fight them!"

Yu's speech is correct~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The theory is clear, but it hurts the self-esteem of the rebel leaders present, and they are not well-educated because of Tiga, so there is no way to refute them, but they can only use the way of harassment. come to answer.

"Aiya, you, the younger generation, are so courageous that you are so small that you are separated from the elders of the Model Village! You are still able to enter the venue at such a young age, isn't it because of your courage to advocate righteousness? Now that you have the courage to even All lost, what qualifications do you have to stay here? Just rely on your giant blood!"

Yes, age and qualifications are the biggest obstacles so far. If he hadn't had the blood of a giant (in fact, he could summon Dija), and advocated righteousness, I'm afraid that in the eyes of some self-proclaimed senior mountain people, it's still fundamental. Not eligible to be recruited into the venue to discuss "big things".

As a result, the talks with these main fighting factions soon broke down, and finally broke up unhappily. Of course, Yu said that he took the initiative to withdraw from the venue because of the lack of Shuzi and his plan.

The only thing that made him happy was that his words on the court still "impressed some sober people, so that most of the mountain people would not be sacrificed in vain because of the stupid actions of a few idiots".


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