God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 562: : Ultraman in the world (14) destroyed and dormant

.., the I of the game of God is the great will of the planet

Although the giant of the mountain made a mad move (in the opinion of Manet III, taking his life to rob a useless head can be said to increase morale at the beginning, but trying to take it all away can only be said to be mad), the army They also almost hunted the giant here, but at the critical moment, the giant emitted a dazzling light.

Although the light lasted on the giant for a short time, it was enough for the giant to transfer the remaining Jingguan. After all, Manet III did not put much defensive power on Jingguan at the beginning, which is what Diga can achieve. Wish, one of the reasons for the realization of Yu Suweili's wish.

With the help of a short-lived radiant form, Tiga swept away Jingguan and left quickly, because he realized that the radiant form at this time was not the same as the radiant form when he fought with Gatangie, and he did not have a source like the earth. Constant energy, on the contrary, is pitiful and intermittent.

After escaping, Tiga arrived at the place agreed by Yu and his subordinates, and then turned the head that turned into a radiance and merged into his body into a real body, placed it neatly (not as a Jingguan) on the flat ground, and then left.

He woke up from the coma and looked at the neat heads in front of him. His heart was full of sadness for a while. Maybe those people were not all his subjects, not all people who were loyal to him. They are mountain people after all! How proud he was when he was victorious in the battle of La Divo in the past, but now there is only one rotten head left.

In his grief, he habitually touched the summoner on his waist. After spending so many years with Tiga, he could already judge whether the summoner was in a normal state or a petrified state by the texture and weight of the summoner.

The summoner is in a normal state, indicating that the rift between himself and Tiga has temporarily recovered. The knuckles holding the summoner were so protruding, and he aimed at the direction of Manet III with hatred: "As long as Tiga is still there, then we still have hope. King! It's not over yet, and I will change. Be more cunning and cautious."

At this time, Yu's subordinates had already gathered. At the beginning, it was not that no one tried to escape or surrender, but Manet III did not accept any captives, and those who took a chance on Manet III now almost have their heads placed in front of them, so they have no way out.

Manet III stayed here for three whole years, and he also swept away for three whole years. In the words of the court poet who sang his praises, that is, "hundreds of villages were destroyed, countless slaughtered, the view of the capital was high, and the mob was afraid. Far away thousands of miles without daring to bend the bow to complain", which can be described as a brilliant victory.

And Xu Weili, who committed **** crimes against the nobles, also launched a suicide attack with his subordinates after he was desperate, and finally "through the ingenious command of the heroic and wise Manet III, he was trapped in layers and layers. In the cobwebs on the first floor, he finally fell off a cliff after the collapse of the giant state, ending his sinful life."

This was what happened in 1837, and with the death of Tsui—although his life and death were still unknown, in the eyes of Manet III, this could already declare his absolute victory, so he also called back his troops and announced The counterinsurgency is over.

The suppression of the rebellion also had to end. The glorious victory of Manet III was based on huge financial expenditures. The ups and downs of the mountains made the loss of food from the outside world extremely serious. Manet III spent three years in suppressing the bandits. Because of the large amount of property of Isavanlo, Manet III had to advance his expected plan.

But before the expedition, didn't Manet III say that he would kill all the mountain people? Although the bandit leader has been subdued, the bandits are still wandering in the depths of the extremely distant mountains. What should I do? So Manet III decided to destroy all the cooked mountains in the mountains.

Although in the eyes of the outside world, the mountains are dangerous places for barbarians, but the mountain people themselves divide the mountains into raw mountains and cooked mountains, the difference is whether they have been developed. Shushan is the place where the mountain people live. There are different degrees of development here, but at least they have been developed, while Shengshan is the place where the monsters live.

In Shengshan, the fog persists all year round, and the leaves piled on the soil can be as high as half a human being, and under such high leaves, there are countless poisonous snakes and pythons hidden. In addition, every hill is the habitat of one or a group of terrifying beasts, and threatening intruders will be furiously revenge by the beasts.

This is not the most dangerous existence, just as the Zehu water monster has been an enduring myth in the belly region for thousands of years, the legend of the hundred-armed giant in the mountains is also an immortal poem in the mouth of the troubadour (actually Manet III The court's offerings are all suspicious, and it is only by luck that he obtained the bloodline of the hundred-armed giant in order to become the giant of the mountain, Diga).

However, unlike the Zehu water monster, the hundred-armed giant may not exist, but there must be one or several extremely large monsters living in the depths of the mountains, which can be affirmed.

When Isavanlo and Sabei fought, they just drove the mountain people from Shushan to the junction of Shushan and Shengshan, where there is a certain basis for development (although it is pitiful but still there), so he died. There are relatively few people, and now Manet III's desperate plan to get along is to completely drive the mountain people to the living mountain.

So how to catch up? This is so simple, except for the mountains on both sides of the official road, the deeper places have all carried out devastating blows, poisoning, burning, etc., in short, they will be driven out of here.

When Manet III led his army to leave the mountains, there was a raging fire behind him, and the poisonous smoke so thick that it ascended to the sky, which symbolized Manet III's immortal cause as the king of Isavaro.

During the short period of time that Manet III stayed, it was of course impossible to destroy all the Shushan Mountains. Therefore, after Manet III did the symbolic start-up project, he left a group of people before withdrawing, and let them slowly To complete this great cause, the mountain people will be completely driven to death.

In the eyes of Manet III, with the devastating blow of these three years, although there are still some rats (Manet III) who barely escaped the justice punishment, they must also be hungry and powerless, and they are very hungry for the elites they have left behind. There is absolutely nothing to do, so there is no need for the army to stay.

After the withdrawal of the army, the official restoration of Isavanro's rule over the mountains was also put on the agenda. This time, Manet III directly promoted his favorite concubine Robutu to the Grand Duke of Savannah and ordered him to go according to his own wishes. Governing the mountains, Luobutu succeeded as the second Grand Duke of the Principality of Savannah, Luobutu I.

The first thing Robutu I did after taking office was to renovate the official road that had been seriously damaged in the past few years and restore the official road from La Divo to Habaro in the south.

You must know that in the south of the free land in the mountains, there is a valuable Tuwak gold mine, and it is also an important base for the next war.

Manet III has revealed to Robutu I that the strategy for the next war against Sabei is to use Tuvac and Habaro as strongholds to cut off the connection between the Principality of Yiwen and the local Sabei, and then first of all the army of Isavanlo to the east. Enter, take down the endless Novgor Plain, and control this piece of land where Evan Knudo rises.

This is an amazing war, and he or his descendants will bear such an important responsibility in this war. Robert I already understood his responsibility. In order for his descendants to be hereditary in the Principality of Savannah, he The governance of the principality has made a twelve-point heart.

The biggest problem of the Principality of Savannah at this time is that the vital road from Ladivor to Habaro has been completely lost in the wars of the past few years, and due to the **** slaughter of Manet III, at this time this official Dao is already uninhabited for thousands of miles, so the first task of Robutu I was to migrate the poor to restore the local population.

When Robutu I was busy restoring the main artery of the Principality of Savannah, a book that was translated as "The Monster of the Fall of the Principality of Savannah for 2 Years" has been published through the official channel of Isavanlo and put on the shelves in various colleges. .

This book is believed to have been dictated by a captured mob leader, and then officially written after being edited and compiled by the court documents. The book uses his personal experience to tell the story of the mob king Xu Weili two years after he took control of the mountains. What he did, revealed a country that was even more absurd than the barbarian kingdom and the ordinary mob regime.

"The Strange Image of the Fall of the Principality of Savannah for 2 Years" was a great success once it was published. More than a dozen people are very interested in the funny things they call themselves Grand Duke, and they often laugh out loud.

As for the nobles, they also like to let the people read this book, because they can point to this book to prove the legitimacy of their rule, "Look, if there is no protection for you, your current situation and experience , nothing better than these despicable and pitiful thugs!"

"What Really Happened Between 1832 and 1834? 》

"...This book "The Strange Ephemerality of the Fall of the Principality of Savannah for 2 Years" has an inalienable position in literature and history. Needless to say, the position in literature is of course suitable for all ages, and it is his most popular Good note, this book can already be read as a collection of jokes, and even if I read it a lot today, I will laugh out loud."

"But it should be noted that the book we see now is not the one ordered by Manet III (the ruler of Isavanoth who ordered the compilation of this book), and he has long since been for various reasons. Destroyed, the present one was rebuilt by modern people."

"The status in literature is so, and needless to say about the status in history, that is, this book is the only one that has been discovered so far, studying the "great emperor" Xu Weili in 1832 to 1834. Any historical data on the **** of the principality in the mountains. Perhaps we should also thank Manet III, who did not immediately kill the prisoner named Limir, so that we can see this book today."

"The most official historical material of Xu Weili~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is undoubtedly edited by Swilson and his descendants (Swellson died before the book was compiled) "The Record of Emperor Xu Weili ”, but this most official historical material of Xu Weili actually said nothing about the two years from 1832 to 1834, and only said that the people were prosperous, the country was prosperous and the people were safe, but unfortunately it was broken by the invasion of Manet III. The rhetoric is really untenable and makes people suspicious."

"This is also due to the fact that Yu's little kingdom was in the mountains, and it only lasted for two full years. No one outside knew the news inside, and at that time, the people inside either didn't understand the text, or they understood it and deliberately didn't say it clearly (such as Swilson). Records), leading to the mysterious 2 years that can only be speculated from the "Monster of the Fall of the Principality of Savannah for 2 Years"."

"But this has brought new problems. We don't know whether Manet III's document (the editor did not leave his name) was written straight or deliberately distorted in the process of listening. What is the real history brought to us by "The Strange Sign of the Year", or is it just the wanton distortion of the nobles."

"...Maybe apart from the gods who have witnessed this history, the most valuable truth is that it is deliberately concealed, and it is forever lost in the fog of history, and the sun is gone."


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