God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 563: : Ultraman in the world (15) The gift of the mountain people


"The centennial celebration of the founding of Isavaro is next year, so after the autumn harvest this year, the tyrant Manet will hold a grand parade ceremony to warm up the upcoming centennial celebration," deep in the mountains, the vicissitudes of life Xu Weili is planning a major case with his subordinates that will shock the region in the belly.

"The parade route of the tyrant Manet has been confirmed after Swilson's inquiries." He spread his hands towards Swilson, and Swilson stood up and bowed to his comrades.

After the tragedy 2 years ago, the mountaineers were really woken up, at least the top two mountaineers, Ju and Swilson, were really beaten up. The two of them realized that the times were changing. Change, the outside world is violently pushing the mountains to the front of the unknown.

When the mountain people first followed Qi to rebel against Isavanlo, their idea was to return to the good old days, and at the beginning, Qi called on the mountain people with this banner. Of course, after the Battle of La Divo, most of the mountain people turned As a lord, only a small number of mountain people still choose to return to the mountains and live a good life in the past, that is another matter.

In a word, the times are changing. If the mountain people do not want to be torn apart by this violent era, they must change themselves and move forward.

This is Swilson's persuasion to Yu. Swellson told Yu that the roaring terrorist attack has no effect on the overall situation, except for causing a certain degree of panic to Isavanlo. The basic plate of the mountain is not in the mountains, they can continue to invest as many people die, it is just a question of whether they are willing or not, and the hematopoietic function of the mountain people is completely inferior to Isavanlo. Only to be killed.

Therefore, if the mountain people want to expel Issavanlo, they can only learn from Issavanlo. Only by establishing a regime similar to Issavanlo, walking a tightrope to provoke the political situation of Issavanlo, and cunning in various places. Only by negotiating among the forces can there be a chance of victory, otherwise, it will always be a **** of the mob and others.

When he heard what Svelson said to himself, he was very surprised to pay attention to this subordinate in front of him. He neither had Tiga as a plug-in, nor did Tiga teach himself a broad vision since he was a child, but he could compare I also need to have excellent wisdom and overall situation. The person chosen by heaven is talking about people like Swilson, right?

Jealousy of Svelson is certainly there, but he suppressed it very well. During those three years of nightmarish fiasco, he deeply reflected on the two years of his own depravity, and realized that in those two years. In addition to self-indulgence, not knowing how to manage the territory is also one of the reasons.

And what about Swilson? Although he didn't know how to govern the territory, he was able to learn without a teacher and gradually figured out a set of governance methods that belonged to him. Sen's future is probably limitless.

It is precisely for this reason that, in the midst of his pain, he handed over the government affairs of his rebel army to Swilson. After the initial run-in, Swilson really became more and more familiar, and every month he was able to formulate a very streamlined and perfect solution. The deployment plan made an indelible contribution to the continuation of the resistance army, and also made the power of the mountain people more and more regular.

And Swilson's first contribution when he took office was to offer a suspended animation strategy, that is, he must be allowed to suspend his death in order to give Manet III a reason to retire. Sen's prestige.

Svelson's second strategy was to ask Yu to get along with the immigrants from the mountain and help them as much as possible. Although this behavior attracted some immigrants who could not survive, it also led to a lot of betrayal incidents. Some mountain people complained about this, but it was only reluctantly implemented because of the trust in Swilson.

"What do you mean, Naswilson, you want us to intercept the tyrant Manet halfway?" a mountain leader on the side asked speculatively.

"How is that possible?" Svirson replied decisively, "Let's not say that we are not familiar with the outside world at all. Even if we are familiar with it, what can we do in the face of a tyrant with layers of protection based on our strength? The giant blood of your lord, facing the fate of Isavanro's army, didn't we meet a few years ago?"

Swilson took out the stones and compared them to the main city, but deliberately left the middle empty: "According to the information we have inquired, the capital of the Principality of Isavanro is Yarrow." After that, Swilson put the stones The largest piece of the stone, represented by Jarro, was placed in the middle of the stone.

(Just as the legal capital of the Principality of Savannah is Habaro, but the actual governance is in Ladivo, the legal capital of Isavanlo is Kezede, but due to the relationship between the ancestral land of the Savannah family, Yarro is the de facto capital, Kezeid is only the nominal capital.)

"And the parade route of the tyrant Manet is to go north from Yarrow to Mossodora (note that it is distinguished from Mossorona), and then go clockwise around Yarrow and pass through Yaba respectively. Fudge, Chawan, Radivo, New Yarrow, Lord, Kezede, Anker, Krafkenf, and then back to Yarrow on the last day of the year."

This plan was not kept secret, in fact it could not be kept secret, and it was announced a few years ago, to prepare time for the welcoming ceremonies in the major cities that were paraded by Manet III, and the next one proposed by Swilson Suggestions are also very easy to hear.

"And the tyrant's son, the little tyrant, the pseudo-Savan Grand Duke Robutu I, will first meet the tyrant Manet in La Divo, leave his principality after parting, go north from Tuvac to Rhodes, and meet the tyrant Manet again. , and then return to Tuvac to inspect the gold mining industry, and then go to Yarra to participate in the Centennial National Day at the end of the year.”

"Our chance is here," Swilson stabbed the dagger between the two stones, and everyone looked at it. The dirt stuck in the dagger represented the officials from Ladivor to Habaro. road.

"Robutu I went to Habaro from Radiwo South, and then to Tuwak, which must pass through the official road in the mountains. We have not been active in the past few years, and they have relaxed their vigilance, so We are going to intercept him here, cut off his head like the Tarot, and then cross the mountains and throw the head in front of the tyrant Manet."

Although Manet III ordered to destroy all the ripe mountains before he left (the region in the belly does not believe in mountains anyway), his idea really underestimated the power and resilience of nature, and gave The funds of the village are still pitiful, and all the mages who stayed behind are also working slowly, which also gives the mountain people room to deal with it.

So until now, not to mention the destruction of Shushan Mountain, even some of the earliest destroyed Shushan Mountains are already recovering their vitality. Why should the subordinates run and break their legs? Today, however, these restored ripe mountains give Swilson the opportunity to act.

Swilson finished describing his plan, but most of the mountain people looked at each other blankly, and after a while, a mountain leader stood up and asked, "But what's the use of killing Robutu? Instead, it will expose our existence?"

"There is only one flaw in my plan, that is, if the local nobles are conscientious and conscientious, and Robutu passes the news to the tyrant Manet as soon as he is assassinated, then they will be alerted in advance, and the effect will not be so good."

Swilson sighed, and patiently explained to the mountain people: "The centennial celebration is the last major event during the tenure of the tyrant Manet. He has been preparing for this for several years. From our investigation, some people have He is dissatisfied with his extravagance in this regard. In this case, to undermine the celebration is to undermine the prestige of the tyrant Manet."

After finishing speaking, most of the mountain people were still confused, blinking innocent eyes and looking at each other in confusion, almost vomiting blood from anger, but they still came out to save the deadlock: "Since Swell Sen said such a thing, there must be his reason, let's do it."

Yu's words were finalized and the debate ended. Although the mountain leaders present were still dissatisfied, they also began to act due to Yu's prestige.

After the meeting, Swilson recalled the experience at the venue, especially when the big men were so big, showing such an innocent and unknown expression, which really made Swilson lament the "inadequate and conspiracy".

Under Isavanlo, the new Duchy of Savannah, the great Archduke Savannah, beloved son of Manet III, ruler of the mountains, guardian of the Tuvac Gold Mine, and an important general to contain Sabé (all of the above) It is self-proclaimed), the wise Robutu I, who just finished reporting to his father (Manet III) in La Divo, and received a vigorous performance and affirmation.

Robutu I took office for only 2 years. With the vigorous maintenance at the expense of manpower, it took only 3 months to repair the official road from La Divo to Habaro, and also got a "Blood Foot" by the way. "Beauty" (I think), the so-called blood feet, that is, the blood of laborers who died at the urging of Robutu I, can cover the entire official road and immerse Robutu I's feet completely, so it is called blood feet.

When Robutu I knew that he was given such a mighty title by the fart people, he first cut off the noses of the fart people who chewed their tongues, and then happily accepted the title, and publicized it so much that even Manet III knew that Robutu was no longer an amateur without a title, he was "Bloodfoot" Robutu I!

After "Bloodfoot" Robutu I finished his meeting with his father, he first had a good time in Ladivo, and then swaggered on the road, preparing to go to Rhodes to wait for his father as he promised to his father.

So "Bloodfoot" Robutu I hummed a little tune and sang a song after enjoying himself, and then set foot on the road to Habaro in the luxurious sedan chair lifted up by the slaves. The reason why "Bloodfoot" Robutu I wanted to ride in the sedan chair was not that he couldn't walk, but that he liked the feeling of being superior to others.

When "Bloodfoot" Robutu I was hugging the delicate maid, a terrifying shock wave hit from the mountain forest on the side of the pipeline, and instantly overwhelmed "Bloodfoot" Robutu I's sedan chair. Climbing out of the sedan chair, seeing that it was an ambush dressed by a mountaineer, he was immediately furious, "The dog who lost his family also came to attack me!"

So three days later, Habaruo Zhong was preparing to entertain the nobles of the upcoming Grand Duke of Savannah, and he got an unfortunate news from Zhuangtou. "Bloodfoot" Robutu I was attacked by mountain people and unfortunately disappeared.

Hearing the news of the explosion like a thunderbolt, the nobles of Habaluo did it together with a bitter face, and the nobleman at the head said: "If this news is known to the king, the celebration will become a joke, and then what will happen to the mountain people? We don't know, but we will definitely become the object of the Shang Wang's anger."

Thinking about the energy and materials that Shang Wang spent for the celebration in the past two years, and then thinking about what happened after he sent such a bad news to Shang Wang, the nobles present couldn't help shivering, and then nodded, agreeing to lead the nobles of insight.

"So... we're going to kill all those villagers who know about it! Even Zhuangtou can't be spared, just pretend that nothing happened," the leading noble cut off ruthlessly.

At this time, most of the newly established villages and towns in the free mountains of the Principality of Savannah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were villagers who were originally urban poor, and the senior managers were servants or branches of nobles from all over the world. Zhuangtou, the mayor and the like, and now this nobleman wants to kill them all in order to block the news, which shows that he is cruel.

"In this way, we haven't heard any news about the Grand Duke today, so we waited a few more days, only to find out that the Grand Duke was missing, so on the one hand, we sent people to look for it and found that a village was razed, so we here I was stunned to know that the remnants of the mountain people, who should have been slaughtered, escaped because of the laxity of the mage, not only attacking the Grand Duke, but also killing all the witnesses."

The leading nobles were excited to write the script for the future, and the nobles present were also excited to discover that if the future really develops like this, then not only would they not have to pour cold water on Manet III, but they would also be credited for discovering the disappearance of the Grand Duke at the earliest? And after such a toss, it is estimated that the centennial celebration has passed.

"That's it," some nobles stood up. "We will mobilize the army and kill all those who witnessed the attack on the Grand Duke."

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