God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 564: : Ultraman in the world (16) reappears in the mountain 1 king dies

?Manet III is in a good mood for a while. As the last political achievement in his ruling career, the centennial celebration of Isavaro is going on step by step. Every time he goes to a major city, local officials will report to Manet III. Showcasing what Isavanlo has accomplished over the years.

The country I rule is thriving, and maybe it won't be long before Isavarro will be able to destroy Sabé in the same way Sabé eliminated Evan Knudo in my descendants, under the leadership of the Savannah family, Unify the region in the belly, and my Savannah family can also be called the king of kings.

At this time, Manet III was even older than two years ago. In fact, during the three-year battle in the Principality of Savannah, the bumpy mountain road severely damaged Manet III, who insisted that he must go to the front line in every battle. The reason why Manet III had to endure until Now, just want to witness Isavaro's centennial celebration by myself.

The subordinates also knew Manet III's wishes, so no one urged Manet III. Of course, this was also related to Manet III's early letting the next generation's heir, his son, the little Manet, and the future Manet IV begin to monitor. Country reasons, isn't it? At this moment, little Manet accompanied Manet III in the procession.

click! A bump on the road shook Manet III's glorious sedan chair, causing Manet III, who was wrapped in a thick blanket, to wake up from his dream. He found himself unconscious again.

"It's old, old, it's really not good to be old," Manet III sighed half-jokingly, but a thick phlegm stuck in his throat, the maid hurriedly came up to help Manet III pant, after recovering a little, Manet III called the little Manet in the distance and asked, "Where is this?"

"Father, when you get out of the sedan chair, you can see the minaret of Xin Yarrow, and you can arrive at Xin Yarrow this evening, where you can meet the local nobles," Little Manet reported meticulously, and Manet III listened to the other party without any hesitation. Answered, and praised in his heart that he had such an excellent son, and the Savannah family did not worry about no successor.

"Then remove the cover," Manet III waved weakly. "It's the afternoon, and the heat has dissipated. Let me take a look at the great rivers and mountains here, and see our great rivers and mountains." So the sedan chair The splendid top cover and the surrounding fence were quickly removed by the servants carefully, leaving only a light lower cover to shade Manet III.

This is New Yarro. As the name suggests, it is a satellite town of Isavanro's current capital Yarro. The earliest ruler tried to replace Yarro as the capital, but after going around, Yarro is still the principality of Savannah. , is also the capital of Isavaro.

New Yarro is located in the south of Yarro and west of La Divo, and was the next city visited by Manet III after he left La Divo. The southern part of Xin Yaluo is the edge of the northern mountain range in the free land between the mountains. The peaks there have been turned into hills, and further north is a plain, which is also the location of the towns under the jurisdiction of Xin Yaluo.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, when Manet III was about to fall asleep again, there was a loud roar in the distance, which woke Manet III instantly. In an instant, the old man disappeared, replaced by It's a veteran with eagle-like eyes: "Are there assassins?"

"No, no, it's the King of Thieves... The colors are a bit different. It used to be red, purple and white. This one is only purple and white," Little Manet answered honestly, her heart full of panic.

The King of Thieves "resurrected from the dead" is undoubtedly a blow to Manet III, who once announced that the King of Thieves will be subdued, but what worries Little Manet even more is the meaning of this King of Thieves coming here. That mob is not an ordinary idiot mob, and he should also know that he cannot break through the protection of Manet III, so what is he doing? What kind of trump card does he have?

The mob Wang Yu Xuweili in the form of Tiga stood proudly in the hills in the form of air, with more or less scars on his body. The scars left by the beasts in the depths, but fortunately, using Diga's aerial form, he quickly passed.

Finally standing here, facing the enemy who destroyed his own country, he restrained his anger, took out the thing that had turned into a radiance and hidden in his body, and transformed it into a real form in his hand.

Yu tried hard to restrain his urge to crush this thing, and then gently tossed this thing to the place where Manet III was, turned and fled before Manet III's guards reacted and attacked. The composite form is much faster, not to mention that it can fly, so it disappears from the sight of Manet III and others in three or two.

When Yu threw the mysterious object, the "tragedy" (for the nobles) that Yu made after the victory of La Divo a few years ago suddenly appeared in the mind of little Manet, so he immediately shouted with amplification magic Said: "Don't attack!" In desperation, Little Manet even made a broken sound.

With the roar of Little Manet, the legion stopped attacking the unknown object. When the object was close enough, several mages used levitation magic to slowly put down the object thrown by Yu.

Little Manet glanced at Manet III worriedly. Manet III knew the meaning of the look, so he roughly pushed away the maid who was massaging him, and angrily patted the armrest and called, "What are you afraid of! Give me Submit it! Could it be that this king has weakened to this point!"

Speaking of his anger, Manet III blocked his throat again with thick phlegm. The maid wanted to help Manet III groom, but was slapped by Manet III and rolled aside: "Am I dead? I'll bring it up!"

As Manet III's body became worse and worse, his spirit became more and more nervous. Almost any unexpected twists and turns could make Manet III furious. Little Manet also knew this, so he could only use it in the future. Under the circumstance of avoiding Manet III, let the court mage present the mysterious object thrown by Yu.

Then Manet III got his wish and saw that it was his son. He was still talking to himself a few days ago and excitedly reported his work results to himself. The most well-behaved son, the head of Grand Duke Robert I of Savannah!

"No! How dare this mob dare, how dare," Manet III roared sadly with the hoarseness characteristic of thick phlegm blocking his throat, then rolled his eyes and rolled off the bench with a plop. , and the people present were like being poured into a pot that was boiled, and it exploded with a buzzing sound.

In the evening, the unconscious Manet III was urgently sent to Xinyaluo, and the best pharmacist was invited to treat him (restoration can only repair trauma, Manet III, a complication of aging, uses Restoration is useless, you can only try it with potions), but even the most expensive potions only lost three days of Manet III's life.

Three days later, the news that King Manet III died of an epidemic during his travels spread all over Isavaro, but this official statement was unanimously cast aside by all the spectators, and almost every daring bard told himself The audience swore that Manet III was mad.

After the violent death of Manet III, the newly appointed king, Little Manet, succeeded Manet IV. He did not do much to stop these remarks, but instead ordered his troops to announce the re-entry of the Principality of Savannah. Ren Dagong took revenge and hung the head of the King of Thieves in the center of the city of Yarrow to comfort the two Dadus of Savannah.

As for the candidate for the new Archduke Savannah, Manet IV chose his most trusted brother, Adalberto, as the third Archduke of Savannah, namely Adalberto I.

The army was assembled at Jarraud, then went south through La Divor, and re-entered the mountains. Almost as soon as the army of Manet IV entered, their movements were controlled by the mountain people.

"That's it, the people outside the mountains have sent an army to attack us again. What's the use of your suggestion, Swilson?" asked several mountain leaders who had never been dissatisfied with Swilson.

"Destroy the prestige of the Savannah royal family," was Svelson's answer, "Manet IV's urgent entry into the mountains this time may also be related to the collapse of the Savannah royal family's prestige, but this is not enough, it still needs a A straw will do, Lord Suweli, and it will take you to kill them to create a chance for victory."

When Svelson said this, he felt that this was difficult to do. After all, the villagers at the foot of the mountain no longer have their own compatriots. He is completely blind to the mountain, but things are much simpler than he expected , because, thanks to Swilson's suggestion, Yu got a large number of allies under the mountain.

That is the mountain people. Swilson's proposal to be kind to the immigrants from the mountain finally paid off today, and these immigrants from the mountain have provided a lot of help to Yu.

So why did this group of immigrants under the mountain risk being beheaded to help Yu? Because of his good allies, the troops brought by Manet IV came to help.

When Manet III led the army to encircle and suppress it for the first time, the immigrants at the foot of the mountain had just arrived. Since the foot of the mountain was severely damaged, the group of immigrants had nothing, so they also got along very happily with the soldiers.

But after so many years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the hard development and restoration of the settlers in the mountains, the villages in the mountains gradually regained their vitality, but with the troops stationed outside the mountains, this vitality was destroyed.

The habit of the army in this era is that it is lawless. It is normal operation to see that there is surplus money in the village and can’t help but take it. It is normal operation to occupy weapons and collective organizations to bully men and women in the village. He was permanently stationed in the village, so after a few months, the contradiction between the villagers and the army reached a climax, and with the round rice case against Zhuangtou's daughter reached its peak, **** clashes broke out between the two sides.

Faced with the contradiction between the two sides, Manet IV issued a verdict without thinking, and the soldiers won. Although most of the soldiers and villagers were mud legs, the soldiers were mud legs for Manet IV. It was so hard between the mountains and it was understandable for the soldiers to have some fun.

So Manet IV mercilessly suppressed the "gangster riots" against the soldiers. As countless corpses called "gangsters" by Manet IV swayed at the head of the village, as a warning to the remaining villagers, The gap between the villagers and the mountain people who had just immigrated here more than ten years ago was unconsciously eliminated, and a group of reliable allies and new forces were formed.

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