God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 586: : Prisoner of Self (13) The dead are like this

?To this day, Safirqi has become a wonderful country, a country that rises in the mountains, the present country has no connection with the past self, and the ruling dynasty has also changed from the Medas people's Lava. The Rus dynasty changed to the Luman dynasty of the Amis.

If the Medas people once helped Safirqi unify, after the Musdoch Dynasty unified Safirqi, many systems were copied from the Luman Dynasty, so the Medas people and the Safirqi people have such a love of incense. If so, the Amis really have nothing to do with the Safirchi, unless you consider killing each other on the battlefield as a connection.

Therefore, some of the things that the Lavalos Dynasty could do, such as integrating the culture of the Safirchi and Medas as the royal culture, such as abandoning the sunset and worshipping the wind, these things cannot be done by the Amis nobles and the Luman Dynasty. Pan only had the Amy people, and also abandoned the Amy people aristocrats, courting death is not such a way.

Therefore, the method adopted by Mankodome I was to try to downplay the national attributes of Safirchi's Safirchi people. The West Bank Kingdom", that is, the West Bank Kingdom located in Middle-earth, does not have the private attributes of any ethnic group.

For another example, the "King of the Great Wind", which was originally filled with the belief of the wind, was also changed by Mankodom I to the "King of the Great Provinces", which means that he is the king of the great provinces, not the king of a special god. This is to avoid the strong Safirchi title of "Wind".

Another example is that Mankodom I ingeniously promulgated the "Provincial Decree of Letters", that is, each major province under the rule of Safirqi, even if it does not have the right to self-government, can vote to determine the official status of this major province. Faith, while Safech has no state-enforced faith.

In this way, Mankodom I will not offend the Sun Faith, Sunset Faith and Wind Faith in the country, which is beautiful.

After the votes of various major provinces, the major province of Bernie, where Mancodome I started, the former Muchalai province of Yayoqdo, and the major province of Nando, which was invaded by Mancodome I and established the capital, are all The official worship of the Amitian sun.

As for the Medas people who were originally in Nando Province, they were driven to the Bim Province, and the Bim Province was even more self-governed by the Medas. Love each other in his own kingdom, and the official belief of Bim's kingdom is the afterglow belief of the Medas people.

The last major province of Celite, the last city of the Medas people, it became the province of the Lavalos family after the fall of the Lavalos dynasty, but the Lavalos family, who were obviously the Medas people, followed suit. , set the province's belief as the Safirchi's wind belief.

"In a word, it's a group of demons dancing wildly. I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and I have never seen a person with such an idea as you who can play this kind of riotous operation." I learned about the "Decree of the Ministry of Letters". After the content, Leng Yi patted his student on the shoulder full of admiration, in exchange for the other party's embarrassed smile.

"After all, our Luman family is from Ami, and it doesn't make sense from any point of view to take over the leadership of Safirchi. How can it be possible without compromise," Mankodom I continued to maintain an embarrassed smile. explaining.

"But even if you rule Safirchi, in this situation, your rule is destined to be duckweed in the wind. I'm afraid it will disappear in the next war."

Mankodom I was not unprepared for the situation that Leng Yi said, and he lamented: "Alas, I can only ask my descendants to work hard and not let down their bloodlines. As for me? I am at this age, It can only be done for them.”

Leng Yi noticed that when Mankodom I said this, there was a little hope in his eyes, but after the generation of Bolsonide, Leng Yi was also a little tired. It's a random move, and I don't want to cultivate a family anymore: "The children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren, you try your best."

What a shrewd person Mankodom I is, when he heard Leng Yi's words, he naturally knew that Leng Yi was unwilling to help him, and Mankodom I didn't know what was wrong, he just revealed the matter with a long sigh. , After chatting some trivial matters, he resigned to Leng Yi.

When Leng Yi saw Mankodom I next time, it was already his dying year. When Mankodom I looked at Leng Yi with pleading eyes, Leng Yi sighed: "Since you and I have a lifetime. Fate, I will promise that your descendants will be rich and noble for ten generations, and it will be yours and mine."

"That's enough, it's enough, there are clouds in the God Realm, and the Swamp of Gentlemen has five generations. Although there are 5 provinces in the country of Safirqi, I also know what the interior looks like. My Luman family is this The Yami invader, who can still be rich and noble for ten generations, is not in vain for me to lower my face to beg you."

This was the last time Leng Yi saw Mankodom I. Mankodom I passed away shortly after leaving the Sunless Prison this time, and this student of Leng Yi also passed away so easily.

As for Mancodom I, because of his Sunless Prison experience, his heirs hyped this up, claiming that Mankodom I was a new generation of "Prisoner King", the spiritual successor of Bosonide I, This was used as the legitimacy of the Luman dynasty's rule over Safirqi.

It is just a pity for the Luman dynasty that the Sunless Prison of the Luman dynasty did not have many strange stories and secrets like the black prison of the Lavalos dynasty. , that is, some eye-catching nonsense that soon proved to be nonsense, which can not help but feel a little pity for the Luhmann dynasty.

The reason why the Luman Dynasty did not find the real strange story is that after the death of Mankodom I, Leng Yi completely hid and resumed the actions of the ascetic in the past.

Now, when I meditate on the past, I realize the real purpose of teaching Bossonid generation in the past. At that time, I have been in meditation for 20 to 30 years, and I was in a state of anxiety that I tried to give up, and taught Bossonid I generation. The behavior can also be regarded as relaxation after entering meditation.

But now that the cold game has entered the settlement can be said to be a great achievement. After entering the settlement, it can be said that the time in prison is unknown, so naturally there is no need for additional entertainment. Teaching Mankodom I is just a tribute to the death of Bosonide I, who has passed away for a hundred years. No need to continue teaching his son.

Of course, out of the promise made to Mankodom I before his death, Leng Yi will still look at his descendants a little, and mention them a little in his spare time, but it is more than a hundred years of ten generations. It can be said that It's just a flick of a finger.

Today's world is a world that is more and more closely connected. The Bourbon Sea in the opposite corner of the Middle-earth continent broke out for more than 70 years, and the "Bourbon Sea War" spread to more than ten countries. The "Great River War" that spread to the eight countries also broke out more than a hundred years ago, and after more than a hundred years of deliberation, a war of a considerable scale broke out again.

In the Great River War from 1947 to 1981, there were eight kingdoms of Afonci, Afonci's vassals Finlay, Ainu, Etra, Romanhefi, East Romanhefi, Ayokdo and Safirchi. Participated in the war and organized Red to sign the Mutu Tanamu Peace Treaty to mark the end of the "Great River War".

More than 200 years after the end of the "Great River War", outbreaks of vassals led by Romanhefi, East Romanhefi, Safir, and Safir's vassals, Yayokdo, Banip, Sabih, Nanai The "Fourth West Bank War" involving eight countries including Fonchi and Hemoda.

Among these eight countries, Safirch, Yayokoto, Banip, and Sabieh are all familiar and unfamiliar countries in the past 300 years. , but already unfamiliar.

Leng Yi with an itchy mouth slipped out of the No Sun Prison, and casually caught an urchin who was skipping class on the side of the road, and let the urchin listen to him honestly about two unfamiliar and familiar countries in the north.

Speaking of Nan Aifengqi, we have to mention Aifengqi, the mother country of Nan Aifengqi. Aifengqi originates from the northwest of Middle-earth. The island called Maosu Island is called this name because Because the shape of this island is very similar to a cat's head, and Mao Dou is the homophonic translation of "cat's head" in the language of the gods.

"No, no, I'm an aristocrat, and I have also learned some divine languages, especially the divine languages ​​of this geographical concept, which are mainly examined. The syllables are different," the urchin who was caught still went to school and said it directly.

"Long-winded!" Leng Yi slapped the urchin, "The pronunciation of tou can't be found in the divine language, so what if it was converted to tu!"

There are three native countries on Maosu Island, namely, Fenno, who believes in the **** of the forest and founded the country in 584; Ainu, who believes in the **** of ice and snow, and established the country in 726; and Ai Fengqi, who believed in the **** of the ocean and the river, founded the country in 807 of the Dali calendar.

Among these three countries ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Finno is located in the southwest of Madou Island, Aifungi is located in the southeast of Madou Island, Ainu is located in the northeast of Madou Island, the first bordering each other. The countries are Finno and Afonci, and their border is due to the fact that the first ancestor of the saints, Mey, established the priest system and guided the two countries to know each other.

However, Mayi's guidance brought disaster to Afonci. Finno, who was watching Afonci's wealth, soon launched a surprise attack on Afonci, and Afonci's territory on Maosu Island was quickly annexed.

At the juncture of this crisis, the "reformer" of the Goethe family who was reborn by Leng Yi's charter, Lessono, pulled Tianqing and led the nobles of Maosu Island to successfully retreat to Aifonqi's colony in Middle-earth, which is Today, the ancient king of South Aifengqi guards the area and thwarted the rebellion of the local nobles to maintain their existence.

Since then, Aifonqi has been aggressive and pioneering in the colonies of Middle-earth, and even bordered on Roman Hefei in the east by sailing. Relying on the transit trade, he made a fortune. After accumulating power, he finally crossed the sea and returned to his homeland, opening up the relationship with Finno. War to reclaim the place of origin.

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