God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 587: : Prisoner of Ego (finally) Rise and Fall Cycle

Aifonci's war against Finno's return to his homeland started in 1360, but it had been more than a hundred years since Aifonci left his homeland, so they did not go into battle directly, but used the help of the locals to face Finno directly. It is mainly to provide supplies and naval support.

The thugs chosen by Aifonqi were Fenlea barbarians. Finno arrested many Fenlea barbarians and transported them into the country as slave slaves. After being bewitched and trained by Aifonqi, these resentful slaves bravely The charge was on the front line and made great contributions to the war that ended in 1390.

After the end of the war, on the one hand, Aifonqi recovered the ancestral land of Maodu Island, which had been captured in the past, and on the other hand, he succeeded in making the Finreaians independent as a new country, namely Finley, which was mainly cultivated by Aifonqi. The Rhea tribe became the representative of the Finlea barbarians and established the Rhea dynasty.

Since then, Finno has fought several wars with Afonci and Finlay, all of which ended in failure, and were finally perished by Afonci. After the demise of Finno, Aifonqi occupied all the cities along the rivers of Finlay and Finno through cession and redemption, and monopolized the ports from Maosu Island to the rivers.

Finno perished in 1594, and the orthodox Salimocca King's Defence Area, which represented Finno's orthodoxy, was annihilated by Ai Fengqi. In fact, Finno still had one province left in the north, namely the King Chike District, but Ai Fengqi He had no interest in encroaching on such a distant territory, and he was unwilling to make the Lanka dynasty too powerful, so he recruited King Chik to defend the area and let him peacefully merge into Finley.

The reason why Finno tried to invade Afonci was the last desperate attempt, and the background of the invasion was that Afonci was attacked by Roman Heffey. Aifengqi Wangshou District (later Gudi Wangshou District) coveted, and was full of greed for the Aifengqi people to absorb the huge domestic wealth through trade, so they declared war on Aifengqi.

The result of this war was that Aifonqi dealt with the threat at his doorstep, and destroyed the old enemy of Finno, who had almost destroyed him, but the new King Aifonqi guarded the area, the refuge of Lesorno, Regrettably, it was occupied by Roman Hefei and became the land of Roman Hefei, which was updated to Aifeng Qi Mao Dou.

Although Roman Hefei did not invade and occupied the territory of Aifonqi, but Aifonqi was a merchant country. He quickly ignored the scar and went to do business with Roman Hefei. As for the lost colony, it was in Aifengqi. A new colony was established in the south of Fengqimao's Fengguo, which was the later Gujian Wangshou District. Tonyla, which Ma Weiji arrived at, was a city located in the Gujian Wangshou District.

After the elimination of Finno, Finlay became a new threat to Ai Fengqi. After all, Ai Fengqi's territory in Maosu Island was distributed along the coast except for his own place of origin, which certainly facilitated Ai Fengqi's trade. , but it will be quite dangerous once faced with war, so in order to prevent Finley from having some thoughts that should not be generated, Aifonqi's main task after that is to find something for Finley to do.

In the southwest of Maodu Island, where the Finnos established their country, there is a basin, the name is the Salimocca Basin, and the Salimocca Basin is the boundary, and the north is the Chike Plain where the King of Chike is located. , the south is a long and narrow area, Aifonci occupies most of the ports, and Finlay is a narrower area with almost no coast.

After the demise of Finno, the Salimocka Basin was divided between the north and the south. Over time, the orthodox Finno people in the Salimocca Basin, the Finleans descended from the Finlea barbarians, and the Fink people in the King Cheek area were formed. , and Afonci's next job is to provide weapons and materials to the Finno people to rebel against Fenrea just as he helped the Fenrea barbarians to rebel against Fenrea in the past.

In the end, under the leadership of the Borda family, the Finnos successfully restored their rule over the Salimoca Basin and established the Borda King's Defense District. After Afonci's mediation, the Borda family agreed to be ordered by Finlay Ann, stopped the war and became Finley's territory again, but the Rhea family was overwhelmed by the response and was replaced by the Defeng family in the King Rhea's defense area.

After this step was completed, Fenley was divided into three countries that did not rule each other. So far, Ai Fengqi was relieved. However, there are some countries in Fenley that are not willing to be divided, such as King Chike's defense area, ignoring Ai Fengqi. After Fonchi's mediation, he launched an invasion of King Borda's area.

For this invasion, Aifonqi is very sensitive. What he is most afraid of is that Finlay will be unified into one force, so Aifonqi intervenes strongly, and through this war, all the coastal land on the south coast of Maosu Island will be cut off by Finlay. , and gradually acquired a series of special rights, except for the Cheek King Guard Area, which is located in the northernmost part of the territory (not the northernmost part of the island), the two southern King Guard areas were controlled by Aifonqi.

Every important pass of Finlay is controlled by Aifonqi, and has a series of powers such as taxation rights and extraterritorial rights. Afonci's power over Finlay is so great that when the Borda family is disobedient, he can manipulate a coup to oust him. And choose his favorite Trent family to replace it, so in 1891, Aifonqi logically made Finrena his vassal state.

At the same time as solving the Finley problem, Ai Fengqi also began to expand externally, or regain lost ground. In the past, the new King Ai Feng Qi defended the area, and Ai Feng Qi Mao Dou under the rule of Roman Hefei was the country. In 1720, it was renamed Gomei. The territory of the free trade zone has become a new target for Afonso.

At this time, the thousand-year-old country of Roman Herbert was already weakened, and the internal warlords were fighting endlessly. Aifonqi took this opportunity to launch an invasion to Gome. Roman "The War of the Succession" officially reclaimed the lost land.

After recovering the province, Aifonci renamed it from the Gomay Free Trade Zone given by the Roman Hefei people to the "Kudi Wangshou District", which means that this land is the ancient land of the Aifonci people - although this piece of land is now There are no Aifengqi people on the land, but Luo Aifen people.

Since then, Ai Fengqi has almost entered his golden years. He has continued to explore the south. He has become more and more aware of the south, and even discovered Banip. However, Ai Fengqi's weakness also followed. Specifically, it was The headquarters and three colonies, the Dahe Wangshou area on Maosu Island, the ancient land Wangshou area conquered by Roman Hefei, and the Gujianwangshou area.

In the end, these three Wangshou districts couldn't bear Ai Fengqi's oppression (of course, in Ai Fengqi's view, it was a legal tax collection) and rose up to resist, and the famous "Great River War" broke out.

Not only the countries on both sides of the river, but also the two countries in the north of Maosu Island, who believed in the **** of ice and snow, Ainu, and the **** of permafrost, took advantage of Ainu's successful invasion of the barbarian country in the Blizzard Era, Etra.

Ainu in 726 was a monarchy, and the king called himself the "Snow King". The first dynasty was the Delaware dynasty. The Delaware dynasty ruled Ainu for 405 years and was overthrown by the Massaros dynasty in 1131. The frequent coup d'etat of the Saros dynasty led to the gradual independence of "Xuebo" in various places, and finally entered the so-called "Blizzard Troubled World" in 1318.

In this blizzard and chaos, the Ainur invaded the west of Ainu, overthrew the local Shebe regime, and established the barbarian country Etra. The Shebes in Ainu formed a coalition to fight against the barbarians, but because of the dissatisfaction of the hearts of the people Qi was defeated by Etra at the "Battle of Tiowa", putting Ainur in crisis.

After this battle, the forces of Ainu came to their senses, ended the war through the "Zhu Da Xuebo Agenda", and established public gates at critical points to jointly defend against Etra. Ainu's Blizzard troubled times ended and entered the era of feudal lords.

With the long struggle between the two countries, in the 17th century, the Waco family established the Waco dynasty in Ainu, and the Oskar family established the Oskar Dynasty in Etra, but the war between the two countries was not over, and with the He was discovered by Ai Fengqi, and he also participated in Ai Fengqi's war in an attempt to achieve a breakthrough.

And the Great River War finally made a breakthrough like the dust settled, Ainu became one of the biggest winners of this war, taking the old rival Etra as a vassal state, and destroying the orthodox government of Afonci, "The Great River War" "After that, Aifengqi was actually the Nabo people from the Dahe Wangshou District who rebelled before the war. As for the Gudi Wangshou District and the Gujian Wangshou District, they were simply independent as Nan Aifengqi.

From this, it can be seen that Nan Aifengqi is basically two strangers who are forcibly bound together. Wangshou District of Gujian is from Aifengqi with roots and red roots, while Wangshou District of Gudi used to belong to Aifengqi people. Descendants of the colonists, but after centuries of rule by Roman Hefei, they have already become Romanized and become Luo Aifen.

Therefore, the reason why the two Wangshou Districts established a country at the beginning was just because they needed to keep warm in this sinister world, so as not to be wiped out by a wave, but even so, they became the vassals of Yayokodor. Seek asylum and avoid being invaded by the South by the way.

"But I remember that Nan Aifonqi rebelled later. Not only did he rebel, but he also invaded Yayokodor and occupied all the land in the north," said the urchin.

"There's something even more disgusting," Leng Yi replied, "Because it is the Gujian Wangshou District that directly borders Yayokdo, the Gujian Wangshou District suffered the most damage in the previous wars. Therefore, the Gudi Wangshou District suffered the most damage. The district broke the Confederate promise at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China and directly controlled the Wangshou District of Gujian, allowing its own family to dominate."

"It's not interesting, I don't want to hear it," the urchin shouted. It's also because Leng Yi has practiced his concentration for hundreds of years, so he didn't let this urchin fly, but patiently asked him why he didn't want to hear it.

"History seems to be like this. Whoever rises will weaken. A country that was so strong in the past will also decline like grass withered."

"For example, Roman Hefei, who once crossed from Afonqi to Sulassi, Aifonqi merchants wanted to flatter him, and Sulassi people were full of worries about their southern land because of his existence. But today's Roman What about Hefei? It's just a vassal of Hemoda, and the value of existence is to be separated from Hesfei, a vassal of South Afonci, to prevent the two great powers from competing for hegemony."

"Who is the strongest country in the Hefi region today? Hemoda? What country is Hemoda? After being destroyed for hundreds of years, it was carried out of the grave by Sullasi. A vassal made up of two unrelated peoples, even at first it was only a shield for Sulassi to defend Romance."

"But what about now? Hemoda straddles from Sugo to Roman Hefei. There is also a vassal of East Roman Hefei in the south. It can be said to be a behemoth, and no one dares to despise it."

"So what about Sulassi, who established Hemoda? It used to be a powerful empire, but now the territory is divided between Sugo and Dongsusi, and now it has become a vassal of Dongsusi together with Sugo. Only A province, lingering in the far north."

"So I feel that history is meaningless. It's just a few sets back and forth. It seems that the events are different, but in fact, the same event has been replaced by the protagonist and performed in a new way. It looks like the clothes are different, but in the lining Still the same kind of person."

"Like the Safir you mentioned earlier, the Safir ruled by the Medas, the Safir ruled by the Amis, and now the Sapphire of the vassal state of South Afonci together with Ayokdo. Qi, it is completely a country of the Amis, and it has nothing to do with the Safirqi that rose up in the province of Mukhs."

"But some people still don't take history as a mirror. I heard from the instructor that Etra in the north is one of the most famous and powerful countries in the world, but the people who rule Etra are the Funks, who entered the area from King Chike's defense area. Lord Etra, and then destroy the Shaan dynasty of Ainu and Afonki, how similar it is to the Lavalos dynasty!"

"The instructors in the academy always say that a country will be strong if its morality is abundant, and a country will be weakened if its morality is degenerate. But is the level of morality just as regular as the green grass turns yellow?"

Leng Yi felt that he had won the lottery. An urchin who was truant from school, who was caught at random, actually vaguely recognized something like the dynastic cycle law, and asked a question similar to her, but this kind of thing... even himself as a god. I don't know how to answer it, otherwise I wouldn't go to prison and exile myself.

"I can't see that you are such a young person who would say such philosophical words," Leng Yi finally gave the urchin a few high glances, "Why did you skip class in that case?"

"Because of your question, my tutor has been in class recently. The homework assigned by the tutor is to think about this problem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then from-" The urchin showed a disdainful look and said in a mocking tone , "—from a moral point of view, to consider the rise and fall of the country, anyway, that person couldn't provoke my dad, so I just skipped class."

No wonder he dared to skip class at will. It turns out that the other party has the confidence to know this child at such a young age. Leng Yi is also interested in having a deep conversation with him: "Okay, if you don't want to hear history, then what do you want to hear? ?"

"You said you were an apostle of God, why did you go to prison?"

Hearing Tong Yan Wuji's question, Leng Yi's heart twitched, and he remembered the question from hundreds of years ago. The question that Mei Yi asked before her death may have been thinking of Mei Yi, so Leng Yi put it down and returned. The idea of ​​entering the prison began to tell this urchin the story that had been over for hundreds of years.

"The stage of the story is a place extremely far away from the Middle-earth Continent, which is called the Southern Border Continent, and the story I want to tell is a story related to the Holy Maiden of National Salvation."

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