Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 187 A three-headed Mechagodzilla?

Isis quickly began to formally manage this garden world.

She gathered the few residents of this garden world.

"Everyone, please don't be afraid. I have no ill intentions in calling you all here. I just have something to announce to everyone."

Isis stood in the square, next to Kal'tsit, the little loli that Godzilla had kidnapped from the emperor.

Then, she picked up the little loli and held it high.

"From today on, she is our saint. Everyone should respect and worship her. Wherever she is, that is where the will of our god reaches."


Kal'tsit didn't understand at all.

The villagers understood one after another and knelt down to pay tribute to Kal'tsit.

"Saint lady!"

Isis was very satisfied with the performance of the villagers. This was reasonable.

"In addition, this planet will officially change its name from today. You should call it 'Rhodes Island'!!!"

It goes without saying that this is a ceremony held by Isis to understand Godzilla's inexplicable ideas.

As for this Rhodes Island.

Well, it is not a problem for this garden world to become the Rhodes Island of this distant and dark galaxy.

Godzilla will be the doctor in the future.

Other time travelers are the kind of weak doctors who shout "Kal'tsit, save me" when they encounter problems, while Godzilla is the kind of doctor who eats Originium raw and tears the boss apart with his hands.

Although it is a bit inexplicable, the residents of the local world have remembered Isis's orders very well.

As soon as they saw Kal'tsit, they bowed their heads and even knelt on one knee to offer their loyalty.

This is the result Isis wants.

"Although I don't understand the meaning of these, it seems that as long as I do this, my god will be very happy."

Isis looked at Godzilla in the distance, and Godzilla was also looking at the town. He was very satisfied.

'Although I am not in that Terra, I also have my own Rhodes Island. From today on, I will collect all kinds of girls! ! ! '

[What about the men? ]

'Collect too! ! ! '

The real doctor is both men and women. Godzilla used to be a Mabel man.

‘Whether they are human or not, as long as I like them, they are mine! ’

Godzilla looked away and looked at the several Necron ships that had fallen in the distance. These ships were like mountains slanting on the ground. The value of these ships was not comparable to that of the ships of the Tau.

The technology of these technologies was so advanced that in the eyes of the Mechanicus's oilmen, they might be second only to the forbidden technology of the Golden Age.

As for which one was stronger, the human technology of the Golden Age or the forbidden technology of the Necron.

It was hard to say, and perhaps only the Emperor knew.

‘If I sell these ships to the oilmen, will they go crazy? ’

[Definitely. ]

Some oilmen had already come over after smelling the smell. These were the technical priests that Godzilla had rescued from the Genesis and Cadia. When they saw these fallen Necron ships, they were so shocked that they could hardly speak.

"Oh, Om Messiah, these are priceless treasures."

"Even the Mechanicus headquarters on Mars can't find so many alien ships."

"Can we really study this?"

The technical priests actually had an embarrassing day. You know, this group of people are as notorious as Blood Crow and Trazyn in terms of tomb robbing.

While the technical priests were still hesitating, Katata had already walked into the wreckage of the ship and began to look for parts that she thought might be useful.

"No matter what, go ahead."

"Praise Godzilla!"

Some technical priests even praised Godzilla from the bottom of their hearts for the sake of safety, believing that the lizardmen would not embarrass him.

A group of technical priests rushed into the wreckage of these Necrons' ships, using their mechanical prostheses to pick up this and that, not to mention how excited they were.

"This, this, I've only seen it in my mentor's book."

"Don't grab it, I saw it first."

The technical priests who usually have a high level of prestige and a cold expression on their faces are like they are going to die at this moment, and they can't control their expressions.

Come to think of it, if the battle sister saw the emperor in person, she would probably die at the first sight.

It was almost the same when Isis saw Godzilla.

Katata ignored the ordinary technology of these Necrons. She had a feeling that at the end of the dark corridor, there was something she wanted very, very, very much.

She walked all the way to the deepest part, and some Necrons warriors who had not been completely destroyed stood up. Just as they raised their Gauss rifles, a huge mechanical claw penetrated the outer wall of the ship, destroying the hull and the Necrons together.

Katata was well protected by Mechagodzilla. It seemed that she had made a lot of upgrades to Mechagodzilla.

Soon, Katata came to the core area of ​​the ship, and she finally found the Necrons technology she sensed.

[Pocket Dimension Generator. 】

This is the core technology of the Necrons, and even the average greenskin master can't use it. If the WAAAGH position is not strong enough, the greenskin's technology tree is also limited.

But Katata can use this thing.

This device is not big, only a dozen meters in size, but it is very important.

With this thing, Katata can enter another dimension, which is very suitable for avoiding attacks or launching sneak attacks.

At the same time, Katata felt uneasy.

"Move this thing back."

The lizards immediately started to work and dismantled the huge device.

Katata looked up at the top of her head. Her other sensing target was very far away, which was a distance that even the Necrons would take some time to navigate.

Some existence related to machinery, Godzilla, and hybrids is gradually increasing its power. When he is fully mature, he will have enough power to rival Godzilla.

Katata must strengthen the power of Mechagodzilla to help her god.

"It has to be as soon as possible."

Katata crossed her arms uneasily. Her figure was as attractive as Isis, but she didn't like to dress up and was covered in tattered work clothes.

Otherwise, Godzilla might like her very much.

"I must contribute to my god, otherwise my limelight will be taken away by other high priests."

Katata moved the pocket dimension generator and left.

Her perception was correct.

At this moment, on the planet where the Godzilla cell experiment was conducted before, the mutant creatures composed of Godzilla cells and other cells have begun to take shape.

But I don’t know if there are too many mixed genes.

This giant beast

has three heads.

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