Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 188 Three-headed Demonic Dragon: Azdakaha

Chapter 188 Three-headed Dragon: Az. Dakha

Mechagodzilla has taken shape at this time, but he is not actually Godzilla.

For this three-headed monster, the Necrons quickly gave him a name.

[Az. Dakha]

Some people may know this name. This is the three-headed dragon of Zoroastrianism, a great demon that once destroyed one-third of all living things.

The Necrons also sensed the threat of this monster and gave him this oppressive name. This Mechagodzilla has not grown wings yet, but it has a form close to Godzilla.

It's just that his body is more slender and thinner than Godzilla.

Dakha stood up from the tomb city of the Necrons, and the three dragon heads roared loudly. If you look closely, you will find that there is a clear green metal structure on his body.

It seems that part of the living metal has also been absorbed by him.

This is the horror of Godzilla cells. No matter you are alive or dead, as long as Godzilla cells remain active, they can assimilate you.

The huge body is already comparable to Godzilla, but it has no wings yet. If it grows wings, it will be very similar to King Ghidorah.

"Damn it!"

The general under the Storm King on this space necron tomb world is called Kamel. His position is only one level higher than Zahad III, and he is still a little far from being a hegemon.

However, as a conquering necron general, his fleet is larger than Zahad's reconnaissance fleet. He has a Sky Punishment-class super cruiser as his flagship. This super cruiser named "Harlan's Sword" can be said to have made great achievements in many battles.


Kamel is particularly troubled now.

"This is the nth time, can't this behemoth be killed?"

Kamel recalled a few days ago when this behemoth just appeared.


Time goes back to three days ago.

After conquering the dead planet, Kamle completely incorporated it into the territory of the Storm King, and then repelled a wave of fleet support from the Silent King.

After the battle, Kamle walked in his flagship. On both sides of the empty flagship corridor were various sleeping dead warriors, who were the guards of the flagship.

Kamle walked to the flagship's cockpit. The captain's position was like his throne. He sat back on the throne, put his halberd weapon aside, and was just about to take a short-term sleep to kill the boring time.

At this time, the giant beast appeared.

Three days ago, Mechagodzilla was not even a hundred meters in size, only about less than fifty meters in height. He broke out of the ruins, and the energy of this dead building had been absorbed by him.

He now needs a new source of energy.

"What happened outside? So noisy."

Kamle, who was not yet fully asleep, was awakened. He asked the dead nobles and commanders who were still working in a bad mood.

"General Kamel, a strange beast has awakened in a research room."

"Get rid of him."

Kammel didn't care about the beast at all. In his long career as a Necromancer, he had seen too many powerful enemies fall under the weapons of the Necromancer, but this time was different.

Kammel leaned on his seat with his head tilted, and soon there was a huge explosion outside.

He knew it was an orbital bombardment of a ship, and he didn't care about it. He thought the beast had been destroyed and was about to take a nap.

But within a dozen seconds, another huge explosion sounded.

Kammel grabbed the weapon beside the throne on the spot, stood up and cursed: "Waste, what are you doing? Can't you destroy a beast with one blow?!"

But before his scolding stopped for long, the third explosion sounded.

The Necromancer then opened the communication and reported the situation to Kamel.

"Lord Kamel!"

The Necromancer's tone was obviously humane with a fearful tone.

"That behemoth, that behemoth, he is not dead yet, he has already withstood the three main guns of the frigates, my Storm King! He can actually stand up?!"

The image was sent directly to Kamler, and only then did Kamler know what the behemoth looked like.

The three-headed giant monster crawled on the ground, and the ground had been partially carbonized by the craters caused by the main guns around it, but the behemoth actually stood as the necromancer said, and the muscles of the whole body were wriggling.

It seemed to be growing, no, it should be said to be multiplying.

Because the growth speed was almost visible to the naked eye, it was too terrifying, even the generals under the Storm King had never seen such an outrageous creature.

"Humph, it looks like a behemoth of about 50 meters. Can he beat us as the Storm King's invincible fleet? Gather the warriors immediately and destroy him. The planets submitted to the king must not be lost!!!"


The unintelligent undead warriors began to walk out of the pyramids of the space commanders one by one.

These Necromancers are the lowest level of Necrons, and are used as cannon fodder.

However, I have to say that this cannon fodder is very good at fighting, and can basically match the nameless Astartes recruits in the plot, but they are definitely not as good as veterans.

However, they can regenerate, which is the so-called infinite resurrection.

Camer thought that the monster could never defeat an army that could be resurrected infinitely, but he was wrong.

He was so wrong.

The Necromancer soldiers started to attack Mechagodzilla from a distance, but the green Gauss rays seemed to hurt him so little that he might not even feel a mosquito bite.

What was even more terrifying was that light gathered from Mechagodzilla's mouth, and the green light revealed a death-like weirdness.

It seemed that there were shadows of a series of energies such as psychic energy, WAAAGH energy, and Gauss rays in it. Then, three green beams of light shot out from his mouth and blasted towards the Necromancer fleet outside the atmosphere.

In an instant, three frigates were hit and penetrated.

The Necromancer ships had no shields, which caused the three beams to hit them hard, but they did not instantly break the three ships. The three ships began to repair themselves.

This means that Mechagodzilla's destructive power is not as good as Godzilla's, but the attack intensity is enough to break through the ship's defense.

Kamle was so frightened that he lost all desire to sleep.

"What a joke, this guy completely ignored a certain level of attack?"

Kamle knew very well that this meant that Mechagodzilla was immune to most attacks, and the consumption ability that the Necrons were proud of was not enough to pose a threat to him.

Now, Kamle was in trouble.

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