Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1218: Concubine wants to confess to the emperor

As soon as she finished her words, she heard a loud bang, as if the entire Yikun Palace was shaken.

The cup in Zhu Feng's hand fell to the ground, and it fell to pieces.

Nan Yan raised his head in shock, saw his face pale, and angrily said: "What? They dare to buckle my son, so bold!"


"Come on!"

With an angry shout, the guards outside immediately walked in. Nan Yan was so frightened that he did not dare to get up, he knelt on the ground and walked a few steps forward, and hugged Zhu Feng's knees: "The emperor calms down!"

Father Yu also paled with fright, and like Ran Xiaoyu, both knelt on the ground and couldn't help but kowtow.

"The emperor calms down!"

"The emperor calms down his anger!"

The two guards walked in and were shocked to see this scene, especially seeing the imperial concubine also kneeling in front of Zhu Feng and kowtow, too scared to speak.

For a while, the atmosphere stagnated.

Zhu Feng's anger burst out at that moment, almost igniting the entire Yikun Palace, but when he lowered his head, he saw the little woman Sinanyan lying on his knees, with a frightened expression of comfort. Writing: "The emperor calms down his anger, the emperor, listen to me first..."

The karma in my heart seemed to have dropped a little.

He took a deep breath.

First, he waved his hand at the two guards: "Go out first."


The two guards hurried out again.

Zhu Feng looked down at her again, his eyes were faintly red at this time because of the steaming anger. When she looked at Nanyan, she felt a sense of pressure that she could not breathe.

He said solemnly: "What's going on, tell me clearly."

Hearing at least a bit of sensibility in his words, and repelling the guards, Nan Yan let go of his knees, knelt back and stepped back, knocked his head again, and then took what happened in Zhujian College. I told him clearly.


Zhu Feng was silent, his eyes darkened a bit.

"So, King Wei is innocent."

"of course."

Nan Yan hurriedly said: "If the emperor doesn't believe it, his son will always believe it. He just-kindly did a ‘bad thing’."

"Good intentions? Bad things?"

The corners of Zhu Feng's eyes twitched slightly.

He clenched his fists hard, and after a heavy breath, he said again: "You, let him stay there?"

Nan Yan hurriedly knelt and straightened his body and said: "This is also the concubine who wants to confess his guilt to the emperor."

Ran Xiaoyu, who was kneeling behind, panicked, and hurriedly raised her head to say something. Fortunately, Grandpa Yu, who was beside her, had quick eyes and grabbed her.

At this time, no one can interrupt.

Nan Yan lowered her head and said softly: "The concubine did agree to let His Royal Highness Wei stay, because the concubine knows that the emperor pays the most attention to law, and once said that the prince commits the same crime as the common people. If this matter is not resolved, King Wei His Royal Highness has always been carrying the notoriety of a'murderer'. This-the emperor can't just sit back and watch."


Zhu Feng was silent for a while, and then said: "He will be able to clear his grievances and his notoriety if he stays?"

Nan Yandao: "Because of this, my concubine still believes in the medical skills of His Highness King Wei."

Having said this, Zhu Feng’s expression was even more ugly, and he said coldly: "Medical skills? He is my son. Even if he doesn’t learn the emperor’s skills, he should also learn the methods of governing the country and the tactics of the military. These horrible things are now even more so! Do you dare to believe him?"


Unexpectedly, even if he lost his memory, he still hated Zhu Chengxuan's love of medical skills.

It seems that human nature is really hard to change.

Only at this time, Nan Yan couldn't take care of this. He could only say: "The emperor, and His Royal Highness Wei is also kind. Now only when that person wakes up can we prove everything and calm the anger of the students in the college."

As she said, she raised her head and whispered softly: "The emperor, isn't the emperor going south this time to deal with the academy's affairs? Now, the matter of His Royal Highness King Wei, although it happened suddenly, maybe, it will be an opportunity. "


"Let them see the kindness of His Highness, and also let them see the integrity and tolerance of the Emperor."

The corners of Zhu Feng's eyes twitched slightly: "Benevolent? Tolerant? Are you trying to let me completely ignore this matter, just watch Wei Wang be detained by them?"

Nan Yan said: "The emperor, speaking of it, King Wei is not detained either."


"He stayed voluntarily. Together with Li's injury, he also stayed."

Zhu Feng said coldly: "What about this?"

Nan Yan said: "The concubine entered the academy this time and found some abnormalities inside."

"Abnormality? What abnormality?"

"In addition to the students, there are some other people in the academy. Although these people are also wearing student clothes, they are obviously different from ordinary students. His Royal Highness King Wei's incident was also caused by a deliberate person to provoke the students, which made the students so angry. ."


"The concubine couldn't help wondering whether these students had published so many rumors and opinions that were unfavorable to the emperor.

"You mean," Zhu Feng said: "Someone is instigating?"

"Not bad."

"Who is it, can you find out?"

"Among the students, because there are too many people, it's hard to find. However, one of the minors, whose surname is Xia, seems to be dissatisfied with Jian Ruocheng. He is very problematic and does not seem to be a learned person. Concubine doubts Only the students in the academy are under the control of Jian Ruocheng, but the other half, the actual management power is in the hands of this person."


Zhu Feng fell silent.

His eyes flickered, but the expression on his face became calmer and calmer. After a while, he looked at Nan Yan again: "Then, Wang Wei stayed there—"

"Maybe there will be danger," Nan Yan said hurriedly, "but this possibility is very small, and there is no harm to Li, concubine believes that he can protect His Royal Highness Wei Wang."


"Moreover, my concubine is also worried about one thing."

"what's up?"

"His Royal Highness Wei has a noble status, but it has never been the student's target. Among the rumors they circulated before, Wang Wei has not been involved, but it is still possible to attack the emperor through Wei Wang, this time. This is their opportunity."

"The life and death of that student?"


Nan Yan nodded solemnly and said, "If King Wei comes back with his concubine, the student will be completely in their hands. Jian Ruocheng - of course the concubine knows that he is a gentleman and will not do anything despicable, but those people It's different."


"In case of an accident with that student, His Highness King Wei's murder charge will be fulfilled!"

Zhu Feng took a deep breath.

It turns out that this is what Nan Yan really considers and is worrying about him!

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