Zhu Feng took a deep breath.

It turns out that this is what Nan Yan really considers and is worrying about him!

Nan Yan continued: "The concubine let King Wei stay, and let Li stay without injury. Only if someone controls his illness and someone protects his safety, then the student may survive."


"The emperor, the relationship between the students in Jinling and the court is bad enough, and there must be no more "evil deeds" by the king of Wei killing the students in Zhujian Academy, otherwise the people's minds in Jinling will really be messed up!


Zhu Feng's eyebrows frowned.

The light in his eyes flickered even more. He was silent for a long time, and slowly got up and took a step forward, reaching out and grabbing Nan Yan's arm: "Get up."


"It's cold on the ground, get up."


At this time, when the weather is hottest, the ground is still hot, how can it be cold?

Nan Yan still stood up obediently.

But after all, she knelt on the hard ground for a long time, her knees were a little sore, and she felt her legs soft and almost fell. Zhu Feng hurriedly reached out and hugged her.

"Is it all right?"

"Concubine, it's okay."

Nan Yan shook his head, but also cleverly leaned in his arms.

Duke Yu took a sigh of relief at this time, looked back at Ran Xiaoyu, gave her a wink, and the two of them walked out silently and closed the door of the room.

Zhu Feng half helped and half embraced her, walking to the side of the couch and sitting down.

Reached out and rubbed her knee: "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay. Just a little tired."

Running around in a day, and even so much effort, the iron hitters will feel tired.

However, Zhu Feng's thick fingers kneaded her knees and calves, and she felt very comfortable, only that the stagnant blood all over her body was flowing.

Nan Yan whispered: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng lowered his head, while helping her to pinch her knees, a few hanging stitch patterns on the center of her eyebrows came out faintly, obviously, still worrying about that.

Although she had explained it clearly, the matter was not resolved.

Zhu Feng said: "So you think that the student who really wants to protect these days is the student."

"Not bad."

Nan Yan nodded and said: "If they really dare to be against the king of Wei, it is a murder of the prince. The emperor can justify them all. They will not pay for the gains. However, the death of a student will slander the reputation of King Wei By the way, the rumors they had spread about the emperor were confirmed by the way. This is the real profit."

Zhu Feng said: "I see."


"You don't need to worry about this, I know what to do."


As long as Zhu Feng calms down, he will return to the original appearance of the majestic and invincible God of War in the north. It is true that he does not need to intervene and worry about it.

Zhu Feng looked at her instead: "Just now, were you scared?"

Nan Yan shook his head, and leaned his head in his arms with a smile: "Fortunately, the concubine also knows, the emperor can't bear to do what to the concubine."


Zhu Feng seemed to be a little helpless with her, stretched out his hand and patted her gently, and then gently stroked her hair.

"However, fortunately you are here."


Nan Yan didn't speak, but obediently leaned in his arms, gently grasping his shirt.

At that moment, if she didn't hold Zhu Feng's leg desperately to stop him, I am afraid that now, he has sent someone to the Zhujian Academy, so things will be out of control.

His thick hands gently stroked Nan Yan's soft hair, as if running across a stream of water, so soft that he could not detect it.

But in those eyes, there was nothing but perfection.


Soon, it was night.

The Zhujian Academy was so quiet that only the rustle of the wind blowing through the bamboo forest, under the eaves, a few lanterns swayed with the wind, the light and shadow swayed, making people sleepy.

At this moment, Zhu Chengxuan was dozing off.

He and Li Bushang were arranged into a large student dormitory. This is an eight-person dormitory, but because of today’s special event, the other students were all arranged elsewhere. There was only one person lying on the dormitory. Qian Xiuwen was seriously injured in a coma.

And Zhu Chengxuan sat in a chair by the bed.

When he was almost there, he was very tired, and his head was dozing off little by little like a chicken pecking at rice.

Originally, Li Buhuan asked him to go to bed too, but he insisted that he should be guarded by the bed so that he could get up at night to see the injured person’s condition. As a result, he started to doze off after sitting here for a quarter of an hour. .

On the other side, Li Bushang, who was standing against the wall, also closed his eyes, seeming to be resting, but he remained motionless for a long time, making people suspect that he was asleep.

In the room, there are two other students.

One is called Sun Jia and the other is called Wang Shuxing. Jian Ruocheng arranged to come in. Today, the two of them will take turns, that is, watching Zhu Chengxuan and the others, so as to avoid any accidents to the injured.

However, they were also too sleepy, leaning against the bed, all dozing off.

The room was very quiet, with only the long breathing sounds of a few people, and the bamboo shadows swaying from the window, as if there were many people walking outside, peeking at the movement in the house.

Time passed little by little.

Another gust of wind blew in from the gap, blowing out the candle.

The whole room was plunged into darkness.

At this moment, there was a very light sound in the quiet room. If it seemed, it was like a noise in the wind.

However, in the darkness, it seemed that there was a dark shadow, slowly approaching the bed.

Just when the dark shadow had reached the bed and reached out to the unconscious person on the bed, suddenly another dark shadow flashed through the darkness, as fast as a bolt of lightning.

After the sound of breaking the wind, Li Bushang's voice suddenly sounded——

"What are you doing?!"


Without knowing what happened, a person exclaimed.

In the dark night, such an exclamation was like thunder, awakening all the people who had fallen asleep, Zhu Chengxuan suddenly jumped out of the chair: "What's the matter? What's the matter? What happened?

There was darkness around him, and he couldn't see clearly, only stretched out his hands and clung indiscriminately in front of him.

"Brother Li, what's the matter?"

"Light up!"

"What, what?"

"Light up!"

Li Bushang's voice was in the dark, revealing a pressure that made people unable to resist, Zhu Chengxuan involuntarily ran to the table and lit the candlestick.

Faint candlelight illuminates the room.

Looking back, it was Li Bushang who was standing by the bed, grabbing a hand that reached the injured person on the bed.

And that person was just one of the students who had been sent to guard them-Wang Shuxing.

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