Looking back, it was Li Bushang who was standing by the bed, grabbing a hand that reached the injured person on the bed.

And that person was just one of the students who had been sent to guard them-Wang Shuxing.

He was grasped by Li Bushang, unable to move, his wrists were about to be broken, his face turned pale in pain, and he hurriedly struggled: "Let go of me, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

Li Bushang looked at him coldly: "I want to ask, what do you want to do?"


"You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you going to do to him?!"

Zhu Chengxuan was in a cold sweat, and hurried over. Another student, Sun Jia, also woke up, looking at them dumbfounded. Seeing Zhu Chengxuan stretch out his hand to probe Qian Xiuwen's nose, he breathed a sigh of relief: "He's all right."

Li Bushang looked at Wang Shuxing gloomily: "Do you want to kill him?"

Then Wang Shuxing jumped up anxiously: "What are you kidding? Qian Xiuwen is my senior brother? How could I kill him? You want to kill him, right?"

"Then what do you do if you don't sleep most of the night?"

"I'm worried about him, get up and look at him!"

"How do I know if what you said is true or false."

This Wang Shuxing flushed red with anger, pointing to Li Bushang and said, "You are the ones who will harm him. If it weren't for you, he would be seriously injured and unconscious and not awake? Besides, you still have a knife on your body, I am Don't worry about you!"

As he said, he pointed at the knife that Li Bu hurt the waist.

It is a symbol of Jin Yiwei's commander's status, but these students will not know it, just as an ordinary murder weapon.

Li Bushang sneered: "I'm killing, do I need a knife?"

But when he finished saying this, his expression suddenly froze.

The hand holding Wang Shuxing's wrist, slightly hard, as if he had discovered something, he let go of Wang Shuxing with a "Well".

Zhu Chengxuan came over: "Brother Li, what's wrong?"


Li Bushang glanced at Wang Shuxing in silence, and then said: "He hasn't practiced internal skills. Without a weapon, he can't kill."


Zhu Chengxuan turned his head to look at Wang Shuxing. When he was just caught by Li Bushang, he had nothing in his hand, obviously not really trying to kill.

It turned out that it was just a false alarm.

Wang Shuxing rubbed his sore wrist and glared at Li without hurting him. Sun Jia on the other side had already said, "Well, it's just a misunderstanding. Let's rest. It's getting late."

Wang Shu walked to the other side of the shop and sat down on the bed with Sun Jia.

Zhu Chengxuan put the candlestick back on the table, looked at Li Bu hurt, and whispered, "Brother Li, you also have a rest."

Li Bushang waved his hand and told him to sit back and rest, still holding his arms against the wall and closing his eyes.

Seeing everyone settled down, Zhu Chengxuan blew out the candlestick, and the room was plunged into the invisible darkness once again.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was late at night.

The wind outside the window kept on, and the bamboo shadow shook.

Wang Shuxing and Sun Jia were already asleep, snoring softly, Zhu Chengxuan also fell back in the chair, asleep, with a little drooling from the corners of his mouth.

But Li did not hurt, still standing against the wall.

He held his arms, his eyes closed tightly, his breath was long, as if he was also in a deep sleep.

The surrounding area gradually calmed down, even the wind stopped, and the bamboo shadow swaying outside the window also gradually stopped.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed.

Just listen to a sharp whistle.

A cold light broke through the window, turned into a flash of lightning, and shot straight towards the wounded person on the bed.

At this moment, Li Bushang, who had been keeping his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes. Those wolf eyes were shining brightly in the darkness. He stretched out his hand violently, and his fingertips were clamping the cold light.


With a low drink, he looked out the window, and the dark shadow on the window flashed and disappeared.

At this time, several other people in the room were also awakened by him.

Wang Shuxing was awakened, and when he heard an inseparable voice, he suddenly looked impatient: "Have you ever finished?"

Sun Jia also raised his head and rubbed his eyes: "What's the matter?"

This time, without waiting for Li to speak, Zhu Chengxuan jumped up from his chair and hurried over to light the candlestick.

As soon as the lights flashed, everyone saw what was clamped in Li Bushang's hands.

It turned out to be a dart!

And the dart facing right, naturally is Qian Xiuwen, who is lying on the bed and not awake!


Both students were stunned.

Sun Jia was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the window. Sure enough, he saw a hole broken. He hurriedly walked over and opened the door to look out, but the outside was dark and there was no ghost.

"What's the matter? Who is it?"

He walked back in confusion, Zhu Chengxuan had already stepped forward, took out his handkerchief and took the dart over: "Brother Li, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

He held the dart to one side to check it carefully, Wang Shuxing ran over, and his face paled with fright when he saw this.

"This—what's going on?"

Li Bushang said coldly: "Someone was outside just now, and it seems they want to kill people."

"How could this be?"

"Who is going to kill someone?"

Li Bushang said coldly: "I also want to know that this is in your college."

Wang Shuxing's face sank: "What do you mean?"

Li Bushang said: "The meaning is very simple, don't you suspect that we are going to kill this person? But now, someone else wants to kill him, and it's what happened in your college. It's not clear at a glance who is going to kill him. !"

"You spit someone! How can we harm our fellow brothers?"

Li Bu hurt: "Then you can ask him, has anyone noticed anything strange outside?"

Wang Shuxing looked at Sun Jia. He visited at the door once, and then shook his head with a heavy face.

Not at all.

Wang Shuxing gritted his teeth and said, "That won't be from our college!"

While they were arguing, Zhu Chengxuan on the side suddenly said, "Oh, this thing is poisonous!"

The two were surprised again.

Turning his head and looking, Zhu Chengxuan held the dart to look at the candle, and found that the part of the blade was shining with a green light, which was obviously poisoned!

He was so scared that he looked at Li Bu hurt: "Brother Li, you, have you—"


Li Bushang faintly took out a handkerchief and wiped his fingers, and said, "I just touched the tail just now. They don't apply poison to the tail. They want to prevent the person who uses it from being poisoned.

"Oh, that's good, that's good."

Zhu Chengxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He put the darts aside, and walked over to look at Qian Xiuwen on the bed. Although there had been two "accidents" in one night, he was unaffected and still unconscious.

Zhu Chengxuan said: "How could this be?"

Li Bushang looked at Wang Shuxing and Sun Jia with a sullen face, silent.

The expressions on the faces of these two students also seemed very uneasy. Although they had just hardened their mouths and did not admit that they were from the academy, they thought about it carefully, if something like this happened in the academy, could anyone else?

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