Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1221: So that you are no longer wary of him

Li Bushang looked at Wang Shuxing and Sun Jia with a sullen face, silent.

The expressions on the faces of these two students also seemed very uneasy. Although they had just hardened their mouths and did not admit that they were from the academy, they thought about it carefully, if something like this happened in the academy, could anyone else?

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

"what happened?"

Upon hearing this, they hurriedly went over and opened the door, only to see Jian Ruocheng walking in with a few students carrying lanterns.

Sun Jia hurriedly leaned over to salute: "Master."

Jian Ruocheng walked in, looked at Qian Xiuwen on the bed, and said, "What are you doing? Why are you clamoring?"

Sun Jiadao: "Master, someone just wanted to kill Qian Xiuwen."


Jian Ruocheng was taken aback, and hurriedly walked to the bedside and took a look. Sun Jia said hurriedly, "But he is fine."


"This son Li saved Qian Xiuwen. The murderer used this hidden weapon."

He pointed to the dart on the table.

Jian Ruocheng heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that the person was okay, and then glanced at Qian Xiuwen on the bed. Then, when he turned his head, he saw the dart on the table and frowned.

Wang Shuxing said, "This dart is also poisoned."

The students around were shocked: "What's the matter?"

"Someone wants to assassinate Qian Xiuwen? Who is it?"

"this is too scary."

When everyone was frightened, their eyes fell on Li Bushang again, and Jian Ruocheng slowly walked up to him, his eyes looked a little complicated: "It's you, who saved Qian Xiuwen."

Li Bushang glanced at him and said nothing.

Jian Ruocheng said, "Thanks to you this time--"

However, just before he finished speaking, a cold voice suddenly came from the door: "Are you sure, he is saving people?"

Upon hearing this voice, Zhu Chengxuan frowned.

Everyone looked back, and it was Xia Fuxiu who also came with a few students, carrying lanterns in their hands, and patrolling the night at night.

Jian Ruocheng said, "Xia Fuxiu, what you said just now means--"

Xia Fuxiu walked in, glanced at the darts on the table, sneered, then turned to look at Wang Shuxing and Sun Jia: "Who of you saw the murderer with your own eyes?"


The two of them looked at each other, and they were speechless.

Indeed, neither of them saw any murderers.

Seeing that they were speechless, Xia Fuxiu asked again, "You repeat, what happened just now and what did you see?"

Wang Shuxing hesitated for a while, and then said: "It's dark and we are all a little sleepy. At this moment, I heard this young man asking, "Who?" When we woke up, we saw-his hand was intercepted. Stopped this dart."

Xia Fuxiu immediately sneered and said, "So, you don't actually know what happened. It's possible, but he himself took out this dart and made it look like he was intercepted, and then shouted for you to see. When he arrives, he will become a hero to save people, so that you will no longer be wary of him, right?"


Wang Shuxing and Sun Jia were speechless.

When the surrounding students heard these words, they suddenly realized: "No wonder—"

"Shall I say, how could he be so kind."

"Yeah, Tian Tian obviously wanted to kill Qian Xiuwen, how could it be possible to save him?"

Hearing Xia Fuxiu's words, Zhu Chengxuan said hurriedly: "Brother Li is not such a person, he wouldn't do this!"

Xia Fuxiu said coldly: "You think that this little trick can deceive our trust, and then let you do whatever you want, your thinking is too simple."

After speaking, he turned his head to Jian Ruocheng and said, "Master, it seems that it is not enough to let young students do this. They have too little experience and are easily deceived."


Jian Ruocheng was silent for a while, and said, "Then minoring what you mean."

Xia Fuxiu said: "Lae Xia means that we should let older people do it. Su Erjun, Xie Weisheng, you come and watch here."

As soon as the voice fell, two students walked in.

Although he is a student, he obviously looks a lot older than the students around him, and he is taller, more like a martial artist than a student.

They saluted Xia Fuxiu and Jian Ruocheng, "Yes."

Jian Ruocheng looked at them, and then said: "Alright. Wang Shuxing, Sun Jia, go down and rest."

The two of them hesitated, but couldn't. They could only bow their heads and said, "Yes."

After speaking, he retired with the other students.

Jian Ruocheng took another look at the people in this room, including Qian Xiuwen on the bed, and then said, "You two must be more careful, and don't have any more accidents."


Having said this, he also left with Xia Fuxiu.

Zhu Chengxuan frowned and was anxious. He still wanted to say something, but saw that Xia Fuxiu turned his head before leaving, and showed a sullen smile at them. Suddenly, he swallowed whatever he wanted to say. Went back.

Looking back, seeing the two students, I only felt that the anxiety in my heart surged upwards.

The door was closed.

In the room, there was only one wounded person who was unconscious on the bed, and the four of them, who were relatively silent, but there was an indescribable air of murder that slowly grew out of this silence.

Zhu Chengxuan became more and more disturbed.

At this moment, another gust of wind blew into the window, and suddenly the candlestick on the table was blown out.

Suddenly, the whole room was plunged into an invisible darkness.


The noisy wind also made the people on the other side of Jinling unable to sleep.

Outside the gate of the main hall of Yikun Palace, the lantern under the eaves was shaking, and Zhu Feng's deep eyes were reflected even more uncertainly. Jin Yiwei, who knelt in front of him and reported the situation, bowed his head and did not dare to say anything. .

That kind of compelling breath is really terrifying.

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, and then said: "So tonight, they were also attacked?"


The Jin Yiwei said in a deep voice, "The room where King Wei and Commander Li are located has changed twice. The first time seemed to be a false alarm, but the second time, someone really did something."

"Who are you going to kill?"

"It seems to be killing the injured student."


"However, the emperor can rest assured that with the protection of Commander Li, His Royal Highness is safe and sound."

Zhu Feng didn't speak, only his hands behind his back, looking at the darkness in front of him, the heavy night seemed to hang a heavy black curtain before his eyes, which made people unable to break free.

It seems that Nan Yan is right.

The goal of those people is not King Wei, or the goal of hands-on is not King Wei.

Killing a student would cause more harm to himself than assassinating King Wei, and it would be easier to provoke the uneasy situation in Jinling as a whole.

He was silent for a while, then said, "Then, where are they now?"

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