Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1222: The real messenger behind the scenes

Killing a student would cause more harm to himself than assassinating King Wei, and it would be easier to provoke the uneasy situation in Jinling as a whole.

He was silent for a while, then said, "Then, where are they now?"

Na Jinyiwei said: "After those things happened, the subordinates immediately returned to report to the emperor. Now, His Royal Highness King Wei and Commander Li are still in the academy."


Zhu Feng's face sank slightly.

Based on his instinct that was almost a beast accumulated through years of warfare, he felt that tonight's affairs would not end so easily.

In other words, the opponent is not so easy to stop.

It's just that the person has already returned, and he doesn't know what the condition of the college is.

After thinking about it, he asked, "Has the assassin been caught?"

Jin Yiwei lowered his head and said, "Please forgive the emperor, because the emperor confessed that the ministers and others could not enter the academy and start to provoke the snakes. Therefore, the subordinates all monitored the academy and failed to catch the assassin.

"In other words, the assassin was from inside the academy?"

"This, it should be."

"it is good."

Zhu Feng waved his hand: "Go down, continue to monitor closely, don't let go of a trace, if there is any movement in the college, report it immediately."


After the man took the order, he immediately turned and left. Soon, his back disappeared into the night.

Zhu Feng stood at the door for a while, then turned around and returned to the room.

There was still a bit of coldness from the night wind on his body. As soon as he lay on the bed, Nan Yan, who was originally sleeping in it, snuggled up and got into his arms.

Zhu Feng looked down, and her eyes were shining in the darkness.

"I woke you up?"

"Nor, my concubine has been sleeping lightly tonight."

"what happened?"

"My concubine is worried about King Wei. Was the emperor just listening to the news reported by someone?"


"How is it?"

"As you said, they were indeed attacked, but the target of the assassination was not King Wei, but the student."

Nan Yan's breathing sank. She was originally half lying on Zhu Feng's chest. At this moment, she immediately propped up and looked at Zhu Feng nervously: "Then King Wei——"

"It won't hurt if there is Li, you can rest assured."

"Where is the assassin?"

"Jin Yiwei at the periphery of the academy failed to catch the assassin, so the assassin should be inside the academy."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

Zhu Feng looked up and looked at her with a smile: "You have already speculated about this, why are you still so surprised?"

Nan Yan bit her lower lip and looked worried.

It is one thing to speculate, but it is another thing to really face it.

Although Li Bushang seems to be a very reliable man already, it is someone else's place after all, surrounded by unknown dangers. He wants to protect Zhu Chengxuan and one injured person. Can he really cover everything?

There is also Wang Wei, who has a gentle temperament. In such a crisis-ridden place, can he really get out of his body?

Nan Yan said worriedly: "The emperor, what are you going to do?"



"I plan," he said, holding her tightly with one hand: "Sleep."


Nan Yan was stunned, her body was held tightly in his arms, she was still a little confused, and looked at Zhu Feng in surprise: "The emperor? King Wei he--"

As if he knew what she was going to say, Zhu Feng immediately interrupted her: "Wei Wang himself went through this level, and he has to pass it himself."


"do not worry."

Zhu Feng said, lowering her head, rubbing her chin on her forehead lightly, and slowly said: "If everything just happens in the academy, then I will never know who is behind the scenes."


Nan Yan's heart moved and said, "Is the emperor trying to find out the main messenger behind the scenes?"

Zhu Feng said indifferently: "What is my identity? How can I go to a college with a little master and minor in a trick?"


Hearing his arrogant words, Nan Yan was angry and funny.

But in my heart, he couldn't help but become heavy.

Zhu Feng's words are correct.

Perhaps, before the assassination happened tonight, she would still suspect that this incident was just a misunderstanding. As long as the student wakes up and proves the innocence of King Wei, this incident will pass safely.

However, the assassination happened, it proved that things were not that simple.

With Jian Ruocheng's disposition, it is impossible for him to kill his own students to frame Zhu Feng. Therefore, someone behind him must be manipulating everything, so Takema Academy is just a superficial means for them to manipulate public opinion.

The deeper one is yet to come.

Therefore, Zhu Chengxuan and Li Bushang must survive this period before they can force the real messengers behind the scenes.

She also wants to know who it is!


Although the night is long, time will always pass, and the darkness of the night will always be dispersed by the light.

In this room, which was so quiet that people could not breathe, finally greeted light.

Zhu Chengxuan leaned back in the chair, his head was dozing off like a chicken pecking rice, the sun shone in through the gap in the window, shining on his face, bringing a burst of heat and itching feel.

He stretched out his hand and scratched his cheek, muttering in his mouth: "Hmm, don't move."

After saying this, it suddenly seemed to feel something.

His eyes opened.


Seeing a brightly lit room, he was immediately taken aback. He hurriedly jumped up from the chair and leaned over the bed to take a look—

Although the wounded patient on the bed was still unconscious, there was no accident and he did not die.


He breathed a sigh of relief, and came back to his senses, but saw the two students sitting on the other side guarding them, Su Erjun, and Xie Weisheng. They were actually still awake and looking at him with their eyes open.

Zhu Chengxuan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Last night, all night, the four of them stood in silence like this, no one spoke or moved.

Originally, he thought that these two people would do something to him, but in the end, there was nothing at all.

However, because of such excessive pressure, I couldn't fall asleep all night. Only when it was about to dawn, I couldn't hold back and took a nap, and I almost shocked myself.

He turned his head and looked at Li Bu hurt.

Li Bushang still closed his eyes, holding his arms against the wall.

In this way, it seems-fell asleep too?

However, he was tired enough for these two days, and it was natural for him to fall asleep last night until midnight.

Zhu Chengxuan thought this way, and suddenly saw Li Bushang opened his eyes and looked at the door.

"somebody is coming!"

Zhu Chengxuan was taken aback by him: "Huh?"

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