This person, compared to the previous Jing Wang Zhuxuan, Ning Wang Zhuxuan, and even all the enemies they had faced, were even more difficult to deal with.

This is Zhu Chengxuan and Li Bushang who also came out of the academy.


Although regaining freedom is a joyful thing, as soon as he saw Zhu Feng, Zhu Chengxuan immediately put away his joyful expression and stood before him cautiously.

Zhu Feng looked back at him coldly.

"What a good thing you did!"


Zhu Chengxuan even shrank his neck.

Li Bushang stood behind him. At this time, he lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "It is the Weichen who protects King Wei from the disadvantage, and the Weichen is guilty."

Nan Yan was afraid that he would be punished, and wanted to say something, but he was hesitant to speak.

And seeing her wanting to speak but stopping, Zhu Feng's face became darker.

"Shut up all to me."

Zhu Feng said coldly. He glanced at Zhu Chengxuan who was trembling again, and then said with a sigh of relief: "Go back and talk about it."


At exactly this time, another carriage drove up next to him, naturally prepared for Zhu Chengxuan, and Li Bushang helped him onto the carriage.

Zhu Feng also helped Nan Yan get into his carriage, but instead of going up immediately, he waved to Jin Yiwei who had just gone out to perform the task.

The two Jinyiwei immediately came forward and leaned over to salute: "The emperor."

Zhu Feng asked in a low voice, "Where is that building?"

"In the east of the city."

"Whose building belongs to?"

"It has been abandoned for many years, and the owner has not been found yet."

"Get someone to check immediately!"


Two Jin Yiwei hurriedly responded and turned to leave.

Zhu Feng's expression was gloomy, and he glanced back at the gate of Takejian Academy before turning to the carriage. Soon, the convoy set up and drove to the palace.

Nan Yan sat in the carriage, recalling everything that happened today, and still had some lingering fears.

Zhu Feng sat by the window, raised a corner of the curtain, and looked at the noisy market outside, but his eyes were calm without a trace of ripples.

Nan Yan knew that he was still thinking about "that person".

He is still thinking about his failure.

In today's game, although it now seems to be a complete victory, Zhu Feng knew very well in his heart that he was completely at a disadvantage with that person.

It's not that simple.

Nan Yan whispered, "The emperor, the matter has come to an end. Let the emperor take a rest."

Zhu Feng turned to look at her.

He sighed lightly, lowered a corner of the curtain, and said, "How did that student wake up?"


Nan Yan was caught off guard, unexpectedly he would ask this.

Zhu Feng said: "It's too time for him to wake up."


"What did you do?"

"Yes, it's nothing," she knew she couldn't keep the secret, she could only honestly explain: "The concubine just brought some medicine for King Wei."

"What medicine?"

"Ganoderma lucidum."


Zhu Feng frowned, remembered what had happened before, and said, "The water that the student just drank--"

"Yes, some of the Ganoderma lucidum powder brought by the concubine was handed over to King Wei. He soaked it in water and gave the student to drink it."

Nan Yan said: "After that incident yesterday, Wang Wei saw the student's illness and knew that the most important medicine to cure this disease was Ganoderma lucidum, but ordinary people definitely couldn't use it. Wei The king, please ask his concubine to find a chance to send it to him. It happened that today the emperor brought the concubine over, and the concubine will drop by—"

That's it.

No wonder they went to the Heguang room for tea before, and Nan Yan was a step late and took the opportunity to hand over the Lingzhi powder to Zhu Chengxuan.

Zhu Feng said: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"The concubine is afraid that the emperor will be angry."

"Angry? What makes me angry?"


Nan Yan glanced at him and said nothing.

When he mentioned that Wang Wei was studying medicine, he looked angry, and dared to say that there was nothing to be angry about.

Zhu Feng probably thought about it himself, snorted coldly, and turned his face to the outside again.

Nan Yan slowly moved to his side.


"What are you doing?"

Nan Yan looked up at him cautiously, and said softly: "Does the emperor really want the students of Zhujian Academy to pay tribute in the main hall?"

"Otherwise?" Zhu Feng glanced at her: "Do you think I'm joking with them?"

"But, will they agree?"

"You have to agree if you agree, and you have to agree if you don't."

Zhu Feng said coldly: "They have no choice in this matter."

"Then, what about Jian Ruocheng?"

As soon as he heard the name, Zhu Feng's brows wrung up, and a sullen expression dazzled on his face.

This name has caused him too much trouble and discomfort, but what displeased him most was that the name came out of Sinanyan's mouth.

Of course Nan Yan knew it, but at this time, she had to say.

"Don't the emperor want to save him?"

"Restore him."

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, and then said: "You know that as a general on the battlefield, sometimes you have to face a dangerous and happy thing, which is to accept the enemy's surrender."


"At this time, it is a very difficult task for the generals. If the opponent surrenders sincerely, they may not be able to win the victory; but if the opponent surrenders falsely, then it is very likely that they will pick this A fruit is poisonous!"

Nan Yan's heart trembled and looked at Zhu Feng: "The emperor thinks he is—"

"His eyes are not the kind of person who will surrender."


"There is resentment and hatred in his eyes. Such a person cannot surrender. At least for now, I can't save him."


Nan Yan was too uncomfortable to speak.

Of course, she knew that she couldn't blame Jian Ruocheng at this time.

After all, he lost his home, lost all his family members, and experienced such a massacre in a single night. Putting it on anyone, I'm afraid he would have gone crazy.

He, at least well in front of him, has been very difficult.

However, to let him know everything and make him believe in Zhu Feng, it takes a long way.

She was just afraid that he would go farther and farther on this part of the road, too far away from him.

Seeing her in a daze, Zhu Feng's face sank again: "Are you still thinking about him? His business is so important, you want a concubine to help him think?"


Nan Yan almost smiled bitterly.

The imperial concubine really couldn't control the affairs of the previous dynasty, but how could Jian Ruocheng and Jian's affairs be completely forgotten by her Si Nanyan?

But right now, I can only coax him first.

So she obediently leaned into Zhu Feng's arms and said softly: "The emperor, can the ceremony two days later calm everything down?"


Hearing these words, Zhu Feng also fell silent.

After a long time, he sighed and gently stroked her hair: "I want to too."


"But is it that easy?"


Nan Yan could not speak.

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