After a long time, he sighed and gently stroked her hair: "I want to too."


"But is it that easy?"


Nan Yan could not speak.

This person is too difficult to deal with, maybe all this is just the beginning, but she will go on with Zhu Feng.

Looking up at Zhu Feng's deep gaze, probably because of excessive thinking, the hanging stitch patterns on the center of the eyebrows unconsciously appeared.

Nan Yan reached out and rubbed it gently for him.

Feeling that her little hands are soft, although they are not as effective as those of the imperial doctors who massaged themselves, they still made him very Zhu Feng. Zhu Feng sighed lightly and closed his eyes.

Nan Yan looked at his exhaustion, and couldn't help but think of the sachet he found at home.

Originally, I wanted to tell him about the sachet, but now suddenly there is something like Takema Academy, and two days later, the opening ceremony of Da Ci'en Temple will be held. He must be busier and more difficult. Waiting for him.

This matter, wait for a while, and then tell him.

As Nan Yan thought, she hugged him gently.

The carriage continued to sway and drove slowly into the old palace.

The Empress and Grandpa Yu had already led people to wait at the gate of the palace. After getting off the carriage, Xu Miaoyin immediately came forward and looked at Zhu Chengxuan, with a big bump between his eyebrows.

And Zhu Chengxuan did not expect that she would come to pick herself up in person, and hurriedly walked over and knelt down: "The son of the minister pays homage to the queen mother!"


Xu Miaoyin looked at this kneeling son with a complicated expression. After a long time, he coughed and said in a hoarse voice: "You--just come back. Have you been wronged in that college?"

"The son is not filial, so the queen is worried. The son is not wronged."

"That's good."

Xu Miaoyin sighed and nodded: "Go back first, take a good bath, and take a break."

After speaking, he turned around and ordered Chun'er and Bihe behind him. A group of people immediately came forward and escorted King Wei back to his Chengqian Palace.

Xu Miaoyin turned around when he saw his back disappeared behind the red wall.

Zhu Feng also looked at Zhu Chengxuan's back, but didn't say anything, only said to Xu Miaoyin: "Queen."

Xu Miaoyin hurriedly walked over: "The concubine is here."

"In the ceremony on the day of the ceremony, add a tribute to the students of Takema College."


Xu Miaoyin was a little shocked, and looked up at Zhu Feng.

A tribute to students at Takema Academy?

Haven't these people spread many rumors against the court and the emperor before? So soon, they can participate in the grand ceremony of opening the Great Ci'en Temple?


She turned her head and glanced at Nan Yan again, and when she saw Nan Yan nodded to her, she suddenly understood. Going to Zhujian Academy today not only brought back King Wei, but the emperor should have gotten other benefits.

In this way, many things are resolved easily.

With joy in her heart, she immediately said: "Concubine immediately prepares."

Zhu Feng nodded.

When Xu Miaoyin left, Zhu Feng turned his head and glanced at Nan Yan, and said, "I will send you back to Yikun Palace to rest. I should be tired after running so far with me today."


They were about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, Zhu Feng stopped again, but didn't look back. He only said to the back: "You go back first."

Nan Yan's heart trembled, turned his face halfway, and saw Li Buhuan standing not far away.

He had been silent for a long time. After returning, he was not rewarded or punished, and almost everyone almost forgot his existence.

However, Zhu Feng will never forget.

He said coldly: "This time, wait a little later, and I will calculate it with you."


He bowed his head in silence and saluted, then turned and walked away.

Nan Yan was a little uneasy in her heart, but still did not speak, and silently followed Zhu Feng to the harem. After a while, the two of them arrived at Yikun Palace.

Originally, he had to go inside, but Zhu Feng stopped.

He stood at the gate of the palace and said to Nanyan: "First eat something, and then sleep well."

Nan Yan was taken aback: "Where is the emperor?"

"I still have to go to the Imperial Study Room. There are some things to deal with."

"Then... the emperor must also be careful of the dragon body."

"rest assured."

Zhu Feng patted her thin shoulders and watched as she walked in. He turned around and walked towards the Imperial Study Room. Duke Yu followed behind him and said softly: "In fact, the emperor can also be in Yikun Palace. Let's go."

Zhu Feng stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "Forget it, I can't let go of the piles in the Imperial Study Room."

Grandpa Yu sighed: "The emperor is really hard."

Zhu Feng didn't say anything, but just continued to walk forward. As soon as he walked on a long road, he saw a little palace lady against the root of the wall, carrying something in her arms, and walking out in a panic expression. She looked left and right all the way, looked forward and backward, suddenly raised her head to see the emperor and Duke Yu walking in front of her, and her face was pale with fright: "Ah!"

When Grandpa Yu saw her sneaky look, he immediately said angrily: "What's the matter?"

The little palace lady was so frightened that she could only kneel down: "The emperor, the emperor..."

Zhu Feng frowned and walked over. Father Yu looked down and said, "You, aren't you serving Kang Man's Qin'er at Jianfu Palace?"

"The emperor, Duke Yu..."

This Qin'er is very young, only fifteen or six years old, and has never seen any big battles. He did not expect to meet the emperor the first time he did such a thing. At this time, he was so scared that he shivered and said everything. Not sure.

Zhu Feng said coldly, "What are you doing sneaky?"

"Slaves, slaves..."


In the face of Zhu Feng, she did not dare to hide, she could only carefully take her hands out of her arms. Only when Zhu Feng saw that she carried a bag in her arms and opened it to see that there were some small beads and jade rings inside.

Jade justice: "You steal something?"

"No, I don't have one, the servant dare not!"

Qin'er hurriedly said: "These are all the maids and maidservants take to the maidservant Kang."


Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled.

The majestic concubine, although not of high grade, is also a concubine above the second grade in the palace. Even if the monthly monthly rate is not high, he will not go to **** things.

Zhu Feng said: "What's the matter?"

Father Yu, who was standing behind him, had his eyes flickering slightly, and he had already understood.

He coughed slightly and stopped talking.

I saw the little palace lady Qin'er shivering and said: "Here, the emperor calms down. Because in two days, the emperor will open the grand ceremony of the Great Ci'en Temple, and Empress Kang plans to light the blessing lamp for the emperor in the temple. Not enough money, so just—"

"Not enough money for sesame oil?"

Zhu Feng frowned: "How can she not have enough money."


Qin'er said hesitantly: "Because the imperial concubine has deducted the half-year monthly salary of the concubine."

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