After a long while, suddenly said: "Yufu."

"The servant is here."

"Let the people from the Ministry of Rites come over, I want to make Kang concubine!"

Although it was a canonization, it was a happy event, but there was no expression of joy on his face, and even his tone was cold.

Duke Yu was shocked.


Although he had been accustomed to seeing the wind and heavy rain around the emperor, he suddenly heard the news and was stunned. He knelt on the ground and raised his head, looking at Zhu Feng in amazement.

Seeing his expression like this, Zhu Feng's face became more gloomy.

"Ah what?!"


"Hurry up?!"

"Yes Yes!"

Grandpa Yu got up from the ground using his arms and legs together, but because of his shock, his hands and feet became soft and he almost fell back. The whole person staggered out and disappeared in front of him after a while.

And Zhu Feng coldly watched his back walk away, then lowered his head again, looking at Li not hurt.

"You came."

Li Bushang's head was buried a little lower: "Yesterday's matter-Weichen came to pick up the crime."

Zhu Feng's eyes flickered slightly.

Said: "Come in and talk about it."

After speaking, he turned and walked into the Imperial Study Room, and Li Bushang hurriedly followed.

When I walked into the Imperial Study Room, I saw that Zhu Feng had already walked to the table and sat down. Usually, he sits in a chair, even if it has a padded backrest, his back is straight, as if he never knew he was tired, but today, he is sitting in a armchair with one hand even on his forehead, Vigorously rubbed a few deep hanging stitch patterns between his brows.

It seems to be very tired.

However, I heard that he had spent the night in Jianfu Palace, and he should have had a good rest. Kang Yan tried his best to serve the bed, and he must have served very well.

How can you look so tired?

Li Bu's sadness only thought for a while, and didn't feel much entanglement, so he went to the table and said to him: "The emperor, the minister is here to pick up the crime."


Zhu Feng did not speak.

Instead, he rubbed his brows with thick fingers for a long time, then slowly raised his eyes.

If Li Buhuan’s eyes are like wolf’s eyes, which often give people a bloodthirsty and frightening feeling, then Zhu Feng’s eyes are born with a domineering spirit that makes people dare not look at, even if he is tired. Now, the tiger's power is still there, just one glance, you can see that Li will not hurt your breath.

Immediately lower your head.

The room was quiet for a long time, and Zhu Fengcai said, "I arranged for so long to let you lay a snare around the jail, but not only did you fail to catch the people who came to the prison, but even Jian Ruocheng was gone by them. "



Although he was questioning, his tone was unexpectedly peaceful.

Although his tone was calm, he was still depressed so that he couldn't breathe. Li Bushang unconsciously clenched his hands, and the cold sweat on his palm came out.

He hesitated for a while, and said: "It was the negligence of the minister, and he did not expect the imperial concubine empress to suddenly appear—"

Zhu Feng's face sank again when he heard the words "concubine empress".

"She shows up? When she shows up, you can't do anything?"

"Because," Li Bushang was still young after all. Under his strong pressure, he couldn't hold it back, and said solemnly: "Because of the imperial concubine, she was injured."


"Weichen, weichen dare not neglect."

Zhu Feng looked at him gloomily.

At this moment, even though the sun was shining brightly outside, and even hot as fire, he was still cold all over.

Because Zhu Feng's eyes quenched the ice.

He stared at Li without hurting him. He didn't know how long he had passed, and said coldly: "You heard what I said just now, but you'd better remember, always remember, always remember."

Li Bu hurt for a moment, raised his head in surprise and looked at him.

Zhu Feng said word by word: "What is she to you?"


Li Bushang's complexion condensed, and there was a feeling of being stabbed into his heart with a knife. In an instant, his heart contracted violently, causing his breathing to become cramped.

The throat was blocked for a long time, and he said hoarsely, "Yes."

Zhu Feng glared at him coldly, then slowly raised his hand, rubbed his eyebrows, and also covered his eyes.

However, the suffocating feeling of oppression still hangs above the head.

Li Bushang stood in front of him, was silent for a while, and then said: "The emperor, do you need people to lead Jinyiwei, continue to search in the city."

"In the city?"

Zhu Feng said coldly: "If they succeed, they will continue to stay in the city?"

"Then, the Weichen can immediately lead the troops out of the city to search, and make up for it."

"Out of the city? Jinling City extends in all directions, do you know where they will go?"


"Or do you think they will stay on the road for you to hunt?"


Li Bushang was speechless when he asked.

Zhu Feng looked through his fingers, looked at him gloomily, and said coldly: "Don’t think that you have become Jin Yiwei’s commander after experience, and you are amazing. You don’t understand much, and there are many others. Can replace yours."


"You do it for yourself!"

Listening to his reprimand, Li Bushang lowered his head, his face slightly pale.


He was still young, even if he was calm, when facing Zhu Feng's reprimand, his mood was still unstoppable, and there was a sense of humiliation that could not be claimed, but he gritted his teeth and endured. : "The emperor, this matter—"

"I will let people handle it, so you don't have to ask more."


"These days, there is no need to go to the palace to talk back and forth, go back and think about it!"


He bowed a salute and was about to go out, but when he walked to the door, he looked back a little hesitantly. Zhu Feng put a hand on his forehead and said coldly: "Anything else?"

"No, no."

As soon as Li Bushang turned around, he saw Duke Yu walking in with the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette, and two servants.

They gave him a hurried hand and walked in.

"Weichen visit the emperor."

Zhu Feng still maintained the just tired action, without even lifting his hand, he said coldly: "I want to canonize Kang Yan as a concubine, you go down to make a plan, do it immediately!"

After speaking, he stopped talking.

Therefore, all of them were stunned.

You know, the establishment of a concubine is still a major event, especially since the sacrifice of the Great Ci'en Temple just failed to be completed. In such a short time, Zhu Feng wants to canonize the concubine again, this--

Strictly said carefully: "The emperor, is this too hasty?"


"The old palace is not complete, so it is not suitable to hold a canonization ceremony."

Zhu Feng said coldly: "There is no need to hold a ceremony, as long as there is a book, she can be canonized as a concubine."

Having said this, he seemed to gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "My harem concubine is indeed withered, and only then will some people-feel confident!"

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