Zhu Feng said coldly: "There is no need to hold a ceremony, as long as there is a book, she can be canonized as a concubine."

Having said this, he seemed to gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "My harem concubine is indeed withered, which will make some people feel confident!"

Li Bushang stood outside the door, after listening to what was inside, he turned and left without expression.

As soon as they heard this, the few of them stared at each other and did not dare to speak.

Obviously, this is a concubine.

This matter seems to be done to the imperial concubine.

But just thinking about it, several people shook their heads subconsciously, throwing away this absurd idea.

The emperor wanted to enshrine who was a concubine, naturally because he liked it, how could it be for whom? It's just that the emperor's favor is just like that, it comes and goes fast, just like the previous canonization of the imperial concubine, who would not listen to anyone's words, now, isn't it also in the cold palace?

As a result, a few people only agreed.

At this moment, Yugonggong came to report, and Chengguogong Wu answered his request.

Hearing this news, several people in the Ministry of Rites stepped aside. Zhu Feng cheered up a little bit and saw Wu Yingqiu's thin figure walking in.

Several people from the Ministry of Rites bowed their hands to him: "Guo Gong."

However, as soon as Wu Yingqi came in, he knelt down in front of Zhu Feng and said, "The emperor, the old minister is guilty, and the old minister is guilty."

Zhu Feng still sat in the chair, with only one hand on the edge of the table.

"Duke, why did you say this?"

"The emperor has a lot of trust in the veterans, and handed over the protection around the Great Ci'en Temple to the veterans, but the veterans-the veterans deserve death!"


"The emperor, please give the old minister a death!"

Zhu Feng looked at him for a while, and said calmly: "Guo Duke get up."


"I didn't tell the prince about this matter. It was arranged in advance."


"In the past two days, thanks to the Duke of the country presiding over the overall situation, I haven't made the previous dynasty confused. I haven't praised the Duke of the country. How can I punish you?"

Wu Yingqiu still knelt on the ground, Zhu Feng winked at Minister Yu, and Father Yu hurried over to help him.

The old man staggered a few steps before he could barely stand firm.

Zhu Feng said: "Guo Gong followed the Emperor Gao to fight in the South and the North, creating the unworldly foundation of my Great Yan Dynasty. The Emperor Gao has raised your loyalty in front of me countless times. How can I punish you for this little thing? Don't mention this matter."

When he mentioned Emperor Gao, Wu Yingqiu burst into tears and burst into tears.

"Thank you, the emperor."


"Veteran, veteran, gratitude!"

Zhu Feng looked at him, then glanced at Yan Gu and the others next to him, and suddenly said, "Speaking of which, since the start of Jing Nan's army, Wan'er has served by my side. For so many years, she has also suffered a lot. Her grievance. I also plan to canonize her as Concubine Hui."

Upon hearing this, Wu Ying begged to be overjoyed. He had already got up, and immediately knelt down again and bowed his head.

"Old minister, thank you, the emperor."

Zhu Feng smiled and looked at him: "Whoever is loyal to the country, I can see it clearly, so let's get up."

"Xie Emperor."

After the two spoke for a while, Wu Yingqian also thanked him and retreated.

After he walked out of the imperial study room, he was so excited that he couldn't hold on himself, but at this time he immediately calmed down.

There was a little complicated emotion in those old and introverted eyes.

Looking back at the closed door, he turned and left.

After a while, the members of the Ministry of Rites received these two decree and both left the Imperial Study Room.

The two servants looked at Yan Gu and said anxiously: "Master Yan, is this-is this type of canonization really okay? In the past canonization can't be so hasty."

Yan Gu looked back at the closed door and sighed.

Said: "No, what can I do?"


"Fortunately this time, the emperor is only going to canonize Concubine Concubine Kang as Concubine Ning. The grade is not as good as Concubine Kang. Just follow the instructions of the emperor and do it."

After speaking, they also left.

In the imperial study room, Zhu Feng still maintained the previous posture of leaning in the armchair, with one hand resting on the center of his eyebrows, and he also smoothed the wrinkles there.

He has never been so tired.

At this time, Grandpa Yu walked forward carefully, brewed a cup of tea and placed it next to him, and whispered: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng didn't raise his head, and said gloomily: "I don't want to hear anything now."


"I don't want to hear someone begging for mercy!"

Duke Yu dared not speak immediately.

After a while, he whispered: "The slave and maid dare not dare, but, the festival of the Great Ci'en Temple-is over, I don't know when the emperor plans to return to Beijing."

Before, when they were still in Peking, they arranged the itinerary to Jinling, and Zhu Feng had not set a time for the return journey.

At that time, everyone did not understand.

Now, after the incident of the Chong En Pagoda, everyone came back to their senses. His grand ceremony this time was to show the people of the world his identity as the son of Emperor Gao and Empress Chen, with a deeper purpose. It is to catch the black hand that has been in the court, among the people, and opposing him.

But it fell short.

So, I don't know his next plan.

Zhu Feng was silent for a while before he said: "This matter will be discussed later. Call me Chen Xuan and the others, and I want to ask them what they say."


Grandpa Yu went out.

When he went out, Zhu Feng picked up the tea cup he placed on the table and took a sip.

Biluochun is a new good tea.

But I don’t know why, drinking these teas in his mouth only tasted bitter and astringent, without any sweet taste. It was completely different from the original--

When he thought of this, his face sank again, and a fire of karma rose from the bottom of his heart.

Give it a hard blow.

Hearing a loud bang, the teacup fell to pieces.


"what did you say?!"

Although Zhu Feng left Jianfu Palace a long time ago, Feng Qianyan took a long rest for a long time because he had just taken the rain, before going to bathe and change clothes. It was almost noon before sitting in front of the dressing table to freshen up.

At this time, news came from outside.

She turned her head abruptly, not even caring that the court lady behind her pulled her hair by Hanxiang, opened her eyes wide, and looked at the little **** Xiaoduozi who was kneeling on the ground to spread the word.

The voice trembling said: "What did you say, do you say it again?"

Xiao Duozi also smiled and said: "The slave girl is Empress Kang-Oh no, she will be called Empress Ning soon, congratulations for Empress Ning."


"The emperor has just sent a message, let the people of the Ministry of Rites prepare a booklet, and you must be canonized as Concubine Ning!"

Feng Qianyan was stunned.

She tried her best to let the imperial concubine down and fight for the chance to wait for the bed. Originally, she thought there was still a long way to go in this harem. Concubine!

how is this possible? !

She trembled: "Really? The emperor really-he wants to canonize me as a concubine? You didn't lie to me?"

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