Such rumors spread around Jinling.

And just after Zhu Feng completed this sacrificial ceremony, the sky that was clear was overcast again, and when the carriage started to drive into the imperial city, light rain began to fall again.

Grandpa Yu had prepared his clothes long ago and draped them carefully on Zhu Feng's shoulders.

However, he still refuses.

Grandpa Yu only said: "One autumn rain and one cold, the emperor, today is already a white dew, but it's freezing cold."


It was too cold.

These four words made Zhu Feng's eyebrows slightly frowned, and then looked at the clothes that Grandpa Yu put on his shoulders. He was silent for a while, did not refuse, and stretched his hands together.

The expression on his face became a little condensed.

Duke Yu whispered: "The emperor, are you worried about anything?"


If it is normal, no one can ask the emperor like this, and what the emperor thinks and fears cannot be for outsiders.

But today, he asked so, but Zhu Feng didn't reprimand him for talking too much. Somehow, he felt as if a thread was being held in his heart. Listening to the patter of rain outside, he felt the coolness attacking, Zhu Feng His heart was a little bit painful.

After a while, he said, "Go back and talk about it."

Jade justice: "Yes."


The same cold rain also invaded Lenggong.

This dilapidated house is ventilated from all sides, and the people living in it are even more miserable. In addition, Nanyan’s previous fever has not retreated, so the cold wind gusts, and after a while, she started to have a low-grade fever and curled up on the bed. Shivering.

His pale face, sickly blushing cheeks, and his eyes divergent.

Seeing her so weak, Ran Xiaoyu was heartbroken to death.

Unfortunately, the quilt is not enough.

After thinking about it for a long time, she turned her head and saw the baggage she had thrown into the corner yesterday, the baggage Feng Qianyan had sent. After thinking about it, she could only hold back her breath and walked over and opened it, and took out some clothes.

She sorted it out carefully.

Although the clothes are not new, they are still thick at best. A few pieces are put together on the body, and it can be regarded as a thin blanket, which can barely keep out the cold.

Feeling a warmth on his body, Nan Yan opened his eyes.

He whispered: "Is it the clothes she brought?"

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Yeah."

Nan Yan was silent for a while, then smiled: "Look, I said don't lose it."


"When you got angry yesterday, you have to burn it all. If it really burns, what shall I cover and wear today?"

"I'm just—I can't get angry."

Nan Yan smiled: "Of course it is good to have backbone, but at this time, it is most important to let yourself live. Only if you live and live well, your backbone will harden."

Ran Xiaoyu did not speak, and continued to take two pieces of clothes and shook the cover on Nan Yan's body.

When she took out the fourth piece of clothing, Nan Yan, who was sleepy and sleepy, glanced inadvertently, and her heart trembled: "Huh?"

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Niangniang, what's the matter?"


Nan Yan didn't speak, but looked at the dress in her hand.

It was a gray and white dress, like the clothes of those students in Zhujian Academy.

However, after Ran Xiaoyu shook his clothes away, he realized that it was not, but the color and style were a bit similar.

However, this similarity has already opened a gap in Nan Yan's mood.

She lay on the bed and said softly: "Second Young Master Jian, I don't know how he is now."

Ran Xiaoyu looked at her: "The mother is still thinking of him now?"


After a long silence, Nan Yan said bitterly, "How can I not think about it?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the door squeaked. Ran Xiaoyu turned her head to see that the wind had caused the door to hit the wall. She hurriedly walked over to cover the door and returned to the bed.

But when Nan Yan was looking at the clothes on the bed, her eyes were sparkling because of the fever. At this time, tears burst again, almost falling down.

That rainy night, she experienced the greatest pain in her life, and she also remembered that when Jian Ruocheng was taken away, her painful and unwilling look.

I don't know how he is now, whether he has recovered from such a serious injury.

Nan Yan said faintly: "I don't want anything in my life now."


"I just hope he gets better."

Ran Xiaoyu said sadly: "Niang Niang..."

She had some hot eyelids because of a low-grade fever. At this time, tears came up, making her tremble slightly and her teary eyes were dim. She seemed to have seen Jian Ruocheng's steadfast eyes that day in the fire of Chong En Pagoda. The fire demon is raging, he always protects himself by his side.

Later, he was thrown into a jail and never succumbed.

I just don't know who saved him, and what he will be like now.

Ran Xiaoyu looked at the tears in Nan Yan's eyes, and suddenly said: "If the emperor had agreed to Old Jian's request, could everything be different?"


Hearing these words, Nan Yan's heart beat.

It seemed that she sensed her heartbeat, and even the sound of the wind outside was a little bigger at this time.

She raised her head and looked at Ran Xiaoyu: "What did you say?"

"Old Jane asked the emperor to marry his wife, if at that time, you were married to the second son of Jane, did you—"


Nan Yan was a little dazed, and looked at her in a little astonishment.

After a long time, I couldn't help but laugh.


At this moment, the wind outside became more noisy. The doors that were originally concealed were blown open and hit the walls on both sides heavily. Ran Xiaoyu frowned and hurriedly walked over and took a look outside. There was a person outside. None, there is only a gray rain curtain in front of me, giving people a sense of pressure that cannot breathe.

She closed the door heavily.

Back to the bed again, I saw Nan Yan looking at the gray and white clothes in his hands.

There was a bit of loneliness in his eyes, and a bit of paleness.

Ran Xiaoyu’s words reminded her of many things in the past. Jian Ruocheng’s gaze hadn’t changed since the beginning, but at that time, her heart was all placed on Zhu Feng’s body, and she never noticed behind her. There is such a pair of gentle and focused eyes.

When she was hijacked by King Ning, Jian Ruocheng clearly had too many opportunities.

But always respect her.

He never thought of forcing her, even if this feeling brought him too much pain.

After a long period of silence, Nan Yan said softly: "But-a heart of gold needs the same precious and sincere feelings to respond. If you can't, you will be let down."


"I have tasted the taste of being let down."


"So I don't want to let others down."


"So don't mention it anymore."

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